I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 337 The armor in the picture


On the table full of documents, the phone vibrated, Tang You glanced over and saw the same push message as Lu Tonglei, and his gaze was fixed on the words "Outline of Extraordinary Selection".

In the face of the changes in the Neon Kingdom, the five countries of the Blue Star chose to issue a joint statement, which was originally in his expectation.

The reason is simple.

Countries concealing the existence of supernatural and monsters from the public is a means, not an end, and the purpose is to maintain the orderly operation of society. In the past, because it was more beneficial to conceal, we chose to conceal, but now that disclosure is less costly, it is obvious that we should choose to disclose.

On the contrary, Yan Guo suddenly announced this notice, which really surprised him a little, because it was not in line with Yan Guo's previous style of making a fortune in silence.

As far as he knows, the remaining four countries have no similar plans.

Among them, Britain and the Xiong Kingdom have no extraordinary system, and they can't get it if they want to, while the United States and Gaul are scrambled by the power of the domestic frying pan, and there is really no such arrangement.

Turning the pen and thinking for a moment, Tang You probably realized why Yan Guo did this.

Seemingly diverse social problems, in fact, can be attributed to distribution and development. This is the real core. Whether it is a scientific road or a road where the two coexist, it is only an appearance.

Among them, distribution can solve fundamental problems, while development can cover up most problems.

When Western countries were almost in a mess because of supernaturalism, war, official concealment of the truth, and many problems of capital sucking people's blood, Yan Guo was just talking fiercely on the Internet, and there was not much reaction in reality, and it could even be called strange of calm.

Yes, although transcendence has become a hot topic among the people and affects every aspect of life, including housing prices, it is definitely "eerie calm" for the turbulence it should cause


There are three reasons:

First, the nation of Yan Kingdom is the nation with the strongest endurance, survivability and sympathy on the entire Blue Star.


The second is due to the official system of the Yan Kingdom itself. The fact that there is no magical reality like the financial market in the United States is the best proof. The rich and powerful have life to make a fortune in the country, but they absolutely have no life to spend.

The third is that the rich people of Blue Star countries are competing to invest in the Yan Kingdom. This huge injection of living money has caused the Yan Kingdom market not only to shrink without reason, but to grow to a certain extent.

The third is the "development cover-up problem".

In the shock caused by the extraordinary, Yan Guo is not without problems. There are also a large number of enterprises going bankrupt, countless people can't find their way in the confusion, and groups of people have concealed the truth and deceived the public before accusing the government on the Internet.

However, the three reasons above mask it all.

However, the hidden problems will not disappear, but will only become hidden dangers, which will explode together when the organization is weak.

People often get colds not because of bacterial infection, but because of unhealthy work and rest, which leads to a decline in immunity; the country's camel is not down because of the last straw.

Therefore, Yan Guo must put the extraordinary power on the table at present, set strict and fair distribution regulations, and destroy the undercurrent under the water with a real punch.

The fact is exactly as Tang You thought.

The conversation between the two girls that Lu Tonglei heard at the airport is a clear example.

It's not that the people of the Yan Kingdom don't care about extraordinary power, but they feel that hope is so hopeless that they choose to see it out of sight. It is the same reason that the low-desire society is not voluntary by young people, but forced by the social environment.

Many people usually say that they don't want to fall in love and don't want to get married. It's good to be alone and play their own games all their lives, but in fact, they all hope that the house price will drop, and they can meet people with similar interests to stay together until old age.

At this moment, the mysterious "Relevant Ministry" suddenly announced the "Outline of Extraordinary Selection", which undoubtedly attracted the attention of all walks of life, and also hit the hearts of every citizen like a booster.

Tang You sat in a chair and stared out the window for a moment, then suddenly opened the screen, the content of this message was very brief:

"At 6:00 pm on February 25, 2021, Yanjing time, any mainstream platform will access the live broadcast on time. After the live broadcast, the relevant departments will simultaneously release the "Outline of Extraordinary Selection" to Chinese people around the world. 55

The official style of the Yan Kingdom has always been that the shorter the content, the bigger the event, and this notice has a total of 63 words.

"This time is today, and the reaction to such a big event is so fast. Obviously, it is not a temporary preparation. It seems that Yan Guo has already made a plan for the situation that the truth cannot be concealed because of an accident."5

Tang You is enlightened.

At this time, the laughter of "Goose Goose Goose" came from far to near, and the shadow of a girl reflected on the door and trotted past. Soon, two beasts, one fat and one thin, flashed by.

It was Oria and Tianlu who warded off evil spirits.

Tang You couldn't help laughing, listening to the frolic of one man and two beasts getting farther away.

There was still a moment of peace in the headquarters of the Holy Shield, but the outside world was already frying again. Just one day before the joint statement, Yan Guo made a big news like a surprise attack on his own.

