I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 328 Monkey King! (Chapter 2 yesterday)

The wound on Eita Ueda's scapula healed inexplicably, and his breathing became lower and lower. He tilted his head to the extreme, and the arc of the sky came toward him and enveloped the entire field of vision, but he still couldn't see the source of the blood-like cloak.

So, he turned around a little bit.

The giant pillar that supports the sky stands in the distance, and at its lower end, the mighty giant monster from another world is being crushed a little bit.

Five simple and difficult pictographs are reflecting the faint light on the pillar.

Eita Ueda's eyes moved up a little bit, and then, as if struck by a bolt of lightning, his brain exploded, his eyes widened a little, and his mouth opened involuntarily.

The top of the giant pillar is like a wide circular platform, a back is sitting alone on the edge, and the hair is like gold.

The two pheasant feathers on the purple-gold crown are like winding long whips, together with the red silk-like cloak swaying back with the wind, and the delicate chainmail is shining brightly, in the darkness of the dust, like a circle that cannot be seen directly. Sunshine.

He just sat naturally with a slightly hunched back, like a monster from another world under the giant pillar that was beaten by the basalt, but the little bug, if he smashed it with a stick, would make the gods and Buddhas all over the sky dissipate.

As a part of the cultural circle of the Yan Kingdom, neon is almost deeply influenced by the traditional culture of the Yan Kingdom.

When such a figure appeared in his eyes, Eita Ueda's mind almost stopped thinking, and only the instinct was left to whisper the name that no one knew and no one knew——

"Qi, Tian, ​​Da, Sheng..."

In the tall building, John pressed his hand on the glass and stared blankly into the distance. Sharon was also stunned. The habit she had developed over the years made her subconsciously raise the film camera and press the switch.

In the whole city, those who say goodbye to death, those who cry for destruction, and those who are still trying their best to save others, no matter where they are, no matter what their status, at this moment, their eyes widen and look up. And go.

With ordinary people's eyesight, he couldn't see the back of the solitary sitting, but he could see the giant pillar that was pressing down on the monster, and the giant beast Xuanwu who looked up in astonishment.

The situation has ushered in a new turning point!

If you can live, obviously no one wants to die; if you can get married in this life, no one will leave the illusory next generation... Everyone stares at the 293-year-old giant pillar that connects the sky.

In front of the wide floor-to-ceiling windows, the couple's hands are clasped together:

"If you want to win, you must win, please!"

At this time, the monster in the distance that was suppressed by the giant pillar and fell into the ground seemed to have stepped into the midst of utter anger. The violent roar was even more shocking than a thunderbolt from the blue, and countless remaining pieces of glass were shattered.

He tried his best to lift it, and the terrifying giant pillar rose into the air, and then quickly shrank until it was almost invisible to people, leaving a large pit with a diameter of more than forty meters in place.


The basalt giant beast was thrown aside, the giant monster in the pit opened its mouth directly to the sky, and the white light slanted into the sky.

All the members of the Holy Shield who paid attention to this scene couldn't help but regain their senses from the shock at this moment, and they suddenly sweated.

Because even the basalt divine beast, which is good at defense, has been pierced through the shield, smashed the body, and smashed the light curtain by such means before, which shows its terrifying power.

However, the burly figure standing in the void just opened his hand at will, grabbed the long stick that was shrunk and flew, and let the white light drown and wash it, and even the clouds above were penetrated by a deep hole.

All ordinary people were shocked.

"Where are the supporters? Were they shot?" the man who had been crying against the wall before asked anxiously.

"I don't know, the distance is too far, and the smoke and dust cover the sight, so you can't see clearly at all. Whoever of you has a telescope, or whoever sees a telescope nearby, hurry up and find it!" Others said quickly.

The poisonous light giant beast that reached the limit slowly closed its mouth, and the white light disappeared.

The big hand gently caressed the dust of the armor...

Wukong, who was unscathed, clenched the hand of the stick tightly, and his figure slowly dropped.

