I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 432 Black-backed Melt Pattern Bird

In the vast desert, Xia Yang is fierce, and the lonely wind is howling.

On the pile of rocks not far from the village, there are many pieces of meat stacked in a pyramid shape, and a thin layer of frost on the surface is rapidly melting in the high temperature roasting.

The water droplets slid down little by little, and finally dripped along the edge, splashed on the hot gravel, and evaporated into water vapor.

Pan Quan, who was lying on the back of the rock wall, watched this scene clearly through the telescope and the pores of the rock wall.

"I tied the explosives I got this time together, and wrapped them with steel balls, all hidden in the pile of meat. Xiao Xie said, and handed over the remote control.

Pan Quan took it and nodded indifferently: "Now it's up to the fish to get on the hook."

Xiao Xie scratched his head, obviously hesitant, but in the end he gritted his teeth:

"Captain, isn't our trap a bit sloppy, where these meats appear for no reason, monsters, if they are smart, will not be fooled at all. 55

Hearing this, Pan Quan smiled slightly, put down the telescope, and turned his head to look at him: "Of course I know, this is just a screening."

"If you think about it, if the guy is not smart and is not too much like a beast, then there is a high probability that he will be attracted, and we can basically succeed. 55

"But if the guy is smart, a wise creature, and not fooled at all, then what we should consider is to retreat as soon as possible. 35

"After all, if you have extraordinary power and a decent IQ, just the few of us, this firepower is simply not enough to clean up.

Pan Quan simply turned his body sideways and finished speaking. He simply leaned back on the slope of the rock wall and let out a long breath. Seeing the scorching sun in the sky exuding a vague halo, it was extremely dazzling, and he pulled the hat off his head to cover his face.


Xiao Xie took his binoculars and stared at the situation in the distance unwillingly. After a while, he whispered in a low voice: "Why hasn't this monster appeared yet?"

Under the hat, Pan Quan smiled again: "Don't be impatient, be patient."

"Even if it has no brains, it is like a beast. Don't you have to wait and see for a while when you encounter such a situation? So don't worry, hide it tightly and don't expose it. 39

But Xiao Xie is still young. Without his good mentality and his excellent military qualities, how can he feel at ease.

As time passed by, the sun in the sky gradually shifted westward.

All eyes were fixed on Xiao Xie, who was a little sour, and finally he was defeated. Hearing other people whispering about the past and why he was doing this, he couldn't help looking at Pan Quan with some curiosity.

He tried to dangle his right hand on the latter's hat.

"If you have a fart, let it go!"

Pan Quan made a sudden cry, and the unprepared him was so frightened that he almost dropped the telescope.

Xiao Xie was very surprised: "Captain, are you not asleep? 35

"My heart is so big, I really sleep. Pan Quan lifted his hat angrily: "Besides, you are like a mouse, twisting and twisting beside you, can I fall asleep?

Embarrassedly smiled, Xiao Xie turned to ask: "Hey, by the way, Captain, you used to be in the elite special forces, and now you have retired for so many years, why are you doing this hard-working business again?

Pan Quan took his hat and slapped him on the shoulder: "Nonsense, of course to make money.

Xiao Xie ducked to the side: "Captain, that's not right, you have a ten-year special career, your record is remarkable, and the discharge fee is quite generous. As long as you have an ordinary job, it is enough to live a normal life in this life."

The former looked stunned, and then became a little bit lonely: "You also said, that's just enough for a normal life."

"Uh... Captain, I didn't say something wrong." Xiao Xie caught the fleeting sadness in his eyes, and immediately became a little cautious.

Pan Quan glanced at him, subconsciously preparing to take out a cigarette from his pocket, but remembering the current situation, he stopped abruptly, pursed his lips for a while, and finally said in a trance: "Your sister-in-law is seriously ill. 39

Everyone else looked over.

As the leader, Pan Quan immediately waved: "Keep an eye on the trap."

Xiao Xie was particularly stunned: "Captain, I remember you said that my sister-in-law used to be a yoga instructor, and even if she quits later, the foundation of good physique is still there, how could it be..."

Pan Quan took a deep breath and exhaled again: "She was dragged down by a heart disease.

Speaking of this, there was a little more recollection and pain in his eyes: "Two years ago, when I was still in the military, my son was in a car accident on the way home from the school bus. …

"He died when he was four years old."

Xiao Xie's face softened a little.

Pan Quan's hand clenched unconsciously: "Later, I heard from the forensic doctor that he was actually still alive after the car accident, but he was trapped under the sand, and in the darkness and suffocation, he lost his pulse bit by bit. 39

How would a four-year-old feel in such an environment? When Xiao Xie thought about it, he felt that his heart was crushed by a stone, and his heart throbbed.

