I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 382 Shattering the Mark of Darkness

"dong dong dong..."

The footsteps sprinted quickly, making a dull sound in the mountains.

Ophelia jumped sharply, leaping across the gap between the mountains with two heavy iron fists, the dark light of the horizon showed her vigorous figure.


She fell to the ground and continued to run for a while.

The surrounding scenery quickly regressed in her eyes, and from time to time there were brilliance in the dark valleys, and even dark clouds of evil power were illuminated.

But the roars and roars that followed, as well as the rumbling explosions, clearly explained the danger contained within.

Ophelia knew that although she was an extraordinary leader of the Bear Country, she could be put into this war, but at most she was equivalent to the worst Aegis fighter, but she still chose to participate in the war.

Because this is a rare opportunity, a chance to get closer to that ancient extraordinary organization!

Ophelia is smart and strong.

Whether it was climbing the mountain of psychology as an ordinary person in the past, or trying to explore the inside of the inner world as a voyeur, and now as an extraordinary person who pursues personal power and protects the righteousness of human beings, she is like this.


Somewhere the rock wall collapsed.

Ophelia, who was running, turned her head and saw that in the rising smoke, several huge monsters phantoms appeared, and a figure flexibly shuttled among them, avoiding tentacles that looked like long whips, and counterattacked with swords from time to time.

As they fought each other, several artillery shells seemed to be detonated every second, billowing air waves surged out in layers, and the surrounding bushes were crushed to the point of being unable to lift their heads.

From the corner of Ophelia's peripheral vision, she suddenly noticed that some monsters sprang out of a corner again, rushing towards the back of the able-bodied Holy Shield warrior.

Her pupils shrank: "Be careful!

The words were still swirling around in his mouth, and the man had already jumped out from a height. In the lines of the iron fist, the brilliance of water surged, grabbing the tail of the monster that was about to attack.

But the phantom at the front was less than ten meters away from the heavy-armed warrior. For the superhuman, the distance was almost nothing, but the warrior was still fighting several monsters in front of him.

The attacker's arms were metalized into tentacles and headed towards the heavily armored warrior from all directions.

At the critical moment, the heavy armor worn by the latter softened into a fluid, and quickly gathered backwards, condensing into a lion-headed lion body and a winged behemoth, roaring loudly and directly throwing the attacker to the ground.

Many tentacles are all crooked.

Ophelia, who tried her best to grab the phantom monster's tail, was stunned. The claws of the giant beast seemed to have infinite divine power, and it tore the monster into pieces with a quick planing motion, and then raised its head and winked at her.

Before she could regain her senses, the giant beast fluttered its wings again, and pressed the monster that was about to attack her. The force was so great that the tail of the latter was separated from the torso.

Watching the tail in her hand gradually disintegrate into a light spot, Ophelia finally screamed in astonishment: "Griffin!"

She never thought that the armor worn by this member of the Holy Shield was actually alive, and it was also a legendary griffin.

Seeing such a mythical species with her own eyes, Ophelia was quite shocked.

The Suzaku appeared in space, the Pixiu appeared in the Yan Kingdom, the bipedal dragon appeared in the United States, the Xuanwu appeared in the neon, and the Griffin appeared at this moment...

As the situation changes, those ancient extraordinary creatures that were originally considered fiction are gradually returning to the eyes of the world with their original appearances as members of the Holy Shield.

After the Griffin broke away from the armor and fought side by side with the heavy-armed warriors, the latter became even more powerful. Even if the phantom monsters were supplemented by fresh troops, they were still defeated by the tacit cooperation of the two.

The soldiers attacked fiercely, wielding sword lights flying everywhere, and deep marks were cut out on the ground, and the nearby stones were also reduced in half. And the griffin either flew in the air or fell to the ground, protecting the rear and flanks for him all the time.

Ophelia had just defeated a phantom, and the two had already wiped out all the remaining monsters, which made her, as an "accidental aid", feel that she was a little redundant.

Only now did she realize that what she thought was "dangerous" was just because the Holy Shield Extraordinary knew that his Griffin partner could deal with the rear, so he didn't want to waste time dodging.

But soon, her mood eased a little, because the heavy armored warrior rubbed the head of his partner Griffin, then came over and raised his sword and clasped his fist: "Thank you!"

Although he didn't actually need help, this member of the African and Central Branch obviously received the kindness of Lady Iron Fist.

It is worth mentioning that although griffins often appear in Western cultural works, they actually originated from ancient Akkadian mythology, which is now the two rivers in Central Asia, but were used by Westerners without authorization.

Guaiji has a similar image because of frequent exchanges with the region. It was out of this consideration that Tang You finally determined that the phantom beast partner of the Philippine and Central Asia branch was a gryphon.

"No need—" Ophelia was about to say something when the micro-radio in her ears suddenly heard movement.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of white marks with tail flames rose on the horizon behind them, piercing the dark clouds and disappearing without a trace. After a while, they crossed the arc and drilled out of the clouds one after another.

In the dimness where the light was obscured, the tail flames became more and more dazzling, like countless meteorites, heading for a deeper area.

The armored troops who had been ordered to retreat five kilometers before finally established a new line of defense and launched the first round of strikes.

Obviously, although Xiong Guo respects the Holy Shield, he also has his own backbone and is unwilling to be a pure spectator.

Under the gazes of everyone, the fire light from the sky finally fell to the surface, even if there were mountains blocking one after another, in an instant, the dazzling fire light still illuminated the sky.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the continuous explosion sounded, echoing in the mountains and fields for a long time, making people's ears numb.

