I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 620 Changes in the Rumble

The many "Arab Springs" directed by the United States in the Middle East have proved that the brutal transformation of society by external forces is doomed to failure.

Therefore, Tang You never thought about sending a large number of Blue Stars to transform the other world at the beginning of the plan.

The act of silting the bottom has inadvertently helped the Holy Shield.

It is clearly stated in the middle school textbook that only in times of turmoil, in the face of existential crisis, can a thorough social reform be carried out.

Because war is the most ruthless, it will only use iron-like cruel facts to crush the stubborn thinking of the old forces.


to physically eliminate them.

The kingdom of Cordenia fell by one third, and the nobles, large and small, were terrified, and they were more active in promoting technology than anyone else.

Therefore, with incredible efficiency, the industrial spring breeze has blown all over the land that has not yet encountered poisonous hands.

Farms, cities, rivers, mountains... workshops with black smoke rise from the ground.

And the people have become accustomed to the constant roaring noises from fear and anxiety.

Although they didn't understand what was inside, they got real benefits.

Because the religious group and the nobles are buying the "Six Five Three" oil produced by Zixue Tree, and how much is required, there is no ceiling.

This thing is not expensive, and it is easy to support. Even if the refugees have no land in a foreign land, they can go to the wilderness to pick fruit.

After losing their homes and seeing no future, they finally found a way to support themselves temporarily.

Even if the nobles love to lower prices and suck blood, but they are not stupid enough to kill chickens and get their eggs, they will eventually allow the people to earn money to support themselves.

In the eyes of the public, every once in a while, from the workshops that prohibit outsiders from peeping, a group of steel monsters that make the ground tremble run out.

What surprised everyone even more was that the soldiers were still able to get into their stomachs.

On the battlefield, these technological weapons also used explosions and scattered monster stumps to prove their worth.

The only problem is...

There's not enough!

From west to east, the continent gradually widened, and the terrain gradually closed again after crossing the meridian where the Duchy of the Holy Church was located.

And in that black crack, the evil spirit blowout never weakened.

Therefore, the further east the enemy advances, the longer the line of defense will be stretched, and the greater the pressure on human beings.

Although more and more clergymen have obtained the power of order, more and more people have learned the technique of Occlusion, which effectively enhances the combat power of the human side.

But compared with the pressure of growth, it is not optimistic.

Enoch is an ordinary man with no last name.

He originally lived in the western part of the Kingdom of Codenia. He went out to the sea to fish every day, and made a living by taking the fruits to the nearest city to sell them in exchange for money.

Although life is not rich, it can fill the stomach.

With the money he has saved, he can even marry a wife in the future to welcome the birth of his child.

Life can be seen at a glance, and for modern people, it is undoubtedly a kind of alternative torture.

But for the people at the bottom of the world, it is a gift from the gods and a happy life that they can't ask for.

But an unexpected mutation completely ruined Enoch's life.

Not only could the fish not be able to fight anymore, but in order to survive, he had to follow the others and flee eastward.

Lack of food, diseases caused by wind and rain... Various factors have caused many people to die one after another on the road.

Enoch arrived at the eastern part of the kingdom completely at a loss.

He didn't even know how he got here.

Enoch only remembered that when he saw the city, he knelt down and kissed the ground under his feet, thanking the gods for the gift.

However, although it was temporarily safe, the suffering did not end there.

Because refugees have no land!

Moreover, the east side was already overcrowded, and in order to support themselves and their families, countless people rushed to sell themselves to nobles as serfs.

Enoch was late, and none of this was his turn.

Fortunately, relying on the tongue of selling fish in the past, he can occasionally find a part-time job from a merchant, so that he will not starve to death.

After building a workshop in the local area, Enoch went to the wild to find the fruit of the Zixue tree.

Although this job is a bit hard and dangerous, after all, it is easy to encounter ogres, but it is not a problem to support yourself.

But soon, Enoch found that the income was getting less and less.

Because, a bereaved girl expressed her willingness to live with him.

Many things in life are always so unexpected.

For people in this world, the two biggest things in life are getting married and having children.

