Neon Country, Edo.

When the young man Loft Farrell walked out of the auction, he saw that the city buildings were densely packed.

Loft could clearly perceive that the world's second largest city was full of depression.

He came from Ireland, a neighbor of Britain, and was considered a relatively pure Celtic. Although the weather was not beautiful and the environment was not very comfortable, his heart was still quite excited.


Loft looked at the box in his hand, which contained the inheritance of the other half of his family. It was sold during difficult times. He photographed it again half a month ago, and came here today to pick up the goods.

To be honest, he was originally very disgusted with these old yellow calendars who had no effect except for boasting.

It was not until a few months ago that he accidentally found the family relics, and the moment he touched it, some throbbing appeared in his heart, and many unreal images flashed in his mind.

This bizarre experience has always haunted Loft.

He tried his best to search for several months, just to find out the secret and see what the picture flashed in his mind.

And today, Loft finally got back the missing heritage, as long as the two return to their original state, maybe the mystery will be completely revealed.

He had a vague hunch that the final answer might subvert the worldview of many people.

This premonition comes not only from the strange experience brought by the heritage, but also from some clues discovered during this difficult tracing journey.

Loft stood on the side of the road beckoning, and took a taxi to the hotel where he was temporarily staying.

Since it is not commute time, the road is not crowded.

The car galloped on the highway, the houses of different heights on both sides retreated rapidly, and Loft looked at the city through the window.

The Edo 22 metropolitan area is very strange. Everyone knows that this is the actual capital of the Neon Kingdom, but its status is not determined in the constitution.

And this city with the largest population of Blue Star, although it is bustling everywhere, it makes you feel extremely deserted. Everyone seems to have an invisible shield from others, forming a small mobile world and not communicating with the outside world.

This is an indifferent city.

It's like putting ice cubes in your chest and it makes you feel cold to the heart.

This atmosphere slightly reduced the excitement in Loft's heart.

When the car arrived at the destination, he got out of the car and stepped into the hotel, and immediately saw a middle-aged man and a young girl on the sofa on the side of the hall, getting up and walking.

Loft asked with some doubts: "John, Sharon, why are you here?"

The middle-aged man known as John had anger on his face, but he was worried about being in a large crowd, so he reluctantly suppressed his emotions and asked, "Why are we here? Don't you understand?"5

"You graduated from university before, and you didn't work well, you didn't start a family, and you went to participate in some humanitarian aid organization, and you stayed there for several years. 35

"The politicians in the western world who promote humaneness, environmental protection, and ism all day long are actually doing business behind the scenes, and you actually believe it stupidly.

"That's all, although I think your brain is stupid, but at least you still have three basic views that can be saved."

Loft pursed his lips hard and explained: "Of course I understand this. I am participating in a real humanitarian relief organization, and it has nothing to do with those politicians."

"And... someone has to do these things, doesn't it? If so, why can't it be me?"

The middle-aged John shouted angrily: "Don't interrupt!"

The voice was so loud that Sharon, the girl in overalls, had been standing beside her all the time, immersing herself in the antique film camera, and was taken aback.

The rest of the people in the hotel lobby also looked over.

"Look at what you're doing now, you're just like a lunatic! It's been wrong since a few months ago, talking all day long, saying that you want to find the truth of the family and the truth of the world.

"You've spent all your savings, but you even sold the assets that your father gave you. I went to see you a few days ago, and I saw someone from the bank showing clients old houses and plantations."

"You complete bastard!"

Speaking of this, John's face flushed with anger, and he uttered foul language: "Dad is dead, I raised you, if I don't come, aren't you going to sell yourself?

Seeing that the crowd around him were looking at himself and others, Loft quickly pulled the two of them and said, "This is a public place, let's go back to the room if there is anything else."

John looked around and realized something was wrong.

The three took the elevator upstairs.

In the elevator, John saw his daughter Sharon completely immersed in his own world, as if only the antique film camera was left in his eyes, and he felt a myocardial infarction:

"And you, Sharon, a teenage girl who doesn't go into a serious relationship, or study hard and get into a good college, knows how to play with your films all day long.

"You actually use the old method to develop the film yourself, so that the smell of chemicals is everywhere in the yard. If you continue like this, how will you support yourself in the future, not to mention getting married?"

Sharon glanced at him and complained, "Dad, I'm a professional photographer. Last month, my income for taking pictures and videos was higher than your salary. 35

John felt that a knife had been stabbed straight into his heart, and was so choked that he couldn't say a word, so he could only keep a straight face, and walked across the long corridor with his brother Loft and returned to the place he had reserved.

At this time, John's mood finally calmed down a lot: "Loft, stop, our family has no secrets, the world is normal, those guys are just ordinary antiques."

"If you think about it carefully, anyone in Blue Star can live to the present. If you look back carefully, no one has a history of millions of years. Our family is just a few items left by our ancestors, and there is nothing special about the others."

