I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 308 The Sword in the Stone

At this time, the Tang You deity was far away on the southwest side of the British Island.

He was distracted, and in addition to building the Holy Shield secret place, he inspected the specific situation of the two islands by incarnating as a puppet of "Merlin", and at the same time paid attention to whether there were any good seedlings.

Although he had read the historical data, Tang You didn't realize how backward the Celts on the two islands were when he was in this era.

Their social subjects are still tribal villages. Although they already have the title of "king", they do not actually have a national structure. They only need to own a decent territory to call themselves a king.

In addition, it is common for people in this era to be unclothed, or even to wear no clothes.

The ancient agricultural and textile technology of the Yan Kingdom led the world, but in the Han Dynasty during the same period, many rural peasants chose to be naked when working.

The reason is that the clothes are too expensive, and if they are damaged, it will outweigh the gain.

It is true that ancient women mastered the technology of weaving and making clothes by themselves, but the manufacturing process requires a lot of time and physical strength, which will delay the production of food, which is a high price.

Even the state of Yan during the Qin and Han dynasties was like this, so one can imagine what the more backward British island was like. Although the fishermen hiding in the cave were in rags, they were already civilians with a better life.

When they heard the mysterious black-robed man with a childlike face in front of them calling himself "Mei Lin", a name they had never heard before, they were all at a loss, because they had never heard this name in the stories that were circulating.

For commoners, the legends narrated by bards are already the only cultural knowledge they can get in touch with. Once things go beyond this range, they become two monks.


The only man who dared to take a wooden gun knelt down: "Lord Messenger, the evil giant Fermor who came out of the deep sea, destroyed our village and killed our family. 99

"The bard told us that there were still many dead in the south, and that Fermor wanted to take the land. We had nowhere to go and we had no choice but to pray for the protection of the merciful gods."

Tang You was silent for a moment.

In the past few days, he basically turned the two islands around, and while the name "Merlin" spread, he also noticed that the Fermores all logged in from the Atlantic Ocean Margin Sea on the east side of the island.

So the British mainland is the worst, and Ireland is far better.

Tang You has yet to find the real lair of the transformed monsters, or the space gate, and the deep sea giants that have appeared so far are not strong, the most powerful ones are only level 1, and they are obviously just cannon fodder pawns for testing.

With such a big fight at the bottom of the silt, this time 280 possessions must have a much stronger combat power than last time.

In addition, their stay time is unlimited, and Tang You is limited, so they can no longer expect boss-level combat power to be handled by trainers like Tang Dynasty Time and Space.

After all, even Wukong almost died in that time-travel.

The life and death of all human beings are on this. Tang You, who has learned from experience, will never allow himself to leave any hidden dangers after he leaves.

Therefore, the main force to deal with monsters this time will be himself, or "a group of members of the ancient holy shield".

The significance of cultivating King Arthur is more about perfecting the history of the organization, and after a long time of tempering, leaving a powerful battle force for the timeline of the world, just like Wukong.

Tang You regained his senses and saw that the rest of the people followed suit, all kneeling on the ground, while the baby in the depths was crying in hunger, and its mother was soothed in panic, as if she was afraid of angering herself.

"Master Messenger!

"Master messenger!"

The sound of pleading be heard.

Tang You looked at the man with the wooden gun: "You are the only one here who took up arms and tried to resist Fermore. 35

Saying that, he put his hand into his wide sleeve and took out a string of talismans. The pendant was a triangular crystal with golden lines roaming around irregularly.

"Open your hands.

The stunned man did so subconsciously, and then the amulet flew into his hand.

The refreshing warmth spread from the palm of his hand and the skin, and he noticed that his head, which had been in a trance for the past few days because of poor food and sleep, immediately became much more awake.

No matter how slow his response was, he still didn't know that this was a magical treasure, and looked at the mysterious black-robed man who called himself "Merlin" in astonishment.

Tang You said in a dull and profound tone:

"We have noticed that the evil is coming back, and we have sent corresponding forces to stop it, but it is inevitable that this land will become a battlefield, and you will encounter many dangers if you continue to stay.

"Go north! Through the mountains and grasslands, over the thick forests, to the highlands surrounded by eagles and rich in water and soil."

