
In the cabin, reporters and photographers with bruised noses and bruised faces rolled into a ball. The sense of weightlessness made them realize that the plane was falling, and they could not help shouting in despair.

The reporter never imagined that the scope of the extraordinary war would be so wide and its power so powerful that it was beyond the description of a humanoid missile.

The helicopter could be accidentally injured if it was so far away, and he actually wanted the pilot to get closer.

No, to be precise, it wasn't that he didn't expect it, he was just blinded by huge interests, and now, the big gamble he made for the sake of wealth... lost.

And the price is this only life.

As the world was spinning, the sense of weightlessness became stronger and stronger, and the reporters and photographers even floated off the cabin floor.

At this moment, the downward trend of the helicopter suddenly slowed down, and the two of them slammed heavily on the floor again, and all the suspended objects fell with a "crackling".


In the turbulent wind, sand and rocks flew between the sky and the earth, and it was extremely dim, but it still couldn't hide the sharp metal twisting sound.

Albert supported the helicopter from the bottom and lowered it to the ground little by little.


The huge metal creation fell to the ground, and the long tail bounced up and down like an elastic, and the pilot sitting in the driver's seat looked at him in shock through the left porthole.

The sound of the pebbles gradually weakened, and the strong wind just now passed.

Only then did the corpses of several Faceless people fall straight from the sky, smashed to the roof of the building, smashed to the ground, and shattered into pieces of flesh and blood that could not be seen directly.

Even if it was a one-to-five, Albert was not unable to beat them. He had been fleeing before, just to move the battlefield outside the city, so that he could let go of his hands and feet.

Of course, he also noticed the terrifying actions of the reporter team before, and although he was equally dissatisfied, it was obviously impossible to just watch them suffer like this.

"Hide away!"

After Albert finished speaking to the pilot, he stepped on his foot, and the whole person drew an arc in mid-air, jumped over the nearby buildings, and walked towards the location of the New Moon Ceremony.

That's the tricky part.

As soon as he left, the dead reporter climbed up, his left eye was swollen to the point that there was only a small slit left, and blood was flowing from his nostrils, soaking in the dust stained by the strong wind, looking particularly embarrassed.

However, his mood was extraordinarily excited:

"Is it him? I know him. Gaul held a special press conference not long ago. He attended the appearance as an extraordinary representative of Europa. I didn't expect him to be here!""

"Wait, let me think, what's his name, by the way, Albert Dubois."

After speaking, he noticed that the camera was lying on the seat, the lens was looking out the window, and although the appearance was tattered, the indicator light was still on.

This means that the machine is likely to work tenaciously and faithfully record the pictures just now.

The reporter was stunned for a moment, then immediately picked up the inspection, and he was not as sensitive as the injured person. After a while, he burst into laughter:

"Good baby, I love you so much, the whole thing is filmed, and there are superhero blockbusters who take down the falling plane with their bare hands. It's worth it, it's worth it!"

"This video alone can definitely sell for an unimaginable price! 99

Albert lightly landed on the periphery of the New Moon Ceremony.

At this moment, the outline of the human figure gathered with thousands of colored filaments has brightened to the point where ordinary people cannot directly see it, and the entire body is suspended in mid-air, turning into a pure sphere of light.

It is really like a small sun falling on the earth.

On the surface of the Bult steel body of the guardian sword, ice blue ripples swayed, and Albert's hand holding the hilt tightened.

He's throwing a rat now.

Looking around vaguely, Albert saw that the members of the local Divine Shield had been gathered around here for a long time, and he couldn't do it either.

He can only contact the stronger people in the Europa branch through the spiritual network:

"Louise, this faceless person is now holding more than 80,000 people hostage, and I don't know what it is doing. I can't do it and need support."

The latter quickly replied: "The president has paid attention to this matter, and he said: It's okay, just wait and see and wait for the opportunity.

Hearing this, Albert looked up at the sky subconsciously, and then realized how he could find the president's gaze.

Although he was a little puzzled, since the president had instructed him like this, it meant that there should be no danger to the 80,000 people at this stage.


Clifford, the Faceless One who brought about the Battle of Manhattan, who didn't die, and now uses his own name instead of a religious figure, for what purpose?

Albert wouldn't think that the lunatic would be stupid enough to think that he could become a god.

However, there must be a very important reason for him to carry out this matter with great fanfare at the risk of being hunted down after exposure.

Also, Albert could not be sure whether the big ball of light on the high platform was Clifford himself. He could only be sure that the fluctuation of spiritual power was very powerful.

