I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 441 Amazing Discovery in the Atlantic Ocean

The darkness of the screen subsided, and the slightly curved and distorted picture caught everyone's eyes.

This should be taken by a personal head-mounted camera, and you can see the blue ocean under the broad blue sky and white clouds, and a row of armed helicopters are parked on the gray deck.

This is a helicopter carrier.

Although the warships of various countries have been updated for otherworldly monsters, once they are approached by extraordinary enemies, they will inevitably die.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a certain security range through various detection and interception methods.

After upgrading the past anti-submarine helicopters with dedication and specificity, it is undoubtedly very practical in such a background. Of course, the key is to be economical and have a small burden on productivity.

Therefore, all countries have rushed to manufacture many helicopter carriers, and Britain is no exception.

The camera carrier turned his head to look at the sea, and the equipment recorded the whistling sound of the sea breeze. In the distance, several warships of different models were cruising on the waves, pulling out slender white lines.

Everyone in the house realized that this was the entire fleet.

"呲呲... Frogman B team, the submersible is ready, and immediately assembled at the bottom engine room."

Hearing the words coming from the radio, the camera carrier turned around, waved to the rest of the team members in black combat uniforms, and walked to the elevator on the flank of the deck together.


The wide lifting platform slowly sinks, and when passing the negative floor, you can see the huge intra-abdominal space, which is full of helicopters with folded propellers.

But the lift platform continued to descend, and stopped only when it reached the negative second floor.

The space here is much smaller.

The frogmen followed the guidance of the vest-wearing personnel to a specific area, only to see two thick benzene machines placed here, all painted in orange, and some prominent structures on the surface.

"A group of three.

The bearer of the lens is obviously the captain, exhorting.

Opening the small but thick door, the team members squeezed into the rather compact space one after another, and then twisted the original mechanical knob to close the hatch little by little.

Here comes darkness.

After a while, a certain team member should have started the machine, and the dim green light gradually lit up, revealing the simple and crude style of the center console buttons in the style of the 1960s.

"The frogman B team has all entered the submersible and is on standby, over.

"呲呲... the command center received it."

At this time, a steel wall slowly rose behind the two submersibles to seal them, and then the front hull hole was opened, and a large amount of seawater was injected into the airtight chamber.

When it is completely filled, the internal and external water pressures are balanced, and the hull shell is gradually opened to both sides by the mechanical device.

"呲呲... Frogman B team, allowed to leave the cabin々". 99

"Understood. 35

The team member in charge of operating the machine presses a button on the center console, the engine starts immediately, and the propeller at the end of the submersible rotates, causing some fine bubbles.

Two submersibles with cables advanced side by side and slowly drove out of the warship.

The waves on the sea are surging, but the sea is quite quiet, with only a slight "gurgling" sound. The brilliance of the sun casts down, forming flickering spots through the layers of water waves.

Looking up in the water, the path of the sunlight is clearly visible, and the attenuation is extremely violent.

Close to the sea, it is still bright like crystal, but the bottom is dark and bleak, like a black abyss that devours everything, giving people a deep sense of oppression, and it is no wonder that many people have a deep-sea phobia.

And the two submersibles went straight to the dark at this moment.


In the cabin shrouded in dim green light, a monotonous reminder sounded.

"A minus 100 meters above sea level.


"Negative two hundred meters above sea level."

The team members who controlled the submersible kept their eyes on the screen, and every time a beep sounded, he broadcasted the current depth.

Everyone watching the live broadcast was silent, their energy was completely on the screen, and needles could be heard throughout the room. They wanted to know what the British military found in the Atlantic Ocean.


"Minus eight hundred meters above sea level."

Some people's brows are already wrinkled, the depth of 800 meters has reached the level of the US Seawolf-class nuclear submarine, but the frogmen team in the picture is still diving.

What is their goal?


"Nine hundred meters above sea level."

Fortunately, this submersible is of an exploratory nature and does not need to consider combat issues, so a signal cable is directly dragged, otherwise the signal required for high-definition live broadcast cannot be stabilized at all.


"A minus one kilometer above sea level."

On the screen, the three people in the cabin shook slightly, apparently after so long, the submersible finally hit the bottom.

