I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 326 The End of the Scroll

Spatial anomaly area, Neon Edo metropolitan area.

The thinking of the poisonous light behemoth is full of evil whispers. Under the wave of tentacles, large tracts of city buildings are reduced to ruins. Tanks, planes, and chariots are all like toys of ants, crushed by the collapsed buildings into twisted steel wreckage. .

"Save me! Save me!"

The soldiers occupying the high point watched as one-third of the building collapsed, and their comrades fell along with the building rubble, screaming in despair.

"I can't beat it, how can we beat this situation? We are just giving up death in vain!" Under the impact of the scenes, some soldiers' psychological defense line completely collapsed, "plop" to the ground, crying in despair.

In this one-sided massacre, the sound of gunfire gradually ceased, leaving only a few dashes, like the last stubbornness.

Suddenly, a few flying spots of light appeared in the sky.

From 300 kilometers southeast of the bay, the missiles launched by the Flame Kingdom fleet with all their strength finally arrived over the Edo metropolitan area after several minutes of flight.

The poisonous light giant beast sensed the attack of a foreign object, and a dark green light appeared in some parts, as if the fluid filled with radiation showed brilliance through the muscles and skin, and the invisible fluctuations spread.

The spots of light in the darkness immediately died, and hundreds of special warheads fell powerless.

If this poisonous light giant beast is still in a normal state, it will definitely give birth to some warning signs, but its consciousness has been invaded by evil and disintegrated, and it has obviously lost this ability.

The bullet landed.


In the first explosion, the "environmental" warhead exploded, and the high-energy explosive with a detonation speed of more than ten kilometers per second pushed the special powder, which was evenly dispersed in 22 three-dimensional spaces with a radius of two kilometers.

And then in a split second after a few milliseconds—

In the darkness, a group of bright green light suddenly appeared in the urban area, completely drowning the huge figure, and the scream of horror echoed in the empty Edo metropolitan area.

This is an enlarged version of the gamma bomb!

In addition, it is also mixed with the luminous rock coat extract exchanged from Europa - commonly known as "monster hunter poison", which can not only suppress the range of gamma rays, reduce accidental injury, but also strengthen the transcendence of the other world. s damage.

The Yan Kingdom's fleet was used for escort, and the target of the battle was originally alien monsters, so the warships carried special weapons against aliens.

This is why Neon and the United States are closer, but they choose to send the positioning data to the Yan Kingdom fleet. After all, only they have such means.

The gamma light gradually dissipated, and a mass of blood dripped like a fluorescent liquid, and tentacle-like granulation sprouts appeared one after another.

The Yan Nation's fleet opened fire with all its strength, and from the start of the war to the present, this alien monster, who saw thousands of tons of ammunition as nothing, finally suffered injuries!

But... it is not dead, but the missiles of the Yan Nation fleet have been launched, which means that from now on, in the entire space abnormal area, there is no existence that can slow its pace.

It was twenty-five minutes after Tang You left.

Even if the planes of Yan, Mi, and Europe ignored the sharp decline in the engine life, they drove like crazy with afterburner, and at this time they were still a long way from Neon.

Moreover, even if they arrived, facing the abnormal boundary that Zhang Mo had nowhere to do, they could only sigh in admiration.

The survivors in the ruins cried and got up, dragging their wounded bodies to escape, but suddenly, after the strange sound, an invisible suction suddenly hit, as if a big hand grabbed a nearby living person.

Beside the flames of the wreckage of the tank, someone found himself being pulled up by the suction force, and quickly grabbed the green trees by the roadside.

However, even if he didn't loose his grip, his hands were still pulled back by the giant force, and two bloodstains were rubbed on the rough bark in his palms.

"no no!"

Watching his hands gradually slip away, the survivors could only shout in despair.


The bark couldn't bear it any longer, it suddenly cracked, and the man flew into the air with the bark in his hand, towards the poisonous beast with fluorescent blood flowing from the wound.

It was injured, and these "snacks" rich in spiritual light were undoubtedly the best nutritional supplements. Thousands of people screamed in horror and fell into its huge mouth one after another.

Part of the wound is drilling out granulation, overlapping and intertwining with each other, weaving a network from sparse to dense, and finally forming flesh and blood skin, and the injury can be seen quickly recovering with the naked eye.

The capture range of the suction force is still expanding, and the surface is cracked. People who are only hiding in the underground parking lot are pulled out by the suction force along the crack, and more and more people are flying towards the poisonous light behemoth.


A member of the Holy Shield had just rescued someone from under the gravel, and when he came here, he saw this scene. He threw his hands and threw out more than a dozen light ropes, each entangling a person in mid-air.


He gritted his teeth, dragged these people tightly, and pulled back.

However, he was just an ordinary student who had just graduated, and he was not even the person in charge of the second-level station. It was already the limit to be able to do this, but seeing tens of thousands of people flocking to the giant beast, it almost crushed its iron teeth.

He could only watch countless people die, it was like a needle pierced into his heart for him.

But even if he rushed over in a frenzy, it would only be an extra corpse. Only by being alive can we save more people.