People in the ruins saw in a daze that the scattered gravel and broken furniture were all shaking inexplicably, and even slightly suspended, the wind from nowhere was blowing from the ground, and countless dust was like smoke from everyone's feet. edge over.

People staggered back, a throbbing from nowhere rose, and goose bumps crept out quietly (ccdf).

The dust and smoke passed over the crowd, over the low mountains of steel and concrete, over the broken high-rise buildings, and flowed into the distance, rising into a mighty earthly scroll, shrouding the indistinct human silhouette.


The poisonous light giant beast that climbed up from the pit opened its mouth and roared frantically at Wukong.

At such a close distance, its dense giant fangs were clearly visible, and the stench that spewed out of its mouth was like a strong wind blowing, making Wukong's blood-like cloak even more agitated.

Just like dealing with Xuanwu before, the poisonous light behemoth rushed out brazenly, with the mighty force that smashed the mountains and countless tentacles, towards the smoke-swept figure.

In the thick dust, a dim golden light flashed.

Immediately afterwards, a vast golden stick swept out and flew the otherworldly giant beast back. Wherever the rest of the way passed, deep and wide ravines were cut out of the earth, and they were quickly hit into the distance.


The infected poisonous light behemoth fell heavily to the ground.

But before he could react, a giant stick, which was evenly expanded from thin to thick, blatantly poked out from the smoke and dust, directly against it like a plough, and went away along the gully swept by the stick just now.


The giant monster struggled, and the remaining buildings on both sides and the uneven boulders were kneaded like fragile flour balls, and they were all crushed and smoothed.

The golden hoop stretches for several kilometers, like a long bridge spanning the sky, pushing the alien beast that made everyone desperate before, all the way to the Edo Bay.

In the high-rise buildings and on the street, the shocked people turned their heads neatly like puppets, and their eyes followed the giant stick.


The beast fell into the water.

The long stick, like a rubber band stretched to the extreme, bounced back into the darkness in the blink of an eye, the world fell into a moment of silence, and people stared at the billowing smoke in the midst of the intensified heartbeat.

The next second—


A cloud of golden light broke through the thick dust and rose obliquely into the sky. After being blocked by tall buildings for a while, it reappeared in people's eyes, and disappeared into the clouds.

A few seconds later, whether it was the people in the ruins of the city or the soldiers on the deck of the fleet anchored in the open sea, they all saw that the clouds that had obscured the sky for a long time suddenly broke apart over the Edo Bay in the distance.

The sky was exhausted, and Yuyu clarified.

A golden stick that was even bigger than before smashed down.

The poisonous light giant beast that was hit by the previous two sticks was nearly scattered and its soul was broken. Just now, there is a golden light in the giant eyes that is getting bigger and bigger...

The sea seemed to become solid at this moment, and it was broken into two pieces by the overwhelming golden light falling from the sky. Even the coral fish and shrimp on the bottom of the sea were all exposed in the air and could not be closed for a long time.

Edo Bay, which is more than 20 kilometers wide, has turned into two halves for the first time in the hundreds of millions of years since Kai was born.

Wukong slowly floated down with a hazy shimmer, the cracked sky seemed to make way for it, and the broken sea was divided into two sides. together, on the verge of dying.

From his appearance to now, he has only made three sticks!


The evil tentacles grown by the giant beast have broken and disappeared. This is because the terrifying power in the golden glow has wiped out the evil power from the bottom of the silt. This alien creature on the verge of death has finally recovered its past sanity.

Wukong seemed to have understood the last words of the poisonous light giant beast. In silence, the golden hair on his cheek swayed in the breeze, and nodded slightly after a while.

As a result, the belly of the poisonous light behemoth split open, revealing the rock-textured giant egg that was well protected and uninfected by evil forces.


Its final whimper was full of reluctance, as if it was sad that it couldn't see the child after birth, but in the end, it manipulated the remaining power, pushed the egg farther and narrowed it, and finally fell into the hands of Wukong.

Then, after thousands of years, this poisonous light giant beast became a demigod, and closed its eyes forever with regrets that could no longer be made up for in this life.