"That is the place where protective power is exerted, and it is also the new home of people, where the king will lead you to clean up the evil on the land."

"If you keep the will to protect people and take them north to their new home in the Highlands, this amulet will continue to increase your power, if not, it will become a useless stone.

"When (ccdf) you have completed your mission well and safely brought the rest to the highlands, you will have the opportunity to gain more powerful power under the command of the king of the highlands.

The eyes of the rest of the people converged on the string of talismans, and there was an unconcealed envy in it. Such an experience was exactly like a story sung by poets.

"Are you willing to take this mission?"

Facing the question from the mysterious man, the man looked at the amulet in his hand, then squeezed it into his palm a little bit, looked at the mysterious man in black robe, and nodded hastily: "I do!

Then, everyone saw the man in black robe slowly turning around, turning his back to himself and others as he appeared, and came out with a sentence that made them a little confused:

"Let's go when you're full."

As soon as the voice fell, it suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a giant bird in the blink of an eye, and under everyone's astonished eyes, flapped its wings and flew towards the sky above the mountains, gradually turning into a black spot that could not be seen clearly.

"This is the Druid! Sage and prophet who communicates with the gods!

Someone immediately exclaimed.

Just at this moment, the aroma of the food penetrated into the nose, causing the already hungry crowd to groan for a while. When they looked down, they found that there were several strips of attractively colored jerky at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing the earth receding in his eyes, among the puppets who turned into giant eagles, Tang You's thoughts were already flying.

It was not the first time he had done something like that just now.

In the past few days, whenever he found that he had a good heart, he gave a talisman or a ring to protect ordinary people from going to the northern highlands. The hardships and ups and downs on the road are the tests for them.

The person who passes through is the future knight of King Arthur, the backbone of slaying evil.

Nowadays, it is far more than the "Merlin" vest who plays the local Aegis personnel on the two islands of Britain and saves the people from water and fire.

However, because the latter has the strongest power and appears more frequently, it must be the biggest name in the future.

Tang You was preparing to go to the next place, and continued to guide the Celts to the safety zone he had specially built - the northern highlands surrounded by eagles, but he suddenly noticed that the arrangement he had left near Loch Lomond was unexpectedly stolen by someone. Triggered.

"After waiting for so many days, it finally appeared!"

His eyes flashed slightly, his wings changed direction, and he flew to Loch Lomond in the middle of the British island.

Under the densely vegetated mountains, beside the smooth mirror-like lake.

"The flint is lost, and we can't make a fire. 99

In the voice of frustration, a group of unkempt people, sitting under a large rock sheltered from the wind, looked at the pyre without the slightest spark in the middle, and they were all downcast.

Because the deep-sea giants landed and attacked the town everywhere, their group of homeless people had to flee to a safe place.

In this era of extremely lagging information flow, the reason why they knew to go north was because they listened to the instructions of another group of refugees. In that team, there were treasures bestowed by Druids.

These people had originally formed a team with them.

It is a pity that in the sudden attack of the wild monsters, facing the difficult and dangerous situation, the treasure holder could not stand the test and chose to flee by himself. As a result, he lost his strength and the team suffered heavy casualties.

While these people are blessed by luck, they also have good strength, which is how they can survive the chaos.


Someone could not help but sigh.

Without enough weapons, no flint, and no items to keep out the cold, they didn't know what to do next to go north.

However, if you don't go, you can't, the entire south has become a paradise for the Fermors, and if you stay, you will die. Only the northern highlands that the Druids who have re-emerged can have a chance of life for ordinary people.

Among the dozen or so people, a petite woman with a long ponytail and a dirty face that could not be seen, bowed her head and folded her arms tightly in the corner.

The collapsed stone castle, countless broken houses, screams one after another, blood flowing on the ground, and pieces of meat hanging from the mace...

Countless miserable images flashed back in her mind, causing her head to bury deeper in her arms and knees.

The sun gradually set in the west, and the afterglow turned the lake into orange-red gems.

Before night, the cold wind was blowing in the mountains, and the refugees tightened their clothes, but the wind was still blowing on the skin from the large pores.

In addition to shivering, they were already bemoaning the night.

If there is a fire, then everyone can grit their teeth and carry it, but now... I don't know how many people will be left at the end.

