On October 30 last year, Lu Tonglei's father, who was a security officer at Sanyang Port, died tragically in the disaster caused by the fish monster.

She originally studied at the Wujiaochang School of Secretarial Studies in the Magic Capital City, but has since abandoned literature and pursued science, and now she has come to MIT for further study with excellent grades. Seventy-four years ago, the father of the Yan Guo missile was a professor here.

Lu Tonglei was originally talented, and the hatred of her father's death completely stimulated her potential.

Not only did she finish all the courses in such a short time, but she also completed many scientific research tasks well, which was highly praised by her supervisor and hoped that she would continue to study.

Saurer and Lu Tonglei, who were about to become a couple at first, have now embarked on completely different paths.

"What happened?"

She rubbed her eyes, looked at the time on her phone, and thought of a lot of things that were waiting for her, she immediately woke up, hurriedly packed up the documents on the table, got up and walked out.

The library used to be bustling, but today it is particularly deserted, and footsteps echoed clearly in the corridors and corridors.

The more you go downstairs, the louder the noise becomes.

Lu Tonglei vaguely heard the words "Hide the truth and deceive the people", and she was full of doubts. What kind of scandal has been exposed in the United States and made the people rush into the campus in anger?

She walked through the door and happened to meet the uncle of the manager stepping out of the bathroom, only to see this healthy middle-aged man who used to laugh very much, now his face was so pale that it was terrifying, like a dead person after soaking.

The security guard didn't say hello, just pushed open the temporary house without saying a word, his limbs were as stiff as a corpse, and then closed the door with a "squeak", the sound was like some kind of powerless wailing.

Lu Tonglei continued to walk forward, and out of the corner of the eye, through the wide office window, he caught a glimpse of the electric "two nine three" brain screen inside, and the stock market data was full of dazzling red.

She vaguely understood something, and her mood sank a little.

In the United States, the prosperity of the stock market is beyond imagination. At its peak, it reached the level of national buying and selling and national discussion. Although the financial crisis in 2008 made many people go bankrupt, the stock market is still hot.

Lu Tonglei stepped out of the library, and the huge sound was like thunder, which made her head buzz.

His line of sight passed through the gap between the old red brick buildings, and he saw a dense crowd in a corner dismantling the trash can. Someone stepped on it, jumped in a frenzy, and smashed it into a shriveled piece of iron.


The sound of neat steps came, Lu Tonglei turned her head, and saw a group of National Guards lined up in a series, jogging from various passages. Helmets, hazmat suits, shields, batons...they carry full blast gear.

"Bah... Group A, Group B, you go around from behind to prevent that group of people from continuing to spread in the university. Group C and Group D will assist you from the side. Be careful to control the situation, and be sure to kick them out of the school!"

On the radio hanging on the chest of a certain junior officer, the words of the superior suddenly came out.

"Group a received.

"Group b received."

Two National Guards crossed Lu Tonglei, and the figures moving forward one after another blocked the sunlight, making the face of the girl holding a pile of documents flicker.

Although it is common for the so-called "free" and "democratic" U.S. to dispatch the army to suppress people's demonstrations, Lu Tonglei smelled something different.

The latter comes from the stock market that is in full swing, which is almost the most direct response of the people's psychology.

She knew that in any case, she could not go to the laboratory, so she turned back to the rental house outside the school, and after preparing to simply clean herself up, she continued to capture the inspiration in her mind and complete her thesis.

Lu Tonglei has faintly realized that the crystallization of his own thoughts may bring some kind of opportunity to the human technology tree, and he must complete it at any cost.

Relying on her familiarity with the campus, she bypassed the rioting crowd that was almost irrational, and saw that the perimeter had become a large mess, even the school gate had been demolished, and the flaming tires were randomly placed on the road.

There was a pungent odor in the air.

When Lu Tonglei walked out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and came to the streets of Boston, there was a strong wind blowing, and countless papers scattered on the ground that had been trampled and soiled were immediately rolled up, obscuring the entire field of vision, like a desolate scene. heavy snow.

The high-rise buildings on both sides that used to be very lively in the past seemed to be frozen a little bit in this paper snow, losing their fresh vitality.

