Four days after the incident.

"Boom boom boom..."

With the deafening roar of the propeller cutting the air, the helicopter's altitude continued to drop, and finally landed firmly on the field marked with the "I-I" symbol.

A group of men in suits who had been waiting for a long time quickly greeted them: "Mr. Du Bois!

Albert stepped out of the helicopter and nodded in response.

The leader of the Ottoman official team looked at the long box he was carrying, and his pupils shrank slightly unconsciously, realizing that it was the guardian sword in Norse mythology - Bult Steel.

This is a real artifact, the source of the entire Europa Witcher supernatural system!

As for the "monster poison" produced by the Nordic Ice and Fire Island, it is just the icing on the cake for the witcher, not a necessity.

There was also a witcher on secondment from Gaul who was stationed in the Ottoman territory. He had the privilege of seeing him in action, which was even more exaggerated than the humanoid tank in the movie.

It is conceivable that Albert Dubois, the most powerful transcendental person in the world of Europa, and the holder of the guardian sword Bult Steel, will have what kind of strength.

"Thank you for your hard work and traveling all the way to help our country. We have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you to wash away the dust, and thank you for our best quality red wine. 99

Osman greeted the leader of the team very politely.

Albert hurriedly raised his hand to stop it: "I'm here on public duty, no need to do this, the task is important, please take me to the place of the incident quickly."

"Uh, this..." The Ottoman officials looked at each other in dismay, obviously due to the environment of the country they were in, they were very uncomfortable with such a neat and neat style.

But they quickly came to their senses: "Okay, okay. Thank you Mr. Du 387 Bois for being so important, please come with us."

With his entourage, Albert boarded a vehicle prepared by the Ottoman official and headed for the Constantinople Police Station.

Looking at the crescent-shaped scenery outside the window, he was actually a little complicated, because this city was also called Byzantium, which was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire.

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Du Bois family lived here, but later with the turmoil and the collapse of the empire, the family had to migrate westward and finally settled in what is now the Gallic country.

Under the influence of some strange emotion, his mind gradually drifted.

"I don't know what the ancestor Matthew saw when he returned to the family fief more than a thousand years ago, and what kind of thoughts he had in his heart."

When Albert sighed, he suddenly noticed that on the streets and alleys, the parade crowd reported on TV had subsided a lot.

However, every once in a while, there will be senior staff in white turbans and white robes preaching something.

The receptionist sent by the Ottoman official who was sitting next to him was not able to find a good word to say, but now he noticed his gaze and quickly explained:

"The Crescent believers in our country are organizing a grand ceremony during this time. This is the time they have confirmed to the public.""

In response, Albert just nodded and said nothing.

Although strictly speaking, Gaul belongs to the cross religious circle, but they have always been called "the great dutiful son of God".

In addition, since he, as a descendant of the Roman Empire, became the successor of the Germanic mythology, Gaul has been intentionally shaping a new consensus, preparing to break away from the prison of the Crucifixion culture.

Therefore, as far as his identity is concerned, he should not express his disgust with the Crescent Cult as a person in the cross religion cultural circle, but rather as if he saw ordinary things.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Ottoman officials next to him flickered.

After waiting outside the blocked police station, the officer who got out of the car followed the details of the situation:

"After the inexplicable disappearance of the people in the interrogation room in this building, we initially thought it was an ordinary case, so we only used ordinary police officers to investigate, but it was soon discovered that something was wrong."

In order to prevent the public from knowing, the cordon was not set up according to the normal process, and it was only after entering the door that there were special personnel stationed.

The leather shoes stepped on the floor, and the slight sound echoed in the room for a long time, obviously indicating that the interior has been emptied.

"At the time of the incident, the video recording equipment in the interrogation suddenly broke down, and both the corridor video and the trace study showed that the door was not opened, but the people inside disappeared without a trace."

"There is no sign of struggle in the interior layout and decoration, but the person who took the transcript only wrote half of the words, which shows that our people at that time did not have the strength to resist.

Albert did not point out the hidden content in his words. Many times, in the police station where things are not standardized, the video in the interrogation room will always be broken just right.

