I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 358 Conspicuous jade fragments

Ambroise's concern is not difficult to understand.

If it is said that the High Priest of Lucas and the Ninth District are the reliance of the United States, and the Sword of Albert's Guardian and the Special Research Department are the confidence of Gaul, then the Aegis is the backbone of all mankind.

Judging from the current indications, the latter had already laid out for today's catastrophe as early as thousands of years ago.

That group of people stood at the pinnacle of human beings, regardless of their mind or force. Secular officials, as long as there is a shred of reason, will deeply understand that their limited cognition and short-term preparation are simply no match for their thousands of years of foreshadowing.

At present, it seems that not to interfere with the Holy Shield is the most responsible way for mankind.

Albert, as the official of the entire Europa, the only person who can contact the Holy Shield, Ambroise said these words to him, the meaning is obvious, it is like asking him to try to communicate.

Communication can avoid mistakes.

"I see, Minister." Albert nodded.

Ambroise then picked up the cup, blew the tea on the surface gently, took a sip to moisten his throat, and then continued: "Continue to talk about the predicament we are facing."

Albert also took a sip of tea, ready to listen quietly.

The former's eyes drooped slightly, his face was thoughtful, he sorted out the draft for a while, and then told him: "In this situation, the upper management is actually considering whether to make a big move like the United States. 99

"But...we're too old.

Ambroise said old age, of course, not the age of people, but the social atmosphere and class structure. It is said that Gaul is an old district of Geming, and the word "old" itself can explain many problems.

The countries and regions of Europa are neither like the United States with a short history, nor have they undergone earth-shaking changes like the Yan Kingdom. Its entire society smells of decay.

"To put it simply, the conservatives are quite strong, and this is another force fighting for dominance. And they also want to use this opportunity to achieve their own vision.

Ambroise said solemnly: "This is our third dilemma."

Change does not necessarily lead to progress, and if it is dominated by the right, it will make society more conservative, as in Persia today.

"The Yan Kingdom has completed its transformation and has shown signs of being a worldly leader of mankind, and the United States is also reborn, trying to keep the second position, but we are still rolling in the mud.

"Absolutely not!"

Ambroise said word by word, then stood up under Albert's gaze, propped up the table with his right hand, and walked to the side:

"The challenge of Hans, the battle between the right and the left, and the conflict of beliefs, coupled with the continued economic downturn, now the entire Europa society has been cut to pieces.

“If we want to bring all forces together, we must build a broader consensus. Even if the Continent is not a united state, we must build a more coherent, more efficient and more powerful union than the current European Community.55

"Only in this way can we stand firm in the stormy seas, instead of the scattered sand in the past, and the rain will make us tend to die, not to mention the catastrophe in the future."


Ambroise's tone suddenly turned lower: "In terms of the conflict of beliefs, if the historical truth is not revealed, or if the Holy Shield, the source of mythology, does it, then it is almost an unsolvable problem.

"So, we can only choose another method, no longer support the Middle East nail of the Star of David, and turn to support the Islamic world, so as to find a way to bring the crescent refugees back."

"The total withdrawal of the U.S. troops led to the unbinding of Hans, but at the same time, it also brought a long-lost peace to the center of the 'world island', adding a fire to our plan.

Albert also knew that he was only talking about the upper-level thinking, and the specific plan must be more detailed and appropriate. After the implementation in the real world, various compromises will even be made.

For example, Europa will accommodate a large number of crescent refugees and smuggled black households. In addition to the deliberate guidance of the United States, there is also the former's own reason-the lack of low-level labor.

Albert already learned this when he followed Louise to fight human trafficking.

In this small area, developed countries get together. Obviously, the intelligent machines in science fiction movies have not yet appeared, but they can maintain high salaries, high benefits, low workload, and low living costs at the same time.

Of course, human resources will not be born out of thin air. The huge void is filled by refugees and black households.

As the saying goes, the whole body is affected by one hair. The real world is always like this. If you want to solve a certain problem, you have to deal with more problems that it leads to, and finally make your hair thin.

But no matter what, if the refugee relocation can really be done, it means that the biggest landmine left by the United States to Europa has been eliminated, and the future will be much easier.

"After throwing this bomb, we can focus on integrating ourselves, Albert, you are the best breakout point I can think of." Ambroise's words turned sharply.