Just as these tens of thousands of people were getting farther and farther from the ground, the dark sky suddenly crossed a meandering white line, no, not a white line, but a crack in the "cover" that cut off the sunlight.

Then, like blooming petals, it slides down to the sides little by little.

In the turbulent land here, in the stunned eyes of countless desperate people, the sky... brightened!

The chaotic, shattered Edo city circle, full of blood and gunpowder, as well as the otherworldly monster with black rock-like skin, like a standing giant crocodile, but with an extremely sturdy body and long tentacles hanging everywhere, gradually appeared clearly in all the world. in human eyes.

And the members of the Holy Shield who saved people suddenly noticed that the pulling force on the light rope was weakening, and the tens of thousands of people who were sucked into the air were also castrated, and even fell back a little bit. It seems that an invisible force is preventing all this.


The sound of air cracking like a falling meteor struck.

The sound was so shocking that it reverberated over the entire Edo sky and echoed in people's internal organs.

Whether it was the survivors who landed slowly, the soldiers who climbed out of the chariot, the people of the Holy Shield who stopped on the road, or the giant beasts that killed nearly 100,000 people, they all looked in the direction of the source of the sound with different expressions.

A secluded crystal rushed through the clouds on the right, and the trail appeared in the eyes of all creatures, like a warrior without turning back.

People stared blankly at this lonely crystal.

In the next second, countless deep crystals carrying a vast potential, also rushed over the clouds, followed the initial crystals, rushed like a group of miniature battleships, and fell into the ruins near the poisonous light behemoth.

Under the people's gaze, the crystals quickly assembled into a giant tortoise as large as a mountain, and immediately rushed forward, avoiding the tentacles of the poisonous light giant beast, and also launched a brazen attack on it.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those crystal clusters just bounced off the ground and turned into giant tortoises in the process of rushing forward, and the place where they bounced was smashed out of the abyss by the unseen phantom tentacles.


The poisonous light giant beast was caught off guard and hit the building, and the building of the same height immediately broke and collapsed, while it staggered back, and the thick smoke and dust escaped in all directions.

The outline of two giant beasts fighting in it is looming.

In a certain building, many people shivered in the earthquake-like movement caused by the two, and some people dared to peer out through the glass.

"What is the giant tortoise that appeared at this moment?" Someone muttered to himself in astonishment.

"It's a basalt divine beast!" A well-dressed, white-haired British man said in the language of his hometown. The lens on the right side of his glasses had cracked, apparently caused by the chaos.

"Don't lie, I still know what Xuanwu looks like, the tail should be a snake. 99

Neon belongs to the cultural circle of the Yan Kingdom, and the existence of the four elephants and mythical beasts is so well-known, of course, Neon people know a little bit, so as soon as they say this, someone immediately refutes it in British language.

The white-haired old man straightened his cracked glasses, and took care of the gray-white suit with shoe prints everywhere. Although he was already embarrassed, he still wanted to look decent:

"Although I am British, I teach at Edo University, specializing in the traditional culture of the Yan Kingdom."

"It's true that the image of Xuanwu in the later period is a turtle and snake, but that is the result of a long period of evolution. The original Xuanwu was actually a big black turtle..."

John squatted in the corner with his head in his arms, listening to the words of the crowd, looking over their backs, watching the battle of the giant beasts outside the window, thinking about the mysterious black-robed man who rescued the survivors with a light rope before, his mind was full of mucus. .

293 "Crazy, the world is crazy!"

He muttered to himself, feeling that his worldview was about to burst.

The large-scale army that entered the city, let the artillery fire and the unharmed giant beast, the human with mysterious power, the giant tortoise that suddenly appeared...

John was a staunch atheist, and he insisted on not believing in any religion in a Western environment.

However, the scenes that happened in this short half hour, it was as if someone knocked open his brain with a heavy hammer, then pulled Sanguan out, threw it on the ground and trampled it wantonly, and finally shattered it.

He thought of his brother Loft, and of what he had said:

"This world is not as simple as you think. The deeper the investigation, the more I realize this."

"The officials have been trying their best to hide something. Look at the changes in Blue Star's pattern in the last six months, and look at the changes in the direction of social investment. There is definitely something wrong with it. 99

John tugged at his hair in pain.

Sharon, who was next to her, gradually became sober, and she dropped her head and said, "Uncle...he is right.

John's tone was full of remorse: "Yes, Loft, he is right, there are so many unusual things in this world, but we have been thinking of him as a lunatic."

After a long silence, Sharron took the scroll stone sculpture next to it and the unopened suitcase: "Dad..."

"No one knows whether they can survive this disaster. If they don't open it now, there may be no chance, and Uncle Loft's wish may not be realized.

John looked at these two items, and the image of Loft explaining his last words still flashed in his mind. He took a deep breath, and resolutely opened the suitcase and opened the box.

Inside is a cuboid stone block, which is carved with peculiar patterns with complex patterns and smooth lines.

After taking the stone carving scroll, and then picking up the cuboid stone, John slowly inserted the latter into the former while his daughter Sharon was watching, and the result was that the seams fit together without any excess.

After a moment of silence, golden threads suddenly burst out between the carved lines, and then, the scroll made of stone unexpectedly unfolded like a soft parchment...

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