I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 405 The mysterious visitor from the farm


With a slight noise, the strong tea that had drank half of the water was put back on the solid wood table.

"Very appropriate ranking." Song Chengan said while browsing the information on the Internet during the noon break.

Zheng Wenjun was sitting across from him, and was holding the dedicated tablet terminal with one hand at this time, his index finger sliding as if casually.

He saw in the comments that someone said that this currency structure ranking actually represented the strength of Blue Star's major organizations, with Yan Guo ranking first, the United States second, and Europa third.

"It's only half right." Zheng Wenjun couldn't help but speak.

Song Chengan nodded slowly, stood up and walked to the hot water machine, refilling the cup of boiling water: "Because the world still doesn't know that extraordinary matter, as Blue Star's hardest currency today, actually represents an organization."

"As this ranking shows, the Holy Shield, which supports extraordinary substances as hard currency, is the most powerful organization in all mankind.

Zheng Wenjun has been honed for a long time, and he has already passed the stage where as a member of the Holy Shield, facing such a scene would be inexplicably awkward.

"It actually has a lot to do with you being able to go so well this time." Song Chengan walked back to the desk with a tea cup filled with hot water.

The currency change of the Yan Kingdom involves not only itself, but the whole world.

Although oil is not only an energy source, but also a very important industrial raw material, the Yan Kingdom's move this time will still cause a serious blow to oil prices.

Oil exports are an important part of the economy of many countries, such as the OPEC member in the Middle East, the bear country in the north, not to mention the United States, which has been promoted to the world's largest oil producer.

To a large extent, it was with the help of the momentum and strength displayed in the Battle of Yanjing that the Yan Kingdom made this decision smoothly spread to the world, of which Zheng Wenjun obviously contributed a lot.

But it didn't take credit for it:

"22 This was originally my duty, and I actually failed to kill the monster. Fortunately, the Holy Shield has been watching the development of this matter secretly, erasing the hidden danger for us."

The skinny man in Jinmen fell into the heavy rain, and the people called the police when they found it.

This should have been a very common thing. After all, sudden death and the like are not uncommon. The more prominent one may be his identity as a drug dealer.

But when the body was transported to the forensic doctor for autopsy, it was found that the man's internal organs had been completely decomposed, and he had been dead for at least half a month.

The man who had been dead for almost half a month actually ran to the road by himself!

Such a strange thing, of course, was immediately transferred to the staff of the local Anomaly Investigation Bureau.

Some things are very difficult to investigate forward, but it is very simple to retrospect after having a target.

The official Yan Kingdom found that this corpse had dealt with Wang Zhiye before his death, but since then it has disappeared, and the time of death can be matched, which is obviously inextricably linked.

This corpse is probably the hidden container of the mature body of the Seed of Fear, which was quietly placed here as a backhand.

In this way, that guy is likely to be aware of the existence of the Holy Shield, but it makes sense that he is still so unscrupulous.

"It is indeed thanks to the secret help of the Holy Shield." Song Chengan nodded.

Although there is no direct evidence, other than the ancient supernatural organization, no one among the human beings is so powerful and capable of handling a powerful and extremely cautious mature body to such a degree.

He could almost imagine how desperate and regretful he must be when he thought that Jin Chan, who escaped from the shell, just walked out of the alley and came to the road when he encountered the powerful Sacred Shield that he had been waiting for for a long time.

Song Chengan seemed to have thought of something, and turned to comfort him: "You don't have to worry too much, you were in a hurry at the time and lacked necessary information, you don't know it's normal.

No, I know, and I know that he has a backer, but I still dare to reveal my identity as a member of the Holy Shield, because the president has been paying attention to this matter...

Zheng Wenjun complained very rarely in his heart.

In fact, in addition to the great record, there is also the credit of the radish.

According to the cooperation treaty signed by the five countries before the announcement of the joint statement, they have carried out full cooperation in biomedicine, agriculture, and energy, and have made good progress under this framework before.

