I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 301 Reflection of the Influence of the Holy Shield

The mentality of the three parties is quite subtle.

Zheng Wenjun and Albert are both members of the Sacred Shield, and they are familiar with each other. In addition, they can also see the mark belonging to the high priest through the spiritual power network. The organization also has information about it, but now they have to pretend. As if we were meeting for the first time.

Only the high priest, although marked in the spiritual power network, cannot connect, and therefore cannot know the true identities of the two people in front of him. He is very solemn about the first meeting.


Song Chengan of the Yan Kingdom, Edgar of the United States, Ann Bloise of the Gallic country, Nikita of the Xiong country, and Geoffrey of the United Kingdom shook hands and greeted each other.

It was the first time that the leaders of the opposing departments of the five Blue Star countries had gathered together. If the reasons for the incident were not discussed, it would be considered a grand event.

After shaking hands, the positions of these five people also revealed some subtle information. Song Chengan and Nikita stood together, Edgar and Geoffrey stood together, and Ambroise was between the two.

Just at this moment, the miniature earphone in Song Chengan's ear came from the command center. Of course, ordinary people couldn't detect such a faint movement, but Lucas, the descendant of the high priest, looked over subconsciously.

However, he couldn't hear any voice, as if there was an invisible barrier that blocked all the voices, which made him look at Zheng Wenjun next to Song Chengan.

The latter smiled slightly.

Edgar's sharp-eyed eyebrows moved slightly, noticing the small interaction.

In fact, he was not the only one who saw this detail. The rest of the people present almost focused their attention on these three people, and of course they would not miss these moves.

Song Chengan spoke suddenly, interrupting everyone's thinking: "The car from the joint command center will arrive in two minutes."

The Qiongzhou Wenchang Moon Base Project Joint Command Center is a high-security site. Anyone, including the ministry's staff, who wants to enter or leave it must not only have an identity permit, but must also take a special vehicle at a fixed location.

Ambroise nodded, and immediately found Nikita, the director of the Bear Country Defense Bureau, and turned to look at Albert beside him: "This is the holder of the sword of protection, Albert Dubo. Is it Yi Si? Congratulations, I heard that you have achieved a lot in Ice and Fire Island."

Edgar's eyes darkened when he heard the name "Du Bois" named by Ni2222 Kittat, and Jeffrey also looked at Albert.

I am afraid that no one present does not know that Matthew, the author of "Knight of Light", has a relationship with the ancient extraordinary organization Aegis, and even excavated the history of Eastern Rome to find traces of Matthew's descendants.

But even the local official Gaul Kingdom has not been able to find a flaw from the old man, let alone these foreign forces.

At the last regular exchange meeting, Gaul himself disclosed to the other four countries the situation of Ice and Fire Island and the existence of the guardian sword Bulte Steel. This is the same principle as after the hydrogen bomb, the whole world will be sent to the whole world.

In fact, because of the Ice and Fire Island incident, the British country, which is good at repeatedly jumping, and the Hans country, who is scheming, are both involved, so even if Gaul did not announce it, the other four countries basically knew about it.

What they didn't expect was that there were actually people in Gaul who could get the approval of the guardian sword Bult Steel, and it was so fast. But what surprised them even more was that this person was actually surnamed Du Bois.

"Riding on a horse."

On the bright side, Ambroise, who was a martial artist, had no expression on his face, but in fact, he was already screaming in his heart.

The information of the members of the special research department is highly confidential, not to mention the extremely special Albert. As a result, Nikita was able to name Albert's surname, which shows that the intelligence layout of the Bear Country in Europa has not only not decreased, but has also increased.

However, Ambroise was not too suspicious of an inner ghost. Because of the madness of the Xiong Nation's intelligence department, they don't need to buy the low-level means of bribing the inner ghost at all.

You must know that the intelligence department of Xiong Guo's predecessor used rays to irradiate the window glass of the embassy, ​​restore the sound waves by calculating the feedback information, and obtain the content of the embassy's conversation.

In addition, one of their whimsical passive eavesdropping devices has eavesdropped on the US embassy for seven years.

As for why Xiong Guo increased its intelligence power, Ambroise was actually well aware of it.

The former always wanted to integrate into Europa, but Europa didn't accept them at all.

When the Yan Kingdom was on its way, Xiong Kingdom also spent a lot of manpower to find mythological clues in Europa. But Gaul and Britain also made this move, how could it be allowed to be let go, and the joint forces squeezed it out.

