I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 350 Waiting for fate to come

Memories overlapped with reality. Clifford smiled and looked ahead, only to see a beam of brilliance slanting through the big hole, which formed the Tyndall effect in the dusty dust, showing a clear outline.

And the figure dressed in black burly armor stands in the middle of the bright light by coincidence.

His smile grew brighter, and sticking out his index finger seemed to touch the ray of light, but he stopped abruptly when he reached the boundary, and finally the index finger squeezed into a fist and retracted little by little.

"Mr. Hero, everything in this world has a price, and the more people at the bottom, the more they understand this truth.

Clifford went around Kevin's side, approaching the high wall step by step, looking up at the irregular breach, his figure became more and more lonely and dark against the brilliance.

"When they choose a cheaper rent, it means that they spend more time on the road every day, and their lives are always full of compromise and helplessness."

"It's not just them, this fucking world is like this, we can only choose the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the greater benefit.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had returned to the hospital he had been in for a lifetime, listening to the patient's whistling, listening to the patient's whisper, listening to the patient's crying, listening to the patient's laughter...

The pen swiped quickly, and there was a dull sound. Those cold and ruthless characters on the record book were the last joys and sorrows of the disintegrated mind.

"Three One Zero" Clifford is like Chekov's "man in a cover", but he is also the last witness of these people. They are like a group of abandoned sick animals, in that humble high-rise building, Form a secluded paradise.

The wind blew the curtains, and the shimmering light illuminated the letters on the paper, as well as the bridge of his tall nose.

"Look at the displaced people, then look at the well-dressed upper class; walk into those shabby slums and you're looking back at the sprawling luxury villas on the hill.

Clifford turned around and stared at Kevin, his voice getting louder and louder:

"Countless people go out early every day and come back late, but they can only earn a little salary on Weibo. The first thing they do when they wake up is to compete for time with the relentless and crowded subway. The last thing they do before going to bed is to put The rest of the work is done today."

Speaking of which, he almost roared in his sigh:

"But even so, the world is going to kick them back and say: It's because you didn't work hard enough, so you're doomed to be exploited, doomed to be eliminated!

"Even living is not easy, but when you finally find a place to stand, those cannibals will tear it down and tell you that your so-called life and mission are just a joke on horseback. !35

"A shit!"

"Yes, I hate this world, I came with the rage of revenge from countless people, but you tell me, why don't you tear it to shreds in such a sinful world!

A strand of hair hanging down from the cap swayed with it, passing over the eyes that had become extremely fierce, his chest was turbulent, and the surrounding needles could be heard.

But just a moment later, the corners of Clifford's mouth twitched again, his smile opened a little bit, and his voice returned to calm, giving people a strong contrast:

"On the mission of riding a horse, I don't want to be a good person, I just want to be myself, smash this hopeless society and create a brand new world."

Kevin also stared silently at Clifford.

As a former U.S. Army soldier who once went to the Middle East to redeem his sins, how could he not understand that this society is already in a terrible state, all Blue Stars are like this, and the U.S. is only the most prominent representative.

A long time ago, Kevin had already expressed his doubts to President Tang You:

"The Holy Shield is fully capable of transforming the entire human society and making this world a better place, but why does it insist on not interfering in the change of power within human beings?

Still remember that day, the two stood on the riverside and looked out, and saw the cargo ship whistling whistling swimming across the water, and the scattered buildings on the other side were hidden in the lush green vegetation.

The breeze blew through the long hair.

The ancient sage's Taoist gaze seemed to penetrate the barriers of time and space, and he saw the reproduction and replacement of human beings on this entire land over the long years, and his voice was erratic and peaceful:

"The transcendent is inherently more unfair. Ideally, different innate aptitudes basically determine the speed of human cultivation and the level of the upper limit. The inevitable result is that transcendent is only mastered by a few people. 35

"You and I are part of this minority.

At that time, Tang You glanced at Kevin, and then looked at the mighty river: "All social problems, in the final analysis, are human productivity problems, ideological problems, and distribution problems.

"If we don't solve these fundamentals, even if we are to transform society, it is essentially just a change of rulers. Some superficial phenomena can be dealt with, but new ones will always emerge."

"And I think that when the superhuman system of human beings is not widespread to a certain extent, the supernatural meddling in human power, the situation may become worse.

"No matter what the ideology of today's systems, no matter how decadent they are, the cornerstone is always the ordinary people, and the death of the people means the death of the upper classes. There is a relationship of checks and balances between the two."

"This also means that even at the end, when the common people enter the most desperate moment, they can still make a desperate choice to overturn the table and create a new world.

"But in the extraordinary system, great power belongs to itself, and does not rely on society and the people. The latter cannot check and balance the former."

