Aegis headquarters, transit canyon, crowd gathered.

After the temporary passage was opened, the trapped members of the Neon Sacred Shield had already submitted the detailed process of the matter to the Sacred Shield Office through the spiritual power network, which is why this scene was in front of them.

Looking at the tall stone gate that was motionless, even Li Ranna's heartbeat could not help a little faster, and the faces of the people behind were similar.

The appearance of Wukong is not only shocking to the outside world, but also shocking news for these members of the Holy Shield.

Although there is Wang Yalu, a descendant of the Devil Kingdom in the organization, and everyone knows that the Great Sage Monkey King is a member of the ancient Holy Shield, Tang You never told them about the follow-up.

For example: whether the Great Sage is still alive, where will he go after the soil disappears, and where is he now?

Moreover, even if people hear and know something, as long as they don't see it with their own eyes, they always feel that they are far away.

Just like when people open a history book and see Gorchev, the last commander of the Scarlet Empire, they will always subconsciously think that this is a very long time ago.

However, when you learn that he is actually still alive, living under the same sky and in the same time and space as yourself, you will immediately feel astonished and illusory, and there is a strange feeling of a historical figure walking into reality.

Now, the member of the ancient sacred shield more than a thousand years ago, the mythical figure widely circulated in the cultural circle of the Yan Kingdom, the Great Sage Monkey King, suddenly appeared and dealt with the danger of the neon destroying the country, and everyone's psychology can be imagined.

In addition, when they were young, many people in the Yan Kingdom fantasized about being a great sage. !"

Now that the real person is about to appear, it makes their strange mood even more, adding a dash of expectation and reverence for fans to see their idols.


A slight sound came, and on the stone door that looked like a flat plate, the blue lines spread like water, and a light spot appeared in the center, and then the door that spanned the space quickly expanded.


The hearts of the people were immediately lifted.

A cloth shoe stepped out of the dark blue, and then a corner of the blue cloth swayed out. Under the watchful eyes of the personnel led by Li Ranna, there was no majestic golden monkey in armor, only an old man in a blue monk's robe slowly stepped to the ground of the headquarters.

The contrast of the image made everyone stunned for a moment.

It was Li Rana who was the first to react, and hurriedly lowered her head slightly and said, "Great Sage!" Although she is already the second person with the authority to manage the Sacred Shield, she is still only a junior in the face of such sages.

"It doesn't have to be." Wukong said gently.

On the way to the headquarters, he had already heard the Neon members talk about the evolution of the folk legends about him after he left. Although he was surprised by the coincidence of the original demon and human beings in the title of "Great Sage", he did not care too much. .

Maybe the image in "Journey to the West" is too deep-rooted, so when everyone heard the words of a kind old man, they were a little stunned, but they quickly recovered, and their hearts were filled with emotion:

"This is the real history!"

The appearance of such a spiritual figure made their hearts quite excited, and even their worries about some factors implied by this neon mutation were slightly weaker.

At this moment, Wukong noticed something, looked in a certain direction, and walked step by step.

Li Ranna thought about who was behind her, and when a certain name flashed in her mind, she immediately understood and silently stepped aside. The Great Sage moved forward slowly with his eyes fixed, like a pillar of water, and everyone retreated to both sides.

Albert, who was fixedly looking at the person who came, suddenly stood out.

Wukong stopped one meter in front of him, stared at the young face, and seemed to vaguely see the heroic partner smiling at him, for a while it was a bit like a dream: "After I left, what happened to Li De? 々?"

The historical records handed down from the Demon Kingdom are enough to let everyone in the Holy Shield know that Li De, a young man from Eastern Rome who was with the Great Sage and followed President Tang You, is the author of "Knight of Light" and the ancestor of Albert. Matthew.

Facing the mythical figure who fought side by side with his ancestors, Albert originally fell into a dream, but when he heard this, he immediately woke up with shame, because, if it wasn't for an accident, maybe they didn't even know the book "The Knight of Light". .

And the family records about the life of Matthew's ancestors are only a few.

“When the ancestor returned home, his wife had long since missed him, and only the housekeeper and children were left alone, and the family was in decline, because after so many years, no one but the old housekeeper could recognize him at that time. 35

"After a few years, the ancestor passed away in depression. 99

Albert did not say the reason for Siyu, because there is no relevant record in the family information, but who Wukong is, just listening to these Xu descriptions, you can already think of the old friend's situation after returning home.

It was the first time I met in the Wakhan Corridor. I learned from my master to become a person of the Holy Shield, and led the members to charge into battle to slay foreign demons... Li De's voice, face and smile seemed to be yesterday, but more than a thousand years had passed in the blink of an eye.

In order to protect this land and the world's living beings, the comrades in arms who threw their heads and shed their blood together in the past were only myself.

Wukong originally thought that his heart was firm enough after thousands of years of loneliness, but when he returned to his hometown after a long period of time and learned of his old man's old age, he was still extremely shaken.

He looked straight at the young man in front of him, with a deep ravine on his old face, like a valley in the Loess Plain that has gone through vicissitudes: "Your ancestor Li De is a well-deserved hero, I hope you can bear his 'Du Boyi' responsibility s' surname.

The eyes of the people around him are quite envious, and it is undoubtedly a great honor to be personally encouraged by the great ancient sages.

As a client, even if Albert had become a member of the Holy Shield for a long time, at this moment, his hands were still tightly clenched, and he felt a blood rush to his brain, and his face flushed a little.

"You must live up to your teachings! He said loudly and powerfully.

