The transmission efficiency of mental pollution is more terrifying than the strongest virus in the world, and a large number of people fall into it.

To make matters worse, they bypassed the fortified defenses entirely and scattered directly from the densely populated areas.

People with unfortunate minds who have been polluted show a very strange state.

First, they are indeed not extraordinary people, but secondly, their physical quality is far beyond ordinary people, and even well-trained soldiers can't do a few tricks.

And these people don't fight at all, just like machines with only instructions, spreading pollution.

Only when they are completely blocked will they choose to do this time-wasting option.

One becomes four, four becomes sixteen...

The lurkers in each city started at the same time, and with their super high execution power, their companions increased at a terrifying speed.

The terminal of the Southern Army Headquarters was about to be blown up, and both the top and the bottom were devastated at the moment.

As the saying goes: blessings are incomparable, and misfortunes are not singly - deeds.

Jerome Monroe, the rich boy of the original family, had been silent for so long that even those who knew him thought he was dead. How could he have made a move - simple.

Therefore, one minute after the command received the news of the chaos in the city, the battlefield situational awareness device sent back the highest-level alert.

A large number of monsters are flocking to the defense line!


The terrifying alarm sounded throughout the barracks, and the soldiers who had just rested for a few days immediately picked up their equipment and rushed out of the tent, running into various war machines.

"All detection devices are in place at full power."

"The drone swarm has been released."

"The long-range fire strike position is ready.

"Melee armour is on its way.""

The situation is even more critical than expected, even if the cold wind of minus 40 to 50 degrees, can't blow away the hot and dry caused by panic and anxiety.


The high-pitched whistle sounded one after another, and the soldiers in the second echelon of priority in the emergency mechanism were now lining up to gather.

In a certain exoskeleton team, the captain announced: "Everyone, listen, our task is not to defend the line, but to deal with the civilian crisis in the rear."

“The mental pollution that once appeared on the battlefields of the Middle East is now spreading among dense crowds. Once the suppression is not effective and those monsters are not used to overwhelm the defense line, the entire northern Africa will collapse completely. 99

"At that time, not only the Middle East, which is connected to it, will suffer, but the European continent, which is only separated by an inland sea, will also suffer.

"Our parents, our lovers, our children, our friends, who are just living a life of breathing, will soon face the test of death again.

The captain puffed out his lungs and shouted, "Can you allow this to happen?"

"No!" The answer was consistent.

To Chang nodded: "Very good, the situation is critical, the command has granted us unlimited fire rights."5

"Remember, even if you bite your teeth today, you have to bring those polluters under control!

After speaking, he ordered loudly: "All wear armor.""

Just then, a soldier suddenly made a report.

The captain recognized that this was a recently recruited recruit, a local who joined the army and was picked because of his good performance.

This is the case during the war, recruits with little experience are directly replenished to the front-line troops in proportion, and the veterans lead the war.

Soon, they will also become veterans.

The captain didn't expect him to suddenly have something to do at this time, so he frowned and said: "If you have something to say, hurry up, time waits for no one."

The native soldier smiled and said something that changed everyone's face:

"Everyone, I want to introduce you to my Eternal Lord..."

Looking up, smiling, and introducing the Eternal, a similar scene was staged among countless people and soldiers.


Supreme Command Center of the Allied Forces.

At the moment when the frying pan was in the northern part of the Philippines, generals from more than 20 countries, including Gaul, Hans, Spain, and Italy, were urgently called.

Britain, the Continental shitposter, is among them.

Although he and the United States are in the same group, since the start of the war, separated by the distant waters of the Atlantic Ocean, he has not been able to quench the looming thirst.

However, seeing the wind and steering the rudder is the traditional art of the Empire where the sun never sets, not to mention that he is indeed an important fighting force.

Therefore, the European Union can only hold his nose and let him come back with a shy face.

A large number of people on the third floor and the third floor hurriedly sat in their seats, watching this scene, the eyes of the Gaul General were downcast.

After all, the European continent is not completely unified, and even Gaul, who is now firmly in the top spot in the country, cannot make complete decisions at critical moments.

He, who is familiar with the military, knows very well that the cumbersome processes of holding meetings and voting will only delay fighters in many cases.

The idea of ​​turning the entire continent into a giant became more and more certain in the Gallic general's heart.

Seeing that everyone was in place, he said, "Everyone, I don't believe I need to repeat the details."

On their way to the conference room, these people had already been informed of the latest situation through the garrison.

"The Southern Legion and more than 400 million refugees are in extreme danger, and this danger will spread to us."

"We must give full support at all costs to fight the monsters that are trying to go north."

"In this way, the Legion can free up its energy to meet the challenges posed by the polluters and avoid the complete erosion of the situation in southern Europe.35

General Hansguo looked at him: "If you want to provide strong support over such a long distance in a short period of time, you can only use missiles to deliver hydrogen bombs. 35

・・・・Seeking flowers・

"How many do you need?" asked the Italian side.

Admiral Gaul said coldly: "At least 200 tactical grades, and the top is not capped. It has to be bombed until the monsters can't break through the defense line even if the southern legion is evacuated.

Seeing the participants stunned, General Gaul stood up, bent slightly, put his hands on the table, and looked around the faces of the people present:

"Everyone, I have to remind you that this is obviously a long-planned attack, and something bigger is bound to happen in the future.35

"Since the enemy has been brewing for so long, we must have considered our response mechanism. Now every second is precious, and you must make a decision as soon as possible.

"Once we lose the buffer zone, we will face the monster group that has raised Gu for several months, as well as the unknown mastermind behind the scenes."

Admiral Gaul stared at the Greeks: "Don't forget, the Strait of Gibraltar, which divides your country from Africa, is only 14 kilometers at its narrowest point."5

His eyes turned to the countries of the Balkans again:

"If the monsters go to Egypt, cross the Arabian Peninsula, and even cross the sea to the European continent, you will be the first to pierce the Ottomans.

The faces of those who were mentioned were solemn.

Approving hands were raised one after another.

At this moment, among the auditors sitting in the ring on the third floor, the head of a certain country who was evacuated from Africa and the spokesman for the colony of Gaul suddenly stood up:

"Guys, there is something I must make clear to you. 99

Without waiting for the others to speak, he said to himself: "It is useless to resist, it is better to throw into the arms of my eternal master..."

As he spoke, his eyes quickly turned green.

The people present were horrified.

This is the highest command center of the coalition forces, and the security standards are stricter than those of the commanding offices of various countries. Every participant has undergone layers of screening tests.

The polluters are here!

The entire conference room was in a frenzy, and when people were about to get up and flee, their bodies suddenly froze.

A certain invisible force that is not magic, but more terrifying, protrudes towards everyone like a mist, trying to contaminate their minds.

Just at this moment-


A stream of light broke through the door, carrying the polluter upside down and slammed into the wall.

Only then were the generals freed, and when they fixed their eyes, a long sword with a brief style pierced the polluter's head and nailed it to the wall.

The hilt trembled with high frequency.

Looking at the familiar appearance, Admiral Gaul opened his pupils slightly, showing a happy expression: "It's Bult Steel! 35

"Sorry, everyone, but please continue." The door with the opening was pushed open, and Albert stepped into the place.


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