I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 472 Wave of the Times, Showdown Moment

"Live at ten o'clock?

A passerby next to him also lowered his head and stared at the phone, subconsciously reading the content.

Sun Han's brows froze a little. Although he is young, because he loves to pay attention to current affairs and often discusses related issues with people online, he is very clear about the official temperament.

The less content, the bigger the event!

According to rational judgment, at this time when people are panicking, it is indeed time for the government to come forward to stabilize the people. Whether telling the truth or telling lies, it is better to act than to remain silent.

Because silence represents the unknown, and the unknown is the most frightening.

Although it is a bit sad, the fact is that many times what people want is just a sentence, and even if it is false, quite a few people are willing to believe it.

Like... house prices.

Sun Han stood in the snow and pondered for a long time, until Leng Feng got into the inside from the waistline of the ill-fitting down jacket and froze his limbs stiffly, only then did he shudder back to his senses.

He looked at the road leading to the supermarket, and found that many people had already walked by, and then looking back at the empty road, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Forget it, let's go back. There are still some leeks in the three-dimensional planting box at home, and "four six seven" fast-growing cabbage.

Thinking of this, Sun Han sighed in his heart.

Originally, I thought that the crops in the new urban area were mature and new, and that there are not only many varieties of vegetables in the supermarket, but also the cheapest prices in January, so I came to buy some and go back to try them out.

Unexpectedly, I encountered people being instigated to loot.

In the past few days, more than one piece of similar news has appeared, but for Sun Han, this is the first time that he has actually appeared by his side.

"It's really unlucky to ride a horse!"

Sun Han cursed to himself and walked back with the basket.

"Boom boom boom..."

A gunship loaded with ammunition overhead flew by, and the strong wind swept down the ground covered with snow, and it seemed that there was a blizzard nearby for a while.

Sun Han, who was in it, quickly covered his eyes.

The roar of the helicopter got farther and farther, and a wide clean trail appeared around him—the snow had been blown elsewhere.

Sun Han just patted the snowflakes, carried the vegetable basket, and continued to walk in the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

It is now common practice to have gunships cruising over the city every once in a while. If you live close to the highway outside the city, you can see "sparrow" war weapons coming and going every day.

On the road beside him, there were not a few private cars, and city trucks kept coming and going, one after another overtaking Sun Han.

They are very quiet, without the roar of an ordinary engine.

The birth of fusion power stations and the large-scale production of high-energy-density batteries have gradually completed the energy revolution in the civilian field, and civilian electric vehicles have completely replaced civilian oil vehicles.

All countries are like this.

The Human Alliance does this for two main reasons:

One is to reduce power costs. After all, the electricity produced by fusion power stations is far cheaper than gasoline and diesel, otherwise the Yan Kingdom would not directly use electricity to grow vegetables.

The second is to hoard strategic materials.

Past experience with aliens has shown that some otherworldly supernatural beings can interfere with electromagnetic operation. If the fuel consumed on weekdays is saved, it can be emergency when the power fails.

In addition, the fuel can also be diverted to the real beast of oil - the army.

Faced with the harsh environment, a quarter of the country's military is in a state of pseudo-war. It is said that when the cannon is fired, the gold is ten thousand taels. Once the army operates, the energy consumption every day is astronomical.

For the sake of war safety, military equipment must not be purely electric, otherwise even if there is an anti-electromagnetic pulse device, there is a great risk of being targeted at the nest.

Therefore, even now, most weapons of war are still equipped with more reliable fuel power.

Sun Han was thinking about something, but a cold wind suddenly blew from the straight street, and the snow all over the sky was blowing towards him. He lowered his head slightly and pulled the hood that came with his shirt to prevent it from being lifted.

After the cold wind passed, he saw that under the weak and dim light, the whole city showed a sad and powerless color.

Sun Han was a little dazed.

There is a saying: "A speck of dust from the times falls on everyone's head and is a mountain.""

In the past, Sun Han, as the second generation of the aborigines in Magic Capital, was born with an expensive old house. He didn't need to go to school or work. He could live a prosperous life just by renting out the house and squeezing the young people who were chasing their dreams.

At that time, as a social parasite, he could not understand this sentence at all.