Enoch actually completed the marriage in a daze, which made him, who had lost hope for the future, raised his fighting spirit again.

Even if he didn't have much thought, he realized that he had to find a new way out.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

"You stepped on my foot!"

"You son of a bitch, you dare to steal my money, I'll beat you to death!

Outside the solid gate, people huddled together in a dense crowd, and the clamor was overwhelming.

Enoch stood in the middle, like a leftover leaf in a stormy sea, and could only drift along powerlessly.

As a fisherman in the past, although he had a lot of strength, his long-term famine and feasting had already made him weak.

Being crushed in the middle by the force coming from all directions, he had the illusion of suffocation.


The long-awaited door opened.

As soon as the neatly dressed person walked out, the sense of class developed over the years immediately silenced everyone.

Today, the workshop is recruiting workers for the first time. As long as you can become one of the workers, you will get enough food for two people every day.

That's why so many people came to try their luck.

The stewards who walked out of the door, like picking out animals, held their mouths and checked their teeth to determine whether they were sick, old or young.

Then let everyone take off their clothes and trousers, and expose their nakedness to the sky to check their health.

This world... has no human rights!

"You, you, you, and you..." The steward pointed to each person one by one, and those who were selected could go to the workshop for the next step of screening.

Only people who are physically fit and mentally active can learn how to operate a machine in it.

"God bless, please choose me..." Enoch prayed secretly, he now has a wife and needs this job very much.

However, luck did not come after all.


The workshop door was closed.

Enoch stood outside for a long time before leaving in despair.

Crossing the river and walking on the street, the stench always lingers on the nostrils.

They are refugees, and among them are the elderly and the weak, and it is a blessing to be able to come here.

The price was that he lost half his life and basically lost his ability to work. Facing the expulsion of soldiers, he had no power to move, and could only wait to die on the street.

Now there is a profession in the city called a corpse lifter.

The duty is to clean up the dead bodies on the street, move them to the mass graves outside the city, and hastily dig a pit and bury them.

In fact, many people carry corpses without digging holes at all.

The beasts in the mountains, as well as the ubiquitous ghouls, will "intimately" make the corpses disappear without a trace.

Enoch didn't want himself and his wife to end up like this.

When he woke up, he patted his head, thinking that he was not selected by the workshop, and that he wasted so much time that he had no income today.

The rented shelter and the daily food are all financial expenses.

And he didn't save any money at all, so can he take a day off!

"There's still some time before it gets dark. Maybe I should go to the wild and see if I can find some purple oil fruit nearby."

"No, another group of refugees came during this time, and the neighborhood is estimated to have been cleaned up, so I have to find a new location.

Following the inspiration just now, Enoch remembered the mass grave.

"There is a woodland in the back, and since there are always ghouls, not many people should have the courage to go.

Although he was also very afraid, Enoch forced himself to comfort himself that ghouls generally became active at night, and there would not be too much danger during the day.

"Just do it!

Just as he was about to move 3.5 steps, he suddenly heard the creaking sound of the door closing.

Enoch turned his head and saw that in the alley on the right, the back of a man disappeared into the crack of the door.

There was a brand new piece of paper on the wall.

He felt that the words above were somewhat familiar, and after recalling it for a while, he remembered that there were similar strokes on the workshop recruitment notice.

That means... a job posting just posted! No one else is vying for it for now.

Enoch's heartbeat suddenly became faster, and his mouth was even a little dry. He glanced left and right, and hurriedly walked into the alley.

But when he reached the door that had just been closed, he suddenly stopped again, a little hesitant.

Because Enoch is illiterate and only remembers the first few big characters, he can only judge that he wants to recruit, but he does not know the specific work content.

Whether you can do it yourself is a big question.

Due to the fear of the lower class towards the upper class in this era, Enoch was afraid that his rash actions would bring disaster.

So after a moment of hesitation, he turned and left.

But when he reached the alley, he suddenly thought of his wife's sad face, and his heart twitched.

Enoch gritted his teeth, went back to the door, and plucked up his courage to knock on the door.

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