I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 397 The phantom over the capital

"The seed of fear?"

After Song Chengan asked his subordinates to send Bai Yu to the front line, he was very stunned when he heard what the gentleman in front of him said.

Of course, the Yan Kingdom Anomaly Investigation Bureau has information about this name, because the ghost in blood that Li Lanlan and others encountered at the Nanshan Mansion in Jiangcheng a long time ago was the seed of fear in the early days.

Later, the local anti-foreign members still cooperated with the holy shield's Pixiu mythical beast to completely eliminate it.

Tang You nodded and explained patiently: "Although the two seem to be very different, they are indeed the same species."

"The seed of fear was like a seed in the early days, it took root wherever it fell, it couldn't move, others couldn't hurt it, and it couldn't interfere with reality.

"Only when the intelligent creature is nearby, it will be passively activated, grow by absorbing negative emotions such as fear, and will not show too high intelligence, more like a plant instinct."

"As it grows, it gradually degenerates in the direction of intelligent beings, and has the ability to move freely, but it will break away from the virtual level and come to the objective world.

"It also means that they have lost their natural ability to save lives."

Song Chengan saw that Mr. Ye Zhe turned his head and looked out the window. There were strange light spots in his eyes, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the obstacles of the mountain peaks, and directly explained the situation in the urban area of ​​Yanjing.

This made him secretly startled.

"It takes great pains to establish nodes, in fact, to hide itself back to the virtual plane, so as to protect its own body, and to strengthen itself through the projection of this in the real world.

"Have you found it? Even at this point, its means have taken shape, but in fact, it is not deliberately killing people, but more of causing people's negative emotions through destruction.

Tang You said, his voice changed:

"Of course, that doesn't mean it will do it all the time. When the deterrence caused by the destruction reaches the threshold, in order to absorb more..."

His eyes turned back to Song Chengan: "It will choose mass slaughter and use death to inspire people's most primitive horror."

"Immediately stop the delivery mission, mobilize all the forces in the city, and guide the people to the nearest underground shelter.

"All soldiers, investigation bureau fighters, and life seed practitioners, I authorize you to use all force to fight back against the enemy on the premise of ensuring the safety of the people's lives.

The latest decisions are broadcast to every official's ears by radio.

on the viaduct.

Pan Xueming, who escaped from death, listened to the words transmitted through the mobile phone, gritted his teeth, stepped on the clutch and put the reverse gear skillfully, and slammed the steering wheel while feeding the oil. Within a few seconds, the car turned around and followed the mighty car 370 The team runs back.

He will send the people in the car to the nearest underground shelter entrance.

As an ordinary middle school teacher, in addition to teaching, Pan Xueming has only the driving skills he has cultivated in the troubled traffic environment in Beijing.

And closer to the headless monster, Xuan Yang Laodao was leading the team to fly over the eaves and walls and try to rush forward. Suddenly, he saw the subordinates from the commander's side also gathered, but there was no Zheng Wenzheng.

"Where's Captain Zheng?" he asked quickly.

Although he is now the second most powerful person in the investigation bureau, his family knows his own affairs, and he knows that Zheng Wenjun is too far behind. .

"Just now, the director sent someone to bring a white jade to Captain Zheng. After he held it for a while, he instructed us to follow you to maintain the situation and buy time, and then left alone without knowing where to go.

One of them replied.

After working together for so long, Daoist Xuanyang knew exactly what kind of person Zheng Wenjun was. The former chose to leave at such an urgent moment, which must be a very important reason.


In the midst of the speeding gallop, he looked into the distance and saw the headless monster whose size had been swelling for some reason.


The long sword made of reinforced metal was unsheathed, and Taoist Xuanyang took the lead.

Since the time in the United States was twelve hours later than the time in the Yan Kingdom, it was late at night in the United States at this moment, but the high-level officials of the ninth district were already sitting around and staring at the screen.

There are a total of two perspectives on the screen, the first from a certain medium, apparently shot with a telephoto lens at a great distance, but the expensive equipment guarantees video clarity.

A large number of gunships are maintaining a safe distance, disrupting the headless monster with their rockets.

Bunch of flames exploded, but every time the smoke and dust dissipated, the crater that was blasted out on the surface of the target body was always filled with viscous blood-colored fluid.

Edgar, the director of the ninth district, is very clear that this is the result of adding the luminous rock coat extract to the warhead, otherwise, even these large pits will not be able to explode.

Of course, the Yan Kingdom also had more powerful weapons, but in the field of vision of this telephoto lens, the people who were evacuating near the combat point could be vaguely seen, and the former could not be used at all.

