I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 346 The streamer in the spotlight


Bruce locked his eyes on the screen and took half a step unconsciously in shock.

The other two members couldn't help but look at each other, both of them were a little astonished. Although they didn't know who the "Mary" the senior was talking about, it must be someone he cared about a lot, otherwise they wouldn't be so rude.

In the picture, many headshot corpses lay silently on the ground, and some people, whose faces were covered in blood by gun butts, also shrank and hid in the crowd.

Bruce's hand clenched a little bit, watching his sweetheart in danger, he was so anxious at the moment that he wanted to fly over and rescue him immediately.

However, he also deeply understands the organizational system. He is the person in charge of the Aegis Arizona second-level station. To supervise and assist in the defense of monster attacks in the entire state, he must not leave his post without permission.

The arrival of monsters is random, and no one knows when it will appear. Once he is not there, but there are monsters attacking the people, then Bruce is to blame.

But, is there nothing I can do to just watch Mary trapped in prison like this?

The members of Aegis were meant to fight for all mankind and sacrificed for their lofty beliefs, but they are not holy spirits, but living people, and they also hope that those they love and who love them can be safe and sound.

This is the true and pure Aegis warrior.

"I remember that our defense zone system allows temporary replacement of members in different quarters under the same branch in order to flexibly respond to monster attacks. So, sir, you should be able to make a request to the person in charge of Apple City. 39

One of them had an idea.

"No, there is still the most important question." The remaining person added: "This can only be aimed at monster attacks, and 22 cannot interfere in the internal struggle of mankind, otherwise it will disturb the relatively stable secular order.

The new members knew this, and Bruce, as their predecessor, clearly knew the terms better and understood their significance.

However, that's where his pain lies.

At this moment, the organization's spiritual power network suddenly updated the information, and the person who finally spoke swept over subconsciously, his face suddenly changed: "The latest public news uploaded by the colleagues over there in Apple City, Wall Street has abnormal spiritual power fluctuations. 99

He turned his gaze to the TV screen, and saw Clifford, who was wearing a long black trench coat and a black sombrero, walking to the camera step by step, opening the suitcase, revealing white cubic crystals.

Holding the crystal in his hand, Clifford pulled out a wicked smile: "This is my gift to everyone."

The other person stared at the live broadcast and said almost word for word: "This is not a purely human internal struggle, there is an extraordinary intervention from another world."

Then, both of them looked at Bruce together...

the other side.

Manhattan, the smallest district of Apple City, is known as the economic and cultural center of the entire United States. It is also the most concentrated area of ​​skyscrapers in the world, bringing together the headquarters of most of the Fortune 500 companies.

In addition, the headquarters of the Blue Star United Nations is also located here.

At this time, on Wall Street, outside the Apple City Stock Exchange, the police force was in full force. Compared with before, the number of police officers at this moment had doubled.

Because after the news of "Long Live the Occupy Wall Street Parade" spread, many people who were about to lose their minds gathered to attack this side.

If it hadn't been for emergency reinforcements, the place would have been full of people running up to the roof to cheer.

The long guns and short cannons of the media in the distance have not withdrawn, and the commander on the scene saw Clifford take out the white cubic crystal through the tablet, and his heart was a little disturbed.

Because... this doesn't look like an ordinary thing.

Just then, the phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw that it was the call from his immediate boss, and quickly put it to his ear, but after just a moment, his face became extremely grim.

"Everyone listen up!

The commander shouted anxiously: "Immediately expand the cordon and pull out one kilometer with the exchange as the center! Evacuate all the people within this range!"

Since the exchange is located at the southern end of Manhattan, with a radius of one kilometer at the center, it has even included Apple City Hall. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand the seriousness of this directive.

"What the hell happened?"

This is the common doubt in everyone's mind.

Over there, the police officers who received instructions from their superiors immediately started to disperse the gathered reporters.

The commander stood on the road and looked up at the sky. Wall Street is not narrow, but because of the densely packed high-rise buildings on both sides, it is like an impermeable prison iron wall, so it is particularly cramped, which makes people feel like they are breathless.

Just now, the boss conveyed the news of the ninth district to him, and the latter thought that these gangsters were probably not simple, and might be hiding extraordinary powers from other worlds.

And this commander, as a high-level officer of the Apple City Police Department, had already dealt with the monster incident long before the joint statement was released, and he knew the destructive power of those guys.

Even if you want to consider the follow-up dumping, you have to go back alive!

The members of the news media were reluctant to leave, and the police officers pushed wildly, and the two sides became a mess for a while.

"We are journalists, we have the right to press freedom, even if this area is to be blocked, we should tell us why, otherwise we will never leave!

Someone raised their hands and shouted, and the rest responded:

"The police can't drive us away for no reason, we have the right to be a regular journalist!

"Yes! We need the truth, the people need the truth!

At this moment, the facts gave them the answer. Outside the stock exchange, a square-like white light spot suddenly appeared, like a mosaic that was extremely sparse and not yet linked to each other.

