"The cultivator of the Yan Kingdom, the Indian priest of the United States, the witcher of Europa..."

The headquarters of the Holy Shield, the conference room on the left side of the main hall, next to the round conference table, Tang You sat on the main seat, thinking about his arrangements for the three major economic, technological and industrial areas of Blue Star.

Letting these three major regions have some of their own extraordinary power is a step that must be taken considering the future situation.

For the deployment of these extraordinary powers, he set it up based on local culture.

For example, the cultivators of the life seed were basically transformed from the traditional cultivation culture of the Yan Kingdom; the witchers were also born out of many novels and folklore of Europa.

On the US side, it was purely Tang You who deliberately biased his extraordinary power to the aboriginal Indians, so that the US officials could make up for their original sins as much as possible.

Tang You never thinks he is a god. He also has his own likes and dislikes, things and thoughts that he is not used to, and occasionally makes small changes that have nothing to do with the overall situation because of his own preferences.

For example, part of the reason for the arrangement of Europa Witcher is that his favorite "The Witcher" series of games had a great influence on him.

However, he is commendable for being able to exercise restraint. This is especially important, especially now that he has become the one who dictates the destiny of mankind.

"The above are the deficiencies discovered by the office since the trial of the points system, and the corresponding adjustment measures. One of the most important points is the adjustment of numerical values."

Li Ranna, who was half-truth, sat in the first place on the right, and was doing the work report of the Office of Internal Affairs. Her real body is not here, she just forms a spiritual projection through the Holy Shield network.

The same goes for others.

Tang You looked around, except for Li Rana, the first on the left was Zhang Mo, Vice President of Aegis College, followed by Zheng Wenjun, Kevin, Louise, Thiago, and Laurien.

They are in the sky and the sea at the moment, but the spiritual projections are gathered together to report on the regular meeting of the Holy Shield.

"The core goal of the points system is to accurately measure the contribution of each member and motivate members to move forward, but at the same time, it must give everyone a relatively fair environment, which is why we make adjustments to the value."

"The new version of the points system will be announced to the entire spiritual power network after the meeting. The above is the entire content of my report."

After Li Ranna's statement was over, starting from Zhang Mo, everyone reported their work in turn.

This seemingly simple meeting with only eight people actually brought together the current top extraordinary combat power of mankind, and dominated 99% of the extraordinary existence of mankind.

It is no exaggeration to say that every decision here will profoundly affect the future development of the entire human civilization from another level.

Tang You noticed that in the reports of the heads of the five divisions, it was mentioned that the linear growth factor of sea monster attacks was rapidly surpassing the land growth factor.

Judging from the statistics table and distribution map of monster attack events, monsters descending on the Blue Star are randomly distributed, which means that the area determines the number of events.

The ocean occupies 70% of the area of ​​Blue Star, which is the place with the most monsters.

It’s just that the three-dimensional space of the deep sea gives monsters a wealth of hiding places, and humans don’t live in water, so it’s hard to encounter them, so the past sea monster attacks were rare.

But as the number of monsters hidden in the sea increases, the chance of encountering them increases, and the statistics table changes.

This phenomenon has caused the most powerful mode of transportation for human beings at present, and the most important channel for global material and economic exchanges - sea transportation, which has suffered a lot.

In today's industrial globalization and cooperation, shipping has suffered a blow, which has directly led to a shortage of material supply, resulting in insufficient production capacity in a considerable part of the industry, which in turn affects the operation of the entire society.

If it is from the perspective of ordinary people, of course, nothing can be seen at this stage, but if things go on like this, before the monsters come on a large scale, the combat power of mankind - industry has suffered a serious setback.

Absolutely can't let it go!

But the problem is that at this stage, Sacred Shield can't even care about the land, and the ocean is so wide, and the freighter is not land, it will move, and the situation is more complicated.

Ideally, the best plan is of course to send members to follow the ship, but in the face of the current situation of manpower shortage, that is obviously impossible.

Listening to the members' speeches, Tang You pondered deeply.

