I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 447 The history of subversion of cognition

The round table, the thirteen surrounding chairs... The people didn't even bother to thank the hero, and their expressions froze a little bit.

As soon as Sharon stabilized her figure and stood up straight, she saw that her father had come to her side, while the others crossed her in a daze and walked inward step by step.

All eyes are on the front.

The main hall is clearly in the dark mountain gap, but when people step into it, it becomes brighter and brighter inexplicably, but there is no light source.

Or, everything inside becomes a faint light source.

The backrest of each stone chair is so high that its proportions look slender and slender. Except for the stool surface, the bottom end, armrests, chair back... There are exquisite and intricate patterns everywhere.

On the stone chair of the main seat, a very conspicuous crown logo is also engraved.

The people present were people from the two islands, and they were also assigned to study and explore the extraordinary history of the local area. Many of the materials were memorized by heart.

So when this classic scene appeared, even if no one shouted and shouted, the amazing meaning it represented was already surging in their minds.

"The round table, thirteen chairs, and crown, with all the elements, can never be a historical coincidence... I never thought that the almost outrageous guess at that time would turn out to be true."

The gray-haired Professor Beavis looked at the others, his hands shaking on the stone chair.

"After I finished my speculation about the ruins of Northern Ireland, I was about to give my opinion on the identity of the thirteen warriors, but was interrupted by the discovery of the navy in the Atlantic Ocean.

Everyone recalled carefully, and they all remembered that 403 was indeed the case.

"Because I myself feel that that view is too contrary to history, and it can't be true at all, even if it is interrupted, so I didn't think about finding a chance to finish it in the follow-up."

"but now……"

Professor Beavis lowered his head and looked at the desk and chair that had been silent in the dark for thousands of years:

"These evidences clearly tell me that the thirteen warriors recorded in the Farrell family scroll are the most famous heroic epics in the whole world and the most popular among the Celts-"

Speaking of this, Professor Beavis's voice suddenly rose because of his excitement: "King Arthur and the Twelve Knights of the Round Table!

After saying a word, the hall was deadly silent.

Everyone looked straight at him, with a difficult look on their faces, and only the sound of heavy breathing echoed clearly in the huge space.

On the three-dimensional image projected by the Farrell family scroll, twelve extraordinary warriors in silver armor saved the ancient city that was the predecessor of the ruins of Northern Ireland.

But their leader was clearly a heroic female middle school hero.

If the twelve silver armored warriors are the legendary Knights of the Round Table, it means that a history that subverts cognition was born——

The king of ancient Britain, the world's first knight, the legendary hero Arthur Pendragon, turned out to be a woman!

At this moment, even a foolish person like Sharon felt inexplicably shocked. Others felt that an invisible big hand reached into their brains, stirring their brains (ccdf) into a mess.

In the epics that have been circulating for so many years, the red dragon in Britain was a handsome and masculine man, but now you tell me, no, that is not the truth.

"King Arthur... woman..." Someone whispered repeatedly, still unacceptable.

However, Professor Beavis was the first to get out of his complicated mood, put his left hand on the back of the nearest chair, and said quite arduously:

"When I just returned to Britain from Neon, the Bureau of Disaster Coordination and Defense for Extraordinary Creatures came to me. At that time, one of them said with emotion: 'To pursue the real extraordinary history is to challenge one's own cognition and worldview.

"It now appears that it is.

"I am seventy-two years old this year, and I was born in the year that the Yan Kingdom was officially established, which may have established some fate between us. I graduated with a doctorate at the age of thirty, and I have been studying for more than forty years. Yan Kingdom's history and culture.

"In those days, I was one of the first people in the Western world to do this research. It can be said that I am more familiar with the Yan Kingdom than most people in the Yan Kingdom.

"Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Western, Eastern, and Eastern Han, Three Kingdoms, two Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, and Ten Kingdoms, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing emperors, Xiu, I have the main historical context at my fingertips. I can read the four books and five classics thoroughly.

