I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 330 The Man Who Comes Back from the Dead

Daisuke Mashita followed behind the military leaders and saw that there were already soldiers who came to guard nearby.

Less than half a minute after they walked out of the underground base, someone wearing an officer's uniform came over. They gave a military salute before saying with a difficult expression:

"The Great Sage... after he rescued the people under the ruins, he left with the Xuanwu Divine Beast, the rest of the members of the Holy Shield, and the corpses of the otherworldly beasts under the Edo Bay.

Originally, the expressions of everyone couldn't hide a trace of excitement, but these words were like a bowl of cold water, making all the plans they had in their hearts instantly turned into empty talk.

It is obvious that the neon stop loss, and even the opportunity to take off is in front of you, but in the blink of an eye, it is like an invisible breeze, slipping away from the fingers that they have not yet had time to close.

Everyone's mood is like riding a roller coaster, and after rushing up the hillside, it slides all the way down and never looks back.

"Why didn't you stop..." A military leader almost lost his usual sanity in his anger. Fortunately, he hurriedly cut off the accusation before he finished speaking.

Because he also knew that when the existence of the beast from the other world was going to leave, who could stop it, and who would dare to stop it?

"Is there any other news?" the military chief asked.

The officer hurriedly said: "Before leaving, an extraordinary person with an authentic Edo accent told us that the phenomenon of being isolated from external signals and inaccessible to entities will disappear in about half a month."

"Two-nine-three" "That is to say, we will be trapped for about half a month.

"We know, you can go to work first." After letting the reporter leave, the military chief turned his head to look at the thin man: "What should I do now?"

Commander Neon silently crossed the crowd, walked to the collapsed ruins next to him, put his hand on a certain boulder, and lowered his head slightly with his waist down.

From his angle, he can see that people are spontaneously rummaging through available materials to build temporary shelters.

This originally seemed a normal scene, but people who can get to this position can see many terrifying problems from it, and these problems are flashing quickly in front of his eyes at this moment:

After the communication was interrupted, the official failed, and the control power declined seriously...

Edo, which occupies half of the gdp of Neon Country, was completely destroyed by half, and the remaining half also needs to be repaired, and tens of millions of people have been displaced...

Power was lost, industry stopped, and as one of the three major industrial centers in the country, a lot of industrial equipment was damaged in this war, and people will be short of necessary items for a long time...

A large number of casualties, even in its heyday, the medical system will be completely destroyed, not to mention the medical system that is now close to being scrapped...

His forehead, which was already dry, was now dripping with sweat again like rain, and his sparse hair had long since condensed into a lock, exposing his light bulb-like head, but now it became wet again.

It can be said that the current situation of the Neon Kingdom is not enough to describe the situation.

Among the nations of mankind, except for the Yan Guohui, who is called "the last hope of mankind" by the internationalist and "reporter's conscience", Andrei Vlcek, the rest of the nations are not good people.

Once he loses his former strength, but still retains coveted wealth, it is like a child holding gold in a busy market, or being surrounded by wolves with his bare hands.

In addition, the Neon Kingdom is already burdened with sins that have not yet been repaid...

Small people can hardly imagine what will happen in the end. What is even more frightening is that although the above situation is serious enough, the factor of alien monsters has not been considered.

In today's era of frequent monsters, if you lose a strong national defense, even if other human nations don't deal with you, life will be very miserable. For this, Africa is the best example.

"No, I will never allow Neon to turn into that in my hands!"

The thin man almost roared in his heart, he gritted his teeth and straightened his back a little, turned to look at his colleagues behind him, and said decisively: "As soon as the connection with the outside world is restored, we will contact the Yan Kingdom and seek to sign a partnership agreement. "

Except for Daisuke Mashima, there are not too many surprises on the face of the others.

Everyone's IQ, experience, and positions are similar, and the best solution that Neon Commander can think of, the rest of them can also guess. But more importantly, there are problems.

A person with the appearance of a civil servant stood up, frowning: "But, what kind of reason should I use? 99

"Our role in stabilizing the status of the United States, I believe I don't need to dictate it any more. Once even we completely fall to the Yan Kingdom, it means that the Dongzhi world center will take shape, which means that it will lead to the emergence of a theoretical 'world island'.

"Meizhou and Dayangzhou will truly become the corners that are 'forgotten' by the mainstream of mankind. If there is no accident, even if mankind can survive the catastrophe, the United States will completely lose its leading position."

"Under such circumstances, what reason should we use to break through the resistance given by the United States, like South Korea, and become the nominal regional partner and de facto ally of the Yan Kingdom?"

The thin man looked at the ruins in the distance, and seemed to be able to imagine the great sage's demeanor just now, and then said something startling: "The reason that the great sage has saved tens of millions of us is the reason."

He turned around and stared at the crowd: "tens of millions of people have lost their lives because of the Great Sage, and they must be grateful from their hearts. According to our customs, soon, places dedicated to the Great Sage will sprout everywhere. out.""

Speaking of which, he looked at the eyes of everyone getting brighter and brighter, and pointed out the most important point: "The Great Sage is from the Kingdom of Flame..."