The reporters and police officers who were in the physical conflict stopped a little bit, watching this magical scene appear in reality in shock and amazement.

The equipment that is still turned on will faithfully record the situation on the spot and spread it to thousands of households through the network.

Many people who didn't go to the parade and stayed at home honestly have just watched the live broadcast of the Golden Gate Bridge, and their thoughts are still immersed in the blockbuster picture:

The Indian-faced Lucas waved his jade scepter and controlled many cars to fly and smash the ferocious monsters. The explosion of fire was endless, and the broken steel wreckage flew out of the bridge and fell into the densely wrinkled sea.

It didn't take long for the live broadcast of a group of gunmen who occupied the exchange to suddenly become popular. The middle-aged man who laughed so hard took out the strange crystal, and a new push appeared on his mobile phone.

Extending his fingers, the stock exchange covered with a layer of "sparse mosaic" has caught the eyes of the public impressively.

After this series of events, even these "silent majority" feel that the United States has become a mess.


In an ordinary American family, the young daughter slipped into her father's arms, her eyes full of confusion: "What the hell is going on in this world?"

When people are watching a movie, they may have fantasized about becoming an extraordinary person and calling for wind and rain, but when such a powerful force really comes to reality and will attack them without warning, I am afraid no one is not afraid.

The male protagonist is a little fat, and he is a typical American farm with a red neck. Hearing this, he pursed his lips, glanced at his wife on the left, and opened his hands to hug both of them tightly into his arms.

"It'll be fine."

He patted the two of them lightly and said comforting words that he didn't have the confidence to.

On the screen, Clifford respectfully held the white crystal cube, with an extremely respectful face, as if looking up at his own god: "The light of order will save our suffering world."

Under the gloomy sky, the scene of walking alone through the street replayed in his mind like a revolving lantern:

The wreckage of the car was ablaze, and the blood on the road was nearly dry.

The bank clerks on the side of the road are checking the mortgaged properties, while the homeless man who has gone bankrupt overnight is sitting in the alleyway that never sees light, looking up at the sky with dull eyes, as if trying to find a ray of light.

However, everything was so dim that the eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of black glass.

"Look when the environment you are familiar with has turned into hell, look at what those blood-sucking worms do, and see how incompetent officials are accomplices and fools of the public!"

"We work hard and invent our brains, but the end result is only the same salary for decades, while the rich and powerful have more and more luxury cars and yachts, and even a few warehouses and ports can't fit them. !"5

"I thought that it would be good to be indifferent, at least they can still live normally. But these twisted maggots, even our last way of survival, will kill us all while taking advantage of the financial turmoil!

"However, they hold the economic lifeline and the violent organs. No matter how angry or struggling we are, they will bounce off us with their fingertips like ants, and then show a contemptuous smile.

"We are powerless to change everything, but... our Lord, our savior is here!"

Clifford held the white crystal cube high above his head and stared at the camera: "This world is hopeless, we have to completely break down this rotten house and build a brand new 310 home."

"It would be a society without classes, without oppression, where everyone is truly equal.

"All people will enjoy the fruits of their labor without being exploited, all people will be free to choose their occupation without being forced, all people will not be discriminated against regardless of whether they are healthy or not, and will eventually find a lifelong partner. ."

"all of these……"

Clifford smiled again, the eerie still existed, but inexplicably a little more holy, which made him even more indescribable.

However, everything he said was so tempting, in such a turbulent environment in the United States, it was like a depth bomb detonated.

Whether it was the reporters on the scene, or every viewer watching the live broadcast, they were silent without saying a word at this moment, listening to his words echoing in their ears.

"All this is required to believe in my lord, and let the true god of absolute order envelope you and me."

As the last sentence fell, the white crystal square held by Clifford Gao shimmered, and more white light spots appeared, filling the vacancy in the "sparse mosaic" little by little.

A light curtain covering the building is gradually taking shape.

At this time, high above Manhattan.

Bruce kicked off the flying dragon, broke through the clouds, and fell to the ground. The wind blew across his earlobes, and his hair was dancing frantically. The city by the sea is getting closer and clearer.

A stream of light gradually caught up with him and enveloped him.

That is the transformation of the flying dragon partner.

In the next second, several streamers of different distances broke through the clouds one after another, appeared behind him, and followed him toward the ground.


Whether it was the marching crowd, the reporters recording the news, or the evacuated staff, they all looked up.

Further south, in New Jersey, girls drinking coffee on balconies, gangsters gathering graffiti in the alleys, or uncles watering the lawn in the courtyard are gradually attracted by the flickering brilliance.

In the sky far away, a streamer like a meteorite broke through the clouds, and the line of sight fell "slowly" like an illusion, passing over the bleak background, and finally being obscured by buildings and mountains, and could never be seen again.

But for the people near the stock exchange, they were horrified to see that the "meteorites" were getting bigger and bigger in their field of vision...

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