"I'm going to drink some water.

A certain man got up and walked to the lake in the south with a sheepskin water bag.

The clear lake water reflected his face, and the small fish at the bottom of the lake seemed to be swimming in the air. He couldn't help swallowing, but he knew that without the right tools, catching the fish directly would only be worth the loss.

After drinking the water, he quietly turned his head to look at the crowd, and found that no one was controlling him, so he took out a small pitiful apple from his arms and carefully chewed and swallowed it silently.

After eating, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In this situation, I absolutely cannot let others know that I still have food.

Filling the water bag, he just got up and was about to go back, when he saw that there was a long bar stuck on the boulder that was used for sheltering from the wind. Looking carefully at the afterglow on the left side, it turned out to be a sword!

Since most of the sword body is submerged in the stone, only the hilt is exposed, and it is not high, so they could not see this thing at all from the previous angle.

The man was amazed: "Look, there is a sword on this stone.

Others immediately ran over curiously.

Iron tools were expensive in this era, and Europa farmers were still relying on wooden sticks to loosen the soil. A poor-quality iron weapon was already a family heirloom.

When the town was destroyed, these people were not considered to be the lowest class people, so no matter what, they still carried a weapon.

But in the subsequent wild monster attack, their weapons were either lost in a panic, or were hammered into scrap by the deep-sea giants, and only one or two of them still carried a small dagger.

A sword is definitely a good fortune, and under the current situation, it is a treasure that increases the chance of survival.

Therefore, when these people heard this, they rushed over.

Seeing this situation, the first thing I realized was that the man wanted to slap him, what a rude thing to do, and quietly ran over to get his hands.

"This road is the only way to go to the northern highlands. Looking at the traces on the ground, many refugees have already passed by. It is estimated that they accidentally fell, but how can they run to the stone? It's too strange..."

"It doesn't matter, get it now."

A group of people scrambled to climb up the stone, and some even took off other people's pants. Compared to this, the woman who was solitary and huddled under the sheltered stone was an outlier.

The noise of the companions made the hands around his arms gradually tighten. She wanted to escape, but countless memories appeared like a nightmare:

Hiding in the cellar, through the gap, he saw his father's head rolling down, his eyes almost protruding from the sockets.

The turquoise giant walked slowly with a mace, but accidentally broke into this place in a panic, and then the frightened people who fled turned around and chased out.

Staggering out of the house, the gentle aunt hung coldly on the wooden pole.

In the mess, the blood on the ground stained the soles of the feet, and penetrated all the way to the trousers, showing a shocking red...

She had never felt so ridiculous.

Because her father was a traveling bard, she spent most of her sixteen-year journey in her uncle's house.

The latter is the lord's guard, who often teaches her martial arts skills, coupled with natural brute force, so she almost grows up like a boy, and at only fifteen years old, the lord's guards can't beat her.

The influence of her uncle, supplemented by the heroic stories her father told when he came back occasionally, until the day before the disaster, she thought that she would be the best bodyguard like a man.

But at the moment when her relatives died in front of her eyes, she found that she was so frightened that she fell and watched the tragedy happen.

All the pride in the past was instantly dissipated...

On the sheltered stone next to it, a certain person rushed to the top of the stone first, grabbed the hilt and pulled it out, but no matter how hard he tried, even if his face was flushed, the sword still remained motionless.

Before he could try again, he was pulled down, but those who tried later also ended in failure.

Everyone finally realized that the situation was wrong, and only then did they have time to look carefully, and found that the hilt of the sword was more exquisite than expected, and even the sword that the lord once showed off was not as neat and beautiful as it should be.

The smooth lines of golden silk and wood grain all describe its high cost.

Looking further down, there was no gap between the sword body, which was as bright as snow, and the stone, as if it had grown out of a stone.

In addition, a piece of text is vaguely visible on the sword, but the rest is covered by stones...

ps: In the end, I decided to write a female Arthur, but there will be no house smell in it, and there will be no serious plot. This will be a female man, suitable for all book lovers.

Looking back in time and space twice, one east and one west, one man and one woman, quite neat.

Since this is a heroic epic, there are not many historical elements in it, and the Celts at that time have no detailed history, so it may not be as good as the Tang Dynasty, so I should not write too long,

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