I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 478 The Lights Go Out (475 Solved)

The nose exhaled two bundles of white air in the cold temperature.

Sun Huizhen's mother rubbed her gloved hands, stood on tiptoe, crossed the dark waiting crowd, and looked at the direction of the incoming train in the distance.

I saw that the snow in the station had been cleaned up, and the track built with stones and two rows of I-beams extended straight to the distance, extending to the silver-covered mountains.

The heavy snow has not stopped, the sky and the earth are still hazy, and the urban buildings on both sides are only vague and illusory outlines, as if the hearts of all those who are waiting at this moment.

This is the Seoul Railway Station in South Korea, and people are waiting for the train to Yan Kingdom.

The temperature of minus 40 degrees was not pleasant, but they had been on the platform where the cold wind was howling for more than half an hour, but no one complained.

Sea transportation has stopped, and air transportation has also stopped. Nowadays, every long-distance cross-border transportation is particularly cherished. It is freezing cold, unknown monsters, and every item is a great test.

Grandfather took out a blue electric heater from his backpack and handed it to his wife: "Don't look, if the train really makes a big move, you don't need to look to know.

After taking over the electric heater, the heat immediately relieved the stiffness of the ten fingers. Despite this, the grandmother gave him a blank look:

"You are pretending to be big! Just now the station staff informed me: 'The train has an accident, and the arrival time has yet to be determined.' 22 didn't know, and his face was ugly."

Grandfather Sun waved his hand: "It's okay, I won't tell you, kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the electronic sign on the platform. The red dots formed the double-text logo of Yan Kingdom and South Korea. More than a year ago, the position of Yanwen on this page was still in English.

In fact, this change is not only limited to the electronic signs, but also includes the hearts of South Koreans.

"It's been more than half an hour." Father Sun whispered.

The grandmother wrapped her arms around her arms to reduce the area of ​​heat loss: "Who says it's not, but what can be done."

"The main task of this train is to transport goods, there are only a few passenger carriages, and it has to be unloaded at Pingyang in the north, and then unloaded again near our military base. The rest of the time is very tight.

"The staff were also afraid of delaying getting on the train, so they let us wait at the platform ahead of time, but who would have thought that there would be an accident on the way, and the time became uncertain. 39

The grandfather shook his head and said:

"This so-called accident is actually not an accident at all, but a normal situation. How could such a large train run in the snow and ice wilderness without encountering some monster attacks.

The grandmother subconsciously glanced at the entrance of the station, and at the same time continued:

"Otherwise, how could it be precious. If it wasn't for the fact that you were on an expatriate mission to Yan Kingdom this time, we wouldn't be able to get tickets for this train at all. 35

"And now all countries are controlling the flow of people, especially the Yan country, because everyone is breaking their heads and squeezing over there, so such cross-border passenger transport will only become less and less."

"I heard that the part of the tickets for this train that was given to the people was fired to an astonishing level. If you don't have a certain family background, you really can't get on this train. We are purely lucky."

When the natural disaster of the virus was severe in foreign countries, most of the flights were stopped. Some foreigners wanted to return to the motherland, but found that the economy class air ticket had been fired to more than 100,000 yuan.

The situation now is much more severe than it was at the time. In the face of monster attacks, there is a real possibility of a car crash and a tragedy, so the price is even more magical.

Grandfather was a little unhappy when he heard this: "What's the matter with luck?

"As a foreign affairs officer of our country, I can get such a beautiful job as a post in the Yan Kingdom, obviously relying on my own ability and my son's hard work."

Seeing that the old couple had to fight each other on a daily basis, a whistle sounded suddenly in the distance, and the war of words disappeared.

Someone shouted: "The train is coming!

The crowd who had been waiting for a long time immediately became restless, and everyone involuntarily moved towards the entrance of the station, resulting in a crowded scene.

"Hey, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!

"The person in front please let me, please let me, I just found out that the boarding gate of the station is wrong, I am a four-carriage.

The platform turned into a lively vegetable market for a while. If there were elderly Yan people here, there would definitely be an illusion of dreaming back to their youthful years.

"Bang... bang..."

A heavy freight train pulled into the platform.