In desperation, Xiong Guo had no choice but to sign an agreement with Yan Guo in exchange for the assistance of extraordinary powers. He was barely able to gain a firm foothold in this competition, which was why Nikita and Song Chengan stood together.

But any country with brains will not allow such a situation of being controlled by a person for a long time, even if that person is his own partner.

Therefore, Xiong Guo tried to reach out to the Lianghe area while he was not dead to the European thieves. After all, in the area of ​​the Euphrates and the Tigris, there is no country that can wrestle with him today.

And Europa is the most envious of the bear country, in fact, is the descendant of Matthew, that is a family that can definitely be related to the Holy Shield, and this is the most valuable point.

Don't you see the strategic partner Yan Kingdom, it is because of its connection with the Holy Shield that it has left the other four countries behind, and has even become the most effective power in Blue Star's words today.

Many things are considered in international cooperation. For example, the place of negotiation should be selected at a place similar to the distance between the two sides. Now the joint command center is located in the country of Yan, which is a clear reflection of the current situation.

And its old enemy, the United States, is even more brazen. What cruel methods were used to deal with the Indians at the beginning, but now they are shy to ride the ride of the local indigenous people, and they have a group of extraordinary priests, and they have secured the second deal.

Although the United States also feels that being the second child is no longer the glory of the past, it is still better than the third, the fourth, and even the fifth.

In this regard, how could Xiong Guo not be envious.

Therefore, their obsession with the descendants of Matthew became more and more serious, and when they learned that the Gaul Kingdom not only found the relics of Norse mythology, but also that the people recognized by Bult Steel were descendants of Matthew, they became even more blocked.

That's why Nikita made this intentional statement.

If we can't get it here, don't try to hide it. If it's a big deal, we'll go all the way to the dark and cooperate with Yan Guo further. Even if the bleeding is no problem, as long as you can get your own extraordinary power, it's worth it.

As long as the goal can be achieved, Xiong Guo, who has always acted rudely, is not very concerned about the means.

Facing everyone's thoughtful gazes, Ambroise showed a standard polite smile and said to Nikita: "Thank you! But this is not our ability, but the ancient sages have long arranged, we are just Thanks for the shade.

His words sounded modest, but he was actually mocking the Slavs. His ancestors were not good enough, and he did not leave some means for your descendants, which caused Xiong Guo to think about the inheritance of others all day long.

Moreover, the "ancient sages" and "belonging to the shadows" he said are actually puns, referring to the members of the ancient Nordic Aegis as the prototype of Norse mythology, and also referring to Albert's ancestor Matthew.

It's almost telling Nikita: You're right, Albert is a descendant of Matthew, I admit, but so what? He belongs to us.

None of the bystanders around said a word.

The bear country and the continent's boss, the Gaul country, have been accusing each other for more than a day or two. Although the current situation has forced the five countries together, it would be too natural to expect everyone's grievances and grievances to disappear overnight and become harmonious.

The most realistic portrayal of the Five-Nation Alliance is: pinching the nose and cooperating.

Edgar watched the situation on the scene silently, but was secretly glad in his heart.

Fortunately, we have Professor Lucas on our side. As a descendant of the high priest, although he is unstable, he can barely contact the Holy Shield to get some trading shares, so that he can cultivate more extraordinary power.

Otherwise, it has to be like Bear and Britain.

But in general, the Xiong Kingdom is better than Britain no matter what, at least there is Yan Kingdom who sincerely cooperates with it, and can provide enough extraordinary power to make people envious and maintain the situation of the Xiong Kingdom.

On the British side, because of what happened in the past, Europa was not welcome.

Today, even if he jumps sideways in Europe and the United States, because the extraordinary strength of the United States is not as abundant as that of the Yan Kingdom, it is impossible to trade enough extraordinary strength like the Bear Kingdom, and the price paid is higher than that of the Xiong Kingdom.

The reason is still the "balance strategy" believed in by the old Renton Gang.


Thinking of this, the director of the ninth district, Edgar Hobson, could not help but sigh to himself in his heart:

"Although the Holy Shield is not here, the influence of this ancient extraordinary organization on the world today is vividly displayed in this small waiting room, in the situation of these five countries against different departments. 99

at the same time.

Song Chengan's eyes swept over the crowd inadvertently, and finally said peacefully as always: "Everyone, five astronauts are staying in a spacecraft that is about to disintegrate, waiting for our plan more than 200,000 kilometers away."5

After these words fell, the atmosphere at the scene eased.