But now that the magic capital is gradually being submerged by the sea, he has to leave his hometown, and all the assets that he was proud of in the past have been turned into a fragile bubble.

Its identity and situation have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Sun Han was a landlord at the beginning, but now he is a tenant. Fortunately, now that the housing is controlled by the state, he doesn't have to worry about the retribution of the past coming back to him.

However, the decline in the quality of life is inevitable. The down jacket that does not fit well at present is the most realistic portrayal of his current life.

Sun Han still remembers that when he moved with the country, he took away all the physical assets that could be taken away, such as glamorous luxury cars, expensive fever-grade computers and so on.

But when he sold it for money, he found that it had fallen to the price of cabbage.

It's not that these industrial products are worthless, but that in today's environment, no one of the people wants these materials anymore. Everyone works as hard as possible in order to survive and don't waste time playing games.

As a result, Sun Han had to go to a factory that he once looked down on and engage in a job that he once looked down on.

He was pretentious at the beginning, thinking that the poor people at the bottom were just because they were lazy and deserved such a fate.

But when Sun Han arrived at the factory, he realized that he had neither solid professional knowledge nor expertise, he was clumsy, and he did everything carelessly.

During the initial period, he was trained by the workshop supervisor almost every day.

The drastic changes in life finally made Sun Han truly realize that the individual is so insignificant, as small as a duckweed, and can only drift with the tide of the times.

Sometimes, the wave lifts people up, but people lose themselves in it, thinking that it is their own excellence that has all this...

It was only after the wave passed and he fell heavily on the ground that he recognized his mortal face. The rich life at the beginning was just a fleeting bubble bestowed by fate.

Sun Han doesn't know what his future will be like, and he doesn't know where the turbulent human society will eventually go. He only hopes...

"Don't get any worse."

He clenched the handle of the basket tightly, buried his head, and murmured in a low voice: "Really don't get worse. I hope tonight's live broadcast can bring good news to everyone.


The sharpening has made Sun Han's mind clearer and sharper than before. The direction of the world's changes, as well as some official operations, have already given him a certain hunch.

At this moment, a snowflake fell on the tip of his nose, bringing a cold touch.

Sun Han looked up and found that the fluttering goose feather snow fell from the lead-colored arc again, and the sky and the earth were even more bleak.

He let out a long breath and comforted himself again: "I hope everything is fine." Then he walked towards the house without looking back, and his desolate back was drowned in the heavy snow.

This live broadcast is not only for the people of Yan Kingdom, but for the global broadcast, for the entire human race.

Countries invariably gave temporary holidays today.

At 10 pm in Yanjing time, at 4 pm on the Bali incident, at 10 am in the United States time... People from all regions and their families waited silently for the announcement time.

No one is a fool, and all the people are faintly aware that this is probably the last moment of the showdown.

What exactly human beings will face will finally be revealed today!


Xiao Xi pulled the chubby Chinchilla and sat in the middle of the sofa, one fat and one small, both holding the glutinous rice dumplings made by her mother in her hands and sprinkled with delicious black sesame seeds.

The cute girl ate it in small bites, while the chinchilla opened its mouth wide, and threw the food in with its long claws 3.5 in. The mouth closed, and the fragrant glutinous rice dumplings were gone.

Seeing this, Xiaoxi "giggled" and gave it her own.

Seeing the young and unhappy appearances of the two, the mother couldn't help but smile, and then her complexion gradually became complicated. She looked back at her husband and clenched each other's hands silently.

They are not the only ones who have this kind of mood. Almost all the people around the world are looking forward and anxious, watching the scheduled time getting closer and closer.

seven o'clock...

Eight o'clock:

nine o'clock...

The numbers on the mobile phone screen kept jumping, and people rushed into the official live broadcast room in advance to avoid the possible blockage and disconnection later.

Three minutes before the live broadcast started, a countdown appeared on the dark screen.

With the constant staring of people, the heart beats gradually with the same frequency. In a quiet environment, the silent countdown seems to become a heartbeat, one beat and one beat, which brings an inexplicable sense of depression.

Finally, the countdown reached "000", and the background of many national flags was gradually presented in the eyes of the Blue Star people...

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