I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 355 Toast at this moment

When the lanterns first came on, the "mountain city" of Jiangcheng showed its magnificent and splendid side.

The ancient Langshui flows leisurely, the cargo ships in the river are endless day and night, the whistle is torn apart by the howling wind, and the rainbow-like Qiansimen Bridge jumps out of the darkness, reflecting a blurred light band on the wrinkled river. .

On the east side of the bridge, on the bank of the rolling river, under the orange light, the scattered vermilion stilted buildings seem to have come from ancient times, and it is like the soup house in the movie "Spirited Away" has become a reality.

Big red lanterns hang high at the eaves, and across the veranda surrounding the house of a small building, in the house, the mandarin duck soup pot with distinct red and white colors is boiling.

With the rising steam, the spicy taste spread to the nose of everyone present.

Beside the large brown solid wood round table, Mary, who has always been generous and restrained, quietly moved her hand under the table, and grabbed the other slightly rough hand.

Bruce turned his head and looked over, showing her an encouraging smile, but he was equally hesitant in his heart, because he looked around:

Tang You, President of the Holy Shield, Li Rana from the Affairs Office, Zhang Mo, Vice President of the Academy, the Great Sage of the Supervision Hall, the heads of the five departments and their deputy, as well as Sun Huizhen, Rachel and others...

Although the internal atmosphere of Aegis is peaceful, the members get along well, and there is no difference of rank except for the position at work.

But "327" Bruce, as the second-level resident supervisor in Arizona, was suddenly notified that he was asked to take Mary, who had just established a relationship, to participate in such a "big party", which was inevitably uneasy.

"Serve up!

Enthusiastic shouts came from outside the door, and soon, a group of waitresses dressed in antique plain cloth pushed the door in, all of them carrying raised trays, serving a variety of meat and vegetarian dishes.

Thinly sliced ​​fat and thin beef and mutton, green and tender lettuce leaves, white and clean mushrooms with full caps, and western-style Chinese food transformed by foreign countries...

Under the delicate arrangement of the waiters, the solid wood round table has turned into a blooming flower cluster, and various dishes are among the bright and colorful flowers.

"Thank you!" Tang You said thankfully.

And the leader of the waiter was full of smiles, even said "you're welcome", led people out of the house, and greeted again when the door was closing: "Everyone has a good time, if you have anything to press the button under the table, we will have someone come over to do it. .""

Looking at the many dishes on the table, Mary was a little dazed for a while.

For the Yan Kingdom, although the term "foodie country" is a joke, it is not groundless.

The long history has also produced a prosperous food culture. As one of the three major cuisines in the world, Yanguo cuisine has 256 noodle dishes as of 1984. Note that it is noodle dishes.

As for Sichuan cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines of the Yan Kingdom alone, it has more than 7,000 dishes after more than 4,000 years.

From these two, it is enough to glimpse the breadth and depth of Yan Guo cuisine.

As for the fact that Chinese people like to talk about things at the dinner table, of course there is a certain truth in it. For example, at this moment, the tempting aroma of the food makes this somewhat disturbed American girl relax a lot.

After the Battle of Manhattan, she chooses to be honest with Bluestam, and the lovers eventually come together, who also learns of the abnormality in her eyes.

This, like Saurer, belongs to those who spontaneously gave birth to extraordinary power. So far, only two cases have been found in the Holy Shield.

As a result, this commoner-born girl has two special identities—a family member or partner of a member of the Aegis, and a self-born supernatural being.

Therefore, according to the organizational regulations, Bruce submitted an application to the Office of Affairs, hoping to release some organizational information to her, but just after the approval came down, he received news that he brought Mary here.

That is to say, Mary has so far been unaware of the existence of the Aegis.

In complete daze, she closed her eyes and was taken to a dim blue door by Bruce, and just stepped over, the scene in front of her turned into a dreamy pavilion full of ancient customs.

This is like an experience in a fantasy movie, so that Mary has not fully recovered.

But she is not stupid. From the battle of Manhattan, Bruce clearly belongs to the extraordinary force that protects mankind. Although he does not know what the relationship between this organization and the official is, it is not important, because it is enough to know the position.

And these people in front of me...

Looking at Bruce's respectful appearance, it should be his superior, the legendary "big guy" of the mysterious world hidden behind the scenes.

Looking at a series of actions by the US National Security Council, it is clear that these people are capital giants who are high enough, and they are all in awe, eager to see, but can't get what they want.

Thinking of this, Mary's heart couldn't help beating a few times. She wasn't sure whether this trip was a blessing or a curse. The only place she could relate to this mysterious organization was her relationship with Bruce.

Her mind was complicated, but Tang You, who watched the waiters leave, turned around and saw that Sun Huizhen couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, her dark eyes staring at the tender mutton roll.

And the red-eyed Oria, who also changed the sauce with the golden-eyed Wang Yalu next to her, picked up a chopstick in each hand, and puffed out her fair face like a soft little bun.

The red and white hot pot was boiling in her eyes, and the aroma that came from her nostrils made her swallow quietly and indecently.

Hearing the "dong dong dong" movement of the wooden stairs gradually diminished, and realizing that the waiters who served the dishes were leaving, Olya immediately looked at the president's brother who had just turned back.

