When everyone was full of doubts, a team member was surprised to find that the screen of the magnetometer in his hand was gradually lighting up and showing a clear reading.


A sound similar to a Geiger counter came out, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, but they soon discovered that the radio earphones placed next to their ears also made a slight "squeak" sound.

"The strength of the turbulent electromagnetic field is weakening here."

Seeing the rapidly decreasing number of the magnetometer, the team member hurriedly shouted.

The numbers on the screen jumped quickly, and the final frame was 0.55 Gauss. This is already normal geomagnetic intensity data. If it is not for the presence of toxic gas, everyone can even take off their protective clothing and move around easily.

The rest of the people are not stupid, and they quickly thought of the connection: "This is probably because the image that was reproduced on the blood fog just now has exhausted the energy stored in the electromagnetic field here."

Albert nodded in agreement.

When the personnel on the snake's head finished carefully measuring the data of the giant hammer again, the group continued to move forward, and soon found a thin triangular blade with an ice-blue luster.

The black sealed suitcase is opened.

"Be careful."

In the sound of the reminder, the team members picked up the triangular thin blade with a tool, carefully packaged it in a sample bag, and finally put it into a sealed suitcase.


With the crisp sound of mechanical snaps, the special box made of composite material and metal immediately closed tightly.

Finding an item that obviously retains extraordinary power so quickly made everyone feel a little excited, even if the other two families faintly stuck the Gaul carrying the suitcase in the middle, it did not dilute this much.

After crossing the bridge, thanks to the resurrection of the fire giant and the use of force, the entire vine area has been burned down several winding roads, and everyone walked in it and found those fresh burning marks.

"This should be the place where the flame giant was resurrected as mentioned in the data." Hans Country leader said.

"The gang speculated that this triangular thin blade is likely to be Heimdall's weapon, a blade tip fragment of Bult steel. I don't know if the rest of it is also in this area."

A certain Briton looked around with a slightly excited face.

This situation is inevitable.

Bult Steel is a well-known artifact. Even if Yan Guo and Mi Guo, who already possess extraordinary power, come, they will definitely be excited, not to mention eagerly looking at Europa, who has been beyond extraordinary for so long.

Albert reminded: "Maybe there is, but cleaning is not our task. 987"

"Now that the chaotic electromagnetic field has disappeared, more people can be sent down to retrieve it at any time, which is much more efficient than the few of us. Our current task is to go as deep as possible to see what is in it."

So the group moved on.

The appearance of the dense forest finally became clearer and clearer in the eyes. It turned out that these trees actually had the texture of blood and flesh, and the leaves were like thinly sliced ​​lung leaves, which were full of dense blood vessels.

The gully stripes on the trunk just formed a smiley face, with a big mouth, and it seemed to be smiling happily.

However, the rest of the smiling face is either indifferent or painful, and the contradictory expressions are randomly pieced together, giving people a strong sense of strangeness.

Everyone in the expedition team felt a chill in their hearts, and walking in it was like walking in a slaughterhouse, with blood, heads and organs hanging everywhere.

What's even more numb is that, as the crowd walked, the eyes of that weird smiling face seemed to follow them.

The personal experience at the moment made them have a clearer understanding of the evil degree of the silhouette that slowly stood up in the image just now.

"Come closer, pay attention to the situation of the people around you at any time, and don't scatter." Albert said vigilantly.

Don't talk about ordinary people, even he can't understand this place.

Before, he clearly sensed that the giant hammer had turned into an ordinary alloy, but it could suddenly burst out electric light, thus affecting the electromagnetic field to play past images.

And here, Albert also did not notice the fluctuation of evil power or spiritual power, but there was always an indescribable abnormality around him.

Everyone hurriedly approached, and their hearts were a little tight.

After walking for five or six minutes, they still didn't see the ruins of the building. But at the same time, everyone was also secretly shocked by the huge underground space.

"There is light ahead!"

The hearts of the expedition team suddenly shook.

Albert noticed the pure spiritual power fluctuations, which made him somewhat relieved. It was not an unknown evil, otherwise, in order to save everyone, he would have to expose his extraordinary abilities.

Passing through the flesh-and-blood forest that looks like a high wall, there is a large open space in front. The flesh-and-blood trees seem to be suppressed by some force and cannot grow here.

All eyes turned to the center.