Although this does not mean that everyone has to take out their underpants, there must be some sincerity. Therefore, whether it is out of the provisions of the treaty or out of self-interest, the Yan Kingdom must disclose a part of the fusion technology.

This is the so-called "radish".

It's just that the Yan Guouo firmly grasped the core content of controllable nuclear fusion in his hands.

"By the way, Director, after communicating with Divine Shield, they are ready to send personnel to our experimental farm who can perform growth-like techniques to increase food production and shorten the cycle."

Zheng Wenjun reminded.

The experimental farms it refers to are the first integrated farms to grow the grains delivered by Aegis.

Song Chengan recalled that the latest report showed that even though the experimental farm simulated the extensive care environment, the growth rate of those rice was still far beyond the original imagination, even higher than the standard data provided by Aegis itself.

This is undoubtedly a big surprise for the entire official.

In any case, food is the basis for the maintenance of the entire human society. As long as there is sufficient food, officials will have less worries and more room for operations.

According to the current information, it is speculated that if the whole country is planted with this crop, the total output will not only not decrease after the arable land area is cut in half, but will even exceed previous years.

Although up to now, Song Chengan didn't think that the Holy Shield had enough manpower to use it to cast all the growth spells on all the farms in the Yan Kingdom, even if it was only one tenth of it, it was basically impossible.

But since it is an experiment, it is necessary to know the limit data, so people still have to invite it.

"Okay, let the people at the test farm get ready."

Song Chengan also wanted to know what the upper limit of these grains could reach.

Xiang Province of the Yan Kingdom.

It is located in the east of Guizhou Province and the south of E Province. It has a beautiful and changing scenery. The floating mountains in a famous movie were shot here.

People's general impression of it is probably the hometown of famous teachers, but it is actually the second largest province in terms of rice production in the country, second only to Beidakang, which is known as "South of the Yangtze River".

At this moment, in Tanzhou, the provincial capital, in a rice planting base in the wilderness, a wide road that can accommodate two cars runs through the fields.

A dark-skinned man wearing a straw hat and looking like an old farmer sat on the vigorously growing weeds by the roadside, took off his rubber shoes covered in yellow mud, and bent over to wash his feet in the cool water of the rice field.

"Quack... quack..."

The half-palm-sized frog was frightened, bellowed twice, jumped into the grass next to it and disappeared.

The turbulence stirred up the silt at the bottom of the field, and the clear water gradually became cloudy. A few water spiders floating on the surface gave a jolt, and flexibly sprang far away from the neat gaps in the rice.

Nie Hongshe, a researcher in his forties, pulled the weeds again and wiped the mud off his rubber shoes before putting on his shoes again and standing up.

The lovely red dragonfly flew in front of him with a slight noise.

Looking from afar, the vast rice fields can hardly be seen. If not blocked by the continuous mountains, it seems to extend below the horizon. The sky is high and the clouds are wide, the wind is gentle, and the sun is extremely hot, which makes people a little hard to open their eyes.

Countless dragonflies are flying over the rice fields, and it seems that just one hand can grab a handful.

In Hunan Province, two seasons of rice are generally planted, and the early rice is in front of you, which is usually harvested in July.

The number of dragonflies is abnormally high before the rice is heading and blooming. Other animals that should have appeared on a large scale at a later date have also emerged.

"When a demon was born, everything became abnormal, including the climate, animals and plants." Nie Hongshe sighed in his heart.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the rough engine sound like thunder, agricultural machinery with large tires drove past it, and several agricultural drones and a large number of spare batteries were carried in the car body.

Now let alone state-owned large-scale integrated experimental farms, in the past few years, retail farmers with slightly larger planting areas will use drones to spray pesticides.

Because the efficiency is higher, the time-consuming is shorter, and the overall cost is lower.

