I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 364 The Great Sage Really Exists!

The global upsurge caused by the miracle of Mont Saint Michel in the Gaul country has not yet subsided. The central part of the Neon Kingdom, which has been away from Blue Star for more than half a month, has finally returned to the eyes of the world.

It was not until the news came out that people suddenly realized that Neon, as Blue Star's third largest economy, had lost contact with the entire waist area for so long, but apart from the initial sensation, everyone seemed to have completely forgotten about it.

In the turbulent era, major events always happen one after another, making people overwhelmed.

It's not that the loss of contact with the neon country's waist is not big enough, but that everything that happens next is not smaller than it. The joint statement, the live broadcast of the Yan Kingdom, the battle of Manhattan, and the recent miracle in Gaul, all of which are related to all human beings.

It should have caused huge financial aftermath and continued to attract the attention of the world, but as soon as the "Statement" came out, the resulting global economic tsunami made it seem - insignificant.

This series of major events made people feel that this period of time seemed to be very long, but looking back carefully at this moment, only to find that it was only more than half a month.

As journalists from all over the world arrived in Edo one after another, and local survivors also posted videos of their environment on social platforms through the gradually restored Internet, where did the situation emerge in the eyes of the public:

The ground is full of concrete blocks and glass that reflects shimmering light. Occasionally, deep hemispherical pits cut off the road, most of which are more than ten meters in diameter, as if they were bombarded by intensive artillery fire.

Pieces of large buildings collapsed and turned into messy low hills, and urban forests have turned into short hills.

As the camera zooms out, as far as the eye can see, a strange building stands in the distance, as if it was cut in half vertically by some huge weapon, and only the remaining half is supported by the ruins.

With the help of drone aerial photography, overlooking from the sky, one third of the once prosperous metropolis is now in ruins.

This area has been out of contact for so long, although everyone has made a certain psychological preparation, but when this devastation appears, everyone's heart can't help pumping.

They thought that the damage caused by the Battle of Manhattan was serious enough, but now it pales in comparison to the situation in Edo.

If the former is to wake up their fantasies, then the latter pulls a dark cloud of oppression over everyone's head. There is no need to officially release casualty data. Judging by the naked eye alone, the public knows how tragic it was at that time.

Even the people of the Yan Kingdom who have always hated neon, can't help but feel grief in their hearts.

Because the rabbit died and the fox was sad, the lips were dead and the teeth were cold. When I thought of such a disaster, it might also happen to me in the future, and no one could be happy.

It can be said that with the passing of the novelty brought by the extraordinary, and its serious harm to human beings gradually revealed, the world can truly appreciate an atmosphere, an atmosphere where catastrophe is approaching.

It wasn't real, but it was like a little bit of cold water running over my chest.

In such a social atmosphere, the worries that were previously covered up by the excitement of the mainstream finally came to the stage under the spotlight.

"I said before, don't be fooled by the novelty brought by the extraordinary, and don't think it's as simple as the truth being revealed. And don't feel that the past is the same as the future because the mysterious power has always existed."

In a certain dialogue show, the faces of the special guests are extraordinarily serious.

"I work in social analysis, and as early as the beginning of the new generation of civil air defense projects, I already realized that something was wrong.

"Because, even if the corresponding facilities can be integrated into the field of people's livelihood and continue to earn a certain amount of income, it is insignificant compared to the cost of the entire project."

"Economy is an important cornerstone of the country's operation. In normal times, as long as the government still has reason, it will definitely consider the issue of project revenue. This is not necessarily direct income, but also invisible income."

"Like high-speed rail. 99

"The large-scale laying of high-speed rail shows that, although the direct benefits are not high, it will take decades to really pay off.

"However, it can boost the economy of surrounding areas, greatly shorten the wasted time for people to travel, and increase the disposable time of citizens, which are huge invisible benefits, not to mention the help to the military.

"But the underground civil air defense project is different!"

The special guest's upper body leaned forward slightly, and both arms were propped on the table, as if trying to strengthen his persuasion: "There are enough houses and land in the city, and there are enough houses built in the country to manpower a few sets. 99

"And the cost of using underground space is much higher than building buildings on the ground, or cities in the sky.

“In terms of scale, the most important role of the new generation of civil air defense projects is to provide people with temporary shelters and even short-term and medium-term safe residences in the event of wars that may arise in the future.”35

He stared at the camera and said word by word: "I mean... like the Edo, or the Manhattan War! Even bigger and more serious!

Next to him, the host of the show, who usually speaks a lot of wit, is also sitting there silently at this moment, his eyes lowered, as if listening and thinking.

"I don't know if you still remember. Before the announcement of the joint statement, the five countries have actually started cooperation for the first time. The initial result was the "Space Agreement".

"Later, the five countries successively cooperated in agriculture, energy, medical care, etc., reducing the cultivation area of ​​non-staple food, and switching to the cultivation of necessities of food, which in turn led to an increase in fruit prices this year. Everyone should realize it. 39

"Looking at this series of measures in succession, you will find that the upper level's judgment on the threat of extraordinary monsters is more serious than we thought before.

