I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 461 More and more severe changes

Although because of the gift of the Sacred Shield, the strength of the Bear Country's extraordinary level has increased, but the changes in the world have not stopped there.

After the time comes to July, the global climate disorder is further intensified.

The Antarctic continent ushered in an unprecedented sweltering heat and intense solar radiation, causing glaciers accumulated over tens of thousands of years to melt, and a large amount of ice water poured into the ocean, forming a tsunami more than 30 meters high.

Dayangzhou, which is very close to it, and the island of New Sheeran in Britain were the first to be hit by the tsunami, and the southern area was directly washed away by trillions of tons of seawater.

Villages and cities were all submerged, and the towering minarets were only exposed. Yachts and ships sank or floated, drifting aimlessly under the impetus of currents.

The buildings that symbolize modern human civilization are all dormant in turbid floods.

The people who had been evacuated by the government could only stand on a high place, watching their former homeland turn into a watery country, silently weeping and weeping. Although the husband put his lover and child in his arms and comforted in a soft voice, his eyes were filled with confusion.

Although the tsunami is violent, the instruments deployed in the ocean can give early warning. As long as the evacuation is done properly, there will be no irresistible damage except for economic losses.

When the tsunami receded, people could return to their homes, evacuating standing water with pumps or shovelling out silt and loose debris.

The professional personnel took notepads and exploration instruments to carefully check whether the foundation of the building was damaged and whether the house could continue to be occupied.

Although the ruined city is full of rotten fish and shrimp, and the filthy sewers have a disgusting stench, but as long as people and their families are still there, they can think of 450 methods to restore them to their original state.

What is truly terrifying is the consequent rise in global sea levels.

Within 20 days, the Pacific island country Tuvalu, the former tourist destination Maldives, etc., were turned into dust of history in the arbitrary sea water.

Fortunately, because of the many monsters hidden in the sea before, these island countries have long been unable to live in people, and with the help of the Human Alliance, they were collectively relocated to other places.

However, it is not only these island countries at the extreme altitudes that are affected, but the entire coastal areas of human beings.

Zaiyan Kingdom, the once extremely economically developed magic capital, was originally located in the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River. With the accumulation of sediment, the land area gradually expanded.

As early as the Tang and Song Dynasties, the northern part of Baoshan, the eastern part and the southern part of Pudong New Area had not yet been formed, but in modern times, many places were simply reclaimed from the sea.

Therefore, when the sea level rose, a considerable number of prosperous cities returned to the embrace of the ocean. The same low altitude in the province of Suzhou is its comrades, and many lands were submerged.

Although overall, the flooded area only accounts for a very small part of the two provinces, but because it is not known how long the disaster will last, officials have organized the relocation.

As early as the intensification of attacks at sea and the safety of inland cities, many people left with their families, but there are always some people who are reluctant to leave for one reason or another.

But today, they have to go if they don't.

As a result, this prosperous city, which once made countless young people from other places dedicate their youth, but forced most of them to leave in frustration with cruel reality, eventually turned into a silent and empty city.

The high-rise buildings that were so expensive that they broke through the sky can only be corroded step by step in the ebb and flow of the sea, revealing their truest appearance.

It was prosperous because of the coast, and finally ended because of the coast.

It is said that all the gifts of fate are actually marked with prices in secret, and fate draws an end to the original position of things in such an ingenious way.

In addition, there is a saying in Yan Guo, which is called "Fortunes come unparalleled, and misfortunes do not come singly."

The southern hemisphere suffered a record-breaking heat, while the northern hemisphere was not much better. The temperature was getting lower and lower every day.

And this time, the temperature in the northern hemisphere is no longer a steep drop and a steep rise, but a continuous drop without any sign of rebound.

In the foreseeable long winter, the earth seems to be heading straight for the Ice Age thousands of years ago.

Even in Guangdong Province, which has always been hot, as long as you open the door, you can see the fairy-tale kingdom of ice and snow. The thick blanket of snow was heavy on the roofs of the city and on the street lamps that were glowing with dim yellow light.