"The current depth is minus 1,054 meters, and the screen is being transferred. 35

After the controller finished speaking, the live broadcast screen that everyone saw flickered a few times, and when it stabilized, it turned into a dark seabed illuminated by lights.

This is the camera that comes with the submersible.

"Proceed carefully."

After the two submersibles finished adjusting their attitudes, the main propellers at the tail operated again, separated from each other by a certain distance, and moved forward on the seabed slightly covered with silt and coral.

"Arrived at the final image shooting location of the probe." The captain of the frogman B team reported to the fleet command center.

"呲呲...Explore freely, but be sure to return within half an hour. The fleet has detected abnormal signals in the nearby waters and can only maintain safety for half an hour."


Everyone in the house saw the seabed in the area illuminated by the spot of light, and they were all retreating. At a certain moment, a regular stone corner suddenly disappeared into the lens.


The captain of the frogman B team immediately shouted.

What did you find? Everyone's heart suddenly lifted.

"Turn around."

Following the captain's order, the submersible, which rushed over its head in the remaining momentum, slowly adjusted its attitude. Under the searchlight, I saw a square slab of stone, half buried in the seabed silt.

The gray-haired Professor Beavis unconsciously helped his glasses: "There are very few accidental creations with such regularity in nature, of course, just few, does not mean there are none.

"Deep dive No. 2, there are discoveries here.

"Understood, we'll be right here.

After receiving a response, the captain said to the team member who controlled the machine: "Turn on the reverse thrust propeller and push the seawater to disperse the nearby silt, so that the whole picture of the slate is revealed."

The players quickly pressed several buttons.

The small propeller at the bottom of the submersible rotates, and under the water flow, the silt near the corner of the stone slab immediately disperses and rises, the surrounding sea water becomes extremely turbid, and the visibility plummets.

There is a slight "hum" of the engine in the cabin.

Everyone at the table in the room leaned forward a little subconsciously, as if this would allow them to see more clearly.

After a long time, the sloping silt was finally taken away by the running water, and the slate's rough whole was revealed. The upper part was normal, but the lower part had a huge gap.

"" "The total length is 20.3 meters, and the width... 12.5 meters. This is an unconventional giant stone slab, but it is damaged and incomplete, and it is suspected to be the creation of intelligent creatures.

The captain read the data and tried to make his own judgment.

Creatures of intelligent creatures in the depths of the ocean... Everyone in the house looked at each other, subconsciously recalling the speculation of Professor Beavis earlier, could it be so coincidental?

At this moment, without any warning on the communication channel, the excited words of the members of the No. 2 submersible came out: "Captain! Captain! We have a big discovery here!"

Submersible No. 1 hurried to meet.

Soon, in the picture taken by the camera, the No. 2 deep submersible can already be seen illuminating white light, and a huge dark shadow has revealed an insignificant corner.

When the No. 1 submersible looked up slightly, both the members of the frogmen team and the people in the temporary camp under the ruins of Ailan Island couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Under the reflection of the light, I saw a large piece of debris lying silently in the cracks of the seabed!

The silt has been buried to the waist, and in some places, a large number of black water plants are still growing, entwining each other into a dense cage, while the sea fish swim in twos and threes.

Desolate, lost, ancient, quiet...

No one could have imagined that there are such amazing ruins of buildings buried somewhere on the seabed of the vast Great Western Ocean.

"Look near this ruin." After stepping into the house to start a conversation, Sharon Farrell, who had never existed, found something sharply at this moment.

Everyone looked at what she said.

At the front of the ruins on the side of the camera, there is a huge stone gate that has been damaged to the point of formation.

Looking at its shape, it is clearly the same as the previously discovered slate.

This picture popped into their minds unconsciously:

The underwater city was huge and lively, with countless armor-piercing soldiers patrolling. Suddenly, an incomparably terrifying force descended through the sea, crushing everything into ruins in an instant.

Such power is terrifying just to think about.

Professor Beavis' voice was a little dry: "Looking at the size of these buildings, the occupants are far larger than humans, if I guess correctly, this should be the city of the legendary deep-sea giant Fermor.

The Yan Kingdom, the United States, and the Gaul Kingdom have all found the remnants of the ancient supernatural beings, but it is the first time in the entire secular world that they have found the traces of the hostile supernatural races in history!

But soon everyone discovered that the buried content here is far more than that.

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