The account of the Ottoman officials continued:

"After realizing that this matter was not easy, we hurriedly asked the witchers in China for assistance, but after repeated investigations, he was unable to perceive anything unusual. 35

"After such a delay, three full days have passed. In the face of an unknown threat that we can't do anything about, we can only choose to ask you for help, but I didn't expect you to come here in person.

After listening to what he said, Albert's brows furrowed unconsciously.

Even if something like this can be delayed for three days, even if some of the content is concealed, the efficiency is too low.

For example, as a Crescent Culture country, it must have contacted the Crescent Cult secretly, hoping they can help.

No matter what the process, the result is in sight - no use! Otherwise, Ottoman would not have been forced to find Gaul for help.

Thinking of what was reported by the International News (ccdf) a few days ago, about the rotten content of Ottoman's interior, he not only shook his head in his heart.

"Mr. Dubois, this is it."

Accompanied by Ottoman officials, Albert walked into the interrogation room where the incident occurred, and subconsciously let go of his perception, but only a moment later, the two eyebrows were twisted in the middle.

Because it's so clean.

Not to mention the fluctuation of the dark nature, there is no fluctuation at all here, as if no extraordinary creatures have ever come here before, but this is inconsistent with the objective facts.

This shows that after the extraordinary creature committed the crime, he even deliberately wiped out all the remaining breath.

Even if the ordinary extraordinary does this, it is difficult to leave no traces, but now even if Albert extends his perception with all his strength, he cannot find the slightest residual fluctuation.

this means……

Albert's eyes became a little sharper, which showed that the perpetrator's spiritual power level had exceeded his own who could exert his late third-level strength.

This is a formidable enemy!

With a warning in his heart, he turned to look at the accompanying Ottoman officials: "I need more detailed information on this matter, and there must be no omissions from the beginning to the end."

"I want to know who was in the interrogation room at the time of the incident, and why are they here?"

Hearing this, the Ottoman officials showed some hesitation, after all, the inside story is not very glorious.

"If you don't even want to reveal this, then I'm afraid there's nothing I can do, and I have to tell you that the perpetrator is very strong!" Albert stared straight at him.

The Ottoman official gritted his teeth: "Mr. Dubois, can you wait a moment? I need to ask my superiors for instructions."

Seeing the former nod, he left in a hurry, and walked back after a while, explaining the detailed process of that day.

The dark clouds on Albert's face became heavier as he listened, while the Ottoman officials were a little flattered.

As far as personal perception is concerned, the former actually has a bad feeling for the official of this country, after all, they treat the people harshly.

But after Osman submitted for help, it was obvious that the matter was not serious, but even the current Albert had to come. The reason is that the former happens to be at the bridgehead where the two civilizations meet, and the two sides have an invisible game in this boundary.

Moreover, the Ottoman country was part of the ancient Roman Empire, and the capital of Eastern Rome was among them.

This country is very important for Gaul, which is committed to building a broad consensus on Europa, trying to make Europa closer and unleashing its powerful productive forces.

However, most of the former belonged to the Crescent Cult culture. Originally, they were not gauls at all, but now they came to the door themselves, which was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Therefore, Gaul will make a solemn response.

For Albert, no matter how disgusted Ottoman is, now that he has confirmed that there is an extraordinary disturbance, he cannot abandon it, because the people who suffer in the end are always the people.

But he had a deep doubt in his heart.

The "instigator" who was caught in the interrogation room should be the extraordinary person who caused the chaos in this incident.

Since he has such strength, as long as he thinks about it, there are 10,000 ways to escape without knowing it, and he will not be caught at all.

However, he chose to let the Ottoman officials capture him, and use this to trap people in a trap, and finally disappear with everyone in the interrogation room.

With his strength, he doesn't need to go around so much, he can completely make everything happen in silence, so what's the point of being so tossed other than exposing himself?

Could it be...he just loves to be provocative?

Although the existence of such otherworldly monsters with pitted brains cannot be ruled out, Albert always felt that this matter might not be so simple.

Moreover, why does it want to incite the people and direct the people to make things worse?

Is it true that although he is a creature from another world, he is full of love and sympathy, and he can't stand the oppression of the people at the bottom, so he acts with justice?

and many more!

Albert suddenly captured a key point...

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