I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 36 The Ninth District Of The United States (For Collection)

the other side.

Edgar Hobson obtained a document jointly signed by the military and political circles, ordering him to form a new department.

The department code-named "Ninth District", directly under the National Security Council of the United States.

Moreover, the document allowed Edgar Hobson to select go-getters in academia, intelligence services, and military special commandos.

In order to form a team with extraordinary ability in the shortest time.

The conditions given above are unimaginably generous, and the originally complicated procedures are now all green light.

But Edgar knew what was going on, so he understood why these people were so generous.

This incident really confused the top leaders of the United States.

First, the black monster caused the over-equipped 300-man army to lose half of it in seven or eight minutes.

Then, another inexplicable dark cloud, heavy rain and lightning.

When the follow-up troops entered the town again, apart from the ruins, there were only some comatose people left.

The monster disappeared without a trace.

This strange and uncontrollable situation makes the top management feel a strong threat, and the reason is very simple.

The extremely destructive monster disappeared, no trace could be found, and no one knew when it would suddenly appear from somewhere.

And, since one such monster can float in space, why can't there be more?


Helicopter flying over high-rise buildings.

Edgar Hobson sat in the plane, looking out the window, slowly changing from urban buildings to mountain plains.

This is a wilderness in Georgia.

Comatose survivors in the small town of Lula, Syria, have been airlifted to a makeshift fully enclosed hospital in a negative pressure isolation chamber by the military.

Although most of them are Syrian citizens, the United States clearly does not care about this.

In the helicopter, in addition to Edgar, there were seven or eight well-mannered, scholar-like personnel, all of Edgar Hobson's old team in the US National Security Agency.

As soon as he got the order file, Edgar transferred them over.

Just now, they received news from the temporary hospital that the survivors finally woke up after being in a coma for 36 hours.

After handing over the establishment of the department to the deputy for preliminary screening, Edgar and a group rushed over to inquire about the investigation.

Fly for ten minutes.

A barren mountain came into view, and there was a field camouflage wing at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by soldiers with live ammunition and armored vehicles.

The helicopter landed and stopped, and a group of people verified their identities and entered it.

"Vital signs are stable, no unknown substances exist, no unknown microbial infection, and consciousness is basically clear."

The doctor-like man walked and reported to him.

Looking at the people on the hospital bed through the one-way glass, Edgar picked up the tablet and flipped through the survivors' information.

When Chelsea, the Briton, appeared on it, he looked as usual.

After flipping through the information, he didn't find anything special. Edgar looked at his subordinate: "Get ready and start asking."

The group hurried into action.

In the room used for questioning, they placed special cameras at various angles.

In the other room separated by a layer of one-way glass, there are all kinds of complicated instruments, and a bunch of people are busy operating. Edgar is here, leading everything.

Soon, the first survivor was brought in and sat in a chair with measuring probes placed all over his body.

"Your name..." The inquirer starts with the most certain thing and obtains comparative information for the technicians behind.

Behind the one-way glass, a group of psychology experts stared closely at the screen, and the three-dimensional facial changes were synthesized by cameras from various angles.

On the other screen, the person's heart rate curve and body surface voltage changes are being displayed in real time, while the corresponding intelligent analysis program is running rapidly to calculate and determine whether he is lying.

"At that time, you all saw..."

One question after another was thrown.

Ultimately, the techies concluded: "No problem."

In another room, the interrogator heard the words in the headset and looked at the terrified survivor: "Okay, you can go out, next one."

One after another came and went, and Chelsea managed to get out of the mix with a mundane, unobtrusive performance.

Attacked by monsters, the Mi army was defeated and retreated. At that time, the chaotic picture of the town appeared more and more completely in the minds of the people in the ninth district.

Suddenly, Edgar sat up straight.

The voice in the interrogation room came clearly: "You said that before you fell into a coma, you saw a figure in the clouds? Are you sure?"

"Sir, I...I...I'm not sure, I just seem to see it vaguely, maybe it's my hallucination."

"No. Describe the situation at that time carefully, you can't miss it at all..."

This is a special case!

The only person who saw something more than others, Edgar's document was just an ordinary Assyrian.

But his natural physical fitness is very good, he has practiced free boxing, and he once wanted to get out of that chaotic country through competition.

If the physical fitness is better...it makes sense.

All inquiries are over.

The people of the ninth district gathered to discuss.

"The only thing that can be determined now is that the person did not lie, but we don't know whether the figure in the cloud is a fact or his hallucination."

"Let me tell you what I think, I'm more inclined to the former, after all, the situation at the time was so weird."

"I can't be sure, let's discuss it in two cases, and deduce it from two perspectives..."

During this discussion, Edgar pondered silently.

Extraterrestrial life, survivors who are unconscious for no reason, monsters struck by lightning, mysterious people who may exist...

Things are getting more complicated.

If the mysterious man really exists, is it a weather weapon, or... a superpower like in the movie?

For the former, with extraterrestrial life ahead, it can be speculated that high-level civilization items were obtained by ordinary people;

The latter is purely speculation.

Edgar knew that no matter what kind of report it was, submitting his own report would arouse the fear of those in power.

After all, monsters are a threat, and that mysterious man... is also a threat!

Tang You also expected this.

There is this sentence:

Don't underestimate the IQ of those in power, and don't overestimate the character of those in power.

Only when otherworldly monsters appear around, and only when the army is difficult to resist, will they abandon their suspicions and realize the importance of the extraordinary.

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