Li Rana stepped forward and said, "Great Sage, the president has not returned because he intercepted the evil powerhouses in the high-ranking space. Do you think we should arrange a suitable accommodation for you first?"

"I heard from the members of Dongying, you are now Master's deputy, right? You don't have to be so polite and inspiring, I'm just an ordinary member of the Holy Shield.

Wukong shook his head and said: "The 10,000-year history of the Holy Shield, the achievements of those who are better than mine are like stars, my so-called fame is just a coincidence, even they are duller than time, and I have no face to be treated like this.


He looked at the suspended mountains in the distance, and the hall on the wooden building was looming: "Master has returned."

"Have you come back?" Everyone was stunned.

When Wukong let the others return to their jobs, Li Rana accompanied him over the ancient vines, climbed the mountain forest, and stepped into the main hall. Sure enough, on the dimly lit high platform, the mysterious and unpredictable figure of the stalwart stood silently.

After a thousand years, the eyes of both sides met in the air for the first time.

At this moment, Wukong's emotions finally couldn't be suppressed, the figure of Shenguang touching the top of the valley after dispelling his demonic nature, the face of Hexun smiling and chatting in the herdsman tent, and the outline of sitting on hay in the middle of thunder, all overlapped at this moment.

However, thousands of words finally turned into a low voice across time and space: "Master..."

After Tang You returned to the current timeline, he, who had the highest authority, was extremely angry after seeing the news about Neon in the spiritual power network, but when the news of Wukong's return was presented, his mood became complicated.

For him, he returned in an instant, but for Wukong, it was a real thousand-year loneliness.

Tang You walked out of the darkness and came to the two of them. With the breath of the time and space that has not yet dissipated, Tang You said in a calm but still somewhat emotional tone: "Wu Kong, it's good to come back."

Under his guidance, the three walked to the side hall and sat down.

"I already know about Neon. After your affairs office has sorted out the news, let Saurer's communications office in Yanjing be handed over to Yan Guo, and they will handle secular affairs on their own.

Tang You first ordered the most important things at the moment: "Although the infected poisonous light behemoth has fallen, the whirlpool caused by it has just been brewing. This will be a major test of the objective situation for all countries."

Li Rana quickly handled the matter through the spiritual power network.

Wukong said at this time: "Master, I have fallen into a foreign realm over the years, where I accidentally found your idol, thinking that you came here after leaving our universe, so I used this as a clue to find yours. trace."

Li Ranna, who had just released the task, immediately looked over with surprise in her eyes.

She did not expect that after the supernatural soil of this universe disappeared, the sages actually went to the gap, and the great sage and the president had also visited the spiritual power universe. However, what happened to the statue of the president over there?

"" "On the way of my pursuit, I met three demigods who knew that I had refined a 'door', and they should have been one of the participants behind the backstage of the Western Regions and the Zhongyu Demon Rebellion.

"After killing the three of them, I was ostracized by a foreign land due to the use of super-limited power. If it weren't for the protection of the power you left, Master, I'm afraid I would never have a chance to come back."

Li Rana, who was next to her, became more and more alarmed.

The Great Sage rose in the demon chaos more than a thousand years ago. He not only led the members of the Sacred Shield at that time to defend human beings, but also pacified the evil creatures from other worlds. There are three demigods in the chaos behind the scenes.

This is the style of attacking the nine worlds and five foreign countries, sweeping all the enemies... Sure enough, the historical myth is not groundless.

Moreover, the power of the cosmos is so terrifying that even an existence like the Great Sage cannot resist, and can only rely on the power given by the president to protect himself.

Of course, this also reflects the powerful strength of the chairman from the side.

Because the guild leader is too low-key, no one knows the limits of the guild leader so far. Whether it is the senior members of the Holy Shield, or ordinary members, they often discuss the level of the guild leader on weekdays.

The strongest record of the president known to everyone before is to fight against the cosmic barrier and the bottom of the bottom, and to gain the upper hand, but it seems that there is one more thing that needs to be added: countering the power of cosmic exclusion.

Tang You looked at his eldest apprentice, his voice was calm: "I already know about you in the spiritual power universe.

Wukong was very stunned, he didn't expect the master to know about it: "You..."

Tang You's tone was as usual: "In order to observe the fusion of the universe, I crossed the barrier to reach the spiritual universe some time ago, and it was also at that time that I met the original demon clan and learned about you.

"As for the god statue... I was young and vigorous, I tried to counterattack the other world, and I saved a certain plane from the evil scourge of the silt bottom. It should be their own initiative.

Although he said it lightly, Li Rana was not so stupid that she really thought it was a normal thing. In an environment like the spiritual power universe, to be able to worship the savior as a god, what the president did at the beginning was definitely not simple.

When the three of them were talking about the past, Yan Guo was shocked by the news they had just received.

At the headquarters of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau, Song Chengan read the news distributed by his superiors, and sat in a chair for a long time, speechless, like a statue carefully carved by a famous artist.

He raised the pen and placed the paper, but the tip of the pen had been hanging for a long time, but it had never been able to make a mark.

"Disturbed. 99

Finally, Song Chengan whispered, put the pen on the pure A4 white paper, got up and walked to the window with his arms in his arms.

He closed his eyes little by little, and his faint voice drifted in the office: "This is... the rainstorm is coming...'

At the same time, the Bear Country Defense Bureau welcomed an unexpected people.

Director Nikita pushed open the door, saw the short-haired woman standing up with her back to her, and turned around slowly, revealing a face with a little freckles: "I am Ophelia Pansy, but you may be more familiar with my other name. —"

With a faint confidence in her brows, she read the words clearly:


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