After leaving Fan's house for some distance, Li Rana took the check in front of her eyes, looked at it, and smiled lightly.

She had no use for the money, so she was ready to donate it to the people who were displaced by the war.

The cold wind blew through the straight street, bringing a little coolness, and Li Ranna subconsciously tightened the scarf around Xiu Mei's neck.

Suddenly, she received a message from Tang You in her mind.

"Wait for me at this position?" Li Rana looked around to see what car could take her there.

In order to avoid emergencies, she let her avatar merge into Jianmu, leaving most of her strength at the headquarters.

And since the disaster, Jiangcheng has changed a lot.

As a native, Li Ranna didn't have time to hang out, so she didn't know much.

But these are small issues.

After beckoning to stop a commercial car and telling her the destination, the driver took her away.

Half an hour later, the car stopped on a suburban street.

From a distance, Li Rana saw that on the sidewalk covered with light snow and quite deserted, there was a figure in ordinary clothes standing on the back.

The latter seemed to have a feeling, turned around, and showed a gentle smile.

The temperature seems to have warmed up a bit.

Li Rana walked over and saw that the president was wearing a black down jacket with a gray striped scarf rolled around his neck, no different from ordinary boys.

It's just that his temperament is more gentle and jade-like, like a turbid Shijia son.

After taking her suitcase, Tang You looked in a certain direction and said, "Although the disaster period was difficult, Uncle Liu never gave up his old business. 99

"I went to him myself once before and learned that he moved the shop here."

After Tang You finished speaking, he turned to look at Li Rana, who was a head shorter than himself: "Are you sure it's such a simple request?"

"Yeah." The latter nodded affirmatively.

Staring at it for a moment, Tang You smiled: "Well, let's go. 95

The two walked through the alley and came to an old-fashioned community. They found that in the shop downstairs, there was indeed a sign with "Uncle Liu's Homemade Noodle Shop".

It's still relatively new.

"I heard that this is the old house of Uncle Liu's family. He started his business here before moving to Bishan District.

Tang You walked slowly with Li Rana.

When the two arrived at the store, a young voice greeted them immediately: "Sit in there, what do you want to eat?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange young man stood up in the kitchen separated by a piece of glass.

Tang You frowned, a little surprised: "Are you... Uncle Liu?"

The young man looked at the man and woman, and suddenly reacted: "You mean the original owner of this shop?"

Li Rana nodded.

"I just bought this shop. The young man explained:

"There seems to be something wrong with the original owner. It was someone from the neighborhood committee who took the documents and led his children to sell the shop.

"Of course, I don't know exactly why.

Li Rana's cherry lips parted slightly. The small reward she proposed was to let Tang You accompany her to go to Uncle Liu's place to eat noodles again.

After all, the experience of hanging out with Tang You and Little Swan a year ago made her unforgettable for a long time.

But Li Rana didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this.

Tang You's eyes sank, but he still thanked him: "I understand, please trouble you."

After leaving the store, Li Ranna was a little disappointed. She didn't know what happened to her today. She encountered two family members in a row.

Of course, objectively speaking, this is a microcosm of the times.

"President..." She paused, because seeing Tang You's index finger on the side of her head, there seemed to be countless scenes flashing in her eyes.

The latter is tracing the cause, as well as where Uncle Liu is now and what his condition is.

Uncle Liu is peaceful and kind-hearted. When Tang You was an ordinary person, he had helped him many times.

Although it is a little busy, ordinary people have little spare capacity, and it is not easy to pass a hand from time to time.

Now that he has a problem, Tang You can't just sit back and watch.

Pictures from the past flashed in his field of vision: the building was shaking in the earthquake, a steel frame was loose and fell off, and the edge hit a middle-aged man.

It's Uncle Liu!

Xiao Pangdun cried anxiously next to him, and everyone who saw him rushed over, and together they lifted the steel frame and sent them to the hospital.

The scene turned into a ward, and Uncle Liu was lying on the bed wearing an oxygen mask.

Holding the medical record book, the doctor said to Xiao Pangdun and the people from the neighborhood committee:

"The patient was hit by a steel frame, and his ribs were broken and pierced into his lungs. Fortunately, through our first aid, he was basically out of danger.

"The biggest problem now is that the patient's spine is fractured, resulting in complete paraplegia, and even if fixed with a brace, he can at most ride in a wheelchair.39

"In the future, you will need others to take care of you.

Seeing this, Tang You stopped the retrospective screen, and felt quite depressed.

In the past, every time I went to Uncle Liu's noodle shop, I could only see him and Xiao Pang Dun, because his wife died very early.

Now that the only pillar has fallen, it has undoubtedly caused a devastating blow to this father and son.

Sensing Li Rana's gaze, Tang You said it again, and after pondering for a while, he shook the box in his hand:

"I'm afraid I will also borrow your 'official identity'."

Li Rana's pretty face was slightly red, and she hummed softly, obviously a little embarrassed.

It is very rare for a strong woman to show such a look.

Jiangcheng Affiliated Hospital.

In the white bedding, Uncle Liu had woken up, but his lungs had not yet fully healed, so he still wore an oxygen mask.

Having suffered such a serious injury, and knowing his future, the double blow of his mind and body, made his complexion extremely pale.

So, he just turned his head weakly and looked out the window at the gloomy weather.

On the small table by the window, Pangdun turned his back to him, and concentrated on doing his homework, drawing clear lines on the white paper with his pencil.

The air in the ward was exceptionally quiet.

After a long while, Uncle Liu said weakly: "Xiaoyan, our shop has already sold?"

653 Xiaopangdun didn't look back, just nodded: "The neighborhood committee helped sell it, and there is still some left over after paying you for the surgery."

"How much is left?" Uncle Liu asked.

Xiaopangdun erased the misspelled words with an eraser: "Nine thousand yuan. 35

It is said that the dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of the mouse will burrow.

Although Xiaopangdun's academic performance is not top-notch, but living in a noodle restaurant all day, his concept of money is much more solid than his peers.

And shopping, cooking, cleaning, these are all proficient.

Nine thousand yuan? Uncle Liu sighed.

Now, as the main currency of the world, although the value of Yanguo currency is hard enough, how long can it last when I live in a hospital and can only go in and out?

He just felt that the future was extremely dark.

Xiao Pangdun put away his homework, jumped off the stool, and walked to the window: "Dad, don't worry, the neighborhood committee has reported our situation to the school."

"In the future, I will be exempted from all miscellaneous expenses for school, and I will not pay for meals in the cafeteria, and I will be given a subsidy every month."

He patted his chest, the fat on his face trembling slightly:

"I have learned the process of nursing sister taking care of you. When you are discharged from the hospital, I will go home from school to take care of you.

Staring at his son for a moment, Uncle Liu suddenly turned his head away, not wanting to let his weak side in tears be seen by his son.

But at the same time, his heart was also particularly shocked, and he never found that his son, who had never liked to study, actually had such a side.

Just then one by one

"Dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the door of the ward.

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