Extraordinary Selection Outline?

This is a very straightforward name, and ordinary people know what the main content is when they hear it. Therefore, not only people from the Yan Kingdom from all over Blue Star, but also people from other countries who got the news couldn't wait to find a live broadcast channel.

Therefore, some unofficial people have opened a column on the Internet to broadcast the live broadcast in China to the platform of the Internet.

Ordinary people are still like this, not to mention the official people of various countries. Therefore, no matter at home or abroad, the eyes of countless people are focused on the Yan Kingdom.

At the same time, Yanjing, the capital of the Yan Kingdom, is the headquarters of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau.


A strong hand pressed the handle and pushed open the door. As the door opened, the anti-abnormal assault squads, who were wearing black combat uniforms and sitting upright on either side, caught the eyes of those who came.


The two linemen stood up neatly and saluted the people who came.

Black combat boots stepped on the smooth ground, Zheng Wenjun was wearing modern antique clothes and trousers, raised his hand in return: "Sit down. After talking, he walked through them, and turned around when he came to the tactical demonstration whiteboard:

"The preliminary situation, I believe your immediate captain has already told you.

"Don't have any psychological burden, this is a formal combat mission, but the image transmission in the past was returned to the command center, and this time it has to be transferred to major video platforms."

Looking at the players whose eyes were not squinting, but whose eyes were a little different from normal, Zheng Wenjun continued: "You are all old players, I believe your hard training will not be in vain. 99

"This time, not only you will go, the life seed practitioners will also be ambushed around to ensure that the mission can be perfectly successful, so don't have too much psychological pressure.

After speaking, Zheng Wenjun turned on the electronic screen, pointed to the content on it, and explained the task to everyone in person.

Although Yan Guo had a plan, the target of the battle was temporarily selected. Although everyone knew that this was a performance, it did not mean that there was no danger. After all, everything was real.

The country needs to convey certain information intuitively to the people and other countries through this live broadcast.

The Anomaly Investigation Bureau is under great pressure because they understand that Blue Star billions of people have already set their sights on their next actions.

Five thirty in the afternoon.

There is still half an hour before the official announcement of the live broadcast, but the traffic of the major live broadcast platforms has soared. Just the 2233 stations that young people love, the number of viewers has reached more than 70 million.

You must know that the daily active users of the platform have just broken the figure of 60 million.

At such moments, Tang You chose to change his appearance and come to the city. The sky has not yet dimmed, but the city has become a little dim due to the shading of the buildings.

Walking on the street, he saw whether it was a passenger in a traffic jam or a passerby in a hurry.

Everyone logged in early to avoid being squeezed in later.

Tang You walked towards the target, the street lights gradually turned on, the vegetation on the roadside reflected the faint light, the earth seemed to become a starry sky, and he was walking in this starry sky.

Cars drove by, people walked away from him one after another, and countless words gathered in his ears:

The taxi driver said to the passenger: ""Brother, I can't watch the live broadcast while I'm driving, so you can turn up the volume later so that I can listen too?

Passersby are full of surprises: "I'm going, I forgot that the traffic has bottomed out this month, let's go back quickly and use the dormitory wifi.

Tang You walked outside a specially decorated teahouse, seemed to notice something, suddenly stopped, looked up at the window on the second floor, then turned around and went upstairs from the entrance.

The further up you go, the clearer the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

In ancient times, most of the teahouses sold tea and wine, which was originally a bustling place where the three religions and nine styles gathered. In order to be elegant, modern people have made it a place called "quiet and stylish".

But today, it seems to have unexpectedly returned to its original function.

When Tang You got to the second floor, he found that the place was full of people, and he saw two young people sitting by the window at a glance.

The temperature outside in Jiangcheng is not low now, and this place with a lot of people makes people who wear thin clothes feel a little hot and stuffy, but one of them is wrapped in a thick down jacket.

He frowned slightly and walked straight over, only to find that his complexion was even a little blue, as if he was seriously ill.

"Hello, may I sit here?" Tang You asked in harmony.

The two who were staring at the phone chatting looked up in amazement. Seeing that the visitor's face was white and gentle, and the tone of voice just now, he should be a polite person.

Then, they looked around again and found that other places were indeed full, and nodded kindly: "You can sit as you like."

"Thank you." Tang You thanked and took a seat. Seeing that everyone around was holding their mobile phones waiting for the live broadcast, he did not make himself too conspicuous, and picked up the mobile phone to open the live broadcast interface.

At this very moment, the minute hand of the wall clock just pointed to 12.

With the slight engine sound, a picture appeared on the dark screen, and the camera shook slightly, and the two rows of leg armor with a sci-fi feeling came into everyone's eyes...

"The live broadcast has begun!

The two young people at the same table shouted in surprise.

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