After leaving the first house, the Bordeaux team inspected several mud thatched cottages one after another, and the situation was similar.

Out of the uneasy premonition brought about by the strange situation, Anthony asked the team to restore all the inspected houses to their original state, and then quickly evacuated the settlement.

They found a terrain that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Aided by the miniature telephoto lens that comes with the exoskeleton, the visor display shows a clear picture of the settlement.

Anthony touched the ring at the ear, and the magnification quickly decreased, returning to the normal focal length.

He turned his head and said to the three team members: "Set up a simple camp immediately. Today we will stay here temporarily to observe the situation in the village."

In military operations, in addition to the quality of the soldiers and commanders themselves, the most important thing is logistics and intelligence.

The village is so abnormal, even if you think about it with your toes, you will know that there must be an unknown secret hidden.

The responsibility of the Bordeaux team is to figure out the details here, so as to avoid falling into trouble when the main force is advancing southward and causing unnecessary sacrifices.

Taking advantage of no one around, the team members quickly excavated the frozen soil and built a semi-circular igloo.

This invention from the Eskimos is simple and useful. In addition to effectively concealing itself, it can also block the cold wind.

Studies have shown that in the temperature of minus tens of degrees, the temperature inside the igloo will be 40 to 60 degrees higher than the outside world.

Although the exoskeleton armor can keep out the cold, it consumes a lot of energy every second.

If conditions permit, of course, it is necessary to save the energy core as much as possible, so as not to be insufficient at critical moments.

In cold weather, the day with clear vision is always short, and the dark night is the main protagonist.

And Anthony and the others were on alert, watching the night come to their side step by step.

"So far, there has been no movement in the village. 35 Hobart's head was retracted from the Snowfort observation hole.

The technician went to take his place and froze.

Anthony lowered his head in thought and said softly, "It took ten days and a half to clear the snow on the roof."

"The last time the house was cleaned was no more than two days, and the rodent's blood splattered on the wall was last night.

"These signs show that there have been living creatures living in the village for the past two weeks, and there is no reason to leave today for no reason." ""


Anthony looked up at his teammates: "So I think, the unknown living thing will definitely come back. Tonight we take turns to observe and take turns to rest."

No one disagreed with what he said.

After eating the compressed dry food, the rest wore battle armor and rested against the solid ice wall.

As an elite unit, being able to force yourself to fall asleep under any circumstances is a basic skill.

Therefore, Anthony soon fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly noticed that someone was shooting himself, and immediately opened his eyes.

Hobart was found pointing at the observation hole, his face full of disbelief.

There is a situation!

Anthony stood up cautiously and leaned into the observation hole to take a look.

Anyone who has lived in the north knows that when the ground is covered with snow, the reflectivity of light increases, making the night brighter than usual.

It just so happened that there was a half-angle waning moon tonight. Although it was half-obscured by dark clouds, it finally made the world a little brighter.

He vaguely saw a long string of shadows, from the snowy forest with graceful outlines, creeping towards the village little by little.

Anthony immediately turned on the night vision function, and his vision turned green, but the string of shadows became much clearer.

At this moment, his heartbeat slowed for half a beat.

it's human!

That long string of shadows is actually a row of humans walking forward!

In the place three hundred kilometers south of the legion defense line, the monsters have been raging for several months to please, and there are still humans alive.

Anthony's thoughts were about to explode, and countless guesses were squeezed out of his mind like a floodgate opening.

Is this a monster in disguise?

But why do they still live in the village? Isn't this hiding their ears and stealing the bell, writing "I have a problem" brightly.

Or a bunch of awesome superheroes?

Not to mention aside from the Holy Shield and the Five Foreign Countries, does Blue Star have the power to create so many extraordinary people.

Even if there is, they will be placed in this perilous place if their brains are full of pits, wasting their powerful power in vain.

If you go to a human-occupied area and simply rent this power, status, materials, and reputation, nothing will be exchanged.

Unable to figure it out for a while, Anthony could only put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind for a while and asked Hobart, "Did you see where they came from?

"I only saw the direction clearly." The latter responded truthfully, and then asked: "What are we doing now?"

Anthony stared at the unknown group of people and found that they were empty-handed, not to mention supplies, not even weapons.

With such equipment, ordinary people would not be able to survive even half a day in this icy and snowy forest full of monsters.

"Going out during the day, returning at night, unarmed..."

Anthony looked solemn and warned: "I'm afraid we won the 'lottery' this time, let's wait and see and find out where they went during the day.

The situation was as expected.

As soon as the sky was getting brighter, people in the village went out in groups.

This time, the team members saw it more clearly. Those people were just wearing ordinary coats. It stands to reason that they could not resist the freezing temperature of minus forty or fifty degrees.

But they looked as usual.

No, it can't be said to be completely normal.

Whether it is physical actions or small expressions, the black people who walk out of the village are all numb and sluggish.

Anthony made a gesture, and everyone quietly followed behind the team, always maintaining a safe distance.

The numb people shuttled through the snowy forest, and no one spoke, just like corpses.

Strange to say, this group of people did not encounter half of the monsters, as if they were all dead.

The current situation has completely exceeded the expectations of Anthony and others.

This made the Bordeaux team more cautious.

After walking for about an hour, the villagers stepped into a concave cave.

At this point, there is absolutely no reason to back down.

""Everyone, put the armor to silent state." Anthony told behind the stone.

The four of them waited outside for a while to ensure that the distance between the two sides was widened before leaving one of the team members outside to assist, and the other three pressed their feet into the cave.

The moment he crossed the hole, Anthony noticed that the column-shaped energy indicator on the visor suddenly rose, from green to bright red.

This cave is quite wide, enough to accommodate three or four people side by side.

The team walked for about a few minutes, and there was a flickering fire in front.

Anthony and the others took a closer look, and it turned out that the skull of a certain monster was stuck to the rock wall, and it was filled with grease and burning hot flames.

It's like some kind of secret base here.

However, after walking for a long time, the team did not meet half of the figure (Wang Liaohao), obviously there was no defensive power at all.

It gave them the illusion of punching the cotton.

After walking for a while, there was a rustling noise, and Anthony and the others immediately raised their hearts and worked hard.

The closer you get, the clearer the noise.

It was a rather odd and obscure string of syllables, not in any language the three knew.

With the expansion of the hole, the fire in front of it is also much brighter.

Anthony took someone to the edge and found that the group of black people just now was underneath.

They were grouped into groups of a dozen or so, jumping and running in circles in a comical gesture, shouting the strange syllables they had just heard.

If you change the scene, this group of people will be regarded as funny performance art.

But in the flickering firelight, in front of a hideous stone statue, a group of people with evil eyes made this antics...

The strong contrast makes the scalp numb, the back is cold, and a sense of horror arises spontaneously from the bottom of my heart.


PS: Everyone, Chapter 586 and Chapter 587 were released yesterday.

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