Albert was stunned, knowing that the real highlight was coming: "Me? 35

Ambroise nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Qi Xu (ccdf) walked to the opposite sofa and sat down, staring at the person in front of him: "You are an orthodox Roman descendant, and now you are the heir of Germanic mythology. At the same time, you are still a Gallic national."35

"In today's day when identity labels are popular, you can naturally be accepted by the people of major European countries.

"But more importantly, as the new owner of the guardian sword Bult Steel, you are the only existence in the entire Europa world who can connect with the Holy Shield. Anyone who sees the benchmark of the Yan Kingdom will understand your importance." 5

"If we show a willingness to 'give' you to the league, a lot of obstacles will go away."

Seeing his capable general, Albert, pondering deeply, Ambroise adjusted his sitting position to make himself look more earnest, and added: "Of course, this is at the nominal level, and the country ultimately depends on its real interests." "

"And now, the extraordinary weight is clearly the heaviest.

"Although we already have some witchers, we don't have enough in our own country, let alone in the alliance to distribute them. Therefore, Albert, we need more trading shares of Life Yuandan and Enhanced Metal.

"In layman's terms, to let the European world see that if everyone is united, they will eat more meat, and the act of integrating power can be truly completed. Step by step

"The answer from the Holy Shield will determine where the secular world of Europe will go!"

"Albert, your ancestors worked for that ancient organization, I hope you can do your best to fight for it, after all... this is also your home.

Albert's heart beat a few times, and he slowly raised his head to meet Ambroise's eyes.

the other side.

The sixth district of Bali, the office building of the Archdiocese of Biblical Catholicism in Gaul.

Cardinal Theodore Ferdinand, who pastored Gaul for the Pope, was praying to the statue of the Cross in his office at the moment.

There is a saying, "Those who pretend to be ghosts do not believe in gods", and this is undoubtedly the truest portrayal for the Catholics, who are more like an alternative country than a religion.

When the top leaders of the sect obeyed the canon day after day, but for decades, in addition to their own echoes in every prayer, the huge church was so empty and indifferent, looking up at the statues of gods illuminated by bright light, but only the dullness of dead stones.

Many people are shaken.

Especially when you violate the canon and do something wrong, but find that nothing has changed, the faith will collapse. Otherwise, the Catholics will not come up with "indulgences", and Protestantism will not be born.

Theodore Ferdinand is now sixty years old and has been converted for forty-five years. He has gone through a complete process of unbelief, deep belief, and then the disintegration of belief.

Even on the day he became a cardinal, he only thought that it was a promotion of his job position, rather than the recognition of his own beliefs.

But after the announcement of the joint statement of the five major powers, the situation of Blue Star suddenly changed, and Chaofan gradually entered people's field of vision, which made his prayers today a little more devout.

Different from the Yan Kingdom, because of the great influence of religions in the Western world, many of them are even tied to politicians’ elections, and continued expansion will seriously interfere with the right to power, so the official did not inform the various sects of the relevant news.

What's more, the country of Gaul has always been called "the great dutiful son of God".


There was a steady knock on the door.

"Come in." Theodore let go of his prayer-like hands and saw the forty-year-old priest pushed in.

The latter said respectfully: "Bishop Ferdinand, the Pope of the Vatican City State has sent a message, I hope you can lead the believers to hold a grand Mass to fight against the growing paganism.

The so-called Pope is the name given to the Pope by Catholic insiders.

Theodore was silent when he heard the words.

As the war of words between the cross and the crescent intensified, the leaders of the two sides were also pushed to the forefront, and believers' voices for the extraordinary power of their religion became louder and louder.

The Directive was born out of such circumstances.

In the past, when Theodore arrived at the position of Cardinal, he had never seen any magical power, and he felt that the essence of White Sect was more and more discovered.

But after Transcendence appeared in the world, he wondered if the trembling old man of Vatican City State was hiding some unknown secrets. He hadn't touched the relevant content yet, because he hadn't reached that position yet.

Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why the teaching of the Bible has been able to stand in the world for so many years.

Therefore, Theodore has changed his previous attitude and is very cautious about the Pope's decree. But the problem is that in today's environment, responding to believers and resisting pagan incursions requires real miracles.

