This is the dragon man!

When Tang You went back to the Tang Dynasty for the second time, he tried to use the power of the system to enter the history of the different universe. At that time, he accidentally killed the demigod at the bottom of the silt and saved the dragon people of the Wanshan world.

Later, they also created idols for Tang You and spread to other planes.

Wukong, who fell into a foreign land, found the idol and thought that his master was also here. He followed the clues to the original forest world along the way, and this was the story of saving the original demon.

After listening to the news from the original demons, the Wanshan Realm was peaceful for a short period of time because of Tang You, but after that, for some unknown reason, it disappeared completely, and the entire plane disappeared without a trace.

This also caused a sensation among the nearby ethnic groups at the time, because this matter was too strange, such a big plane, it can be said that it can't be seen, of course, in the end, it's just nothing.

Tang You was surprised at this moment, because the huge outline of the Gaoyue Mountain in front of him was the leader of the Dragon Clan he rescued.

In his perception, the latter's spiritual power level is obviously stronger than then, and the body size is much larger, but the state is very bad, in a strange self-blocking state, in order to resist the evil power that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

Looking through the huge skeleton, Tang You saw that there was an underground church on the mountain he was standing on, several people were lying on the ground as if dead, and Theodore Ferdinand was standing there.

The situation of these people is basically the same as that of the dragon people, otherwise they would have been tainted - turned evil.

"This dragon man saved them... Could it be that it was eroded more seriously because of forcibly unlocking itself, thus entering the state of suspended animation?"

A faint blue light appeared in Tang You's eyes again, and all appearances were deconstructed in his eyes, revealing the most essential appearance. In such a vision, the surface of the giant dragon man is hazy and shimmering.

But if you look closely, the situation is enough to make the scalp of ordinary people numb, because it is actually countless ferocious illusory shadows, trying their best to break free from the invisible bondage, and their faces are distorted like the legendary evil spirits.

Tang You's eyelids were slightly pressed, and he simply looked at the space inside the black barrier: "This is also a plane fragment."

He turned his gaze back to the chains pierced through the bones, and thoughtfully said: "The chains protruding from the ground are only appearances, and are essentially the embodiment of the entire fragmented cage. This place imprisoned the dragon man, and the dragon man imprisoned the phantom monster. …”

Just at this moment, the entire black barrier space oscillated slightly, and the evil mist was like water in a basin, which was shaken and moved around.

A part of the phantom that was bound by invisible power immediately seemed to have taken a tonic medicine, and its body suddenly swelled in a circle, and suddenly jumped off the surface of the giant dragon.

One after another, the phantoms landed on the ground, glanced back at the living creature as large as a mountain, roared sharply, and strode towards the black barrier.

These phantom monsters can push a distance of more than ten meters with each step, and they can run hundreds of meters away in a blink of an eye.



Bunch of tiny electric lights fell from the sky, and the hundreds of phantom monsters couldn't escape, and they couldn't even let out their screams, and they were blown into dark and scattered spots of light by the lightning.

In mid-air, the current between Tang You's thumb and index finger slowly dissipated.

Hundreds of phantom monsters, almost equal to the number that ran out in the second shock, were enough to make the five hundred Xiong Nation's elite soldiers struggle to deal with their existence, but they all perished in his random blow.

However, his brows could not help but wrinkle: "This is the soul of the faceless, but it has been soaked by the power of the bottom."

The Faceless is a deep believer in the ancient world of order, but he was infected by the opposite silt bottom, and then ran out of the dragon man's body... The whole thing has a strange smell.

"The crux of the problem lies with this dragon man. As long as he wakes up unharmed, many doubts can be solved." Tang You cast aside his distracting thoughts, separated a ray of divine soul, and headed for the spiritual world where his goal is locked...

"Bishop Ferdinand, what should we do now?" the bearded man asked in a trembling voice.

Theodore, Mkhitaryan, subordinate priests, and the rest of the people who opened the underground building were all here, and an illusory bell-shaped light curtain enveloped them in it.

And beyond this layer of protection, the world is full of gray in all directions, with no direction at all. Occasionally, there will be fleeting dark cracks, revealing dense eyes with malicious intent.