I saw in the middle of the open space, a long sword that also glowed with icy blue light, was inserted into the stones on the ground, and on the top of the sword, there was a complex text that was exactly the same as the triangular thin blade.

"Burt Steel!"

"Odin's Fire!"

Two voices with different contents, but referring to the same item, appeared in an instant.

The leaders of Britain and Hans Kingdom all looked at Albert in surprise. They wanted to look for debris in the vine area just now, but fortunately they didn't do so after listening to the latter's words.

Otherwise, with just a few of them, facing a place with such a large vine area and so difficult to move, even if they find it at night, they will not be able to find it all, and it will be a waste of time.

Albert touched his nose, which was really a crooked hit.

Since nothing abnormal happened when picking up the fragments before, the team members let go a little this time. And the whole process of drawing the sword and putting it in the box, nothing else really happened.

"Let's not say anything else, just this sword, this trip is quite rewarding!" The leader of the British team was overjoyed.

Gaul was not extraordinary, and neither did he in Britain.

If you can study the method of using this sword, without seeking to exert all the power of the divine weapon, even if it is only one or two percent, it will be a huge gain.

Strictly speaking, this is actually an extraordinary item belonging to the Holy Shield organization, but how to deal with this problem is not something they should consider, they are only responsible for bringing the harvest back.

"Go on."

After walking for another four or five minutes, the front suddenly became clear.

I saw that under the dim and black light, the large white ruins were in dead silence, standing at different heights.

Everyone can't see the details, but just from the patchwork layout, you can imagine how beautiful it would have been when it was complete thousands of years ago.

The white buildings scattered high and low, the delicate pools sprayed with water, and the green vegetation connected to each other are completely worthy of the existence of the kingdom of gods in the eyes of the common people in those ancient times.

But now, everything is in darkness, and the artistic buildings are in ruins.

A dozen or so beams swayed in the dark, and people's eyes moved with the beams, trying to find useful information and objects.

The only female player in the team trembled slightly, and the light hit a corner of the ruins that had been severely damaged. Then, her pupils shrank abruptly, staggered back a few steps in horror, and bumped into Albert who was behind her.

"Huh?" The latter turned his head, saw her falling to the ground, and quickly grabbed her hand: "What's wrong with you?"

The rest also looked over.

The female team member pointed somewhere with trembling fingers: "Over there, alive..."

Albert's eyes were solemn, and his heart was vigilant. He didn't notice that there was half a breath around him, but it was obviously impossible for this person to lie to him.

When the others heard the words, they hurriedly illuminated them with lights, and in the next second, a series of inhalation sounds appeared around them.

Albert looked up and saw a wolf-shaped figure about ten meters long, lying on the ground among the ruins, the pair of dark green eyes blinked under the illumination of the light.


Someone swallowed subconsciously.

In the battlefield ruins that had been sealed for thousands of years, they found a still alive existence. How could they not be frightened.

At this time, the beams of light swaying in the hands of the rest of the team members just illuminated the rest of the giant wolf. I saw that its huge limbs were pinned down by four weapons.

Among the four weapons, two are guns and two are scepters, and the styles are very different. One of the scepters can clearly show the style of Gu Aiji.

"Wolf...Giant wolf...Fenrir?" Seeing this, the British team leader suppressed his shock and tried to say.

If the giant wolf didn't hear it, his eyes turned slightly, and he looked straight at Albert in the crowd.

This made the latter's heart suddenly burst, and the secret path was bad. This suspected existence of Fenrir, I am afraid that he could see that he was a member of the Holy Shield.

"Adelpa...Gurulen...Matt Linuo..."

A string of long, hoarse voices came from the giant wolf's mouth, and filled everyone's ears with a dying sense of erratic.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded and couldn’t understand what it meant, but Albert’s hand was secretly clenched because he understood—

"Suppression consumes divine power for two thousand years. Although my godhead is destroyed, my consciousness will perish, but... the bottom of my body will last forever."


Albert just noticed this keyword when the giant wolf's voice suddenly squeezed out a menacing muffled sound, the corners of his mouth were slightly open, revealing the white fangs, and the strong tendons under the fur pulsated accordingly.


The entire underground space immediately shook, and everyone was almost unsteady, stumbling to and fro in an instant.

But Albert was hit hard, but his eyes were bleeding instantly, and his whole head seemed to be tied into a honeycomb. At level 2, he only felt that his consciousness seemed to be smashed to pieces in an instant.

