I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 412 The Han River Monster

Sun Huizhen felt astonished because although the protective lining was dyed, the material used was clearly the spider silk cloth produced by the giant jungle spider.

She has been responsible for the handover of finished fabrics for a period of time, and the texture is all too familiar. The specific data on the lower end perfectly verified her guess.

With the help of the space channel, the original demons sent many valuable extraordinary creatures in several batches.

Among them, the jungle giant spider has the largest number and the highest output, but the nature of the spider silk cloth is relatively low-end, and the members of the Holy Shield cannot use it, so it is used to trade with the Yan Kingdom, and the United States and Gaul also have some shares.

The spider silk cloth produced by the ice spirit giant spider is generally used inside the organization, which has a better effect on reducing damage and has a high affinity with spiritual power. It can be combined with other materials to make a very cost-effective defense extraordinary item. .

Sun Huizhen really did not expect that the extraordinary resource that the Yan Kingdom officially opened to the general public was actually a finished product made from the spider silk cloth of the jungle giant spider.

Moreover, listening to the two good sisters admiringly discussing the eliminated products of their own organizations, hoping to have them but knowing that they have nowhere, always made her feel a little embarrassed, and she could only cover up with her forks.

"Hey, by the way, Caien, the main point of your husband's company is to trade with the Yan Kingdom, and you should be able to get a lot of Yan Kingdom currency for settlement. What currency will you use to pay that salary?

Park Hyoyeon suddenly remembered this and asked.

Under this circumstance, the Yan Nationality Coin can be directly circulated in South Korea, and the value is even harder, so obviously it is more cost-effective to receive the Yan Coin salary.

Even if you don't need to buy scarce items in the country of Yan, and directly trade with those who buy Yan coins in private, you can still make a fortune with a higher exchange rate than the official one.

"One-third of the salary is in Yan national currency." Lin Caien responded.

"Oba said that most of the foreign exchange earned by their company from the Yan Kingdom through trade has been exchanged by the government, which should be used to buy special effects weapons, such as exoskeleton armor, etc., from the Yan Kingdom."

"In addition, the Yan Kingdom is officially seconded to our country to deal with the high-intensity life seed practitioners, as well as the system responsible for training the armored squad, and they also need to pay their wages in Yan Kingdom currency."

"These are expenses."

Nam Koryo's mechanism for dealing with otherworldliness is basically modeled on the mature precedents of the Yan Kingdom. From a very early time, they sent personnel to learn from the investigation bureau.

But after all, it does not have its own extraordinary system, so the core force against other forces still depends on the support of the Yan Kingdom, such as the life seed cultivator, and the mass-produced exoskeleton 387 armor.

Fortunately, although the Samsung chaebol died, the factories and talents remained intact. The official South Korea exchanged a large number of chips for Yanguo currency, thus maintaining the security force seconded by the Yanguo.

Perhaps it is human nature to be crooked, and the topic of the two deviates from the original direction without knowing it.

Sun Huizhen interjected from time to time to maintain her own sense of existence, and pretended to be participating in the discussion, so as not to be knocked on the head because she was just burying her head in eating.

She herself didn't understand why everyone liked to knock their own heads. Her parents and sisters of the same age were like this. Even in the Sacred Shield organization, she couldn't escape this fate.

"Recently, the popularity of unofficial transcendence is not low." Park Xiaoyan swiped the screen of her mobile phone: "But those unofficial transcenders themselves don't show up very much."

"Cardinal Theodore Ferdinand in the Western cultural circle, who has performed miracles before, has been in the limelight for a while, and his prestige has even surpassed that of the leaders of many Europa countries."

"Now, I don't know why, the Miracle Monastery that has been staying in Gaul has not come out, and refused all interviews and invitations, disappointing many small countries who tried to invite him to sit in town."

"On our side, the Great Sage appeared only once in the Battle of Edo, and no one has found any trace of him since.

“These two have been confirmed as unofficial. It seems that there is no relationship between the two, but their behaviors show a high degree of similarity, causing netizens to speculate about the reason. 35

In the past, it was the mainstream for the people of South Korea to swipe INS, but now they love to surf the Internet in Yanguo and pay attention to the latest news in the raw.

After all, in a sense, the Yan Kingdom has recovered its status as the suzerain state of Southern Goryeo. In this regard, everyone including Park Hyoyeon and Lim Chae-eun did not say it outright, but they all knew it well.