I saw that thick steel armor was also installed outside the passenger compartment in front, the traces of welding and riveting were clearly visible, and the rude style had a steampunk feel.

Those with sharp eyes also noticed that the automatic machine gun at the top of one of the carriages has turned into a mass of crippled steel, and the twisted traces tell what happened to it.

People's hearts were darkened a bit.

But this only intensified their eagerness to go to Yan Kingdom.

The door of the train opened quickly, and with the greeting of the train personnel, the passengers hurriedly lined up to step in. The car stopped for only three minutes, then started the engine again and returned.

The grandson's father and grandmother were still putting their luggage, when they felt a slight shock in the carriage, and the sense of acceleration gradually came.

Taking off the gloves and sitting in their own seat, seeing a Yanwai skeleton warrior carefully crossing the middle aisle, the two of them could not help but let out a sigh of relief, only to feel that their hearts were much more settled.

Whether it is the warm and comfortable environment or the pleasant dim light, it makes people feel as if they have stepped into a new world.

If you insist on pointing it out, the only fly in the ointment is probably that the windows are completely blocked by armor, and the scenery of the snow country outside cannot be seen.

After the notification of the food pickup location, the horn on the car went silent, and the chatter of the passengers in South Korea gradually rose.

The grandfather paid attention and found that the most talked about topic was undoubtedly a series of information about the Holy Shield.

With the help of the Human Alliance and the Crusaders, the reputation of this ancient human guardian organization "turned out" has reached an unimaginable level.

Rising from the dark, fighting bloody battles to defend human civilization, adhering to the purpose for thousands of years, and not being infected by powerful forces.

After experiencing countless pains and seeing the worst in the world, they should have enjoyed lofty treatment, but when the clear sunlight returned to the earth, they disarmed themselves and returned to their hometowns, becoming ordinary ordinary people.

Field farmer, market hawker, student studying for exams...

No one knows that the person who passed by him may have killed the monster that swept the mountains and rivers.

The Holy Shield comes from the common brilliance of mankind, which has surpassed the barriers of regions, cultures, religions, and countries, and is in line with all mankind's imagination of heroes.

Moreover, he is not a fantasy, but has existed in Blue Star for ten thousand years.

In addition, the more difficult times human beings are in, the more they look forward to light and heroes, so the name of the Holy Shield has reached an unprecedented level in the hearts of the world.

Not long after the train went on, the familiar passengers approached Sun Huizhen's parents: "You two, can I ask where you are going to Yan Kingdom?"

"Yanjing." Father Sun didn't hide it.

467 The person nodded: "It's also good, after all, it is the capital of the Yan Kingdom, and there are plenty of forces to guard it. I'm going to go to the southwest region, after all, where is the safest."

He suddenly remembered one more thing: "By the way, did you exchange Yan Guo coins in advance?"

The person reminded: "It's not easy to exchange when you get there. You have to queue for a long time to go to the bank. During that time, life will be very inconvenient. After all, no one wants to exchange hard currency for soft currency. 39

"If you go to a private bank to exchange it, the exchange rate will plummet again, which is not worthwhile.

Hearing this, the grandson's mother seemed to respond implicitly and politely: "Thank you, but we don't have to toss, my daughter is working in the country of Yan, and she earns the currency of the country of Yan.

After all, the little pride in the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes could not be hidden at all.

Grandpa immediately pulled her without a trace.

Zi Lai Shu was stunned for a moment, carefully looked at the couple in front of him, and finally smelled some kind of breath from his grandfather: "Are you... an official expatriate?"

Without waiting for an answer, he patted the table lightly and pointed, "Definitely. As long as you observe carefully, your temperament is too obvious."

Because his father is a traditional person in the Yan Kingdom, Sun's father is actually very observant of the middle way, and he doesn't like to focus on the official identity and deal with ordinary people.

But unfortunately, this person is very good at dealing with each other, and he can always find a topic to attract people to participate in it, so the train has just left the border line, and the three of them chatted enthusiastically.

But before Zilaishu could ask his curious information, the whole train shook suddenly, the lights on the top gradually went out, and the carriage fell into darkness...

PS: Thanks "2-5-8-4-4-6-7-1-7-0" for the big reward!.

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