I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 484 Arrival (not good, two in one)

On the Goryeo Peninsula covered by the snowstorm, even if there are snowflakes blocking the sky, the sudden strong light still makes people subconsciously close their eyes.


In the weapon position at the top of the train, the soldiers all covered their eyes and screamed, and some even fell backwards and rolled on the ground.

They are sitting in a small confined space to control the cannon, and they can only observe the outside world with the help of optical equipment, and they are particularly injured in this fierce light.

The soldiers' eyeballs and fundus nerves were burned.

Even though the train conductor had the protection of the exoskeleton visor, he felt his temples bulge, and his eyes were aching, and he barely opened his eyes after a while.

Flakes of ash with sparks drifted past.

His eyes moved sideways, and when the focal length was gradually locked, his appearance gradually became clear.

This is not ashes at all, but the red-edged cracks that were previously seen and intercepted by the huge net of tree roots, but at this moment, the inner cracks disappeared, and the dark part turned into a solid black piece, floating and wandering in the blizzard.

The train conductor raised his head little by little.

In the vast sky and earth, there are orange-red "flying fox" fluttering everywhere, completely ignoring the violent wind, and drifting in the same direction in different heights and patterns.

From a distance, it looks like a special effect used in a movie to create an atmosphere.

And the original golden thread tree roots in the high sky have been broken inch by inch, gradually thinning and disappearing into the air.

Occasionally, two pieces of ashes collided and slowly merged like water droplets, turning into a larger red-edged black piece, but if one looked at it from the side, the entire trace disappeared.

They have no thickness at all and are truly two-dimensional things.

The train conductor turned his head more and more, and in the sky above the unrealistic distance, several giant curtain-like borders were formed, and these floating fragments were constantly adding to it.

These red-edged black giant screen borders have been spreading all around, and it is foreseeable that they will completely lock the space in this area in a short time.

The broken down train is in the area that is about to be sealed, but it is not too far from the border.

Just out of the freezing state, the shivering passengers who were transferred from the cracked carriage were all huddled by the open windows of the armor, staring at the changes in the outside world with a pair of panicked eyes.

After being lost for a moment, the conductor of the train quickly recovered.

"Although we don't know the specific situation yet, this border is not a fun thing to do, and the train must run out before the blockade is over. 35

So, he strode to the last passenger car, looked at the technicians who were standing at the connection, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up and disconnect the freight plane! What are you doing?"

This group of people woke up like a dream, quickly took the tools to work, and cooperated with each other to untie the connection.

"How long will this take?" asked the conductor.

A technician pulled up the thick hat that blocked his vision, and when he looked up, the surface of the black-colored goggles that were reflective against the snow was covered with sticky and accumulated snowflakes:

"It will take at least three minutes, and if it reaches a certain speed, it is estimated that it will take seven or eight minutes.

"Because of the time, we only repaired a small part of the power system, it was very troublesome to start, and even if the heavy cargo plane was thrown away, the acceleration was very small."

The train conductor nodded in understanding.

He didn't say anything like "hurry up", the current situation is here, there is no need for him to speak, everyone has to work hard to survive.

The conductor turned around and was about to go back to check the situation of the soldiers, but just after taking a few steps, he suddenly felt something, frowned, and turned his head to look at the flank.

In the blizzard that blurred everything, several huge icy blue silhouettes loomed.

He turned around again and looked at the other side of the train. The thick snow was pushed aside by invisible force, and the ice cubes pressed out of the bottom layer flew up one after another, randomly assembled into strange shapes.

The train conductor turned around and looked around.

They are everywhere in the blizzard, and the train has been completely surrounded!

He suddenly remembered the dying words of the frost demon just now: "Our world is about to come. 35

The train conductor originally thought that "our world" was just a general term, referring to the whole other world, but he didn't expect that the frost demon actually meant the space where they lived.

Looking back now, the "eve" mentioned by the latter is probably also the eve of the reunion with his companions.

One, two, three, four... In the whistling blizzard, there were more and more frost demons of different sizes, and as they approached, their figures became clearer and clearer.

This is the first time the train conductor observed the monster appearing on the Blue Star.

There are no imagined micro-cracks, and no dazzling wormholes. Their outlines are solidified little by little in the air, as if salt particles are precipitated from a supersaturated solution.