"Old Nie, why don't you bring your mobile phone? I can't get through. There was a notice just now that some important people won't come to our place. Section Chief Zhang told you to hurry back."

The farm machine driver turned off the fire, sat in the car and shouted.

"What kind of important people can come to our poor place, and they will spend all day doing those bells and whistles, and don't go."

Nie Hongshe refused very simply.

"This time is different." The driver's face was filled with strange excitement: "I heard that the people here are not ordinary people, you know what I mean?

There is a lot of speculation related to the extraordinary, but few ordinary people have really seen it in real life.

However, it's okay if he didn't say it, the old peasant-like face of Nie Hongshe became darker when he said this, and his tone became more blunt: "No.

"Old Nie, you are still brooding about what happened last time." The farm truck driver obviously knew the reason.

"The last time the test field was damaged, it was not intentional. It is possible to fight against otherworldly monsters and defend the family and the country without any loss at all."

Nie Hongshe is in his forties, still stubborn, and snorted coldly:

"I don't deny the role of extraordinary people, but the security of the whole country does not depend entirely on them. More grassroots personnel, scientific researchers, and ordinary soldiers silently contribute."

"Thinking about it with your brain, you know that for such a big country, it only depends on those few extraordinary people of unknown number, is it enough?"

"Moreover, that group of people can only destroy and not build all day long, and the whole society is almost insane. Even my kid who is about to take the college entrance examination is talking about being extraordinary all day long, and he has no intention of studying.

Speaking of this, he raised a burst of anger out of thin air: "I really want to kill him with a belt.

The farm truck master was stunned for a moment, then laughed, got out of the car and patted his shoulder: "I said that you are not usually such a stingy person, so the key reason is here."

"But if I tell you, it's not right for you to be so angry. 370"

"What you said is not the fault of the official superhumans. They are just silently performing their duties, and in the end they have to be blamed by you. This is too wrong."

Nie Hongshe's old face turned red, but his dark skin couldn't be seen.

As a highly educated molecule, his IQ is certainly not bad.

Moreover, he has a good personality on weekdays. He has worked diligently here for decades and has become an experienced chief expert. Otherwise, he would not speak so hard.

He just couldn't turn the corner, and it was a bit embarrassing to be carefully analyzed and pointed out at this time.

"Okay, don't go to the horns, let's go quickly, the above has already sent a message, the meeting should be coming soon.

They were all old friends, and the farm truck driver didn't have any scruples, so he just dragged Nie Hongshe into the bucket.

When the two of them returned to the farm office and accommodation, they realized that the person was not coming, but had already arrived.

Two low-key domestic SUVs were parked downstairs, and the conference room, which had been idle most of the time in the past, was a little bright, and it was obvious that people were inside.


knock on the door.

"Come in...it's supposed to be our technologist back.

The first two words were quite loud, and the latter gradually became weak, which should be explained by the guests in the same room.

The farm cart master and Nie Hongshe looked at each other and motioned for him to go by himself, so he would not join in the fun.


Because the iron door of the conference room was not used frequently, the bearings were rusted, and the latter made a harsh sound when it was pushed.

The door was opened, and the interior scene came into view:

Several farm management members have arrived, and there are also a few young public officials with peculiar temperament.

"This should be the person who is officially involved in the extraordinary department..."

Nie Hongshe thought secretly in his heart, his eyes turned again, and then his eyelids were unconsciously pressed together, and the whole person froze in place.

I saw two people dressed in black robes with hoods covering half of their faces, sitting calmly where everyone's eyes converged.

After all, Nie Hongshe has been in the system for decades, and knows that it is unlikely that there will be uniforms with such temperament that do not conform to the official image, even if... they are extraordinary.

"But, if not official, to whom do they belong?39

PS: Everyone, my chapter was blocked, but I went to the discussion forum and found that your comments on the blocked chapter were also gone. We are really perfect partners [laugh and cry], really numb....

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