Half an hour later, everyone's speeches ended, and their eyes turned to the calm figure of the main character. So he said:

"The ocean is very vast, and with our current strength, we cannot effectively administer it, but fortunately I don't need to take care of the entire ocean~々."

"Cargo ships sailing at sea will choose the best route that has been proven by predecessors for cost reasons. That is to say, the navigation routes of these cargo ships are highly overlapping, and this is the area we really want to protect."

"In this way, the jurisdiction of the five branches will be expanded, including the routes of the relevant sea areas, and corresponding stations will be set up at intervals to deal with monsters."

"But it's not enough, because it's too passive. Even if Simon and the others in the technical department intercept the distress signal and summarize it, it is based on the distance at sea. When the members rush, everything will be settled."

"So, another important means is to set up 'detectors' and 'warning devices' on the route to prevent the enemy from launching, and clear the surrounding monsters in advance. This is another responsibility of the route station."

"The specific details will be negotiated by the Office of Affairs and the Fifth Department, but it must be done quickly. Monsters wait for no one."

"Yes, President."


At the end of the meeting, half-truths and half-truths disappeared. Tang You also got up and walked out of the meeting hall, bathed in a gentle golden glow.

Tang You, with his thoughts in mind, slowly paced the floating mountain along the bluestone path in the shade of the trees.

At this stage, it is difficult to deal with the problems of the ocean completely, not to mention that there is a starry sky wider and vaster than the ocean in this world.

The bottom of the silt looked for the blue star, but there were no other spiritual creatures in the atrium, and the latter were randomly scattered in the contact star field.

Perhaps at this moment, in the vast space within 15 billion kilometers of the narrow solar system, in some corners that humans cannot observe, there are many otherworldly monsters dormant in space.

Although they have no irreconcilable contradictions with human beings, they will not die like a silt, but they are also threatening and need to be alert.

Because, when one side is weak, whether or not there will be a war does not depend on whether the two sides have contradictions, but on the emotions and interests of the stronger side.

Therefore, Tang You believes that defense lines must also be arranged in space.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to board a celestial body near the earth and build a station, but... the defense line needs members to be stationed, and the Holy Shield has not even fully dealt with the land base, let alone the space defense line. .

While thinking about it, Tang You can occasionally pass through the trees and see Tianlu running and chasing on the undulating flowers and tender grass like two huskies to ward off evil spirits, while Olya is still chatting with the "big turtle".

The doubts raised by the promotion of demigods have been circling in his mind, and in addition to the intensification of monster attacks in recent days, as well as the space defense line and other things, it makes him a little depressed.

But at this moment, seeing this carefree scene, he couldn't help but smile, and the haze in his heart seemed to dissipate a little.

Sometimes, the two sand sculptures of Tianlu and warding off evil spirits are still very useful.

In addition, Xuanwu became Zhang Mo's phantom beast partner, but he still stayed at the headquarters because the minister and above all had the authority to open the temporary light door, and could call partners at any time.

Of course, Yu Ming will shrink in size every day and go to the academy. After all, it will fight side by side with Zhang Mo in the future, and it will not hurt to have more understanding.

It is said that during this period, Xuanwu has become the "new favorite" of the academy, and it is the most eye-catching existence. The learning sea swimming under the cliff is a must-have item every day, and many students will give it a lot of food.

Hmm... It's very reasonable for thousands of years old people to eat filial piety.

Tang You watched Oria play in the water, and with a thought, her figure disappeared out of thin air, and when she reappeared, she was already behind the little swan.

Only then did he notice that under the shadow of the suspended main peak, a big white cat with a height of seven or eight meters was galloping. When he realized that he had appeared, he immediately braked and slowed down, tilting his head and pretending to take a walk to look around.

Wang Yalu, who has plagued the college for more than half a month, almost graduated with the farewell of her classmates.

At this moment, Tang You looked carefully and found that her snow leopard body had gained a lot of weight. If it weren't for the long tail, it would look almost like the natural fat cat and rabbit hozen.

