"Ahai, you are..."

The excited young man looked at his companion, puzzled and worried.

His friend was wrapped in a big down jacket abnormally, of course he noticed it long ago, but the latter told him that he was ill, and good brothers are not too hypocritical, they are adults, just ask a question.

But seeing that his face was not quite right at the moment, he couldn't help but ask again.

The man in the down jacket seemed to have been full of words and wanted to talk to someone, but just now everyone was immersed in the live broadcast, the atmosphere was highly cohesive, and he was not easy to speak, and now he finally found an opportunity.

He looked around, and even though there was a stranger sitting across from him, he couldn't care about it at the moment, he just lowered his head and voice as much as possible: "Remember? I'm from Jingchu, and the place in the live broadcast just now is at my house. nearby."

The young man next to him was stunned for a moment, and then he realized something, and said in a very stunned manner: "You mean...you are not sick now? It is..."

"I don't know either. The young man in the down jacket quickly shook his head: "I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor also gave a clear cause of the disease, prescribed some medicines, and it did work, and now it's much better. ""

The friend frowned when he heard this: "If that's the case, it must be really sick, right?"

"Don't scare yourself, although it's a coincidence, but you only live nearby, there are so many people like you, how could you be recruited inexplicably."

"No!" The young man in the down jacket looked quite difficult.

"Looking back carefully now, I went to that building the night before I got sick, because my ID card wallet was lost, and the residents in the neighborhood posted lost and found in the community WeChat group.

"22 was nothing at first, but when I went downstairs later, there was a cold wind blowing in the corridor, as if someone touched my neck, which made me shiver, so I quickly went home."

"But when I recall it, the wind was very wrong. At that time, when I looked out, the leaves in the community didn't move, but the wind was blowing in the corridor, but I didn't pay attention to these details at that time."

Normal young people are a little hairy.

He seemed to want to pick up the tea on the table, but he stopped when he stretched out his hand, pulled it back little by little, and stared at the man in the down jacket for a moment of silence: "Where are the evil spirits, and what you said... Next? Ask them if they can show it."

"But I don't have the contact information of the relevant departments at all. What is it called... Anomaly Investigation Bureau, yes, the name was officially announced today, where can I find them?" The young man in the down jacket was very flustered.

"Go to the police station to report the case! We can't get in touch, but we can definitely find it inside the official. This is a matter of life, so it is reasonable to go to the police station. Friends give him advice.

In the hearts of the people of the Yan Kingdom, the difficulty in finding the police has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the teahouse, people were crowded together, some people had already ordered a glass of wine, and they talked about their thoughts on the official live broadcast just now.

Some people have even compared this live broadcast with the live broadcast of the Gulf War in the United States in 1991, thinking that it is also a show of force against the world, and because it is a fight against monsters, it is morally higher.

In the midst of this hustle and bustle, the young man in the down jacket was a little moved and hesitant:

"Would it be too easy for us to think about it? If everyone went to the Bureau of Investigation, wouldn't they be in a mess. Besides, after all, those are just my guesses, if there is an oolong..."

It is said that Neon people do not want to trouble others, but in fact the same is true of Yan people.

The friend patted his head and said helplessly: "My brother, if you are really contaminated with evil, then you are already in danger, so you can take care of so much."

Saying that, he grabbed the young man in the down jacket and dragged him away: "I will accompany you to the police station to report the case. I don't know, but I don't want to drag you if I know it. To death." 5

At this moment, a certain hand pushed a cup of hot tea on the table: "Have a cup of tea.

This sudden action and words made the two of them stunned. They slowly looked up and saw the stranger sitting at the opposite table, who was smiling peacefully at him and others at the moment.

I was talking to my friend, and I was about to get up and leave, but someone I didn't know suddenly asked me to have a cup of tea, which was originally a very inexplicable and unexpected move.

But for some reason, when the two saw this person, they suddenly felt that it seemed that it should have developed like this, and everything was extremely natural and harmonious.

The young man in the down jacket glanced at his friend, picked up the tea hesitantly, then looked at Tang You opposite, and finally drank this cup of hot tea, he seemed to be able to clearly perceive the warmth flowing into his stomach.

So, Tang You stood up, nodded slightly to say goodbye, and then turned to leave.

The two watched as he walked over the table with customers in a hurry, passed the clerk who was discussing heatedly at the counter, raised his hand and opened the antique curtain in front of the door and walked out. When the curtain fell again, his back completely disappeared from sight.

They finally recovered from a trance.

The friend turned his head and said doubtfully, "He asked you to drink and you drink?"