However, in this apocalypse-like icy desolation, in the distance where the city is obscured, gunshots, sirens, and explosions are occasionally heard, and the collision of strongly contradictory elements brings a sense of absurdity.

She stood in this swirling paper, looking around in circles, the world seemed to be spinning.

"What the hell happened?

Lu Tonglei frowned, woke up and read this sentence for the second time, picked up the phone to read the news, and understood the reason for the situation, but found that the battery had run out because the application software was running all night.

"In the past, outside parades rarely affected major colleges and universities. Now that the parade members broke into the college, the school has become extraordinarily deserted, and the students on weekdays cannot be seen, indicating that the latter may also be involved.

"And compared to other places in the United States, Boston's public environment is definitely among the best. Even here looks like this. When I fell asleep, something incredible must have happened."

"You must go back quickly!"

While anxious, Lu Tonglei made up her mind, clung to the document she was holding tightly, buried her head a little, walked through the wind and the paper, and saw that the paper had data, text, bright official seals, and black signatures...

In the past, they represented contracts, levers, and wealth, but now, they are just scraps of paper fluttering in the air.

Soon, in the heavy snow of paper, a man with a briefcase walked towards him. He was tall and well-dressed in a trench coat. He thought he was a handsome and high-class person not long ago, but now he is as stiff as a walking corpse.

His complexion was as pale as that of the administrator, and his eyes were empty and unfocused.

Both missed.


The briefcase was caught by the fire hydrant and fell from his hand to the ground, but he didn't notice it.

Lu Tonglei subconsciously wanted to bend over to pick it up, but she stopped halfway with her hand, turned her head, and saw the man walking towards the distance in a daze, step by step, and vaguely seeing the traces of Lake Charles over there.

She stretched out the hand she wanted to take and squeezed it back a little bit.

Approaching the community where the rental house is located, Lu Tonglei found an ambulance parked under a certain building. Several police officers and doctors and nurses formed a circle. Black and purple blood flowed past their feet and merged into the sewer fence.

Through the gap in the crowd, I saw a fragmented corpse lying on the ground.

Looking at the building, Lu Tonglei saw that a certain layer of one-way glass had been broken, and a large amount of paper was still ejected from its flying scrolls, adding support to this bleak paper snow.

A certain person raised a stool in despair and smashed the glass, jumping down from nowhere, a small black shadow streaks an arc in mid-air, and finally sputtered like a watermelon with a "pop" sound...

Lu Tonglei, who had guessed the scene at that time, suddenly opened her eyes.

She returned to the house with a heavy heart, and found that her roommate was sitting restlessly in the living room, tapping on her cell phone from time to time. When she heard the door open, she quickly got up and approached:

"What are you going to do?"

"What should I do? I was going to ask you what happened? I was studying in the library late last night, fell asleep at the desk, woke up this morning with no power on my phone, and saw a mess everywhere. 55 Lu Tonglei hurriedly said.

As a result, the roommate told the five-nation joint statement 1510.

"The change of neon... Joint statement... The situation has become so serious?" Lu Tonglei was extremely shocked, and slowly walked to the sofa and sat down.

As a survivor of the Goat Harbor incident, she already knew the secrets of the supernatural and monsters, and signed a non-disclosure agreement afterwards, and determined to become a member of the scientific research department of Yan Guo's anti-exotic research department after the event, and use her own ability to remove those crumbs. .

But after all, he is just an ordinary person and cannot access more information. In his cognition, the state's special department and extraordinary monsters have always been in a certain balance, and these events are regarded as dark and unknown to the general public.

Lu Tonglei never imagined that the disaster at this level would turn into a neon so severe that the five Blue Star countries were forced to announce the extraordinary things to the public.

this means……

"The monster disaster is not what I imagined before, but the intensity is gradually increasing, and the threat it brings intensifies, until the five countries can't control it together."

"It's just an island of Neon, will it evolve into... a world war, a total war between humans and monsters?"

Lu Tonglei already understands why even places like Boston have become a scene of war and chaos, and why people choose to commit suicide one after another.

Although in a world dominated by science, the appearance of ghosts and ghosts makes people almost burst into three views, but scientific thinking occupies the mainstream, after all, it has only been one or two hundred years.