The Yan Kingdom has at least made the social situation of South Korea better visible to the naked eye, and the transaction is fair enough, and the security force it provides is strong enough.

"When you talk about this, I am reminded of a recent hot post on the Internet of Yan Kingdom." Lin Caien said.

"According to the poster's description, he had unusually cold for a period of time, he was also wrapped in a thick down jacket on a hot day, and he did not get better after seeing the doctor and taking medicine.

"Later, when I watched the official live broadcast of the Yan Kingdom in the teahouse, I remembered that I had been to the place inside, and then I realized that I was infected with evil."

"In the end, a young man with a strange temperament sitting across from him was cured with a cup of hot tea. When he came back to his senses and chased out, the expert had disappeared.

"What he didn't expect was that the posts he casually posted on the Internet unexpectedly exploded. Because netizens questioned, he also posted relevant medical documents in the interviews of the new media. When everyone traced them, they found that such a thing really happened."

Park Hyoyeon sighed with emotion after hearing this: "It seems that those mysterious unofficial transcendences are actually hidden in our lives.

She put her hands together to support her face, her fair cheeks were slightly sunken, but her eyes were full of fascination: "If you think about it carefully, this feeling is really wonderful. 35

"A mighty reclusive extraordinary person, maybe a stranger who passed by, maybe the owner of a small shop, or maybe the person who sits beside you and me when you have a cup of coffee in your spare time."

Sun Huizhen turned her head and blinked: "???"

I just wanted to avoid my parents talking, and I just stopped by to eat and drink. Whoever provokes whom will be repeatedly involved.

Park Hyoyeon noticed her gaze and was a little puzzled: "Big bun, why are you looking at me like this?

"It's okay, I just think you look better. Sun Huizhen is perfunctory.

"A duplicitous guy, he knows that I haven't worked yet, and I don't know how to restrain my stomach. Do you want me to eat dirt for the rest of the month?"

Park Xiaoyan found that there were many empty plates on the table, her teeth were itching with anger, she immediately bent down and leaned over to rub her tender face.

"Xiaoyan Oni, I will pay, I will pay." Sun Huizhen quickly pulled her head away from the devil's claws, and then straightened her hair with lingering fears.

On the opposite side, Lin Caien was drinking coffee and watching the show.

"Your face is as soft as before," said Park Hyoyeon, who had been addicted to her hands. After she finished speaking, she deliberately "hummed" and then turned back to the previous topic, her eyes glowing with incomparable yearning:

"I really wish I could meet a handsome and reclusive extraordinary person, and then there will be one or another coincidence, the love-hate cycle, sweet and abusive, dead and alive, just like which TV show was recently aired.

It has to be said that the highly industrialized film and television industry in South Korea can always capture hot spots keenly.

They recently worked overtime and filmed a drama in which a reclusive extraordinary person meets an ordinary urban girl, meets and falls in love. Against the background of the general weakening of the entertainment industry, it has become a hit against the trend.

Sun Huizhen felt a little strange in her heart.

Because Park Hyoyeon's description always reminded her of the experience of President Tang You, who was hidden in the vast crowd when the extraordinary soil had not yet recovered.

"Pfft..." Lin Caien smiled unkindly, and immediately noticed that it was indecent, and quickly covered her mouth: "Xiaoyan Erni, it seems that you should find a boyfriend."5

Park Hyoyeon wrinkled her nose and took a sip of coffee unwillingly:

"You think I don't want to, but I think it's too much to delay my studies... Forget it, don't think about those annoying things. By the way, who knows that kind of big and quiet (ccdf) mall, only shopping can soothe my heart. scars."

Sun Huizhen couldn't help complaining: "Xiaoyan Oni, is your brain broken, how could there be such a place. 99

"Well, wait, maybe there is.

Lin Caien raised his hand to stop, sat up straight and looked at the two:

"The beauty salon where I work is an indoor comprehensive shopping mall. Today, because of the sudden fire inspection, the nearby stores have been closed. It is absolutely quiet enough, and..."

She took out a bunch of keys from her handbag, shook it in front of the two women, and said with a smile:

"Between the beauty salon and the shopping mall, there is actually a hard-to-find passageway connection, and I only learned about it recently. I can go to the beauty salon first, and then go along the passageway to experience the feeling of the whole shopping mall as only us.

"The only downside is that you can only watch it, not buy it.

Park Hyoyeon's eyes brightened a little bit: "Although it's not good to trespass, but we don't do bad things. It's the best of both worlds to be able to enjoy shopping in the mall without sagging your wallet."