The conductor can clearly hear his own gasping sound, because the armor is damaged and the gas filter device of the built-in life-support system is producing a clucking noise.

"Bang! 35

The isolation door of the passenger compartment at the end was knocked open. The driver covered his eyes and trembled in pain, but he still stumbled over with his teeth gritted.

The rest of his hands groped for the seats on both sides in a panic to avoid hitting himself, and shouted and reported: "Train conductor! Train conductor! Everyone's eyes are burned, and our defenses have been paralyzed."

The train conductor didn't know how he should feel, but he only knew that the most dangerous moment had come.

"K... 呲..."

The armor on his left arm bounced off, and he took out the only remaining healing potion from the groove, strode over, shouted "Don't move", and held down the driver.

The healing potion plunged into its arm.

As the amber potion was pushed in, the trembling driver gradually calmed down, and his tight eyes were also trying to open with a slight tremor.

After throwing away the syringe, the exoskeleton visor opened, revealing the face of a middle-aged man in his 40s who was already weathered.

He is so ordinary, the kind that can't be found if thrown into the crowd.

The conductor grabbed the driver's shoulder and stared at the latter: "Now that your eyesight has been restored, return to the cockpit at the fastest speed.

He glanced at the time of the jump on the visor: "After one minute and thirty seconds, I want you to start the train on time, take everyone out of the black border, and return to our motherland."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to the technicians again and said, "One minute and thirty seconds, this is the order of death, I don't care what method you use, even if you smash it, you will break it open for me.

"Remember, this full car, and the lives of comrades-in-arms, are all entrusted to you."

The technicians also saw the situation in the distance, pursed their mouths and gritted their teeth: "Quick, take out the milk, and quickly disconnect it for me!"

Links that were designed to be extremely strong for security reasons at the time have now become a source of delays.

The young driver looked at more and more frost demons in all directions, and finally realized what he was doing, and grabbed the conductor's arms with both hands: "Uncle, what are you doing? 35

The latter's weathered face showed a smile bit by bit:

"My dad and I were old comrades in arms for ten years when we were still in the army. Later, when we attacked the red fluid creatures for the first time in Jiangcheng, the helicopter crashed. It was your dad who resisted me from the wreckage."

"This is a life-threatening friendship, I promised your father that I will bring you back safely.

The train conductor originally had a lot to say, but he turned his head to look at the frost demon outside the car, grabbed the driver's hand, pulled it apart bit by bit, and stepped back step by step.

"I can start very quickly! I can start the car very quickly!" The latter chased after and tried to pull it back.

Then, the train conductor shouted violently: "Soldiers, obey the orders of your superiors!"

The driver immediately froze in place, and saw the white blizzard like a bone-scraping steel knife whistling recklessly behind him. He wanted to say something, but only his Adam's apple rolled and choked.

The train conductor's face softened a little:

"Follow the instructions, child, you are still young, there are infinite possibilities, you are the future of mankind."

He smiled again, with anticipation in his eyes:

“Sometimes, life does have to endure some pain. But it will be a treasure in our journey, it will teach you to cherish your family, learn to take responsibility, and learn how to be a real man. 35

"I have observed for so long, you are actually very talented. In the near future, you may become a cultivator of the life seed, and become a warrior who can truly protect the family and the country."

After taking a deep breath of the cold air and letting the snowflakes beat on his face, the conductor's expression returned to solemnity:

"I just want you to remember that your father has never flinched, neither have I, neither have thousands of soldiers, and you will never be allowed to flinch in the future.

The obsidian-like visor closed up and down, and he just kicked it lightly, and his figure floated and flew, passing through the dense snowflakes and falling onto the cargo plane.

"Go! 99

The train conductor shouted.

"Yes!" The young driver wiped away his tears, stood at attention and gave a military salute, then ran towards the front of the car without turning his head, gradually disappearing behind the isolation door.

The conductor retracted his gaze, and the face inside the helmet became cold and severe: "Come on, let me see, you guys have a few pounds of ice cubes. 35

He jumped again and came to the weapon position on the top of the train, skillfully and quickly released the hinge, picked up the heavy machine gun in his hands, and spread his legs to form a stable posture.

Facing the group of frost demons closest to the train, the conductor dragged a long chain and pulled the trigger directly.

"Dong dong... dong dong dong..."

The huge recoil pushed it back, wiped two clean traces from the snow on the roof armor, and the orange line of fire swept out, showing a slightly sagging arc.

