"Wow wow..."

Sharon was in a daze, and seemed to hear the sound of rain, and there seemed to be a touch of water vapor, which was full of cool and comfortable touch.

A few drops of condensed water hung from the fluff of her cheeks, reflecting the twilight of the morning.

Her eyelashes trembled a few times, then slowly opened, and saw a large number of water droplets drilled out from the fine nozzle, scrambling to sprinkle on the potted leaves.

Sharon sat up blankly and looked at her father, John, who was watering the flowers in the quiet room.


She suddenly noticed the white jade pendant in her hand.

John Farrell put the shower on the table, wiped his hands with a towel, picked up a stack of paper documents, sat by his daughter's bed, and stroked her hair:

"After you fell into a coma, you were urgently sent for examination and treatment, and it was later confirmed that you were all right, so you were sent here. How is it?

Sharon tried to stretch her limbs: "It's a little sore all over the body, but there is an indescribable comfort, which is strange. 99

As she spoke, she suddenly noticed a small insect flying in the air, and her eyes could not help but follow.

The flapping of the wings, the six tiny limbs swaying slightly in the wind, and the dense ribbing of the abdomen... all slowed down many times in her eyes.

This unprecedented experience made Sharon extremely novel and turned to look around.

Father's temples trembled slightly, and when he spoke, the skin and muscle groups on his face moved little by little, pulling on the fine hairs on the surface, making some of them sparse and some denser.

She tried to raise her hand, but found that she was slow too, but after all, she was much faster than other living creatures.

In addition, every thought rises to 22, and it takes a while to take effect, just like playing a game with a very high delay.

"This is... a superpower? It's amazing!" Sharon couldn't help exclaiming in her heart that she was a little girl.

But suddenly, a needle-like tingling sensation appeared in her head, the world returned to normal in an instant, and the worms that were as slow as a snail in mid-air also "swish" out of sight.

"Huh?" John, who was talking, was suddenly stunned, a little unsure: "Did you just... shake your hand?"

Sharon patted her stinging head. She was not stupid at all. Of course, she could think that the strange state of her just now must be brought about by this mysterious pendant.

"Dad, I really want to be different. 35

John nodded: "It's not the same. Come on, I'll read you the full inspection report.

After speaking, he looked at the stack of papers in his hand: "The activity of the cells has been significantly enhanced, and the telomeres have grown against the trend, which seems to have broken the normal Hayflick limit."

"And the muscle fibers thicken and grow, the connective tissue between the textures thickens, the number of capillaries increases, the visceral function increases significantly, and the metabolism far exceeds that of top athletes."

"Besides that, the target brain wave activity is higher than that of ordinary people, and the discharge..."

John suddenly paused when he read this, pursed his lips, and put the report on his lap in resignation: "Forget it, neither you nor I understand this.

He stared at his daughter: "In short, the final conclusion they told me is that your physique is very strong now. Although the outside looks the same as usual, the inside has undergone earth-shaking changes."

"If you lift weights, you can easily break past world records."

"They can't detect the deep mysterious side power, but even if you don't have it, you have already become an extraordinary person in a broad sense. However, I think you just seemed... not quite right."5

Sharon had nothing to hide about her father, and told the strange state just now.

Then, she asked in confusion: "Dad, what's going on here? I'm your biological daughter, but why can't you get this pendant? I'm not the one who picked it up, right?

Hearing a black line, John raised his hand and was about to knock his head, but he didn't expect the latter to just turn around and dodge.

Regarding the fact that his daughter became an extraordinary person, although the old father showed a bland face, for fear that she would be proud, he was actually very happy in his heart.

After all, given the current situation of Blue Star, even the most hypocritical person would not be able to say the phrase "becoming a superhuman is a bad thing".

But in the past, the teaching method of trying the hundred spirits failed, and this made John's joy subside, and a trace of worry rose instead.

This girl's character is a headache, but now she has become an extraordinary person, how can she discipline herself in the future?

Sharon tilted her head, blinked her eyes, and looked at him curiously: "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah? Uh... Uh, it's okay." John was in a hurry.

"What did you say? Oh, yes, they said that this pendant probably has nothing to do with blood, but can only be picked up if it has certain qualities."

Sharon was even more puzzled, pointing to herself: "Characteristics? Do I have them? Maybe it's because I'm good at taking pictures.


Do you dare to talk a little more.

"What about the second key? Can you open the last painting on the scroll? Seeing how her father wanted to hit someone again, Sharon quickly turned the topic back to the point of the incident.

John's expression immediately subsided: "After putting the ashlar key into the scroll, it can indeed unlock the final content, and it is also a map, pointing to a more sensitive area.

Just at this moment, the knocking sound of "dong dong dong" came, and after the father and daughter looked at each other, Sharon immediately ran over to open the door consciously.


The machine spring flicked and the door opened. Two men in neat suits were standing at the door holding an ordinary express package. Seeing who opened the door, they nodded quickly:

"Miss Farrell.

Sharon keenly noticed that compared with the past, these Irish officials looked at her, and there were some more inexplicable things.