The second picture is very jittery, and it should be from a commoner who is running for his life. The camera is full of the backs of the people running and the faces of the soldiers (ccdf).

Explosion, shouting, commanding sound... The picture and sound are all messed up into a pot of porridge.

Everyone noticed that the soldiers who were responsible for evacuating the people and commanding the route had ordinary rifles in their hands, while those soldiers who went upstream were obviously rushing to the battlefield, carrying miniature rocket launchers on their backs.

Reality isn't a monster movie, and no one knows that a broken rifle is useless, and has to hold it there and chug and wait to be smashed to death by a tail.

Suddenly, the picture swirled around, and then turned to pitch black. It should be that the photographer dropped the phone to the ground in a panic, and when it was picked up, a group of people wearing ordinary clothes but with obviously different temperaments appeared in the camera.

"Fate Cultivator!"

Even when they were running for their lives, the photographer noticed the group of people, and the camera turned around and saw them stepping up the wall, seeing the messy ruins as nothing.

A large number of bat-like blood-colored arrows attacked again, but those Life Seed cultivators just pulled out their cold weapons and flicked them away. still deep.

And due to the impediment of life force, when the headless monster used the blood-colored viscous fluid to recover, the efficiency was significantly lower.

It can be said that this group of Life Seed cultivators only organized the first offensive, and the results obtained were equivalent to the previous indiscriminate bombardment of a large number of artillery fire.

"Boom boom boom...

It was only then that the bat-shaped, blood-colored arrows that had been pulled apart exploded, causing the people on the street to hide their heads and hide in the surrounding houses.

"Be careful!

A young warrior swooped and led a certain citizen to avoid the flying stones passing overhead. The two rolled around in the ruins several times, standing covered in dust.

Zheng Wenjun, who had just arrived at the gate of the ancient imperial city, turned his head to look at the news, and his brows could not help sinking, but reason made him suppress his emotions.

That headless monster is just a projection, even if he rushes to tear it to pieces now, it will be of no use except for wasting his strength, because the latter will be able to reappear in place in the next second.

The seed of fear that has been arranged in advance is indeed disgusting, and its body must be found and killed before the crisis can be completely extinguished.

Thinking of this, he looked down at the white jade in his hand, and then strode into the ancient imperial city, where there was a powerful force that the Yan Kingdom had never used.

On the main battlefield, the headless monster seemed to be annoyed by the "little bugs". The ribs under the armpit split open, and two arms protruded again. Then the four giant palms clapped together, and the thin crimson light ball expanded.

Xuanyang Laodao, who had just been repelled, felt the hairs stand on his back, and hurriedly shouted: "Dangerous! Hold the unity!"

Hearing this, the Life Seed practitioners of the Investigation Bureau hurriedly formed a group of nine people, palms facing each other, forming a small circle in which the surging life force also blended.

Where the expanding crimson ball of light swept across, the tall buildings, roads, and all buildings were annihilated and turned invisible, as if being swallowed by an invisible giant beast.

When the crimson light ball disappeared, a spherical cavity with a diameter of two kilometers appeared in the dense urban jungle, the ground was sunken, and the edges of the remaining buildings were extremely smooth, as if they had been specially polished.

Although the Life Seed cultivators who were in it were still alive, they were all slumped and had obviously lost their combat power. Only a dozen outstanding people like Daoist Xuanyang could do their best to support themselves.

In the conference room of the ninth district, Professor Lucas saw this scene, his eyelids gradually pressed together, and his voice was rather dull: "Very strong, I am not an extraordinary opponent of this other world.

Except for Edgar, the expressions of the others changed slightly.


The old Xuanyang Daoist who was standing in the big pit was obviously not feeling well either. He coughed twice and looked around to see that the terrain had been completely changed.

The giant face on the belly of the headless monster glanced at him, and seemed a little surprised that he could still stand up, then one corner of his mouth was raised, and his four arms were raised.

A touch of blood gradually appeared in the air, and then, a faint blood-colored mist gradually emerged from the small half of the third ring of Yanjing.

"Quick, go this way, the entrance to the shelter is here."

A certain community worker was greeting the public, but when the blood-colored mist appeared, he held his head tightly and roared in pain.

The rest of the population is no different.

Xuanyang Dao's eyes were splitting, and he tried his last strength to throw the long sword in his hand, but the headless monster just vacated a certain hand and waved his arm, and then smashed it into a broken building. middle.

Hundreds of thousands of people were terrified by the blood mist, and the headless monster got enough food, and its body was swelling visibly to the naked eye.

In the vicinity of the giant pit, a large number of members of the Holy Shield are gathering here. Once the situation really evolves to the point where it may threaten the lives of the people, they will act immediately.