Based on the previous experience, Yan Guo, who was fully prepared, did not experience power outages and disconnections, but had a smoother transition.

If someone walks on the streets and alleys, they will find a peculiar scene. The vegetation that is clearly oppressed by ice and snow, but only shows a corner of its original appearance, is getting tougher.

Green and white cover the world together.

In the Yan Kingdom, both north and south, all the people wore thick down jackets. The waste heat generated by the nuclear power plant brings warmth to the residents in the deep cold through underground pipes.

Because the area of ​​arable land has decreased, the temperature has dropped sharply, and the cost of planting has increased, the prices of fresh vegetables and fruits have reached a higher level than in the past.

Now open your belly to eat vegetables and fruits, it is really a celebration.

In this context, some factories have launched small three-dimensional planting boxes.

When the public buys it back (ccdf), they only need to stand up in the indoor open space, and regularly and quantitatively water and fertilize according to the instruction manual.

The country also called for "nutritious meals, reasonable collocation, and elimination of waste" in due course.

In fact, in addition to appetite, vegetables and fruits in people's daily life are more to help digestion and supplement certain vitamins, and eating too much has no effect.

As long as the consumption does not fall below the threshold, an appropriate reduction will have no effect on the human body.

Of course, harmless is harmless, but under the premise of rising sea levels and abnormal weather entering the winter ahead of schedule, people are already in a state of anxiety, and even a small problem can cause new negative emotions.

In mid-August, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake hit Nepal, a neighbor of the Yan Kingdom. Because the country is very backward and lacks relevant mechanisms, it caused a lot of casualties.

Out of humanitarianism, Yan Guo sent a professional team to rescue the local people through the Human Alliance Conference.

But just three days after the incident, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred in Neon, which caused the eruption of Sakurajima, one of the top ten active volcanoes in the world.

Then, two days later, on August 15, New Sheeran, which was swept away by the tsunami not long ago, also experienced an abnormal 7.0-magnitude earthquake, and a large number of buildings damaged in the sea collapsed directly.

To make matters worse, a powerful monster took the opportunity to rush to land for disaster.

Because the total number of troops is only 10,000 people, and even after the expansion, there are only 30,000 people. Fortunately, after a night, the former was killed by the local Aegis members on the way back to the ocean.

But this time, the official New Sheran did not claim the credit to the public as in the past.

The media and the common people have not yet noticed this incident, but another magnitude 8 earthquake occurred in Italy, which was clearly felt in the neighboring Gaul and Clock and Watch countries.

In addition to the collapse of a large number of houses and the burial of thousands of people, a tsunami was also triggered in the Mediterranean Sea, causing the Philippine country Tunisia on the other side of the sea to suffer unpredictable disasters.

After arriving here, all countries realized that something was wrong.

Even if three of the above-mentioned four countries are located in the earthquake zone, which is prone to earthquakes, it is too coincidental that there are major earthquakes in succession. Even a fool knows that there is a problem.

People's already restless hearts were intensified by these four earthquakes, the entire human society was in a state of critical restlessness, and countless chaotic voices and opinions emerged one after another on the Internet.

Even now countries are very strict in control - some officials have to pretend to be very strict even if they are not competent enough.

But after a series of changes, the overall crime rate of mankind is still on the rise.

The officials of the five major countries of the Blue Star realized that the key node was getting closer and closer, and perhaps it was time for the public to know the whole truth.

When the officials of various countries were making preparations for the final announcement, Tang You got a little exciting news.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Li Rana sat opposite, with a little complexity and a little joy in her eyes: "This is what the two of them held hands and told me personally.

After a moment of silence, Tang You nodded: "Okay."

"The catastrophe is getting closer and closer, and everyone's mood is generally not high. It's like a machine that has been tightened, and a little turbulence will make a big reaction.

"They want to be blessed, and we can also take this opportunity to lift everyone's minds. You can arrange it as soon as possible."

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