Although Zhengzhi pays attention to subtleties, the strongest Zhengzhi is the general trend, and the so-called general trend is the irreversible trend rolled up by the people, and everything that stands in the way will be crushed to pieces.

Neon is a democratically elected system in name, and what the people want is the best reason and the most powerful reason in fact!

The skinny man turned his gaze to Daisuke Mashita, and his words contained deep meaning: "I think your ability is suitable for the preliminary negotiation with the Yan Kingdom, and I hope to have your participation.

In the era when Neon was attached to the United States, it was the pro-mi faction that prevailed, but now...

Daisuke Mashita's breath immediately became thicker, he knew that the opportunity to belong to his family had come, and the investment in the Yan Kingdom in the past would also usher in rich fruits.

The death of the poisonous light giant does not mean the end of the chaos.

When the people in the shelters returned to the ground, when the survivors who hid in the building took to the streets, all they saw was the gray devastation, they lost their homes, their jobs, their families, and they were hungry.

More importantly, the official control force has also dropped significantly.

When John, Sharon, and Beavis walked downstairs and crossed the road less than 100 or 200 meters, they had already seen several fights because of things, and both sides were beaten to death.

As an avid photography enthusiast, Sharon faithfully recorded all this with a film camera.

This is still a situation where the strong order has been weakened for less than a day. If this situation continues for a few more days, the consequences may be more serious.

The three foreigners walked on the road, blinking extraordinarily.


Sharon's stomach suddenly heard a hungry sound, and the previous act of desperate running consumed a lot of energy. The girl gave a bitter face and rubbed her stomach: "Dad, I'm hungry.

John was stunned for a moment, and looked around blankly. There were rubble and a crowd of people with sad faces everywhere. Where there was half a portion of food, he couldn't help feeling a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He pursed his lips: "This side is almost destroyed, let's continue to go north, go to a better preserved place, where should we still find food..."

The old white man Beavis next to him supported his eyes and legs, and the broken lens on the left made him look a little embarrassed: "I agree, it seems that only Edo has been destroyed at present, and other places are estimated to be intact.

After all, he was getting old, and he couldn't bear it after a tossing. After all, the flame of fame and fortune in his heart was much weaker, but that was all, it was impossible for him to give up.

The exhausted three walked on the road, and the surrounding scene was like a wasteland in a movie.

Sharon, who looked sluggish, suddenly felt a little dazed in her head, her consciousness also became muddled, and she left the team involuntarily and quietly. When she came back to her senses, she found that she was in a strange place.

This is a still intact Japanese-style house, standing alone among the ruins, and Sharon is on the road behind the house, outside the gray and white walls.

The strange previous experience came to her mind, and she only felt chills.

A figure stepped out from the corner of the wall, wearing clothes that Sharon felt a little familiar, and approached step by step, the latter staggered back in fear, and shrank a little:

"You... Who are you? I tell you, I am, I am fierce... I am not afraid of you!

The man stopped two meters in front of him and slowly raised his head. Sharon immediately became extremely shocked, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Uncle!"

Standing in front of her was the Roft Farrell who should have died.

The girl also seemed to suddenly think of this matter, and she couldn't help being horrified, her whole body trembling like she was swaying: "Uncle Loft... Uncle, aren't you... dead? Are you now a ghost? 35

"I'm not tasty, I don't have any meat, I'm all bones. You said before that I'm very chai, so don't eat me!"

The girl Sharon was obviously frightened by this terrifying situation, and she had a tendency to cry as she talked, and tears were already rolling in her eyes:

"I am obviously very hungry, and I really want to eat bread to fill my stomach, but now I am going to be eaten by Uncle Loft's ghost, why is the world so cruel to me! 35

Even a staunch atheist would be frightened silly in such a situation, let alone a teenage girl who already knew that there was a mysterious power in the 3.5 world.

Loft's hand was raised high, and Sharon immediately closed her eyes in fear.


The little head melon was knocked.

Sharon's eyes opened a little dazedly, and without blinking, she stared blankly at Loft, who couldn't laugh or cry, the gentle touch just now still reverberated in her mind.

Aren't ghosts supposed to be cold?

Seeing that the hand hanging in the air was about to knock down again, she raised her hand to cover her face, jumped to the side to avoid it, and shouted, "Don't hit me, don't hit me! Uncle Loft, you Isn't it dead? Why are your hands still hot?"

Loft was annoyed: "You are usually so excited, why are you so stupid now? Besides, I'm going to hit you on the head, why are you covering your face?"

Listening to this familiar way of speaking, Sharon's hands covering her face opened two slits, revealing two green eyes: "The tone of this speech... But uncle, my father and I clearly saw you being wrecked by a helicopter..."

"It was hit by the wreckage of the helicopter, right?" Loft laughed.

"Yes." Sharon nodded sharply.

"I was able to meet you alive because..." Loft's face was restrained, his raised hand was gradually lowered, his eyes were filled with memories, and the situation at that time also reappeared in his mind...

ps: The matter of Loft is actually related to a very early foreshadowing.

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