The muddy ground is condensing little by little.

The military boots of Anthony, a Gallic soldier, stepped into this place, smashing the thin ice that had just frozen on the surface, and the wet mud stuck to the edge.


The roar of the diesel engine is incessant.

Several tanks turned from the front corner, and even though the wet mud had a good energy-absorbing effect, the ground nearby shook.

"3000-horsepower monster." As Anthony walked, he subconsciously thought about the equipment-parameters.

The hydraulic device drives these steel monsters and slowly drives past him.

This convoy should have just returned from the battle, and the mud-stained flesh and blood stumps were still adhered to the tracks.

As the tank advanced, the monster fragments were crushed to pieces and plunged into the mud.

Anthony quickly bent down and lowered his body, avoiding the choking fumes from the diesel engine.

After the tanks passed by, the field hospital with the red cross on the right came into view.

As a nurse opened the door and walked out, it could be seen that the densely packed hospital bed was full of wounded people who lacked hands and legs.

The blood soaked the white bandage, and the color contrast was particularly striking.

The screams, howls, and the panicked roars of the amputation on the spot were all cluttered together, making one's heart numb.

War is not child's play, war is life and death.

The cloud of death hangs over the soldiers on the front lines every day.

This is the southern corps of the European Union Army, stationed in the Sudan region of the Philippines, and a hundred or two hundred kilometers south is the once vast and boundless rainforest.

After this line of defense, it is the only remaining human-occupied area in the Philippines, and the rest have all been occupied.

Last night, the monsters launched a raid, trying to pierce the defense line of the southern legion and plunder the soul essence of a large number of people.

The battle continued into the early morning.

Countless explosives and terrifying incendiary bombs turned the long-frozen frozen soil into sewage and mud, and countless corpses were buried in it.

Looking at the light cast from the east, Anthony stretched his arms and let his bones crackle.

He was immersed in the rare peace at this moment, and said to himself in a low voice: "Finally, I got through it again.

"Captain!" A shout came from the front left.

Anthony followed the sound.

A young soldier sat on a stone pier, waving, and shouting:

"The freighter from the base camp went to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, and brought a batch of supplies over, and our missing equipment parts were all made up.

After nodding, Anthony walked over, turned left at the intersection, and the man who called him jumped off the stone pier and followed behind.

"Captain, they..." The latter hesitated for a moment, but still tried to ask.

Anthony unzipped his jacket and took out two metal plaques from the lining pocket, each with a name printed on it.

This is the soldier's card commonly known as the "dog tag".

"The list of dead has been reported, the pension will be paid soon, and their wives and children will not have any difficulties in life.

Anthony said, and handed the two dog tags to the team members next to him: "They deliberately asked for a few more before, so let's keep them as souvenirs.

The latter took it without a word.

In the bloody battle last night, two members of the team were killed, and neither was in a good mood.

The two walked for about four or five minutes, and there was an open space in front of them, where a large number of logistics nanny cars were parked.

Veteran Hobert stood in the cold wind outside the car, lit a cigarette with a plastic lighter, and when he saw the two approaching, he quickly said:

"The parts are all in hand, and in a little while, our equipment should be repaired.

As he spoke, he took out an iron box from his breast pocket, took out the only remaining cigarette, and handed it to Anthony:

"The quantity of tobacco leaves produced by new planting farms in China is small, and only a small amount of this batch has been shipped. It took me a long time to grind with others to get two.

"Thank you!" Anthony took the cigarette, took out the metal lighter from his pocket, and when he lit the cigarette, he found that his hand was stuck to the metal casing.

After shaking it a few times, he couldn't help but scolded: "merde!""

"I'll help you." The bearded Hobert smiled, using the flame of his plastic lighter to scorch the top shell of the metal lighter.

Anthony was able to get out of trouble.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled in the cold wind, but they quickly regained their expressions and pursed their lips dully.

"Damn it, it's like a frozen grave." Hobert cursed through gritted teeth.

Anthony sucked the pale yellow cigarette holder deeply, and after a moment of pause, let the blue smoke diffuse out of his mouth and nose.

It was only then that he felt that his heart that had been convulsing and restless from last night until now was slowly calming down.

Elite soldiers are also human, and they are also afraid and frightened, but long-term training can make them suppress negative emotions.

"Last night we lost more than a third here, and today we added a new batch of recruits... Well, it's not very new, at least we have played a few games in continental Europe."

said Hobart, smoking a cigarette.

Anthony didn't speak, just slammed on the cigarette holder, his lung capacity was terrifyingly large, and the white part was visibly turned to ashes.

Hobart smiled and shook his head: "How rare this thing is now, and I don't know how to save some taste, it is a waste to give it to you. 99

Soon, a cigarette was completely burnt out.

Anthony threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped into the ground ice cubes with his foot, and patted Hobert on the shoulder:

"Look at your stingy look, go, go into the car, I'll give you something good.

The three stepped along the slope and stepped across the open rear door, and the howling cold wind immediately weakened a lot.

On the armor trimming position inside, there are several exoskeleton armors that have been disassembled by mechanical arms.

A certain piece of car wall was concave, apparently injured by a monster in the fierce battle last night, destroying a repairing place.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

As a last resort, a team member was manually trimming, and the tools and parts were all over the place, making the inside of the car a little messy.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of his companion coming back, and muttered to remind: "Don't come across these, otherwise you will repair it yourself and wait for the next time you don't have an exoskeleton to wear.

Knowing the technology is the real boss.

Can't be offended, can't be offended.

Anthony walked around the parts, opened his own cabinet, and took out a pack of cigarettes from it.


He dropped one for every player.

When Hobart got it, he was surprised to find that there were Chinese characters printed on it: "Yan Guo goods, where did you come from?"

"If it comes from the Middle East corridor, I don't think your salary can afford it.

Although the situation in the Middle East has stabilized a lot now, and the transportation line between the Yan Kingdom and the European continent is barely opened, but the route is long, and the monster attack occurs from time to time, so the freight cost is very high.

Hobert continued: "We've been stationed here all the time, and we haven't had a chance to find the former cities in the Philippine region, oh... how did you get it?

Anthony put the pack of cigarettes in his pocket: "Many people in the rear fled from the south, and one person exchanged a pack of cigarettes for me for two military cans."5

Refugees have no money, even if they have, they will become waste paper with the country's collapse.

And the assistance of Continental and Alabo World is also very limited, after all, everyone is having a hard time right now.

Therefore, those refugees who escaped to the northern part of the Philippines can only exchange the few remaining supplies for food with these soldiers.


The lighter burst into a blue flame and ignited the cigarette. After Anthony took a breath, he shook his head and said:

"I saw him with several children. They were very hungry. He hadn't eaten for two days, so I gave him three cans. 39

No one in the car spoke.

After a while, Hobert sighed: "It can't help."

The whole of southern and central Africa fell, and the number of refugees who fled to the north was more than 10 to 20 million.

Not to mention a squad like them, even if the supreme commander of the Southern Legion came, he could only sigh with admiration.

The atmosphere of the logistics vehicle was a little depressing, except for the clanging sound of technicians repairing the exoskeleton.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded from far to near.

An officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel on his shoulders was accompanied by several soldiers, one of whom was carrying a black sealed box in his hand.

"stand at attention!"

The players stood up straight.

The lieutenant colonel's eyes fell on Anthony, and he said:

"Sgt. Anthony Bernard, you have been ordered by the Legion Headquarters to lead the team south immediately to scout the situation along the way. 35

"This box contains the detailed requirements for this mission, as well as the additional equipment for you.


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