I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 374 From the Age of Apostles?

There are no statues of gods in the churches of the Crusaders, but a pair of armors?

Everyone was extremely stunned, and after looking at each other, they approached cautiously. The hall is empty, unlike the usual church with rows of benches, which makes people feel a little weird.

Light footsteps echoed in the dead silence.

Since they are more than ten meters underground, there is a coldness everywhere, and they are like being immersed in ice water, which makes people unconsciously get goosebumps.

"What an incredible-technique!"

The bearded man expressed his heartfelt emotion that this armor is as smooth as a mirror, and the light can be seen, and it doesn't even touch the slightest bit of dust, just like a modern handicraft that has just been sent from an electroplating factory.

"How many years do you say it has been here, and it is so well preserved? Is it because there is a mysterious force supporting it?"

Mkhitaryan's face was full of surprise. Although there were vigorous discussions on the topic of transcendence on the Internet, in fact, 95% of the people had never witnessed extraordinary events in person.

For him, Bishop Ferdinand is already a legendary figure, a saint who can cause great miracles and change the weather in an instant.

"There is a lack of reference information, and there is no professional equipment, so I am afraid no one knows the exact year." The bearded man shook his head helplessly and suggested: "Of course, we can also extract some samples and entrust professional laboratory testing. 99

Theodore didn't say anything, just stared straight at the armor, but his heart was particularly agitated.

Whether or not the specific age is known, it appeared in such an ancient underground church and was placed in such an important position, so it is obviously inseparable from the Cross religion.

Moreover, in its immortal state for thousands of years, the word "extraordinary" is almost written on it. It can be seen that it is not accidental that the jade fragments have strange power.

However, this church was abnormally built underground, obviously trying to hide people's attention, which means that there must be some secret about the sect. Perhaps, that is why the Almighty directed Himself here.

Theodore faintly felt that he had taken a big step closer to the true title of "Saint Ferdinand".

"Mr. Bishop."

The priest next to him hesitated for a moment, but finally gritted his teeth and shouted. Seeing that everyone was looking at him because of this sudden action, he couldn't help swallowing the words that came to his mouth.

"What's the matter? Say what you have to say." Over the years, Theodore knew that his subordinates had always been steady and sincere, and would not aimlessly.

Hearing this encouragement, even if the priest himself felt that what he observed was a bit outrageous, he still dared to say:

"Bishop Ferdinand, in addition to serving the gods, my biggest interest is to study the ancient equipment of various countries. It has been many years and I have some experience. 99

Theodore nodded when he heard the words, but did not rebuke. The clergy had their own hobbies and specialized in one thing, which was common in both the East and the West.

For example, in the Yan Kingdom, many monks and Taoists could write poems, paintings, and even have deep attainments. For example, Jia Dao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, once sharpened a sword in ten years, but never tried the frost blade; sentence.

In the West, many ancient ethnic poems and legends can be preserved because clerics record them out of hobby.

"The main body of this armor is plate armor, but it is different from the shape excavated in later generations. It looks more exaggerated and more beautiful, more like movie props than combat armor, so it is difficult to find similar prototypes, and then determine the age. "

The priest weighed the words, making them as precise as possible:

"Look at the thickness of this terrifying plate armor. For ordinary people, if they wear it, let alone fight, they can be considered a strong man, so it can't be an armor for mortals. 99

"But it is by no means a mere worship item." He said this sentence with certainty, pointing to the right shoulder armor: "Because there are traces of damage after the battle.

Due to the angle, everyone moved to his side, then looked sideways, and saw that the back of the left shoulder armor had been dented, and there were still several holes.

Theodore and the others paused for breath.

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying strength, and what kind of huge weapon, can smash such a thick and sturdy armor into such a scar.

"It's a mace!" The priest looked at the crowd seriously, raised his hand to gesture at the dent a few times, and reconfirmed: "It's a very big mace. 39

The rest of the people looked at the outline of his gestures, and suddenly felt their teeth sour.

Such a big guy, even if it is only made of ordinary iron, weighs close to a ton. The existence of such a weapon can make one's scalp tingling.

The priest moved his index finger down and pointed to the gap between the plate armor components: "The gap is linked by chain mail, which is an important breakthrough point, because they have obvious regional characteristics and characteristics of the times..."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but paused, pursed his lips for a while, and finally said: "This is a typical early Celtic chain mail. Compared with the chain mail we commonly see in film and television works, its shape is more primitive. The defense is even less effective.""

Theodore's eyes narrowed a little bit: "Celtic?"