Strong enough... it has exceeded his upper limit of strength.

"The organization is paying attention to this matter. With the help of the space gate, the reinforcements can be everywhere in an instant, but now there is no movement...

Albert was thoughtful.

At this moment, a change appeared on the high platform of the Grand Ceremony Center.

The pure white light sphere has been dazzling to the extreme, shrinking inward like a collapsed star, resulting in a further increase in brightness, breaking the upper limit and moving towards a higher level.

The surroundings became a pure white world that could not hold any impurities.

But suddenly-


On the surface of the white light sphere, which shrank smaller and smaller, a dark crack appeared without warning. It was like the first domino was toppled, and more and more cracks appeared.

The dense colored filaments were broken one by one, fluttering like festive ribbons.


Like glass shattered, the light flakes danced in all directions, the pure white world finally dimmed little by little and returned to normal, a figure fell out of it and smashed onto the high platform.

Albert's whole body tensed immediately, and the ice-blue ripples on the blade became more frequent.


The preacher in the black robe raised his upper body with his hands, coughed up red blood and shards of internal organs from his mouth, then stood up slowly and looked at Albert from a short distance.

After the colored light filaments were broken, many heads were quickly retracted, and the people whose faces were frozen gradually recovered their fresh expressions, and they were about to wake up.

The speaker on the stage laughed.

He floated up, and swept backwards in a backward posture, and quickly passed the dense crowd.


A white sonic boom exploded, and Albert's figure swept across the sky like an afterimage, occupying a high position, watching the retreating preacher raise his right palm toward him.

The brilliance burst out, and the surging spiritual power fluctuations rose.

Albert immediately put his hands together and held up the guardian sword Bult Steel.

The tens of thousands of people in the ceremony had just gotten out of the state of confusion. When they were extremely at a loss, they suddenly saw a giant light blade cut down in the distance in the air, and a white beam of light rose from the ground and rushed towards it.


In their shocked gaze, the billowing air wave swept away again, pushing countless people to stagger back.

At the center of the battle, when the thick smoke and dust dissipated, I saw a deep crack that was more than 100 meters long, cutting the straight street in half.

A figure stands, and a figure lies.

Albert pulled the sword out of the preacher's chest, bringing out a splash of warm blood, and the corner of the latter's frozen mouth had a faint arc.

The former frowned slightly.

Although he had long expected that the enemy was not as strong as it appeared, and he had also made a full blow just now, he did not expect that this person would be so weak.

It's like... a paper tiger.

Although the Faceless Man is dead, Albert always has a strange feeling of anticlimactic when he thinks of all the incidents.

Moreover, he still does not know what the enemy's purpose is.

Gaul, Barry.

A man wearing a black bowler hat and a black coat sat alone by the window of 387, stirring the coffee and caramel in the cup with a spoon.

Brown and white pull out swirling lines.

At a certain moment, his hands suddenly stopped, and he murmured in a low-pitched voice: "Failed. 35

He took out a brand new purple Europa dollar from his pocket, slightly lifted the coffee cup and pressed it on the table, then took the black suitcase on the stool next to him, and walked out of the shop without any haste.

It snowed again in Gaul last night, so even though the sanitation workers worked hard to clean it up, the ground was still covered with a white blanket.

Some people are coming towards you, some people are walking past.

The man in the black coat kept his pace, walking down the long steps to the subway station.

He bought the ticket unsmilingly, came to the platform, and saw that there were already many people here, but they all seemed to be different from him, so they stood on the other side and waited.

A few lights appeared in the tunnel in the distance, and the dilapidated subway that had already slowed down slowly stopped in front of him.

He slightly lowered the brim of his hat and stepped into it, a faint odor came out, and the subways in the old developed countries were not very clean.

The man in the black coat was accustomed to it and didn't care. He just found a place to sit down, put the suitcase on the floor next to his right foot, and closed his eyes.

The black boy who wore headphones and shook his head seemed to notice that someone was coming nearby. He opened his eyes and looked at the man in the black coat sitting opposite, and found that he was not a beautiful woman, and closed his eyes boringly.

The subway starts again.

After the car left the platform and entered the tunnel, the old lighting in the carriage seemed to be out of order, flickered a few times, and plunged into darkness.

The man's normally undulating chest suddenly stopped, his eyelids twitched a few times, and finally slowly separated to both sides.

The lighting in the car was restored in time, and the few people who were scattered all disappeared without a trace, except for a young man and a woman, sitting plainly opposite:

"We...were invited.99

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