That group of brilliance disappeared into the horizon, and then there was no movement at all.

It stands to reason that the actual size of a meteor that can be seen so clearly with the naked eye must be larger.

After it hits the ground, it will inevitably release terrifying energy, and the scene is more frightening than uncontrollable nuclear fission.

But now the four of them stared at each other for a long time and didn't see anything unusual.

"what's going on?

The four female soldiers were a little confused.

Valenkina was the first to react: "The falling direction of the meteor is on our left, north of the Blue Star, about 15 degrees west. 35

"The army in the rear should have seen such an obvious thing, but the meteor is obviously unusual. For safety's sake, I should report it to my superiors.

The other three all nodded.

As a result, they got out of the silent state of communication, and explained what had just happened to their superiors one by one.

Yevgenia and others learned that many people saw the same scene.

"Understood, we will change position after hanging up to avoid the signal being captured by the enemy."

After Valenkina finished speaking, she ended the communication and said to the team members: "Let's go, let's move south."

But it was only at this moment that he realized that the three team members were staring directly at him, no, they were not looking at him, but...

Valentina turned her head to look, her pupils dilated unconsciously.

A small green tree, like a 670-degree documentary filmed with time-lapse photography technology, breaks through the snow like time accelerates, and quickly pulls up and pulls branches.

The buds expand into leaves, and the color quickly changes from bright yellow to green.

The small tree grew taller and wider, and its blooming branches and leaves gradually covered the heads of the four female soldiers.

Shocked, they had to stagger back and look around, the same thing was happening.

The seeds that were pressed under the thick snow seemed to be awakened by some kind of strange and widely dispersed power, growing with incredible efficiency.

Snow is being replaced by vegetation.

The four female soldiers dodged from left to right, watching as large trees rose from the ground, and clumps of bushes gathered into a group.

Some overly large roots even broke through the permafrost, revealing shallowly on the surface, with vines clinging to it.

If it wasn't for the scattered snow, they even thought that they had run into a virgin forest before the cataclysm.

Valenkina looked at her teammates, suddenly took off the white insulation blanket, and climbed to the nearby tree in three or two strokes.

"Captain, be careful." Yevgenia stopped.

The sturdy Valenkina stood on the branches, her head pierced through the top leaves, and only saw the green sea that stretched to the sky.

She turned around again and saw the same scene.

Valentina looked solemn.

What a terrifying power to be able to change such a wide range of vegetation conditions in such a short period of time!

"Captain, how is the situation? 39 Yevgenia and the others asked under the tree.

After flexibly descending the tree, Valenkina told the truth about what she saw, and the team members were speechless.

At this time, the red light of the communication device flashes.

After Valenkina was connected, the slightly impatient voice of the superior came: "You should see the crazy vegetation, right?"


The superior continued: "All kinds of observation devices have found that there are abnormal reactions at a place about three kilometers north of you.

"You are our closest personnel, I need you to rush over and get the information as soon as possible, understand?

Valenkina's hands tightened and she nodded, "I understand."

"Very good." The superior also knew that this matter was very dangerous, so he was silent for a moment, and finally exhorted with difficulty: "Pay attention to safety.

After hanging up the communication, even before Valenkina spoke, the team members had already guessed the content and said to her:

"Let's pack our gear and go."

The four female soldiers found the original ice pit and found that some tree roots had penetrated it. Fortunately, the batteries and food inside were not damaged.

The group headed north.

The barren snow field turned into a dense forest in an instant, and they were somewhat apprehensive as they walked through it.

The four formed a combat formation, alerting the surroundings as they walked.

"Captain, I don't know if you think... it's weird, you always feel uncomfortable here?" Yevgenia asked.

Valenkina nodded: "This should be 'The Green Horror'.""

The rest of the female soldiers were at a loss: "What does this mean?"

"It means that in the vast and lush vegetation system, there is no trace of animals, that kind of quiet and deadly silence will make people very disturbed." Valenkina explained.

The three of Yevgenia nodded thoughtfully.

This forest is indeed prosperous, but (ccdf) because it is generated suddenly and lacks animals, it just reaches the conditions of green terror.

"There is such a big movement here, I don't know if those evil spirits will come over. Another team member muttered.

The expressions of the others changed suddenly.

"It shouldn't be that fast," Valenkina reassured.

Three kilometers is actually not far, especially for well-trained soldiers, but because the mixed terrain of forest and snow is very bad, the progress of the four girls is very slow.

The cold wind blows the canopy, and there is a continuous "rustle" sound, like the background music of an adventure movie.

Originally, the four female soldiers were used to it, but at a certain moment, the sound suddenly became stronger.

A cold air rushed down Valenkina's spine: "Be careful!"

When she just blurted out her words, all kinds of distorted illusions appeared in her mind, and countless messy thoughts came one after another.

"kill him!

"The corpse is hidden in the doll..."

"There are eyes on the wall, He's looking at you...

"Cut the blood vessels, the flowers will bloom, the worms sing, and there are countless holy you inside..."

These thoughts were either whispering or roaring, lingering around, as if thousands of people were talking to him at the same time.

The muscles on Valenkina's face were bulging, the blood vessels on her forehead were protruding, and the original light green color turned into black from top to bottom.

Looking extremely hideous.

She gritted her teeth, turned the muzzle a little bit like a marionette, and pointed at Yevgenia.

The latter was also caught in a mental confrontation, and there was no panic at all, and it was obviously about to be completely infected.

Pull the trigger with your index finger.


The different-hunting warhead shot out of the muzzle, passed by Yevgenia's ear, passed through a few scattered strands of hair, and hit the black shadow on the tree canopy.

The latter trembled.

The black blood stained by the blood vessels of the three team members subsided in an instant, they shuddered violently, and fell to their knees, gasping for breath.


Valenkina yelled at them.

After all, the three team members were professional soldiers, and they reacted immediately, suppressing the nausea like a paste in their heads, and ran forward in a coherent manner.


Another black shadow smashed through the canopy and landed in front, blocking the way.

Valentina and others looked around and found that they were completely surrounded, and the illusion struck again.

A certain team member screamed and supported the tree trunk next to him.

The rest of the people are also struggling in the pollution, and their minds are repeatedly pulled.

At this moment, the ground trembled slightly, and a long shadow smashed down with lightning speed, cutting the unsuspecting evil into two sections.


The terrifying sound of breaking the air came one after another, and a large number of tree roots were flying.

After a while, everything subsided.

The trees were also restored to their original shape.

Valentina and the others squatted on the ground, staring at the surroundings in amazement, not understanding how these seemingly ordinary trees suddenly came alive.

Light footsteps came to my ears.

The four women turned their heads and saw emerald-like antlers passing through the branches, and an ancient creature stained with a little moss and fallen leaves slowly stepped into this place.

"Well, it is considered a good willpower among ordinary people, maybe it can be used as the first batch of 'forest family members'

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