Looking at her pitiful little appearance, Tang You smiled and picked up the chopsticks on the table: "Don't look at it, let's eat!"

As soon as the words fell, a pair of chopsticks rushed out like a track and field athlete who heard the starting gun. Sun Huizhen, the No. 1 foodie at Saint Shield, quickly grabbed the long-favored mutton roll and put it in a hot pot with red oil tumbling for fun.

Since the announcement of the organization's recovery and reconstruction, the first gathering of high-level leaders of the Holy Shield did not look like a high-end atmosphere. It was just a mundane but lively start in the food rush initiated by the girl Sun Huizhen.

For a time, the chopsticks on the table were intertwined. For the control of these extraordinary people, even if they had never eaten Chinese food before, learning to use chopsticks was just a matter of getting started.

And Mary was a little reserved, and now she looked at the knife and fork in her hand, and was even more embarrassed to do it.

Tang You picked up a piece of scalded lettuce and put it in his mouth, letting the spicy taste explode on his taste buds. After swallowing it, he turned his head to look at Mary, smiled and said in a joking tone:

"Don't think too much about it, our existence is secret from the world, but it doesn't mean that a great guy like Bruce is celibate.

His words had an inexplicable contagion, completely calming Mary's last unease.

Tang You turned his eyes again, turned to Bruce next to the girl, and said jokingly: "You are the only person she knows here, take care of your little girlfriend.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else couldn't help showing a kind smile, while Bruce scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

At the table, Tong Wei habitually wore business clothes and black stockings. Seeing this scene, she turned her waist in a timely manner and picked up the many sapphire bottles and white jade cups on the nearby small table.

Seeing this situation, Chen Shunsheng, who was chatting with Zheng Wenjun and Zhang Mo, immediately lit up, and patted Zhang Mo's shoulder heavily: "Look, I have a good meal today!

Zhang Mo was confused and touched his shoulder: "What are you beating me for if you have a mouthful?

"I'm just too excited to bring a good wine to the table. You're not President Zhang, don't care about these little departments..." Chen Shunsheng waved his hands indifferently.

"Then... why don't I get excited too, Xiangjiang unlucky boy?" Zhang Mo narrowed his eyes, pretending to be malicious.

Chen Shunsheng's face froze immediately, and he smiled awkwardly: "No, no." Now he really can't beat Zhang Mo, who has level 4 combat power, and the recent "friendly matches" ended in failure.

Tong Wei explained with a smile: "This is the last time after we built our own lakeside cottage, we picked wild fruits from the headquarters and brewed the wine according to the method of the president. The taste is definitely not as good as the one brewed by the president himself."

Bottles and glasses are passed by people on both sides.

However, when the object was passing by Li Rana, she looked at the little swan beside her who kept holding Wang Yalu's hand and whispering, and she became a little "jealous".

She put the sapphire bottle in front of Oria, and when the little drunkard caught sight of it out of the corner of his eye, his eyes lit up, and when he raised his hand to take it, she quickly took it away.

Little Swan immediately looked up at her blankly.


The bottle of wine was placed in front of Wang Yalu, who immediately moved his nose like a cat, grabbed it with both hands, and looked at Oria and laughed:

"Hahaha... I'm an adult, I can drink, but you can't. And you usually drink enough secretly, and all the alcohol in the headquarters has entered your stomach.

As he spoke, he also popped out his index finger and poked the belly of the little swan, it was soft and soft.

Olya turned her head a little bit again, her eyes widening and stunned.


It seems that something called "friendship" is broken.


Everyone laughed, and this time, even Mary, who had just arrived, couldn't help covering her mouth, and the atmosphere in the room immediately became very cheerful.

"Okay, stop teasing Oria." Tang You smiled.

Only then did Wang Yalu remove the cork, pick up the sapphire bottle, and pour a full glass into the white jade cup in front of the little swan. The light and pleasant aroma slowly dissipated.

Mary, who smelled this kind of wine for the first time, only felt that something in her brain was erased, and her whole person seemed to be sublimated and became extremely transparent.

"Is this... an extraordinary world? Just the drink you eat has such an amazing effect.

Mary subconsciously estimated how much it would take to convert this glass of wine into rice dollars to buy it. It's not that she is tacky, but that she was originally engaged in the financial industry, and she just committed an occupational disease.

In the end, she found that it couldn't be measured purely by worldly money, because it was a two-level thing, and even the rich capital giants would be useless if they didn't have access to this level.

Mary felt more and more that the glass of wine was sinking into her hands.

As the president of Aegis, Tang You raised his glass in the eyes of everyone: "The first glass of wine, to everyone here, and to all the members who have worked tirelessly to protect mankind!"

The steam curled up, and everyone got up and raised their glasses together.

Because Oria is still young and short, she can only step on the stool quickly, supporting the table with her left hand, and propping herself up, she can stretch her hand to the same length as everyone else.


The white jade cup slammed crisply, and the clear wine swayed slightly. Under the reflection of the overhead lights, the smiling faces of everyone present were reflected, as if everyone was squeezed together regardless of each other...

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