For a long time in the past, it has always been the world view that is dominated by mystery and mystery, so modern people with strong receptive ability can naturally find a fulcrum in history.

What really makes people panic on a large scale is war, a war that cannot be completely controlled by the five major countries, a war that transcends past cognition and may come to you at any time. . . .

Those elusive monsters have completely broken the boundaries of "safety" in the past.

For example, before this, if a person was a citizen of the watch country, because his country was permanently neutral and his economic status was unique, he basically did not need to worry about wars, except for diseases, crimes and accidents, he was safe.

But now, let alone a neutral country, even the people living in the United States, which has not been at war for 160 years, may encounter monsters at any time.

This group of Americans who once sucked the blood of the whole world and immersed themselves in old dreams for many years, was suddenly woken up by a slap and pulled into a cruel reality, which is why they are so exhausted.

Seeing that Lu Tonglei was lost in thought, the roommate next to him continued to check the latest information on his mobile phone.

However, in less than two minutes, the corners of her mouth suddenly twitched, as if she was smiling, but there was no smile on her face, only some kind of despair:

"When the living environment is no longer safe, people will spontaneously 'get out of the virtual' and pay more attention to food, energy, medicine, industry and other things and industries that can better protect their own safety."

“Like the last time the plague, many people were frantically rushing to stock up on their homes.35

"In such a situation, in the financial market where the bubble is deeper than water, countless people will lose everything overnight and become homeless on the street. Finance is like this, and no one can avoid it. But..."

She stared blankly at Lu Tonglei, her eyes full of hatred:

"But did you know? Those top rich families, relying on their unpredictable 'accurate judgment', urgently exchanged their assets on the eve of the joint statement. 35

"So, in this financial disaster that affected countless people, and a large number of people were destitute, a magical fact was born: not only did those top rich people suffer no losses, but their worth also ushered in an unprecedented surge.

"This is the world we live in..."

She clenched her fists and murmured as if absentmindedly: "So ridiculous."

Facing this American roommate, Lu Tonglei didn't know how to comfort him for a while. The current situation is indeed magical, but even more magical is the fact that it has happened more than once in history, whether in the East or the West.

"We originally lived in a magical world." Lu Tonglei said with a pun in the last sentence.

"Yes!" The roommate looked straight at her and gritted her teeth: "You will die when you encounter monsters, but you will be slumped to death if you are harvested for wealth, so for many people, they don't care about monsters and extraordinary things.

"Their core request is to get everything back, and this is the real reason why tens of millions of people in the United States are rioting today! 35

Speaking of this, her voice became a little sad, and her eyes were full of envy: "Seriously, now I really envy you, at least your country will not have such chaos, and..."

He came from a commoner class, but was able to get into MIT on his own merits. This roommate's IQ is obviously not low.

From the five-nation joint statement announced this morning by the Prime Minister of the State of Yan, and thinking about the intriguing leader in the unusual cooperation in the past, she can already see a lot of things.

"Furthermore, your motherland may have achieved a dominant position at the extraordinary level, and now Bluestar's discourse power and strength pattern have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Seeing her roommate's unpretentious look, Lu Tonglei felt a little abnormal, and couldn't help but feel a little proud.

In the past, the two lived under the same roof. Although her roommate had a good personality and was friendly with others, as an American who had been nurtured for more than 20 years, she was always inadvertently superior to Lu Tonglei from the Yan Kingdom.

But now, the situation has completely reversed.

But pride is pride. As someone who is good at thinking, Lu Tonglei subconsciously thinks about the reasons why her country can have an advantage. In the Shanyang Port incident, the three who defeated the monster flashed in his mind.

According to Yan Guo's inquiry and investigation of different departments, she had realized at that time that the two sides were definitely not the same group. The former is more mysterious and powerful, and the inquiries of different departments to them are all with the meaning of searching.

"So...is it because of them? That mysterious supernatural organization?

Lu Tonglei muttered to herself.

At this moment, the charging mobile phone beside him rang, and the caller appeared as Yan Guo...

ps: There are a lot of words in this chapter. I don't know if it will be blocked by the system because it touches too many sensitive words.

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