The accident of the manned spacecraft is the biggest crisis in the United States, Gaul, and the British government. If they can't handle it properly and complete the predetermined plan, then they will be in big trouble.

If it weren't for this, the heads of the different departments of the five countries would not be fully present, and three of them also brought extraordinary appearances.

The special vehicle arrived on time, and the group boarded the car and went away.

February 17 at 3:30 pm.

This is 8 hours and 10 minutes after the spacecraft accident, the second message arrived at the joint command center again:

"The cracks in the main shaft of the spacecraft expanded, and the cabin oscillated intermittently. In addition, there were air leaks in several cabins, which should be the result of the collision.

The liaison staff listened to Alexei's words with a heavy heart. According to the current symptoms, if no effective containment measures are implemented, the disintegration of the spacecraft will not be far away.


The door was pushed open, and technicians and aliens came together.

"Contact the spacecraft immediately and keep in touch. Our joint team will guide them in real time to deal with this matter."

When the person in charge finished speaking, the rest of the technicians immediately went to their computers. They would monitor the specific data fed back by the spacecraft and make adjustments to the plan at any time.

And the liaison personnel immediately connected the signal of the spacecraft...

More than 200,000 kilometers away, manned spacecraft, command module.

The five astronauts have been waiting here for hours. They watched the hull's condition continue to deteriorate, and every time they asked the command center, they got repeated words, which was a torment for them.

Fortunately, this group of people was selected only after careful selection by various countries, and their psychological qualities were all at the top level, so they were able to maintain the conditions in the cabin.

"The latest situation has been reported, please wait patiently for the decision on the ground.

The bear country astronaut Alexei got up from the main seat: "Guys, relax, we have been prepared for any situation since we boarded this ship, aren't we? 35

"Whatever the outcome, our voyage is meaningful, whether it gives success or lessons learned."

Fang Zhen Wenyan, let out a long breath, raised his fist with a smile: "Don't worry, we will not give up, we will stick to the end, this is our belief and our responsibility.

The remaining three looked at each other in dismay and raised their fists.

"呲呲... Forward 280 spacecraft, this is the Wenchang joint command center, we have already agreed on a plan, and the expert team will guide you next, please reply. 35

The sudden voice made everyone stunned for a moment, and then in surprise, they quickly turned around to the console.

"This is the spaceship Qianxing. I am the commander Alexei. We are ready and waiting for the expert group's instructions." Alexey quickly turned on the microphone to respond.

Since electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, after a delay of about two seconds, they heard the command center's words: "呲呲... Commander Hello, I am the head of the technical team. It is the first step to stabilize the spacecraft and not disintegrate. First, repair the power module followed by.

"According to the data feedback, in order to stabilize the spacecraft, you must repair both inside and outside. That is to say, in addition to activities in the cabin, you must also send people outside the ship. 35

In the transfer orbit of 11.2 kilometers per second, it is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing to walk out of the cabin. At such a terrifying speed, even touching a micrometeorite the size of a thumb may cause fatal damage.

But as of now, that is no longer the case.

But what the five astronauts did not expect was that after the technical director finished speaking, another unfamiliar voice picked up: "Hello, five astronauts, I am Song Chengan, the person in charge of the different group.

"What I have to tell you is that in addition to the upcoming disintegration crisis, there may be another danger hidden in the spaceship, that is, the alien monster attached to the boulder may have been transferred to the spaceship.

"You must keep in mind every word I say next. These are the methods and principles that the five countries have summed up for different departments, which can allow you to protect yourself to the greatest extent."

"First and foremost..."

In the command center, Song Chengan turned off the microphone on his side after talking about many precautions, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Unless the monster is very weak and the damage is very small, no matter how much he says, the environmental constraints doom the astronauts to have no capital to compete with the monster.

After all, if it is the latter, then once the two sides conflict, it will not only hinder the repair work, but also make the spacecraft more seriously damaged.

The matchup was unfair to begin with.

The five countries came to different departments with a high profile, and in addition to expressing their position in a certain sense, they also did their best to obey the destiny. After the guidelines are taught, the only thing they can really do now is to pray that the spacecraft has no monsters, or that the monsters are weak.

Song Chengan, Zheng Wenjun, and the rest of the four countries all sat quietly, watching the technicians establish a video channel with the spacecraft, and then the astronauts carefully started the repair work amid the sound and sound interaction.

But soon, the development of the situation once again exceeded everyone's expectations...

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