Due to the long distance, monsters who perceive danger have sufficient time to react.

The first frost demon had blue stripes flashing on its body, and pieces of ice smashed through the snow and flew out, just blocking the shot of the heavy alien hunting machine projectile.

"Puff puff‥…"

Ice flowers exploded in mid-air.

The warheads that had been reduced in power were chaotic, flying randomly in the blizzard, and some hit the hard surface of the frost demon, knocking out slight cracks.

The part that was small in size and weak in strength was directly smashed into pieces and scattered on the ground.

However, there were too many monsters surrounding him from all directions. The conductor of the train slowed down the approaching momentum slightly, but the other sides were getting closer and closer.

He had no choice but to turn the muzzle of his gun, intercepting other frost demons as if the rain and dew were soaked.

"Dong dong dong..."

Even in the temperature of minus forty degrees, the thick and long barrel of the machine gun slowly turned red, and a little snow fell on it, and it "chichi" turned into water vapor.

However, the frost demons are still getting closer.

"Quick, quick, quick!"

The technicians threw off their arms and tried desperately, their foreheads covered with pea-sized beads of sweat, but as soon as they slipped onto their cheeks, they were frozen into hard ice cubes and stuck to the skin.

"Let Rang, Ran Rang, I am the train driver!"

The driver with his eyes restored quickly walked through a compartment of light and dark, and when he heard the shouts, the guests along the way quickly moved away.

Everyone is racing against time!

"Kakaka..." The cannon in the conductor's hand was emptied, and the receiver made the sound of air strikes. He threw it directly into the snow and ran to the front to dismantle one.

But just bent over—


Giant ice cubes flew like cannonballs.

The conductor who was caught off guard was smashed and flung out and rolled in the snow, because the snow was so thick that he could not even be seen.

He only felt the world spinning, and a needle-like tingling came from his back, and his entire spine could hardly be straightened.

The battle-hardened conductor knew very well that in the current situation, if there were not enough sacrifices, the train would never be able to escape, and he was ready to die.

Therefore, the pain at the moment can no longer hinder his will.

The train conductor stood up from the snow covering his waist, pulled out the heavy melee firearm on his back, and pulled the bolt to hear a crisp "click" mechanical sound.

"Bang! 35

An ice flower exploded on the chest of a certain frost demon, and the advancing figure paused, and the others of the same kind passed over one by one without waiting.

"Unlocked! We unlocked!"

The technicians at the end of the passenger car suddenly shouted.

The young driver also rushed to the cab and hurriedly sat in a familiar position. After pressing the button, the "humming" motor sounded, and the many indicators on the instrument panel came on one by one.

The thick armor was gradually withdrawn, the broad field of vision was restored, and the frost demons scattered everywhere also came into view.

"Hoohoo... calm down, calm down."

He opened the plastic cover, activated the relevant buttons one by one, and then pushed the main lever directly to the end.

The electricity generated by the internal combustion engine is transmitted to the electric motor at the bottom of each car through the cable, and the powerful torque drives the steel wheel to rotate.

The train moved forward slowly.

The technicians hurriedly chased the car, helping each other to push and pull up to the end carriage.

"It's moving! The car is moving!" The frightened passengers looked at each other in surprise and cheered.

Seeing this, the train conductor hurriedly shot at the frost demons that slowed the surrounding.

The latter seemed to be irritated by his harassment, and seemed to finally understand that if he didn't kill him first, it would be difficult to stop this delicious iron shell.

Therefore, a large part of the monsters changed direction and slowly moved towards him.

At the same time, after the ice blue ripples flashed on the surface of these frost demons, large or small ice cubes condensed in the air, and then smashed out like shells.

Some headed towards the conductor, while others aimed at the gradually accelerating train.

The former had to dodge quickly, or roll, or dash forward, with a very embarrassed posture. Even so, because the giant ice cubes were too dense, he couldn't dodge them all, so he focused a few times.



The train conductor groaned.

This power is too powerful, even with the protection of the exoskeleton, his throat is still sweet, and the bones in his whole body seem to be broken, and he is full of cracking pain after a little movement.

The cheering passengers were also very happy and sad.

"Boom... boom..."

A large number of hard spiritual ice cubes smashed onto the train armor, creating shocking dents and producing a deafening sound in the confined space.