Tang You, who was far away at the headquarter of the Investigation Bureau, frowned slightly, rubbing his thumb and index finger slightly.

He is not the kind of person who would choose to let the people suffer in order to achieve his own layout, and now suppressing the members of Aegis to prevent them from appearing early is because this is also a rare opportunity for the people.

Just like Zhuo Lang and Lu Tonglei, there is a chance to become a spontaneous mutant.

Although the seed of fear is disgusting, its nature determines that he will not kill on a large scale as soon as he appears, but will use various means to obtain negative emotions.

The stimulation of monster power has a smaller chance of spawning mutants.

This is very strange. It is not something that can be explained by the spiritual power system itself. It is more like some basic deep rules that cannot be deliberately created.

For example, deliberately catching an extraordinary creature like the Seed of Fear, and letting him harm ordinary people every day, trying to spawn extraordinary beings, in the end, only half of the mutants will not appear.

Autogenous mutants only seem to come from "accidents".

You can use it after you know it, but you must never do it as its origin, or it will become ineffective.

Xuanyang Laodao didn't know all of this, he clenched his hands tightly, poured himself a whole handful of Life Yuan Dan, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it all, his face soon appeared abnormally rosy:

"Everyone! Help me!""

Seeing this, the other people who could still stand also took their last life essence pills one after another, and then they ran over and put their hands on his shoulders one by one.

Then there are four more people, one on the left and one on the right, on the shoulders of the two, and so on, just like a standard binary tree.

Layer after layer of power gathered and transmitted to Xuanyang Laodao's body, causing his entire body to swell in a circle.

The reinforced metal long sword that had already been branded, even if it was sent to a distant building just now, was pulled back through the smoke and dust by the skyrocketing force and fell into his hands.

The headless monster finally sensed a threat, vacated an arm alone, transformed from a palm into a fist, and a miniature version of the crimson ball of light appeared and expanded, ready to kill the source of danger.


As if the violent power needed a place to vent, Xuanyang Laodao raised his long sword and slammed it down, and a tens of meters long sword qi burst out, directly breaking the crimson ball of light.


The sword qi was castrated unabated, and the headless monster's waist was cut out by three-quarters of the gap, and it was almost cut off by the waist.

Losing the strength to support, the blood-colored mist that filled the small half of the three rings finally faded away, and for the people who were in it, the pain like needles gradually disappeared.



After completing an overload, Taoist Xuanyang spat out blood, while the faces of the two closest to him were like golden paper.

If the three of them weren't supported by the people next to them, I'm afraid they would have fallen to the ground by now, and obviously there is no way to do another attack of the same level as just now.

"Damn it!

The headless monster roared out in Yan Guo's words. It turned out that he didn't know how to speak before, he just didn't want to.

In the ninth district conference room, watching the most powerful official on the field collapse, someone subconsciously said: "Yanjing is in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, other people's faces could not help but become a little playful.

Edgar raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the person who had just been promoted to the conference floor and his work card, silently memorized his name, and was ready to find out how this idiot rose up.

First, so far, that Yan Nation's number one transcendental person has not yet appeared, so he dares to draw this conclusion. He is very suspicious that this person may not even memorize the information of Yan Nation.

Second, even that Zheng Wenjun is not the opponent of this monster. Could it be that the ancient extraordinary organization, the guardian of human civilization, the Holy Shield, will let Yanjing fall?

Moreover, it must be known that among the secular countries today, the one most closely related to the Aegis organization is the Yan Kingdom, but so far, there have been no members of the Aegis in this war.

Even if they think about it with their toes, they can see that there must be some arrangement that they don't know.


On the battlefield, the headless monster's waist injury was struggling to heal, the ground trembled slightly with every step it stepped on, and it was approaching Daoist Xuanyang and others step by step.

The latter stared at it, never backing away.

"Go to hell!

The headless monster was really irritated by the blow he just made, and he didn't even plan to use a spell. Instead, he stuck out the lowermost hand on the right, preparing to kill him in the simplest and crudest way.

The giant palm is getting closer and closer...

Just when the fingertips of the headless monster were less than half a meter from the length of the preaching road, a dazzling brilliance suddenly erupted in the ancient imperial city and now the Forbidden City.

A terrifying invisible force suddenly attacked, and even such a huge monster was thrown upside down and flew back.

Then, among the stunned gazes of countless people, a quaint figure with two ears and three legs slowly appeared over the Forbidden City...

PS: The number of words in this piece is a bit too much, I don't know if it will be blocked because it contains too many harmonious words.


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