"Furthermore, due to its own nature, extraordinary power is naturally monopolized and concentrated, which will give people no chance to even lift the table."

Tang You said, and walked towards the river bank, the wind blowing his jacket.

Kevin definitely saw the president's back getting smaller and smaller, but his words echoed around him:

"I have set foot in a foreign land, and under the extraordinary rule and dominance, the society can even be solidified for thousands of years, and the smell of decay is everywhere in the air.

"That . . . is the best proof. 35

"The promotion of civilization really depends on the accumulation of ideological sparks, rather than a group that masters powerful violence. Only when the explosives of consciousness are piled up to a certain level, and the firewood for change is extremely high, and these points of strong transformation can detonate new ones. World.35

"Otherwise, everything is nothing but a mirror.

Kevin, as an adult, a smart person, of course has his own judgment.

He could vaguely realize that what the president pointed out was the essence, and although Clifford didn't know what happened, he was just an avenger after all.

The latter does not care whether he will make mistakes in judgment, nor does he care if his actions will lead mankind to the abyss of eternal doom.

He reached back and took off the giant axe on his back: "Under the appropriate level, extraordinary interference with human beings will only lead to despair in the future. What's more, the power you use will also parasitize the human body and control the minds of the people.

Clifford shook his head and gradually closed his eyes: "In the end, we're going to fight like savages."

The moment he opened his eyes—


It suddenly turned into a naked man, and charged with the might of thunder, and Kevin was not surprised, and slashed out with an axe...

The people on both sides only heard the muffled sound of "bang", the former flew upside down and smashed through the wall, and the burly black armored warrior also flickered after, and finally disappeared from their field of vision.

In the eyes of outsiders, a dark white brilliance suddenly burst out from the thick smoke and water vapor in the center of the ruins, followed by a jet-black streamer.

With a thrilling air-splitting sound, the two broke through the dark clouds in the blink of an eye, and they both disappeared for half a sound, and the follow-up air waves they brought up pushed the dark clouds through the giant depressions.

More and more people stopped, panting to look up at the sky, but the dark clouds covered everything.

Even though they were not in the exchange just now and didn't know what happened, everyone who was still in Manhattan vaguely realized that the battle to decide their own destiny... had begun!


The high-pitched dragon roar suddenly sounded again.

In the next second, a strong light exploded behind the clouds, illuminating a corner of the dark clouds incomparably transparent, and after a full tens of seconds, a strange "呲呲" sound came from a distance.

An altitude of more than 10,000 meters from the ground.

Clifford, who was wearing a dark and white light, suddenly jumped out from behind, grabbed the giant shield that Kevin was carrying, and threw it up sharply. The power of terror caused the latter to soar to Mach 20 in an instant, shrinking to a black spot in an instant.

Kevin saw that in the high-speed movement, everything was going backwards quickly. Usually it was like invisible air, but now it was as hard as a giant steel wall.

In the field of vision, the blue star land gradually showed an arc, and the North Magnesia Continent had already exposed a corner. And a group of light that was bigger than the rocket was slamming into it from the bottom.

The great axe reflected a shimmer of light.


When the two were connected, a huge brilliance exploded, and the terrifying air wave that shattered everything spread in all directions, and Kevin and Clifford were also rolling backwards in this near-space environment.

The field of vision revolved, and the blurry blue light on the edge of the earth flashed cyclically.

In just a moment, the two were bombed more than 20 kilometers away. Kevin hurriedly stabilized his body, detonated the spiritual power in his body with all his strength, and pushed his body to recoil back.

Just like a meteorite falling, the two flying at high speed rubbed against the atmosphere, and the surrounding 3.5 raged flames.


Another group of brilliance exploded.

But this time, the two were fighting at close range.

"Why resist the New World!" Clifford grabbed Kevin's neck and snarled hissingly while attacking with a frantic headbutt.

"Because that is fundamentally wrong, you are just a captive breeding for humans!" Kevin's voice was muffled, and he bluntly hit back with a headbutt, which was directly smashed into Blue Star.

Clifford fell like a meteorite from the sky, but the voice of the mind level was still coming: "Look, look, people like you, who are high above the ground, will always only negate others arrogantly.

"We only met for the first time, and you subjectively concluded that I was on top, you were crazy, and you couldn't listen to anything different! Talking too much is useless!"

Not only the people of Apple City who suffered disasters, but even people hundreds of kilometers away could see the flashing lights in the sky, and the explosions like thunder also rolled through like ripples, shaking people's hands and feet. tingling.

In the ruined Manhattan, under the gray light, the gray-faced people held each other's hands and tightened their grip, while their eyes were fixed on the sky.

Under the shining light, people are waiting for the final result, waiting for the coming of fate...

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