"War, a war that makes the five major countries go all out!"

The special guest's abruptly aggravated tone at the end was like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of all the audience and bringing an end to all his own discussions.

And such a program is only a small microcosm of the Yan Kingdom society.

In terms of fishing boats, any country with complete sovereignty will exercise strict control, and unless its factions alternate in power, there will be a situation where the left and right hands fight each other.

The emergence of such a large and unified trend of fishing reels in the society of the Yan Kingdom can only mean that it is some kind of warm-up by the official instigation, and an unknown big move is coming.

But everything has two sides, and this kind of warm-up has also made the people feel depressed.

However, soon, an even more explosive news came out from Edo, which made everyone in the Yan Kingdom cultural circle feel like they were struck by lightning, and their minds were shocked.

Monkey King appeared in the Battle of Edo, and swept away monsters, turning the tide and saving the lives of tens of millions of people!

"According to the recollection of local officials, there was unknown interference in the environment at that time, which led to the basic shutdown of civilian electronic instruments, so the process of the incident could not be photographed and saved.

On the screen, a reporter from Yanhua Club was introducing:

"These big pits in the footage were left when the Neon Self-Defense Forces fought against giant monsters. 35

"Survivors told us that at first, the monster didn't know what went wrong and kept standing still. Lu Zi and Kong Zi were full of firepower for several minutes, and almost all the ammunition was used, but nothing was achieved.

"When the monster wakes up and moves, the situation becomes a one-sided crush."

"The flaming debris of tanks, chariots, and planes is like a dense meteor shower, streaking one after another in the dark sky."

"The beams of monsters spit out the defenses of the suspected basalt beasts, and the high-rise buildings were like fragile pieces of paper, pierced one after another, or cut in half.

・・・・Seeking flowers˙

"The only substantial damage to the monster was caused by the missiles fired by the Yan Kingdom fleet."

"People's ears seem to be completely deaf in the continuous loud noise, and the whole world has become a silent movie, only the buildings collapse, the living become flesh and mud, and the children cry in front of the sky."

"The city has become hell! 35

"There was a lack of ammunition, and communication was unstable. In the end, the army had been completely defeated, and everyone was running around the ruins like headless flies, or hiding in the house like mice with their heads and shivering. 35

"Then...the Great Sage appeared!"

Even if the reporter wanted to remain objective and neutral, when it came to this point, the face of the person who was doing the cutting-edge live broadcast still had uncontrollable excitement on his face.

"Just a few days ago, the Neon official received an anonymous item, which turned out to be a roll negative, and the staff carefully developed it and found that it recorded the scene after the appearance of the Great Sage.

"This is a very precious gift!

"Now, we will play you the digital version of the emergency transcription. 99

After the reporter finished speaking, the picture on the screen suddenly switched: the cloak floating in the sky like a long red silk belt, the back of the armor sitting alone at the top of the Tianzhu, and the invincible monster was struggling to fight...

People in the Yan Kingdom cultural circle are almost in front of the screen.

As for the people in the rest of the cultural circles, although many did not understand what the name represented, it did not prevent them from seeing that the existence that suddenly appeared was terrifyingly strong.

There is a jokingly called "East surprise monster room", which means that the average military level in this area is extremely high, and many inconspicuous countries are carried to other places alone, and they are all regional bullies.

And although Neon was castrated, its strength was definitely not weak, and it was even a first-class level throughout the world, but it was hanged and beaten by a giant monster on the ground.

However, with such a powerful monster, facing the figure on the pillar, he couldn't even break free.

But the shock didn't end there.

The Tianzhu shrank and turned into a long stick and flew into the hands of the slowly descending figures. This was almost the iconic picture of the golden hoop, which made everyone in the Yan Kingdom cultural circle suffocate their hearts, and their hands suddenly clenched tightly.

The released monster immediately fought back fiercely.

A golden light flashed through the dust mist, a stick was pulled out, the huge monster flew back upside down, and then extended and pushed out, pushing the monster against the ground to grind out a ravine like a moat, leading to the invisible coast.

In the end, a stick that broke the clouds and divided the sea was smashed, and everything was settled.

The figure in the picture only showed three sticks, and the extraordinary monsters that made the Neon Self-Defense Forces and the Mi Army have no resistance, fell on the spot. Powerful, domineering, and proud of the sky!

People in other areas have their jaws falling to the ground.

Some time ago, Yan Guo conducted a live broadcast of Alien Hunting, but everyone could see the intention of showing strength, but their own officials didn't follow up.

Fortunately, after a miracle happened at Mont Saint Michel, these people in the Bible culture circle were also honored. They felt that their strength not only caught up with Yan Kingdom, but even slightly surpassed them. After all, they represented the gods.

But who knows, only a few days after this happiness, the neon who restored contact revealed such a shocking picture.

It is also a god-level existence in the regional culture, and there is no false miracle at all, but direct action, destroying the dead, sweeping everything!

Everyone in the cultural circle of the Yan Kingdom felt a rush of blood rushing to their heads, and their hearts were so excited that they almost jumped out of their chests:

"Great Sage! Really Great Sage! This legendary figure actually exists!"


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