And the young man in the down jacket is also confused: "I don't know what's going on.

After I finished speaking, I felt that the teahouse was not big, but there were a lot of people. In addition to the heated discussions, it was so sultry that I could not breathe.

It's like a weight-training person who suddenly threw away the iron blocks all over his body at a certain moment; an athlete who has been in the water for a long time suddenly broke the surface of the water and inhaled the long-lost fresh air.

Then, he saw his buddy's shocked face: "Ah Hai, your face..."

"What's wrong with my face? Wait!" At this moment, the young man in the down jacket was shocked. He didn't feel cold all over, but felt that the teahouse was extremely hot.

The two of them looked at each other suddenly and in shock, and said in unison, "It's the person just now!"

As soon as the words fell, they hurriedly opened the curtain and rushed out. They didn't even care about the greeting from the clerk. They went downstairs with a "dong dong dong" and looked left and right, but the street under the bright lights still had half of the strangers before. trace.

The regret on both faces was almost beyond words.

At this time, they still didn't know that the two of them had met an expert who was hidden in the world like they did in the TV series.

The hateful thing is that not only did he fail to react at the time, he tried to keep this expert, and he didn't even say thank you, so he just stood there stupidly.

The young man known as "A Hai" who had been infected by evil forces before sighed: "Alas... it's a shame that we still talk about the extraordinary all day, and we saw the righteous master, but we don't know Mount Tai!"

He and his friends returned to the restaurant in frustration, went to the counter to pay and left, but were told to pay for three people.

"Isn't the person who sat with you just now, but left first, your friend? The salesman is a little puzzled.

Ah Hai was stunned for a moment, then understood something, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I pay for his tea.

The bright face is so, but the heart sighs again.

Just a cup of inconspicuous hot tea relieved his troubles. How could such a master of magic not be able to pay for the tea, or forget to pay, this clearly shows that the two are clear, and let himself not pursue it.

At this moment, Ah Hai's mood is complicated, but Tang You is already smiling, stepping on the city of Guanghai, passing by the endless stream of people, ordinary and ordinary like an inconspicuous ghost, walking towards the headquarters step by step.

The young man just now went to the police station, and there is a high probability that the evil energy can be washed away through the local investigation bureau, but he still chose to do it himself.

After all, evil forces are eroding people's souls all the time, and it takes quite a while to go through the official process. The longer it drags on, the more serious the damage to the soul will be. For ordinary people, damage to the soul means premature death.

Since it has already been encountered, why not restore the fate that is about to be unfortunate.

Moreover, Ah Hai's experience has also given him some inspiration. In the past, both the Holy Shield organization and the various departments of various countries have always taken the initiative to fight monsters, and seldom passively accepted the people's requests for help.

That's why there is the incident of the black marsh baby-faced spider of Fan Kejian's family in Xiangjiang, and the current A Hai's helplessness.

"However, such a special mechanism can only be established by a secular country, and cannot allow the Holy Shield of the hidden organization to come forward. 35 Tang You thought and slowly merged into the vast crowd.

The darker the night, the brighter the lights.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the official Yan Guo conveniently released a large amount of monster information through the website announced in advance.

In this website, each monster has a separate page with detailed text information and pictures, and the appearance of different levels is different, and there are also accurate descriptions.

More importantly, each page of information has a standard "threat level" and spiritual power level.

The latter does not need to be explained, and the so-called threat level is actually a comprehensive manifestation of the monster's ability and willingness to harm human society.

The spiritual power level provided by the Holy Shield to various countries is not only a way to describe the nature of spiritual power creatures, but also positively related to the combat power value, but it does not reflect the direct threat of monsters, but only reflects the threat potential.

For example, if a monster is very strong, but has a very Buddhist character and is friendly to humans, even though he has a high level of spiritual power, it is not a strong threat to human society.

Or some monsters, even if the spiritual power is not high, but they have a strong hostility to humans, so the threat is obviously not low.

Therefore, according to his own experience, Yan Guo made a detailed threat classification for the alien monsters he had come into contact with, thus forming the current threat level system.

When the two levels are marked at the same time, the monster information becomes more practical.

Yan Guo has also formulated a standard that no country can refuse. Although it is only a piece of information, in today's environment, its practical value far exceeds that of nuclear weapons.

Everything, more and more reflects that the Yan Kingdom is well prepared.

When Tang You took Wukong out of the headquarters the next day, and set foot on the land of the Flame Kingdom after a thousand years, he discovered more extensive and profound changes...

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