And his own family knows his own affairs, he knows very well that he is an ordinary person, how can he make such a hype.

It is impossible for the Pope not to see this, but he still issued an order. What does the latter mean?

"Bishop Ferdinand?" Seeing that he had been silent, the priest outside the door tried to shout.

Theodore raised his head and responded to him: "I understand, the date is set on the Sunday of Mass, you go to prepare related matters." Up to now, he can only bite the bullet.

When the people left, he sat on the chair alone, looking at the peaceful cross god, his face full of sadness.

Over the bustling city, the sun rises and sets, the stars turn and the moon moves, and time rushes by like a stream of water. The news that the cardinal will lead the believers to hold a grand mass has been released, and a lot of eyes are gathered.

Countless believers cheered and set off early for the Manche province.

According to past practice, such an event should be held at Notre Dame de Bari, but since the latter is being repaired after the fire, the final location is set at Mont Saint Michel, one of the three holy places of the Catholic Church.

Located on a small island in the Gaul province of Manches, two kilometers from the coast, this mountain is home to the famous Abbey of Miracles.

In a sense, Theodore Ferdinand also hoped that the "miracle" in this name could bring a real "miracle" to himself and the world.

During this period, he also learned about the online dispute between "angel" and "crescent moon".

As a red-clothed archbishop, Theodore also has his own personal connections. According to the investigation news circulating in the circle, the person who claimed to see the angel's face is basically true to his description.

At that time, the troops he belonged to did indeed dispatch some personnel during the Renton fog incident. For this, some nearby residents took videos.

In addition, the person's exposure to the news attracted attention, and soon after a huge war of words, he suddenly disappeared mysteriously on the Internet, and he never logged in to the corresponding account again.

In this way, the credibility of angels is greatly improved.

Such a big matter of course attracted the attention of the Pope, and he personally communicated with the British side to show his solemnity.

However, this attitude made the Catholic Church even more suspicious, and more and more suspected that angels had really appeared in Britain.

But the upper echelons of the Catholics were not happy, because what would the believers think if they knew that the messenger of the Lord appeared in the Protestant territory, but not at all?

Therefore, in order to avoid the blow to the sect after the truth is exposed, the former needs a reassurance more and more, which causes the pressure on Theodore's shoulders to become heavier.

He had just arrived at the Monastery of Miracles, and the subordinate priest who had already arranged affairs here came to meet him: "Bishop Ferdinand, many devout believers learned about this mass, and they sent the holy relics they collected to offer gifts to the Lord."

Theodore's expression tightened involuntarily.

First, because the so-called holy relics are difficult to describe, for example, the fragments of the so-called "true cross" all over the world are enough to build a ship.

Putting a bunch of fake goods in front of the Lord, he had little hope of getting a "response", and now he feels even more hopeless.

Second, it is others who are mature and sophisticated, and see through the so-called "devotional act" at a glance, but it is just another speculation by those people.

Think about it, now these actions only need to pay a small price, but if a miracle really occurs, what kind of prestige will their donors and "devout believers" get?

However, knowing is knowing, Theodore can't refuse at all, this is Yang Conspiracy.

With a sigh in his heart, he pretended to be happy and said, "The Lord will bless the pious lamb. Take me to see it, I have a good idea in my heart.

So, the priest led him to the storage room, a long table specially set out, full of various utensils, including gold cabinets, gold cups, tattered sackcloth, broken spear tips, and so on.

If these are real, then the biblical legends are all gathered together, but the question is, there is more than one of each thing here, isn't it a joke?

Theodore only felt the pain in his temples, and managed to manage his expression: "The mass ceremony needs to be neat and solemn. When the activities are held, the utensils offered by these believers should be placed behind the Lord. 95

The translation is that the belt must be brought on the field, but then the pile of junk must be hidden.

"Yes, Bishop Ferdinand." The priest bowed respectfully.

Theodore was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly saw a bright red in the cracks. He frowned and stepped forward to remove the cover, and a piece of jade fell into his eyes.

Its main body was supposed to be white like suet, but it was slightly yellowed due to ageing. There was a naturally formed red ring in the middle, and there were incomplete red lines on the outside. It could be vaguely guessed that when it was complete, it should be the outline of the shield... …

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