Wukong stared at it silently, without any words, but his hand holding the stick tightened a bit.

The giant beast is also the victim of evil power, and the person who really caused this disaster is the silt that secretly planned all this. However, when the evil power has invaded the soul, he can't save the alien creature, only death can free it.

This is the best result for both humans and poisonous light behemoths.

The giant beast egg and the golden hoop rod microscopically turned into a streamer and flew into the ear, Wukong flew away, and the sea water that was divided into two sides collapsed and closed, causing a wave of dozens of meters high.

Survivors near the Edo Bay were horrified to see that the water walls were tall and tall buildings, one after another, like a tsunami that could not escape the world.

"Run! Run!"

"How can a man run over a tsunami! We're all going to die!

They originally thought it was the arrival of a savior, but they didn't expect that they would still be unable to escape the fate of death. At this moment, their hearts were almost ashes. Some people fled in panic, and some people held their heads like waiting for death.

"Wow wow..."

Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of tons of seawater flooded, but when it came to the edge of the coast, it crashed abruptly, without affecting the land at all, as if there were invisible walls blocking it all.

The ups and downs of the ups and downs caused the escaping crowd to slow down a little bit.


A figure wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing a chain-gold armor, and covered with soft hair broke through the water wall and rushed to the ground full of wreckage and pits.

People were stunned at first, then their whole body trembled like a sieve, and their mouths opened unconsciously, as if there were words that were going to burst out to the extreme, but there was only a gasping sound of "Hehe" in their throats.

Previously, because of the distance, they couldn't see the rescuer's appearance clearly, and the image of the person who came was clearly presented at the moment. If they couldn't recognize who they were, they would really be in vain as a member of the Yan Kingdom's cultural circle.

Thinking about it now, the style of the three or two sticks before is clearly the Dinghaishen Needle Iron, Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick!

The overseas Chinese who mixed in, and the people from the Yan Kingdom who came to travel here, became more than one level closer. They were so excited that their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. Reality or illusion.


Someone tremblingly tried to shout.

Wukong just walked silently, and he clearly restrained all the intimidating aura, but the people around him consciously separated, revealing the crying child in the ruins.

The little girl's tears were blurred, and everything was blurred through the gap in her fleshy and fat hands. Suddenly, a dazzling red color disappeared into sight.

She stopped crying and slowly moved her fat hands away, her face was full of dust, and her tears slipped out of a few white streaks, which made the rest of her cheeks even more dirty.

A red fruit with a full shape and attractive color was handed over by a big furry hand.

The little girl's eyes moved up a little bit, and she saw the furry face like a big monkey, showing a soft look at herself, holding the red fruit in her big hand and probing forward again.

So, the dirty little fat hand tried to reach out, grabbed the fruit, and put it in his mouth in his gesture. When the teeth were bitten, the sweet juice overflowed instantly, as if it was going to drill into the heart of people.

The little girl's face was stunned, her eyes gradually narrowed, and a little bit of a silly smile appeared.

The dust slowly dissipated, the Yuyu gradually cleared, and the sky was dark, so that every hair of Wukong reflected a shimmer in the breeze, like a carefully carved golden monkey.

With a gentle smile, he wiped away the stains on the little girl's face with a big hand, then slowly stood up, turned around and gathered little by little, nodding from the crowd who were watching silently in agitated moods.

Then, its figure suddenly rose, drawing a semicircle in the sky and falling into the center of the more severely damaged battlefield...

ps: First of all, I want to apologize to everyone, this is the second chapter yesterday.

The school is always inconvenient. The power cut off at 10:20. Yesterday, when I wrote about 0:40, there were already more than 2,800 words, but the power of this 15-year-old notebook was also exhausted. Fortunately, the code The word software saves it every five minutes. Although I lost some money, I can continue to code this morning.

At that time, I could choose to upload the unfinished chapter as a chapter, but everyone should know that if it is not necessary, I will divide it into chapters according to the plot, so it is possible for a chapter to be three thousand four thousand or even five thousand.

So I still chose to upload it after I finished writing this morning, and apologize again to everyone!

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