The terrifying power carried on it made the train sway left and right like a ship at sea, and people were turned upside down and dizzy.

Everyone is an ordinary person, and they all scream in horror.

All the carriages were a mess.


The armor of the window was not closed, and the fragile synthetic material was directly smashed through.

Hard ice cubes broke into it violently, first smashing someone against the wall and smashing it into meat sauce, the whole piece shattered, and every broken ice cube that sputtered out was like a bullet.

The passengers fell in pieces, with split heads and mutilated limbs scattered everywhere.

Just one spiritual ice cube, in just one or two seconds, a carriage has turned into a slaughterhouse-like hell on earth.

Some people shouted piercingly, and some people were simply frightened and stood there dumbfounded.

The door of the cockpit was not closed, and the young driver could clearly hear people's screams. Suddenly, the left armour suddenly dented in the loud noise, which made him shudder.

Although the frost demons move slowly, many of them are already on their way, so the closer they are, the closer they are.

The conductor stood up from the snow with difficulty, the pain all over his body disappeared little by little, and was replaced by the freezing cold and numbness brought by the cold wind penetrating into the damaged area.

He saw the monsters guarding the front of the train and tried to pull the bolt again, but found that the magazine was completely empty.

"The ammunition is exhausted, the food is exhausted, and the person should die.

The conductor of the train paused, caressed the heavy firearm like a man, then inserted it into the snow, mustering up his last strength, and rushed forward.

The broken figure is getting faster and faster, even surpassing the train that was accelerating at the beginning of the start. Countless ice cubes flew past him, but he did not move.

"Report the remaining battery power of the armor. 99

The built-in artificial intelligence quickly responded: "The remaining battery is 61%. Warning! The user's physical signs are dropping sharply, blood pressure..."

"There's no need to read these. Thank you for being with me for so long, but it's time to say goodbye."

The icon representing artificial intelligence on the visor kept spinning in circles, obviously unable to respond to such an advanced level. The train conductor didn't care either, just said: "Turn on self-destruction.

"Voiceprint verification passed, blood verification passed, iris verification passed, environmental verification passed, please confirm the countdown."

"Ten seconds.

"Setting up (money) is over. Goodbye, brave warrior, there must be a fortune left by you in the glorious history of mankind." The weak artificial intelligence said according to the set process.

The driver was stunned to see that a figure quickly crossed the front of the car, rushing towards the frost demons surrounded by the front with bare hands.

Inside the exoskeleton, the conductor's complexion became paler and more difficult to exhale, and the cold seemed to seep into his bones.



AI is still counting down mechanically.

He turned his head and looked back at the cockpit, looking back at the face of his old comrade-in-arms' son, his smile became more and more difficult: "Bring you home, this is a man's promise, and it is also a promise from the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

The driver stared at him blankly.



'farewell. "The conductor closed his eyes slowly.


The orange fire light illuminated the driver's face, the ice cubes scattered by the frost demon fluttered in his eyes, and two lines of hot tears fell silently.

His hand firmly grasped the push rod, tears blurred the entire field of vision, his mouth was wide open, but there was only a hiss of "Hehe" in his throat.

"Be careful of your surroundings. I promised your father that I would bring you back safely."

"Child, you are still young and have infinite possibilities. You are the future of mankind."

"Sometimes, life does have to endure some pain. But it will be an invaluable asset on our journey, it will teach you to cherish your family, learn to take responsibility, and learn how to be a real man.

Faster and faster trains passed through the exploding flames, and the remaining flames licked the steel armor.

Seeing that the fat in his hands was about to go away, so many frost demons were willing to give up, the ice-blue ripples reappeared on the surface of the body, and countless cannonball-like ice cubes smashed over the sky and covered the earth.

Hit by the fire and the continuous ice cubes, the armor on both sides appeared dents one after another,

"Remember, this full car, and the lives of comrades-in-arms, are all entrusted to you."

Tears had completely blurred the driver's face. He pushed the joystick and pushed it so tightly that only his heart-piercing screams were left in the cockpit.

The train is getting faster and faster.

It broke through the extreme attack distance of the Frost Demon, broke through the explosive flame that the warrior turned into, and broke through the desperate wilderness, and went in the direction of hope.

Behind it, the black border gradually closed, and the plane fragments of the other world really came!

PS: Guys, this chapter is more compatible with the pure music of "Tennessee".

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