A little bit of dark light scattered outside the light curtain.

That was because the crack existed for a few more seconds, and the phantom that rushed out and slowly dissipated due to hitting the protective layer, the bell-shaped light curtain was swaying erratically, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

Theodore looked a little weak, just shook his head when he heard the words, and then put his hands in a prayer shape on his chest, muttering something silently, as if he was praying to the gods he believed in.

The moment the darkness came, they only felt that it was dark in front of them, and when they woke up, they were already here, and until now, they have been trapped for a long time.

In this strange world, everyone will not feel hungry or thirsty, but they will become weaker and weaker as time goes by, as if they are irresistibly decaying and withering.

Theodore did not understand why the supernatural objects involving the origin of the sect would appear in such an inexplicable situation after activation, but he firmly believed that the god who gave him a mission must have his own arrangements.

"We are all dead!"

Mkhitaryan sat on the ground in despair, lowered his head, and propped his forehead with his right hand: "When the shell that destroyed the church flew over, I had just walked to the mountainside, and everything was in ruins before my eyes.

"If it wasn't for a fall on the road, I would have been in there and I was blown to pieces. Now that I'm dying because I went back to the church, that's my destiny back on track."

In the face of such negative words, the bearded man asked unwillingly: "Bishop Ferdinand! You are God's favored person, Saint Ferdinand, who can cause miracles to change the weather, you must have a way, right?

He could only watch himself wither, just like a wet towel tightly covering his nose, suffocating and desperate. He was looking for the last ounce of hope.

Begging for flowers... However, Theodore just looked at him: "Believe in the Lord's arrangement.

Hearing this, the subordinate priest prayed silently like his bishop, but the bearded man's complexion became particularly ugly, as did most of the personnel he brought.

These people do not believe that the Cross God is truly omniscient and omnipotent and creates everything. If this is the case, why do the eastern cultural circles do not believe that He is still alive and well. Like most of the people of Blue Star, they felt that the Lord of the Bible Church should be the top existence in the extraordinary world. This is enough to make Beard and the others in awe, but it can't make them mindless to believe. Believe in the Lord's arrangement? It's almost death!

Of course, these people were equally embarrassed to say that they had turned against the bishop who caused the miracle.

"Riding on a horse, this time I'm afraid I'm going to fall for it!" Beard muttered to himself in pain. Although he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deceive himself. Outside the protective light curtain, the dark cracks became denser and longer, and they stayed longer and longer, which seemed to indicate that the final fate of everyone was coming.

Suddenly, a golden light shone from above the boundary of the field of vision. It was like people who were shrinking in the cold wind suddenly came to the side of the warm stove, and the weakness brought by the inexplicable withering gradually faded away.

Whether it was Theodore who was praying, or the rest of the people in despair, they all looked up in amazement. In the gray world, a flash of gold descended from the sky, bringing a little light to this gloomy world.

"That's..." Mkhitaryan stood up from the ground little by little, and saw Jin Hui slowly falling towards the extreme distance, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight. Then, they were shocked to find that the black cracks that were growing more and more... disappeared! Tang You landed lightly, and the golden glow radiated from the darkness. He looked around and saw a small dragon man lying on his side on the ground. It looked like a miniature version of the kilometer dragon man. He closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping soundly, but most of his body had turned gray.

This is the center of the dragon's spiritual world.

At this level, the essence of everything is exposed. The brilliance of Tang You's divine soul is precisely because of this, and this is the result of his efforts to suppress it, otherwise, the spiritual world of this party may not be able to carry him.

"It's time to wake up." He flicked his fingers, and a stream of light sank into Xiaolongren's forehead. A few seconds later, the long-sleeping eyes of the dragon man "Yao Xin" slowly opened, exuding a soft and radiant figure, which gradually came into view. She paused in confusion. It was only when the memories surged up like a tide that the dragon man's eyes appeared in focus. She blinked, and when the face of this splendid figure gradually came into contact with the giant golden face looking down on the world in her memory, her eyes suddenly widened, and her whole body almost jumped up:

"God! 35


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