I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 487 Safe Zone and Fragment Distribution

Speaking of North Korea, people's consistent impression is that it is backward and closed.

But many people don't know that the country's logistics and transportation are actually quite convenient. On just one hundred thousand square kilometers of land, the railway mileage alone exceeds 5,000 kilometers.

What is this concept?

The Yan Kingdom has a land area of ​​9.6 million square kilometers and a total railway mileage of 146,300 kilometers. Converted, the density is only less than one-third of that of North Korea.

Even putting aside the vast uninhabited areas, the density is still much worse than the latter.

So sometimes, some small countries that are also in the Marne camp, although they don't have much international influence, they really shouldn't be underestimated.

Among them, there is an equally clear example - the "Gu Ba" of the missile crisis in the history books.

Back to the topic, the location of the train at the moment is about 50 kilometers northeast of the city of Pyongyang, North Korea, and 20 kilometers southwest of the capital of Yangde County, a new large-scale military railway station.

From a geographical point of view, this place is basically located in the center of the country, not too close to the coastline like Pingyang, so the government has made it a new logistics distribution center.

For the civilization on the road of science and technology, the essence of war is the competition of productivity.

The three important basic elements of productivity are people, technology, and materials, so this logistics distribution center is very important.

To this end, the North Korean government did not hesitate to send heavy troops to station here, and firmly built a strict military fortress.

A large number of monsters landed from the coastline and launched a violent offensive on the peninsula. After the situation became more and more difficult, the command center was ready to move here due to safety concerns.

Therefore, Xinyangde is almost the safest place in the entire peninsula. Because of this, the train can stop here safely, and everyone has time to argue and hesitate.

The two groups of people turned to the left, and they couldn't go without a decision, so some people simply left the crowded carriages and stayed on the platform, while the rest stayed in the cars.

After everyone ate the hot food provided by the North Korean military, they ushered in a brief and precious time of tranquility in the chaotic situation, but the arrival of two men in ordinary clothes broke the peace.

"Look at the palm print.

With good eyesight, he found the key passenger, so he quickly suppressed his eagerness, buried his head and reminded the people around him in a low voice.

This is very similar to the teacher walking towards the classmates who are playing with their mobile phones in class, and the good friend next to him looks anxious and depressed.

People who can get on this train are not stupid in the first place. After this reminder, and with the help of the local officers, even if the half-cornered red mark is not obvious, the rest of the people quickly reacted.


Thinking of that possible name, everyone's heartbeat couldn't be restrained.

People sitting on the platform saluting or leaning on the railings stood up one after another, and all the people in the train crowded to the window by the door.

With their eyes that were trying their best to suppress their emotions, they looked in the direction of the comer layer by layer.

No one could have imagined that the meeting with the legendary ancient human guardian would come so unexpectedly.

Although everyone did not know the purpose of the two, nor the true strength of the two, but the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, just saw the Holy Shield Warrior with their own eyes, and everyone's heart was inexplicably calm.

Walking to the distance in front of everyone, the local commander stood still: "Everyone, the situation has ushered in a new turning point, and now there is good news for everyone.

He turned slightly sideways and introduced: "These two are extraordinary warriors from the Holy Shield."

Sure enough! Although they had already made a conclusion in their hearts, they clenched their fists unconsciously, and the brilliance in their eyes brightened when they heard the officials say it in person.

The two members of the Holy Shield nodded to the people and said:

"At present, our strength in the peninsula area has roughly figured out the details of the monsters in the sea. My comrades in arms have concentrated on the sea and planned to intercept the enemy.

The damage of the extraordinary war is too strong. If there is a choice, the Holy Shield will try to pull the battlefield to the uninhabited area, snipe the main force of the monsters, and avoid urban battles.

This is also a large part of the reason why the passengers did not see half of the supernatural beings when the train came from South Korea.

"In addition, the rule turmoil caused by the initial stage of cosmic fusion is gradually declining, our internal remote communication means are being restored, and the general situation of the peninsula has been sent to comrades in other regions."

"The latest news is that the Northeast War Zone of the Yan Kingdom has dispatched an elite force to fight the tear blockade of the monsters."