If the real estate and farmland handed down from the ancestors are removed, the Farrell family today is indeed an ordinary working class.

Now, Loft is also ready to be open and honest, and have a good talk with his brother: "John, I understand that you are doing it for my own good, but please believe that I am not crazy.

"On October 27 last year, I remember this day very clearly, when I woke up from my bed, I felt as if something was missing in my mind and it was empty.

"Partners from the rescue organization called and asked when I could go back. I've been on vacation for seven full days, and I haven't contacted anyone in between."

Loft looked at John with a bit of confusion on his face: "I was like, 'I took seven days off? But I didn't remember it at all.

"I seem to have slept and seven days have passed, but when I think about it carefully, the memory of these seven days is unmistakable, every detail is detailed, and everything is normal. But for some reason, I always feel that this memory is so Not really.

"When I returned to the humanitarian aid organization, I was always in a trance, I always felt like I forgot something very important, but I couldn't remember anything.

"So, my friends let me continue to take vacations and adjust my status."

"I was training at my dad's house, but I was always restless, so I decided to get myself to do something distracting. I cleaned the whole house in and out, and that's where the turning point came." "

Loft said, walked to the bed, dragged out the box hidden underneath, and opened it to reveal the stick-shaped stone sculpture.

When he picked it up and displayed it from all angles, the other two could clearly see that this was the style of an ancient scroll, but there was a square gap in the middle.

"I found this in a pile of old stuff."

Loft's eyes were fixed on the scroll stone sculpture, with obsession in his eyes:

"As soon as I touched it, many pictures appeared in my mind, although I couldn't see it clearly, I had a strong premonition that it was something I had forgotten!

After this series of words, even Sharon, who had been playing with the film camera, raised her head in horror, and her eyes just met her father John, and both sides could clearly see the same meaning in each other's eyes.

"Uncle, you are actually a mental patient!" The girl in overalls said nothing.

John patted her head immediately, then turned his head, and said with guilt and sincerity: "Loft, I blame you wrong, maybe you need a psychiatrist, relax, in modern society, there's nothing shameful about it."

Loft looked at his brother, then at his niece who looked sympathetic, and let out a helpless sigh: "My brain is normal, this world is not as simple as you think, the deeper the investigation, the more I will The more you realize that.”

"In some seemingly normal news, there are actually a lot of tricks hidden."9

"The officials have been trying their best to hide something. Look at the changes in Blue Star's pattern in the last six months, and look at the changes in the direction of social investment. There is definitely something wrong with it. 99

Sharon's eyes showed a sudden understanding, just when Loft thought that someone finally understood, she heard the girl say: "I understand, uncle, you are not mentally ill, but... In neon words, it is the late stage of secondary school disease.

Loft patted his head: "Forget it, I can't explain it clearly, I'll prove it to you."

As he said that, he was about to open another box and prepare to restore the stone carving scroll. Suddenly, the lights in the room flickered twice, then completely misfired, and the environment fell into darkness.

"Power outage?" Sharon tried 293.

Loft straightened up a little bit, looked out the window, the city lights that lit up early in the dim sky, like ripples spreading, went out in large swaths.

He suddenly felt that the stone carving of the scroll in his hand was hot, and there seemed to be gray-black lines in the sky that flashed away.

At that moment, it seemed like an illusion.

"No, no, very wrong!

Loft swallowed his saliva, his whole body froze, and a strong sense of crisis rose in his mind inexplicably, but he couldn't find the source, only that there seemed to be beasts peeping at him everywhere.

Looking at his younger brother's suspicious appearance, John couldn't help but sigh: This is a disease in front of him! No, I have to hire a psychiatrist for him.

Outside the hotel.

In the streets and alleys at the moment, in the office buildings, whether it is passers-by with mobile phones to scan videos, or employees who use computers to work, they all find that the network signal display has become a striking red cross.

"Matsuoka-kun, I can't pass the documents on my computer. Can our company's fax machine still be used? What? It can't be used anymore, so what should we do when we work?"

"Hey? Why is the signal gone? I just saw the wonderful plot, and the lovely platelet is about to appear, but I can't watch it, is the network provider serious?"

Passers-by complained.

Just at this moment, a moving car on the road stopped without warning, and the following car did not have time to brake, and slammed into it, rolling in the air twice and hitting the storefront on the street.


During the huge earthquake, fragments shot out, and one of the sawdust pierced the faces of passers-by.

The driver who was further behind saw the situation in front of him, hurriedly stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel in a panic. As a result, he drew an arc and slammed into the fire hydrant on the street.


The water column rose into the sky, and then split and fell in all directions, making the surrounding seem to usher in a torrential rain. The passerby had been doused in the face before, staring blankly at this scene, the mobile phone "popped" and fell to the ground.


It was only then that the survivors in the smashed storefront came back to their senses and suddenly screamed in shock.

the other side.

7-1, Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Neon Parliament Building...

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