Sun Huizhen looked at the two women speechlessly, and was about to speak, when her eyes suddenly froze, turning her head to look in a certain direction. All she could see was a wall with ornaments hanging on it.

This spiritual power fluctuation is hideous and vicious, and it is definitely not a kind... She secretly frowned.

Although Sun Huizhen knew that there were members of the Holy Shield stationed in the city, she was still a little worried, because she didn't know the specific situation, and many people might die if she arrived a second late.

"To be on the safe side, hurry up and take a look.

She made up her mind, pretended to take out her mobile phone to check the news, then wailed angrily, and said "very helpless" to the good sister who looked suspiciously: "Oni, I suddenly have an urgent matter and have to go.

Park Hyoyeon and Lin Caien looked at each other: "Well then, we just want to go shopping right now."

Then the waiter was called over, and according to the old rules of high school, AA settled the bill.

Everything was normal at first, but when the waiter took Sun Huizhen's credit card and swiped it at the POS machine, she was suddenly taken aback: "Ma'am, this is a foreign currency card, and it contains Yan Guo currency."

Hearing this, Park Hyoyeon and Lin Caien also looked over in astonishment.

The two have no doubts that Sun Huizhen has a foreign currency card. After all, the latter studied at the University of Sao Paulo before, but why is there Yan Guo currency in it?

"What's the matter, hasn't the official announced that the corresponding mechanism has been established so that it can be directly consumed?" Sun Huizhen felt a little strange.

"Uh, of course, of course, it's possible, just need to change the machine." The waiter said quickly.

The reason why he specially reminded it is because if the Yan Guo currency is smuggled through private channels, it can actually be exchanged for more Korean dollars, and it is not cost-effective to use it directly for consumption.

But seeing that the master doesn't care, what else can he say.

When it was time to change the card and swipe the card, Park Xiaoyan glanced at the numbers on it, and her expression became even more surprised: "Big bun, how can you hold so many Yanguo coins?"

With the promotion of her rank in Divine Shield, Sun Huizhen's salary has also risen, and she just likes to eat, but she doesn't actually spend much money. Of course, she has saved a small amount of money in the past six months.

"I have suspended my studies in Sao Paulo, and currently have a job in Yanguo." Sun Huizhen wrote her name on the purchase order, feeling a little anxious, but she couldn't show it, so she could only deal with it quickly.

"You guy, you are very powerful, and you went to the Yan Kingdom without making a sound!" Park Xiaoyan was a little envious.

In the past, the country of Yan was only difficult to obtain nationality and residence permits. Now, with the deterioration of the situation, it has become extremely difficult to obtain work visas. This is to prevent some people from exploiting loopholes to run over in large numbers and increase the security burden.

After all, everyone now knows that staying in the Yan Kingdom is more secure.

"Xiaoyan Erni, Caien Erni, I'm really in a hurry. I'll talk next time, I'll go first, bye, bye!" Sun Huizhen said as she walked, waved her hand when she reached the door, and then passed the glass The window has disappeared.

Park Hyoyeon and Lin Caien watched her leave.

"Huh...then let's go too."

On the other side, on the banks of the Han River.

"This monster first appeared in Jianghua County on the west coast, and then went down the Han River, causing more than 20 deaths, and relied on the river to avoid search, and now it has finally landed.

In a room with a lot of equipment, Cui Zhihao, the head of the anti-foreign action team in South Korea, was staring at the deserted square and buildings on the screen, his voice was cold.

If Song Chengan or Zheng Wenjun were here, they would definitely be able to recognize at a glance that he was the general who was in charge of the situation in the bloody forest battle.

"Is the surrounding environment confirmed?" Cui Zhihao turned his head and asked the subordinate next to him.

"Team Leader Cui, please rest assured, we have closed the shopping mall and nearby stores in the name of temporary sampling to prevent the hidden monster from harming the public." The subordinate responded quickly.

Cui Zhihao nodded.

PS: Everyone, I don’t know why recently, the comment will be deleted by the system very strangely, and I can’t restore it in the background. If you want to communicate, just post a normal comment.

The most helpless thing is that I know where there is a comment, but I can't see the content, and I feel like a cat scratching my head. 【cover face】

In addition, "slikdj" is great, I went to the HW mall to see, the National Bank PS5, 3,800, with a wireless controller, unfortunately out of stock, I missed a billion....

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