The voice in the radio stopped abruptly, leaving only the current noise of "呲呲" echoing in the cockpit.

The first mate and the helmsman also turned their heads when they heard the words here.

The captain was stunned for a while, and then doubts appeared on his face. He put the color impurities in his hand on the small table on the left, and stood up and looked through the front window.

The cockpit of the cargo tanker is located at the rear, so from his position, he can see that the deck oil hatch cover is quite flat, the pipes are neatly arranged, and the two white lifting equipment fixed on the deck are undulating with the hull. And appear to swing.

Everything is as usual.

Under the gaze of the other two, the captain picked up the walkie-talkie again: "Hello? This is the captain, please answer if you hear me, - please answer if you hear me!"

"呲呲... bang..."

After he shouted, no one answered, the noise continued for a moment, a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly sounded, and then there was a slight movement of a few footsteps stepping on the aisle.

The captain has been running in the Atlantic Ocean for more than ten years, and he has never encountered a pirate, nor has he heard from other colleagues that he has encountered it, but the sound of the walkie-talkie at this moment made him have an ominous premonition in his heart.

There was food waste in the safe cabin, and the crew who went to check suddenly became silent, and finally only said the word "help", could it be...

The captain's eyes widened.


He punched the table next to him and said to the startled first mate and helmsman, "Sheet! Someone got into our safe cabin while we were docking to refuel, someone went to check, and the result was No news immediately."

"Stowaway?" The first officer was a little surprised.

"God knows what shit it is!" The captain pinned the walkie-talkie in his chest pocket, and then bent over to flip the mechanical combination lock of the safe under the table. The door of the box opened with a "click", revealing a stack of rice dollars, two pistols, Four magazines and a bunch of bullets.

International law states that crews of cargo tankers cannot carry firearms.

However, the captain has been running this line all the time. It is not difficult to get guns in Philippine and Nanmeizhou, as long as they are put away when they dock, the inspection is not so strict.

He handed the first mate a pistol and two magazines:

"Save the time and follow me. The people who stayed are waiting for my news and are ready to send a distress signal at any time."

Logically speaking, the standard solution is to first turn off the engine, then send a distress signal, and finally hide in a safe cabin to wait for rescue. But now the safe cabin is occupied, and they have no way out.

"I understand, Captain, be careful!" said the helmsman reluctantly.

As soon as the two got out of the cockpit, the captain noticed that the first mate's chest heaved violently, and the hand holding the gun was a little unstable.

"Don't worry too much, that group of people needs to use such a backward method to escape from the official personnel of the Nigerien country who are in name only, and they will definitely not be a powerful person." The captain comforted.

The mate nodded reluctantly.

The captain picked up the walkie-talkie again and pressed the button:

"Everyone's attention, some other people were mixed in on our ship. They came up from the safe cabin and may be carrying weapons. Everyone picked up the weapons that could be used and moved towards the cockpit."

As soon as his voice fell, the crew members who stayed in the cabin immediately became restless.

The captain went to the bottom of the cabin with a gun, and along the way there were people coming towards him with a fire axe.

After reaching a certain floor, seeing that the surroundings suddenly became silent, he pondered for a moment, and with his familiarity with the ship, said to the first mate:

"If they want to come up from the safety cabin, there is a high probability that they can see the stairs on the left side at a glance. We will go around the right side, make a detour through the power room, and catch them by surprise from behind these people."

The person who usually holds color magazines all day and looks fascinated, but today is so calm, the first officer is not used to it, and his face is a little strange: "Captain, what did you do before?"

The captain smiled and pushed him: "Let's go, they'll be up on time."

The two of them carefully touched down from the stairs on the right, and sure enough, they didn't encounter half a figure along the way. They passed the main shaft rotating and roaring power room, and then reached the safe cabin upwards.

The captain glanced carefully at the wide-open door, and it was full of food packaging waste. In addition, there was a pool of blood on the ground, and the intercom that sounded "呲呲".

The two looked at each other, and both saw the solemnity of each other.


They walked up lightly, raising their heads all the way to observe the situation above, and they could vaguely hear footsteps coming from the top, and they were not hurried or slow.

The captain put his finger on the trigger.

The two climbed the iron stairs, and the captain saw the backs of the two walking around the corner, exaggerated like a movie, each carrying a Gatling and carrying several bullet chains.

He turned his head and made a gesture to the first officer, meaning he was about to go up. When all three fingers were bent, the two of them immediately stepped out and pointed their guns at the enemy: "Don't move! Put your hands where I can see, Then turn around slowly."

Looking at the two stunned backs, the captain smiled proudly:

"Whether it's color magazines or fiddling with guns, young people always like to play with flamboyant guys, but they don't know that it completely ignores practicality."

"Gatling, how cool, how powerful the firepower is, but such a heavy guy and ammo chain completely drags down a person's flexibility. What's more, in such an environment, waiting for it to spin is long enough for me to take you all out. It's sifted."

The two backs looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths raised a radian.

Seeing that the two did not do what they asked for, the captain immediately froze, raised the muzzle and fired a shot above their heads, warning in the sparks:

"Sheet, do as I say, or I'll turn you into a hornet's nest and throw you into the sea. No one knows you're on our boat anyway."

As soon as these words came out, the first officer couldn't help but glance at him, as if he had met him for the first time.

The two people in the corridor gradually bent over, put down their heavy machine guns, raised their hands a little bit with their backs to him, and then slowly turned around, but there was no fear on their faces, but an indescribable gloomy look on their faces.

In a trance, the captain and the first mate had the illusion that they were being targeted by poisonous snakes, but they quickly put aside their distractions and stepped forward cautiously with guns.

But they stopped halfway through, and their faces gradually showed a look of horror, because the mouths of the two who raised their hands became wider and wider, and several smooth tentacles protruded from their mouths.