Shaking his head, he nodded in response to Xuanwu's greetings, walked to the side of Oria, who turned his head in surprise, and sat down on the comfortable lakeside grass on her right.

On the little swan's chest, an academy medal of honor is shining brightly.

This is made of extraordinary metal and spiritual power crystal. Although it is an extraordinary item, it does not have any powerful abilities. It is a reward only for graduates with the top ten comprehensive scores.

"Olia, how could you have this?" Tang You was quite curious.

"Are you talking about medals?" Little Swan grabbed the Medal of Honor and squinted his eyes: "Someone can't win the spirit pattern guessing game with me, but I'll lose to me in a hurry."

Tang You immediately raised his brows: "I remember you seem to be very bad at this? Is there that idiot among the top ten students who will always lose to you?"

Hearing this, Wang Yalu, who had just transformed into a human figure and walked to the side, her delicate face turned black immediately, but it was the president who said this, so she could only hold it back, but only a pair of golden eyes revealed that she was indifferent. convinced.

However, as soon as it sat on the far right, it saw the president staring at him, his eyes not as gentle as before.

Although there is no Shen Su, but at the level of Tang You, there are people who set up the blessing of the background, just a thought, and the pressure caused is like a collapse of the sky.

Even Wang Yalu, who is quite wild, immediately sat upright and did not dare to breathe, only two golden eyes were left blinking.

"...is the honor awarded by the academy for you to use as a bet?"

Only then did Wang Yalu remember that the president in front of him was the dean of Sacred Shield Academy. He personally did the admission, graduation, and medal awarding.

"This is... caught on the spot!"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help shrinking her shoulders, and she looked rather cowardly instead of being a bully in the academy at all.

In the eyes of Wang Yalu who was afraid and did not dare to dodge, the president raised his hand and came towards his head.


His fingers fell, and his head crashed loudly.


Wang Yalu groaned in pain, and hurriedly hugged her head with both hands. Her extraordinary physique faced Tang You, but it couldn't play a defensive role, it was painful.

Seeing this wild girl shriveled, even Xuanwu, who has always been a good man of the Holy Shield, couldn't help grinning. And Olya held back her laughter, ran to her "big friend", took off the medal and returned it to her.

"It's not an example." Tang You said.

Wang Yalu rubbed her head with a little pain on her face: "I see, president."

Seeing this, Tang You also smiled, then put his hand on the back of his neck, lying on the grass in the stunned eyes of the two of them, sniffing the fragrance of wild flowers and green grass in the bright sun, looking at the sky from the blue sky. White clouds drifting slowly past.


The bees, with their legs wrapped in large clumps of pollen, fluttered past his nostrils.

"It's such a beautiful world! It would be great if the days were so peaceful forever." Looking at all this, he said with some emotion.

Suddenly, there was a soft and cold touch on both sides of his forehead, and a shadow was cast in front of him. It turned out that Oriya sat near his head and massaged his temples with her hands.

"Thank you little swan."

"you are welcome!"

Both of them looked at each other and smiled.

The strength of Oria's fingers was very suitable, making Tang You even a little sleepy in comfort, and he just remembered that since the Holy Shield was on the right track, it seemed that he hadn't slept for a long time.

"Sleep is really a distant noun to fly."

After he finished talking to himself, he closed his eyes and let his consciousness gradually sink.

Seeing the rare face of An Ran after the president stepped into dreamland, Oriya, Wang Yalu, and Xuanwu were all inexplicably shocked.


Wang Yalu muttered in a low voice, touched the knocked head again, and suddenly lowered her head with a gentle smile.

Oria hurriedly put her finger to her lips to keep her from making a move.

Tang You's consciousness is getting heavier and heavier, all the hustle and bustle of the outside world is gone, all the troubles and haze seem to be temporarily forgotten, for him now, a luxurious sleep is coming.

However, in the spiritual power network, several signal green dots representing members of the Holy Shield suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Tang You's eyes have been closed for nearly a minute, and they are suddenly opened at this moment. The cold and severe aura that the people present have never seen before also instantly enveloped this place...


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