Professor Beavis helped his eyes, and the scenes of the Battle of Edo replayed in his mind. Buildings collapsed like models, planes turned into huge fireballs, and tanks were as fragile as pieces of paper.

And at the time of despair, an unexpected existence appeared.

"When I embarked on this path of research, I never dreamed that I would see Xuanwu mythical beasts in my life, as well as the Monkey King in the dramas and novels!

The professor raised his head: "It seems that there must be one more - our majesty, King Arthur, is a great hero in women's middle school."

The person in charge of Scotland said suddenly: "No, it is our Celtic King Arthur, not your Anglo-Saxons."

Professor Beavis barely twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled: "Yes, it's yours. 35

After he finished speaking, he slowly paced around the stone chairs around the round table, thinking and telling:

"In the past, historians who studied Celtic mythology, by summarizing various versions of the legend, found that if the character of King Arthur really existed, then he lived about 500 AD.

"This does not match the determination of the Northern Ireland ruins."

"But the contents of the Farrell family scrolls, the ruins and skeletons on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and the round table in this great hall are the most conclusive and powerful evidence.

"The latter proves that the age of the legend's mapping is wrong. In this case, we can also smoothly associate that there may be more errors in the core information of the legend.

"For example: gender."

"Looking back at the past history, human beings have had an unequal status for men and women for a long time, and no matter what era, propaganda is often linked to the purpose of right governance."

Professor Beavis turned his head without warning and stared at everyone sharply:

"Imagine, in an era when men dominated society, as the influence of past heroes gradually weakened, would the rulers at that time still allow the story of the female king to be widely circulated?

After saying this, his eyes softened quickly, as if it was just an illusion, and he lowered his head slightly: "This is my insignificant opinion on the reason why the legend does not match the historical truth."

The person in charge of Britain took a deep breath and nodded: "Thank you for your analysis, but I think what's more important now is to look for other useful clues.

The rest of the people heard the words and quickly packed their thoughts to see if they could find anything else.

Following the pattern of the church frescoes, John looked up over the hall, but found that it was unexpectedly clean, with the dome and walls being extraordinarily simple.

Others are looking around every corner.

As for the leaders of Britain, Ireland, and Scotland, they all circled around the round table. After all, such legendary and prestigious items would not be ordinary things.

But when the official person in charge of Ireland bends down, his brows suddenly narrow: "This is... there are some strange lines on the back of the chair, which look similar to hieroglyphs, do any of you know?"


The rest of the people looked at the position he was observing, and looked at other chairs one after another, and found that they were all there, and they were all different, but the positions were relatively inconspicuous, hidden in complicated patterns.

As an expert proficient in the history and culture of the Yan Kingdom, Professor Beavis is probably the only person here who knows a little bit of hieroglyphics.

"This... is indeed a hieroglyph. There are four ancient hieroglyphs in the world, namely the oracle bone script of the Yan Kingdom, the Sumerian script, the ancient white elephant script, and the ancient Egyptian script. 35

"The shape of these characters is more like oracle bone inscriptions, but it seems to be slightly different. I haven't studied this aspect specifically, so I'm a little unsure, and I can't recognize the content.

Professor Beavis knocked on his head: "It's really 'you can't hate a book when it's used up'""


Said, because when I was studying the ancient books of the Yan Kingdom in the past, I developed the habit of reading with my fingers, I subconsciously moved my fingertips to rub it, and as soon as I touched it, I was shocked like an electric shock.


The onlookers John and Sharon were stunned at the same time, and asked in unison, "Professor, are you calling me?" After that, they looked at each other again.

Professor Beavis blinked his eyes twice, suddenly came back to his senses, and shook his head with an extremely intense expression: "No, I'm not calling you, it's words, these words! 99

"The moment I touched it just now, the corresponding pronunciations suddenly appeared in my mind, they should be... should be..."

"Quinn Farrell"

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