At the moment when the giant wolf exerted its strength, in his original sense of nothingness, it seemed that a nuclear bomb exploded suddenly, and it appeared like the sun out of thin air. The former didn't even really do anything to him, and broke his perception.

"This dying ancient monster wants to pull us away when it is dying!"

An unprecedented sense of crisis exploded in Albert's heart, but his whole body's spiritual energy was like frozen ice, no matter how much he urged him, there was no response.


The giant wolf roared with all its might, its muscles stretched to the extreme, and countless tentacles protruded from under its fur, making its image extraordinarily sinister.

What shocked everyone was that the fleshy palm that had been nailed to the ground was torn apart by a terrifying force.


The strong wind immediately spread with the giant wolf as the center, and everyone in the expedition team, including Albert, was blown away by it.

In Albert's remaining perception, there was only a giant wolf that was only seven or eight meters high and ten meters long.

There was a deep horror in his heart.

Even after being suppressed by the ancient Sages of the Holy Shield for more than 2,000 years, he still possesses such terrifying strength when he is on the verge of death... Is this a god-level existence?

The tall giant wolf stared at everyone, and took a slow step by step with a terrifying momentum.

The rest of the ordinary team members only felt that the air was frozen, and they couldn't breathe at all, and their faces gradually turned red in panic.

However, as soon as the giant wolf took the second step, only half of its giant palm remained, and a faint red dot appeared.

It froze immediately, and then slowly looked down.

There was no flame, but the red dot was like a circle of burning lines that spread around when the paper was roasted, and everything it passed turned into black ashes.

The sudden change in the situation caused everyone in the body to see in amazement through the oxygen mask that the red line spread from bottom to top, and the giant wolf was embers in its spread.

The giant wolf opened its huge mouth unwillingly, but in the next second, the circle of burning wires rose over its head, leaving only the "model" solidified like black carbon.

Everyone stared blankly, trying to stand up.

A breeze blew from nowhere, and the black charcoal giant wolf turned into fly ash with the wind, and there were still starlights that had not been burned out, like a group of lonely fireflies.


A bigger wind blew from behind, causing everyone who had just stood up to stumble forward. Just as they turned around, they saw the overwhelming fiery ashes coming towards them, completely obscuring all vision.

When the flying ashes disappeared, the fire dimmed, and the entire underground space fell into darkness again, but the original dense forest and vines all disappeared.

Such an anticlimactic development made them unable to return to their senses for a long time.

"Is this... It's too coincidental, as soon as we came, he was like this." Han Siguo said at a loss.

The leader of the British team shook his head: "Your logic is wrong. This is not a coincidence, but a necessity."

"According to this situation, it should have been at the end of a long time ago, and there is probably not much power left in the ruins, so it did everything to try to break free."

"You have also seen the earthquake caused by the giant wolf just now, and I suspect that the real cause of the tens of thousands of earthquakes on Icefire Island recently is probably it."

"This kind of situation attracted us, and now we are just seeing the end of this situation."

"However, those four Sealed Artifacts..."

His words just came to this point, when the four weapons nailed to the ground suddenly burst into light, and at the same time, light came from above.

Only then did everyone discover that there was a spinning bead above the four weapons, but no one had seen it before.

"Right!" Someone remembered something: "Do you remember? In the previous image on the blood fog, at the last moment, there were four streamers that fell from the sky."

"But there are five..."

The objector choked. Because he remembered that according to the mythological records, the one who killed the giant wolf was Kungunir, the eternal spear of the great god Odin. If you add four streamers, it happened to be five items.

The rest of the people also realized this, and felt a strong sense of happiness rushing to their heads.

I originally thought that getting Bult Steel was already a huge gain, but I didn't expect that after being frightened, there would be such a huge gain.

But what they didn't expect was that in the light of the five items echoing each other, a two-to-three-meter wide blue door opened slowly in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, five objects rose into the sky, flew into the door of light and disappeared without a trace.

The leaders of Britain and Hansguo all opened their mouths slightly in astonishment, but Albert was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of joy in his eyes that was not easily detectable.

After the item flew away, the faint blue door did not disappear.

Under the intense gaze of everyone, an incomparably huge eye appeared on the other side of the light gate from bottom to top, and it was just a pupil, occupying the entire field of vision...


ps: Everyone, I have been locked in a small dark room again, I... Now I really have nothing to say.

No, after the editor goes to work tomorrow, I have to talk to him about it, so how can I write. .

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