The priest nodded bravely: "In a tomb of a Celtic chieftain in the fourth century BC, archaeologists found a pair of chain mail buried with it, and the shape is basically the same as this."

"Considering the limited efficiency of technological change at that time, the chain armor should be like this for the next few centuries. That is to say, the forging time of this armor is likely to be from the first century to the fourth century AD. 35

"And in this broad period, ancient Rome had been at war with the Celts in Gaul, and thus learned the technique of chain mail and used it to arm the Roman legions.39

So far, the core information he has said is actually two: this is a set of combat armor, not an alternative god dedicated to worship, it should come from the ancient Celts or the Roman Empire.

However, such a thing was enshrined in the Caucasus region, in an ancient church hidden underground... Theodore and others felt that the situation became a bit confusing.

Mkhitaryan seemed to have a sore neck as he moved, and the light spot of the head-mounted lamp flashed from the top, illuminating blurred lines and colors for a moment.

His pupils shrank, and his voice suddenly rose: "Wait! There is something on the top!

Theodore raised his head subconsciously, the light was just facing the center of the zenith, and the warm reflection came into his eyes, and his eyes gradually narrowed: "This is... a jade article? 55

The light in front of everyone's forehead also converged.

It was a white jade disc with uneven patterns, which seemed to be embedded in the ceiling of a church, with a small circular depression in the center.

"I look like a jade." The bearded man looked and looked, and then he expressed his opinion.

Theodore was even more puzzled. Before the mass ceremony, the reason why he saw the jade fragments was outrageous because there was no jade culture in the orthodox Christian cultural circle.

But now, there are also jade articles in this church, and they are still in such a position, watching everyone like the eyes of the gods.

Celtic-style armor, jade artifacts from the cultural circle of the yellow race... He couldn't figure out what clues were hidden among these contradictions.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

However, looking at it, Theodore suddenly realized that the depression in the center of the zenith jade plate, no matter its size or shape, seems to be just right to meet the jade fragment, but the latter is missing a corner and cannot be completely attached. combine.

His eyes flickered.

That is to say, the fragment that caused the miracle is essentially only a part of this jade plate? No, to be more precise, it should be the... opening key of this jade plate?

"Bishop Ferdinand..." The priest lowered his voice and shouted, but he did not continue to speak, obviously thinking of this section.

Mkhitaryan did not pay attention to these small details, but deflected his head to let the beam move, shining on the surrounding dome, and the lines and colors that had previously disappeared reappeared.

"There is a mural next to it," he reminded.

The neatly aggregated light spots were immediately dispersed, and large areas of color were illuminated. Although the color had faded due to the washing of the years, it was still enough to distinguish the original appearance.

Since the ignorant Stone Age, human beings have learned to paint with simple lines to record the things around them.

The first fresco that Theodore saw was an ancient man in a crucifix costume preaching something, and a pair of armor and a jade plate were floating on both sides of it.

Since ancient paintings were used as display objects, they would also use such expression techniques, so people could not be sure whether this was an expression technique, or whether the two objects were really suspended at that time.

Looking back clockwise, on the latter mural, the preacher is holding a jade tablet in his hand, the latter is shimmering, and a large number of people are shocked and inexplicable.

In the third picture, the preacher was nailed upside down on a cross and suffered torture such as skinning.

And seeing this, Theodore's eyes suddenly widened, and his brain exploded.

Before the announcement of the joint statement, although he did not believe in the existence of God, but as his career, he had not lost half of his knowledge and skills, otherwise he would not have become a cardinal.

When the picture of being nailed upside down on the cross and being beheaded by the skin appeared, he immediately remembered a name, a name that was quite famous for senior Christian believers:

Bartolo buy!

Also known as St. Bartholomew, one of the twelve apostles of the legendary Crusaders, who preached in Jimenez in the first century AD, was hostile to the local priests and kings, and was eventually martyred in a cruel punishment.

However, not all of his followers were converted under pressure, and some still insisted on their own choice in harsh environment.

"If it is said that this underground building is a place to commemorate Bartholomew, not an ordinary church, then everything makes sense!"

Theodore only felt that vague lines had appeared in his mind, and gradually extended as his mind opened up:

"Because of the need to avoid persecution, the believers at that time built it in the mountains and underground, and there was no regular prayer arrangement.

"As for the armor, the jade plate, and the fragments, they were all brought here by the apostles for missionary use, but in the end they stayed here forever because of their martyrdom.

Thinking about this, his brows furrowed slightly.

Because a new question arises, why are supernatural objects from the ancient Celts, or the Roman Empire, used by the Crusaders for preaching?


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