I Created an Ancient Salvation Organization

Chapter 625 Aegis Negotiation Style

It is undeniable that the Yan Kingdom is now very strong.

This disaster, which caused heavy casualties to all human beings, not only did not destroy the country disguised as an ancient civilization, but instead made it stronger.

He swept the corruption of Central Asia and made contact with Arabo civilization, an old business partner for thousands of years.

North attack the vast and uninhabited Siberia, and restore the land link with the Moscow region, the center of gravity of the bear country.

East aids the Korean Peninsula and the Neon Islands, greatly stabilizes the world center, promotes the exchange of talents and technologies, fully enhances the industrial production capacity, and carries out reconstruction work on the ruins.

On the other hand, the Yan Kingdom also extended its power to the southeast, using many island countries as relay stations, and successfully contacted the remaining humans in Dayangzhou.

As the so-called "Crisis also contains opportunities! 35

Yan Guo's performance is undoubtedly the most real example of this statement.

But what really made the monsters in Yan Nation terrified was the Holy Shield Organization, which had never been seen in its entirety!

The successive changes in Zhongxun and the East China Sea made these visitors from other worlds more and more pessimistic about their future.

Human beings are rich in spiritual essence, which is a treasure for them, which is indeed true. But the question is, is there life to enjoy this "gift"?

At first, the scattered monsters from other worlds also believed that they could rapidly improve their own strength by harvesting the essence, and then they could fight against the local guardian force.

But until now, the two sides have been fighting for so long, and the reality has gradually made them recognize themselves and the natives.

Although the vast majority of human beings have very weak bodies and do not possess extraordinary power at all, their technological weapons should not be underestimated.

Not to mention his group of outsiders, it is very difficult to even harvest human beings.

Even if you can get a lot of soul essence according to the predetermined goal, it is impossible to beat the Holy Shield organization.

The battle between King Arthur and the Zhushen completely frightened their courage.

Even if it is level 4, or even level 5, what's the use? Waiting for someone to spare, it's not about being crushed to death.

Scaled man was originally "Dusk Dogfish"


Feeling hopeless in the future, they decided to negotiate peace with the Yan Kingdom, and in order to increase their bargaining power, they specially joined other minor races.

These guys are intelligent races themselves, and they are not stupid. They have stayed in Blue Star for so long, and they have a general understanding of the situation of human society.

They knew very well that, as the first wave of peace talks with otherworldly creatures, although they had to bear the danger brought by the "early bird", they would also get more treatment in the Yan Kingdom.

Because once the negotiation is concluded, the outgoing signal will reverberate in the entire Blue Star monster group and affect the subsequent situation and intensity.

Therefore, the scale people use this status to do their best to strive for excellent conditions for themselves.

Not only do human beings need to dedicate a territory to them, but also to give them super-national privileges, and they have to pay an extraordinary amount of resources every year.

In the face of these conditions, if Song Chengan was not in this position, he would have already yelled at him and would have taken out his gun.

Being able to suppress anger, use a polite tone, and say unceremonious hidden meanings is already a manifestation of his high quality.

And noticing the look of the leader of the scale people team, knowing that the first negotiation is likely to collapse, Yan Guo moved out the Holy Shield according to the plan.

Sure enough, the former's expression suddenly changed.

The surrounding media personnel heard the words "The people of the Holy Shield have arrived", and the atmosphere immediately became restless.

They looked around one after another, looking for the traces of the Divine Shield personnel.

The solemn brown door was opened, and under the guidance of the workers at the venue, three men in black robes stepped in calmly, with Rachel walking at the forefront.

The frequency of the flash becomes higher.

Song Chengan left his seat and brought people from the Yan Kingdom to meet the members of the Holy Shield. Although the latter has always been in the backcourt, the superficial effort still needs to be done.

The scale people also stood up, but not because they knew the etiquette, but because of the fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The positions opposite them were rearranged, and Rachel and Song Chengan sat side by side, looking directly at several otherworldly beings.


The headed Scaleman dared to repeatedly improve the conditions with Yan Guo, but when the Holy Shield entered, it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

His soul tightened a lot.

"Don't show timidity, don't show timidity, otherwise you won't have to talk about anything in the future." The headed Scales repeatedly told himself in his heart.

As he was about to speak, Rachel suddenly said, "What's your name?"

This undoubtedly interrupted his rhythm, but he still had to answer in a loud voice: "My name is 'Tumu'

Nodding, Rachel continued: "Before the peace talks started, you transferred the core personnel and evacuated to Bosten Lake.

As soon as these words came out, Tu Mu's complexion changed drastically.

The reason why you can't put eggs in the same basket is also understood by these otherworldly beings.

Therefore, they have prepared for the worst, that is, no peace talks can be reached, and they must continue to confront human beings.

For this reason, the core members were secretly transferred.

Unexpectedly, such an important matter was revealed by someone from the Holy Shield in one sentence, which made him not shocked.

But as soon as his hand reached the table, Rachel continued: "It just so happens that the white tiger is very curious about you, so he specially went to pay a friendly visit!"

Tomu's body froze for a moment.

Rachel was a member of the original Albert expedition. She was born in Mexico, a drug-making kingdom, and was a local official.

At the same time, like Tong Wei and Sun Huizhen, she is one of Li Ranna's deputies, and she is in charge of secular liaison matters.

Rachel hates evil and always has a tough attitude towards her enemies.

After analyzing the situation, she knew that the balance of war had changed, and the Blue Star monster would be more and more sad, so she did not plan to negotiate at all.

Seeing Tumu's complexion turning blue, Rachel smiled coldly:

"I may have to remind you that white tigers are not very good-natured, and especially 'love' you aquatic animals.""

Her accent on the word "love" made the scaly people unable to hear the slightest love, but chills down their spines.

One of them leaned beside Tumu and said in a low voice, "According to the existing information, the white tiger mythical beast... is the master of killing.""

"I know." Tumu glared at him viciously, squeezed out the syllables of every word, and struggled in his eyes.

Rachel did not give any evidence for the white tiger mythical beast going to Bosten Lake.

But whether he actually went or not, he could only choose to believe.

Because with the strength of the Holy Shield, since you already know where the core clan members are hiding, and pay close attention to them, it doesn't really make a difference whether you go or not.

This is a threat, a blatant threat!

But in the face of hard power, Tumu has nothing to do.

"You have not only invaded human territory, but you are also taking advantage of the chaos to bring harm to the world. I don't think there is anything to talk about, and if you want to talk about it, you should talk about it at the surrender ceremony.

Rachel said coldly.

The more she spoke, the more difficult the scale man's expression became.

The surrounding reporters were extraordinarily excited, and secretly threw their fists in their hearts. They should rub their spirits like this, and let them recognize their own weight!

What these people don't know is that Rachel wasn't acting, she was really planning to do it.

Song Chengan spoke at the right time and made a soothing tone:

"Please wait a moment, since they are willing to take the risk of taking the lead in proposing peace talks and acting as an example for another world, I think we should also give appropriate tolerance.

One side sings the red face and the other sings the white face. Although it is old-fashioned, it is very effective, otherwise there will be no chance to become "old-fashioned".

Tumu closed his eyes in pain.

He knew that he could only nod his head to accept the situation, but no longer had the qualifications to refute.

PS: It's so annoying, I use the author's background, and I can't see the paragraph comments of everyone.

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