The crowd immediately became a little restless.

The strength of the Yan Kingdom's current military power is obvious to all in the world. Otherwise, it is impossible to secure the top position of the big brother. As long as they have spare strength to support, the situation on the peninsula will be much better immediately.

What's more, Divine Shield Extraordinary has been concentrated on the sea, forming the first front.

This is the most powerful anti-foreign force in all mankind!

"You don't have to be pessimistic, I can guarantee that as far as the situation in North Korea is concerned, the situation will never get out of control." The words of the Aegis fighters were powerful.

"Of course, we can't be too optimistic. The monsters have been planning for a long time, and the blockade of tears cannot be broken quickly. This battle will definitely not end in a short time."

"In consideration of the objective situation, we have the remaining forces stationed on the peninsula, and decided to join hands with the officials of North Korea to build a temporary security zone. The address has been determined, and it is Xinyangde, which is here.

The passengers were stunned for a moment when they heard the last words, and then burst into ecstasy.

This place will be jointly built into a safe area, doesn't it mean that the safety of yourself and others will be more guaranteed? With the extraordinary protection of the Holy Shield, what more bicycles are there!

Even the grandson's father and grandmother who went to the Yan Kingdom wholeheartedly were very moved by the temporary security zone at this moment. After all, with the extraordinary words of the Holy Shield, staying here is the best choice at present.

The commander quickly raised his hand to say hello:

"Everyone is quiet, everyone is quiet! If you are willing to stay in the safe area, we will do follow-up work.... The train should also be moved. It is not a problem to always occupy the emergency track."

After appeasing the crowd, he arranged for the driver to meet with the two members of the Aegis alone.

Just when the former was apprehensive, the latter spoke very solemnly:

"We came here specially to understand the situation in the black border of South Korea. Although our members near there have already sent back some information, we want more detailed information."

Ten hours after the shards came.

The center of Yanjing has been shrouded in a lonely night, the splendid lights of the past have disappeared, and it is empty like a ghost town.

According to the emergency mechanism stipulated in advance, after the mutation occurred, the combat forces from all over the country moved in full force, and they were closely guarded, and more than two-thirds of the people were evacuated to the dungeon.

The rest of the population stayed in key production positions, providing an endless stream of impetus for the operation of the Yan Kingdom.

As an important official organization of the national brain, it was also moved to an extremely safe place for the first time, such as the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation.

The subordinate pushed open the door and stepped into the small room that was exceptionally bright but with iron walls on all sides: "Director, with the help of the Holy Shield channel, the general situation of debris in various parts of Blue Star has been counted.

After the turmoil of the rules weakened, although the spiritual power network of the Holy Shield returned to normal immediately, the physical level did not calm down so quickly, and the secular communication optical cable still could not work.

Therefore, Yan Guo can only find the Holy Shield, use its channels to integrate information, and send instructions to various places.

In the small room, Song Chengan was discussing with other experts. Hearing this, he turned his head and said resolutely with a calm brow: "Speak. 55

The subordinate walked up to him, picked up the paper document and read: "3.5 Blue Star now has more than 600 fragments of different sizes, which can be divided into three grades in total.

"There are three largest in total, located in the central and western parts of Europa, the central part of the continent, and the southern part of Canada and the United States bordering the United States. From outside observations, each covers an area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers. 95

"There are eight places in the second tier of smaller scale, accounting for more than 10,000 square meters of land surface area of ​​Blue Star. Among them, two places in Jizhou, one is located in South Korea, and the other is located in the west of Xiongguo, about seven kilometers away from Mosiko. Hundred kilometers."

"In addition, there are two places in the Philippines, two places in South Magnesia, one place in Mexico in North Magnesia, and one place in desolate Antarctica."

"The fragments of the first and second gears have certain commonalities. After they descended into the blue star space, they formed a black boundary, and no matter could pass through."

"The remaining third-level fragments are very small in size, scattered all over the world, and directly integrated into the Blue Star space, forming many monster nests with different environments.

"One more thing, is the important information that the Holy Shield gave us...

PS: Self-closing....

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