Is it because...I became a superhero? That pendant really changed me.

She shook her head in her heart and threw away the distracting thoughts, and her eyes fell on the Fangzheng thing held by the two: "This is..."

"This is what appeared at the door of your original house at some point, and was transported by our colleagues. The two handed over the items.

Sharon was suspicious.

During this period of time, both myself and my father were basically under the care of official Irish officials and did not shop online at all. I believe these people knew better than me about this.

What's up with this courier?

Moreover, if it is an ordinary object, even if these people are full, they will not be so mobilized, and specially send someone to send it over.

You must know that the Farley family is at the southern tip of Ireland Island, and here is the northern tip of Ireland Island, with a straight-line distance of more than 300 kilometers.

Sharron took it with a lot of doubts. She lowered her hand a little, but it wasn't too heavy. Then she looked at the white paper that had been glued with tape, and there was a line of scribbled words written on it.

After she saw it clearly, her pupils dilated a little, and she quickly thanked the two Irish people, then closed the door and ran to find her father.

The latter turned his head: "What's the matter?"

Sharon placed the object directly on the coffee table in front of him: "See for yourself. 35

John looked down, and the whole person couldn't help being stunned, because the content above was very simple: "A small gift - Loft Farrell.

He hasn't seen his brother since the Battle of Neon Edo, not even a single original communication, because he doesn't know where to send it.

Daughter Sharon took advantage of this time to reach under the coffee table with her right hand and grope for a while, and then slapped the small scissors in front of her father's eyes: "No, here it is."

The latter looked at her, then turned to the wrapped object. Hesitating, the muscles on his face moved, and finally he picked up scissors to open the package, revealing the box made of logs inside.

Sharon squatted beside her, her hands clasped together, her eyes full of curiosity and anticipation:

"Uncle Loft hasn't heard from him for so long. This time he suddenly got in touch. I don't know what's in it, um... Could it be the latest film camera?"

John didn't care about her for now, and lifted the handle to open the lid.

An oily sheen emerges.

"This is..." Both father and daughter were a little surprised.

John squeezed out an unknown rosy fruit and put it in the light to swirl it.

It does not even look like a plant fruit, but looks like a work of art carefully carved by a master with red agate. Just looking at it makes people drool.

And like this kind of fruit, there are about seven or eight in the box, of different sizes, colors, and types. The excellent texture reflects the light, and it is very beautiful for a while.


Sharron swallowed her saliva in dissatisfaction, and tried to glance at her father. The tips of her white index fingers poked at each other, and muttered, "Dad..."

John glanced at her sideways, and after a while, he said helplessly, "Eat."

Sharon's face changed at the speed of light and showed a happy smile. She hurriedly squeezed out one, and stuffed it into her mouth before she washed it. The two rows of silver teeth nibbled gently, and the juice overflowed in an instant.

"Well... it's delicious."

Her speech was slurred, her eyes narrowed, and her mouth was filled with indescribable sweetness.

After swallowing a piece of fruit, Sharon realized that the sour feeling in her whole body had disappeared without a trace.

403 shook her hand in amazement, and she was particularly surprised: "The sour feeling was gone when I woke up. This... Uncle Loft probably picked the fruit of the legendary magical plant and sent it to us.

John frowned: "I'm afraid it's really possible. If it's an ordinary thing, why would he give it to us specially. I just don't know if he will do it and it will affect him."

His experience, in the words of Yan Guo, is a typical eldest brother who is like a father, and worry has become his habit.

John pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "Sharon, take half of these fruits and give them to the official Irish officials nearby.

The daughter stared at him: "Why is this?"

John didn't explain, just said, "Go quickly."

"Okay then." Sharon had to do.

The two people who delivered the goods before, who were in charge of security nearby, were also very surprised when they received these fruits. After all, the officials know what's inside, it doesn't mean they know too.

"Miss Farrell, we have official business and can't take your gift." The two hurriedly declined.

"Are you sure? This is not an ordinary fruit, but has a strange effect. After I ate it just now, uh...

When Sharon said this, she suddenly got stuck. As a young girl whose talent was crooked at a young age, her brain was not enough, and she didn't know how to describe the process just now.

After struggling for a while, she suddenly became a little embarrassed, and forced the fruit into it: "It's very powerful anyway, the magical plant fruit that Uncle Loft gave us, yes, that's it."

Loft? Miraculous plant fruit? The two officials have changed color, how can they dare to refuse.

The so-called magical plant fruit, translated into the idiom of the Yan Kingdom, is probably equivalent to the treasure of heaven and earth, and a panacea. Part of the purpose of Ailan's obsession with the Farrell family is this.

Even if he couldn't produce too many supernatural substances to trade with the Yan Kingdom, its effect on ordinary people alone would be enough to make most of the world's people jealous.

Sharon returned the fruit to the house, and saw her father walking over while packing up his things:

"We have to go again. The final map of the scroll points to the Scottish region of the British Isle, and now the official Scottish government has agreed to cooperate."

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