Yan Guo can buy the luminous rock coat extract commonly known as "monster poison" from Ice and Fire Island, and Xiong Guo can of course, but it is not as smooth and the weight is not much.

The modified weapons newly installed by Xiong Guo basically have built-in metals doped with extracts. Although they are expensive, they can only be supported by gnashing of teeth for national defense.

Moreover, they did not buy it with money, but exchanged it with oil, a hard resource, so the pressure was less than expected.

As the army of the bear country also launched an attack, the war also entered a white-hot stage.

Tang You left a margin when sending people, even if the number of phantoms exceeded expectations, it was enough to support, and Xiong Nation used a lot of hunting weapons, which intensified the tilt of the war balance.

As the president of the Holy Shield, he has already done it himself, and of course he will not be so bored that he makes any reversal.

On the dark cloud, Tang You looked at the situation on the ground and turned to the giant dragon man.

The hazy table formed by countless phantom monsters" is much thicker like a reflection of light, and the evil whispers and sharp neighs are also high, but they are still unable to break the invisible barrier.

And the only listener, Tang You, didn't even hear it and didn't feel anything at all.

If these pollutions are wise, they must doubt the current situation of life, and do not understand why they are so powerless as a frightening silt pollution.

Tang You's clenched hand spread out, and the golden flowers in the dragon man's body were even more prosperous. Some of the phantom monsters at the bottom were like drops of water dripping into a frying pan, crackling and bursting, shattering their bodies.


The fallen ones that these faceless people turned into, even if they lost their minds in the opposing forces and turned into phantoms, they could still instinctively let out sharp screams, trying their best to break free from this terrifying prison.

The evil power in the dragon humanoid skeleton therefore subsided, and when it reached a certain level——


The heavy heartbeat sounded like a muffled thunder.

A gloomy light storm was aroused out of thin air in the surrounding air, but after only spreading for a short distance, it was scattered by an invisible force. The power of a demigod, just inadvertently leaked, is enough to cause extremely strong damage to ordinary people.

At a distance of ten kilometers, the general in the command center, even without the aid of the drone's audio equipment, could clearly hear the terrifying heartbeat.

The sound seemed to carry a strange power, causing everyone's hearts to jump unknowingly.

"" "This is..." The general took a few steps forward, propped up the edge of the table with both hands, and leaned forward slightly with his upper body, his expression solemn: "Is it awake?"

Those flickering golden lights obviously meant a silent contest, and it should be the means of the mysterious Sacred Shield president. Although they did not understand what was going on, there was only silent prayer for now.

Because of this level of struggle, the world is really powerless. Only the ancient extraordinary organization of the Holy Shield can compete with those powerful otherworldly existences.

On the battlefield, the Holy Shield warrior who cleared away the phantom monsters also focused part of their attention on the dragon man and the golden light, because that was the most crucial part.

In contrast, what they are doing now is nothing but sidelines.

"It's almost time." Tang You looked at the clouds of evil power scattered around him, muttered to himself in a low voice, raised his figure again, plunged into the clouds and disappeared.

The golden light bursting out of the dragon man's body began to swim, and countless phantom monsters either disintegrated or broke free, and were collected by the members of the Holy Shield and the army of the bear country.

When those golden lights converged on the forehead of the giant creature, the outline of the inner circle of the outer shield gradually became clear.

"Sacred Shield Logo!" One punch smashed the huge phantom monster, Ophelia looked at this scene, and was a little surprised: "Is this a temporary gift, or does it exist originally?"

If it is the former, that's fine, but if it's the latter... it means that the Holy Shield is even more unfathomable than what we think now! And this time, the legendary guild leader did it himself, I am afraid there are other meanings. .


Another heartbeat like a dull thunder.

"Clang clang..."

The giant chains move without wind.

Everyone seemed to have a hunch, the general who commanded the battle (good Zhao's), and Ophelia, who belonged to the Defense Bureau, all stared at the center of the cloud and mist, staring at the huge outline.

At this moment, a little red light suddenly dropped from the sky.

It was as if a ball of fire was approaching, and the normal clouds above were dyed into burning clouds by the radiant red glow, and spread rapidly around, like the purest ruby, magnificent and gorgeous to the extreme.

The artilleryman in charge of the heavy artillery, the driver who controls the rocket launcher, the gunner who controls the light tank... All eyes are drawn away.

Clouds and mists of evil power scattered all over the place, and some of them fell to the ground. In just a few minutes, the vegetation and soil in contact with them had undergone a certain degree of mutation, which seemed to be covered with a layer of disgusting black oil.

But when the red light shone, the dark cloud suddenly evaporated and dissipated as if it met the nemesis, and the phantom monsters screamed in horror and rolled around on the ground.

The light source behind the clouds is getting closer and closer, and the red clouds are more and more dazzling.

Finally, in the eyes of all the people, a corner of the silhouette fell and touched the clouds, and the cracks became bigger and bigger. Finally, the huge holy shield mark covered the entire cloud hole, occupying half of the sky.

And under the imprint of blooming infinite red light, a figure with a pure white round wheel is hanging.

The shadow's divine and vast aura made the top commander of the Xiong Nation soldiers on the scene tremble unconsciously:

"This is... the ancient sages mentioned in the Yan Kingdom's data, the teacher of the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, the superhuman being of the pillar level of mankind - President of the Holy Shield!

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