"Ta, ta, ta..."

The slight footsteps sounded behind him, and the first officer turned his head to see two monsters with the same mouths split open, with disgusting tentacles sticking out, walking in from the corner, completely blocking their own escape route.

The first mate's hands were shaking, and the captain's panting became apparent.


The captain cursed in a low voice and immediately pulled the trigger.


The bullet shot out, and the two monsters in front of them had already approached both sides of the corridor, allowing the bullet to pass through the middle, hitting the stairs behind and splashing starlight.


The captain directly held the gun in both hands, and quickly pressed his fingers, and the continuous bullets flew out.

What made him horrified was that the two monsters flickered left and right, not only perfectly avoiding all the bullets, no injuries, but also getting closer and closer to him.


By the end, the magazine was empty.

The captain hurriedly touched the spare clip with his left hand, but before his hand was completely put down, a figure was obscuring the entire field of vision, and before he even realized the pain, everything in the field of vision quickly moved away.


The captain threw away, passed over the two monsters blocking the retreat path, and slammed into the bulkhead heavily, before he had time to snort, he simply fainted.


I don't know how long it has passed in the dark.

The captain woke up with the monotonous and repetitive sound of breaking waves. He subconsciously wanted to move, but his spine was aching as if it was broken, which made him groan out in pain.

"Captain, you are awake."

Just after smelling the unpleasant odor of fuel, the first officer's voice rang in his ears.

The captain opened his eyes little by little, and saw the first officer with a sad face, kneeling beside him, with blood spattered on his face. His previous memory was restored in an instant, and he immediately looked around vigilantly:

This is the deck above the oil storage room. The helmsman, the second mate, and a dozen crew members are all beside them. What about the third mate?

As he leaned back, he raised his neck slightly, and saw a corpse that had been dismembered by a fire axe, scattered coldly on the deck, and farther away, a monster whose tentacles retracted its mouth and turned into a normal person was taking Gart back. Lin's machine gun is ready, facing himself and others.

The captain understood how the blood on the first mate's face came from.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly. The image of the monster dodging bullets kept flashing in his mind.

"The world must be crazy! How can these monsters pop up all of a sudden! my-god, is it because I always use your name as a prefix to compliment the stature of girls, that's why you joke with me like this !"

"God, I repent, I will repent every day from now on!"

The captain opened his eyes in prayer, and found that the surrounding scene had not changed, and the pain in his spine also clearly told him: this is the reality.

So he could only give up his fantasy, turned his head to the helmsman and asked in a low voice, "Did you send a signal before you were caught?"

The helmsman shook his head with difficulty: "These monsters are too fast. I found out that I couldn't contact you, so I immediately prepared to call for help, but just pressed the button, they suddenly broke through the door and broke in."

The captain was almost mad at himself at this moment, and if he had known it earlier, he would have stopped being arrogant.

But he also vaguely realized that even if the nearby warships came and sent rescuers to log in, there was a high probability that they would not be the opponents of these monsters. Unless the warships fired directly, it would be the same whether they asked for help or not, and he and others would have to die anyway.

At this time, two other monsters disguised as humans came from the left side of the field of vision.

"The people who infiltrated the military have started." Wearing a black dome hat, the image is quite elegant and humane.

The tall man who passed through it was full of puzzlement: "I don't understand why He wants us to do this."

0 ...... 0

"We have long been aware of this action, and we also made a move to survive, allowing us to move smoothly, not only to go to other places to continue development, but also to get rid of the ostentatious weakness of the Hejing Group."

"But now to let us hijack the tanker with great fanfare, it means to take the initiative to put us in the eyes of various countries, and even the mysterious spiritual creatures of Blue Star, it is simply to send us to death."

The elegant man turned his head and stared at him: "Are you questioning? Are you dying?"

"Following the arrangement is only possible to die. If we resist, we are bound to die. When we take the fruit, there is no turning back."

"To be honest, now it seems that Jianta Zhongzhen was able to keep going without taking the divine fruit. This is the real power."

The tall man sneered: "That's just because his uncorrupted mind is more valuable than the corroded one. Otherwise, how could he, an ordinary person, go against his will."

"And don't forget, that guy is the one who started it."

"If he hadn't personally gone to the swamp, opened Pandora's Box with an unprecedented blood sacrifice, and pulled his power to reality, those of us who ate the fruit would not have been controlled at all."

"I was just an ordinary medical staff at the time. I followed him because he said that this fruit has no side effects, but now look at what we have become!"

The refined man looked at his arrogance with disdain on his face:

"Don't always put the blame on others. Still riding a horse? When you kill a baby with your own hands in exchange for a divine fruit, you are no longer qualified."

"Also, even if Nakazhen Kenta didn't get that huge blood sacrifice, people's coveting for the extraordinary and their greed for taking more divine fruit to make themselves stronger, prompting them to "exchange" again and again, will still put his Pull the power to the blue star space."

The captain, Da Da, and the helmsman all looked at each other, all full of shock.

The military, spiritual creatures, divine fruit, blood sacrifices, and He whose power was pulled into the Blue Star space... What blood plums did we pour into these unimaginable events?

The elegant person raised his hand and looked at the time on the watch, and said to his companion who was guarding the machine gun: "The time he ordered has come, let's fire, execute them all, and then sprinkle some of your flesh and blood on the corpse."

The slightly raised Gatling gun tilted downward and turned slightly to the left during the man's operation, apparently preparing to sweep from left to right and execute them all at once.

Some crew members have closed their eyes in despair.

Just at this time-

In the distance where the sea and the sky meet, a little blueness suddenly appeared, and then, an electric light swept from the clouds, crossed a distance of hundreds of kilometers, and reached the sky above the oil tanker.


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