"After that happened, I applied for retirement. Your sister-in-law was so depressed that she seemed to be a different person. She didn't think about tea and rice, and her previous foundation was broken down a little bit. A brain tumor was found out a few months ago.

"All my savings have been spent, but she's still lying on the hospital bed getting thinner and thinner every day, like you watch a flower wither and wither."

Pan Quan's face trembled, even twitched, and finally condensed into a somewhat fierce look: "I have lost a family member, I will never allow it, I will never allow her to leave me too!"

"I want to earn more money and take her to the best hospital, even if it doesn't work, then I will find a way to accumulate enough points, and then I will go to my old superiors and exchange those points for the help of the superhumans.

"Even if I try my best, I will save her!"

Xiao Xie tried to say something to comfort him, but when the words came to his mouth, he realized that his throat was so dry (ccdf), and any words at this moment seemed pale and powerless.

He ended up saying nothing.

Pan Quan wiped his face, pursed his lips, shook his head, and smiled a bit reluctantly and bitterly: "My emotions are a little out of control." Then he patted Xiao Xie on the shoulder.

Just at this time-


An unpleasant neigh suddenly sounded, somewhat like a crow's cry.

Pan Quan picked up the telescope and turned over, hurriedly moved up a few minutes, and put the lens slightly into the pores of the rock wall to observe the outside world. The others tensed up immediately.

A black shadow pulled up vertically from the abandoned village, then turned and swept down, approaching the sky above the meat trap, and flexibly changed to hovering, looking around the ground.

"It's a collapsed house!"

Xiao Xie lowered his voice: "This guy placed the nest under the collapsed house, I guess, he should have knocked down that house on purpose.

As the shadow circled for longer, everyone gradually saw its appearance.

It was a giant bird with a wingspan of more than two meters. The whole body was black, but there was a red stripe across the back, linking the tips of the two wings, and the claws and beak were extremely sharp.

"This is a black-backed fused-striped bird."

Due to the habit of being retained by the elite special forces, Pan Quan is very familiar with the materials that may be used in combat.

"It is listed on the official Monster Daquan. It is a relatively low-end extraordinary race. Its strength generally hovers in the early to middle stage of level 0, but its character is relatively fierce, so its threat level is high.

"Looking at this guy's body shape and the vividness of the red stripes on his back, it should only be at the early stage of level 0. An ordinary rifle can cause considerable damage, and it is not too difficult.

With the help of the binoculars, Pan Quan's eyes slowly closed as he watched the black bird fly lower and lower.

Hiding in the lair under the collapsed house, observing secretly for so long, and now circling for more than a minute, you should be hooked, right?

Sure enough, the wings of this black-backed fused bird suddenly folded, and it fell straight down like a sharp arrow.

When it reaches a certain critical distance, it suddenly spreads its wings again, and while flapping to reduce the buffering potential, it prepares to rise back, and at the same time, its claws also grab the pile of meat.

It's now!

Pan Quan pressed the button of the remote control device.

The eyelids of the black-backed molten bird suddenly swiped!

After a flash of red and nearly white, the vast desert exploded with a cloud of ash, and the invisible force spread along the ground in a ring, stirring up countless dust like scales and ripples.

After a few seconds—


The shocking sound rolled away.

The people in Pan Quan's team held their breath, waved their hands to disperse the dust stirred up in front of their eyes, and saw a broken black shadow in the distance, unable to fall out of a larger and larger cloud of smoke, hitting the ground heavily.


Someone whispered in a suppressed voice, and everyone except Pan Quan became excited.

Although the value of the extraordinary monsters in the early stage of level 0 is not very high, it is definitely a big profit compared to only paying some explosives, as well as the fuel consumed by driving, and no one was injured.

If something like this happens a few times, they're afraid they can't even close their mouths with laughter.

Normal people will not love and be dangerous companions, if you can make a lot of money smoothly, of course it is the best.

"It seems that when I leave the city today, the rainbow after the rainstorm is very accurate!" Pan Quan also smiled a little and closed the lid of the telescope. Thinking that this income can cover half a month's medical expenses, he couldn't help but relax. a bit.

"Go clean our harvest, but be careful to prevent that guy from dying, don't care about other things after approaching, just make up a shuttle. He warned.

A few people stood up with joy, drove an empty pickup out of the rock wall where they were hiding, and headed for the big hole left after the explosion in the distance.

Pan Quan also slid down the sloping rock wall and walked towards the off-road vehicle, ready to reward himself with a bottle of refill.

But at this moment-


Another unpleasant neigh sounded without warning.

Pan's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that there were two collapsed houses in the abandoned village. If one of them was the nest of the black-backed melted bird that was killed, then the other...

He hurriedly turned around, only to see a black figure rushing out of the village.

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