I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 130: Killing Nine Sects With One Hand, The World Is Shocked

At this moment on the Internet, the whole of China is discussing this matter!!

Yue Zhiping is very confident!!

He brought the elites of various sects here!!

The strength is very strong, killing this monster is naturally no problem!!

"Everyone, come with me, we will shoot together, and we will definitely be able to complete the kill!!"

Just after Yue Zhiping finished speaking, he immediately got a response from all the leaders!!

"Amitabha, don't stand idly by, let's all strike!!"

"Well said, our Kunlun faction has long been ready to go!!"

"Ming taught me to kill, ~ Kill this monster!!"

Yue Zhiping was very excited, this time he led the nine sects to attack the Ba-qi Orochi!!

If it is successful, it will be the first glance!!

At that time, his status among the Chinese citizens will naturally rise!!

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed a good deal with no loss!

Immediately, Yujian flew and killed the monster not far away!!

The latter is still spewing flames, constantly attacking Yue Zhiping!!

The two sides are starting to fight!!

Boom boom boom!!

With a continuous shockwave of destruction!!

More and more disciples of the Nine Sects are entering the battle area!!

For a time, sand and rocks were flying, and there were violent explosions and flames everywhere!!

The once tidy streets were razed to the ground!!

The beautiful park has long lost its former sight and turned into a pitted scene!!

However, Yue Zhiping was in the middle of a fierce battle, and he found that his attack had an outstanding effect on the Orochi!

The sect masters are well aware that the strength of this beast is definitely not weak!!

Let's unite and attack!!

The monstrous sword waves attacked, and the target was the Orochi!

Even standing far away, you can feel the incomparable energy of this move!!

Orochimaru realized that this trick is not easy, and gathered energy seriously to intercept it with fire pills!!

hoohoo hoo!!

In midair, two energies collide together!!

Directly formed an explosion!!

Countless buildings on the ground were shattered and collapsed!!

Even the surrounding air is twisted and compressed!!


Countless disciples of the nine major sects spit out a mouthful of blood!!

This level of combat is something they didn't expect!!

Many people were directly shattered by this energy, and their souls were scattered!!

Yue Zhiping, together with many chiefs, blocked this energy with his sword!!

"It seems that the strength of the monster is really not simple, and we must use the ultimate move!!"

The head of the Wudang Sect said solemnly!!

"A few of us are attacking from left and right, and we will see if He Sheng can resist it!!"

The head of the Kongtong faction suggested it.

"Okay! Just like this, I will attack!!" Yue Zhiping volunteered!!

He didn't want to give up such a good opportunity to kill Orochi!!

Although the main attack position is very risky!!

But once it is successful, it must receive the greatest attention!!

While speaking, Yue Zhiping Yujian flew to the front!!

Use your most proficient and superb swordsmanship and start killing the Orochi!

In his opinion, he is definitely not inferior to monsters in terms of strength!!

It can be seen from the fact that he easily resisted the attack!!

The main attack position will definitely not go wrong!!

The rest of the leaders are doing their jobs!!

Nine sects work together!!

Huaxia citizens are still very relieved!!

Orochimaru inadvertently scornfully looked at the same group of leaders!!

Then start to focus on Yue Zhiping!!

This guy dares to attack, won't he find a dead guy!!

Since the eight-headed snake has eight heads and eight tails, its combat ability is no trivial matter!!

Just now he just showed almost one-eighth of his strength!!

Now it's time to get serious!!

First of all, the red flame attack turned into a pure gold blue!!

"It's not right, how did the color change?" Yue Zhiping wondered!!

But it's not his turn to think!!

The special Orochi's attack is about to unfold!!

The major heads are overwhelmed, and the weaker ones who are beaten can only defend!!

As the main attacking position, Yue Zhiping naturally suffered more pressure!!

Boom boom boom!!

Standing in the distance, this battle is quite brutal!!

The disciples of the Nine Schools are like cannon fodder!!

He rushed up in turn, and was burned alive by the faint blue flames!!

Many people screamed for help!!

But no one dares to approach the injured!!

Because this blue flame actually explodes!!

Whoever dares to save people is waiting to be killed together!!

Yue Zhiping's splendid costumes are already full of wounds!!

"Damn! This monster is really strong." He said through gritted teeth!!

Looking from the sky, all of them are the corpses of the disciples of the Nine Schools!!

It is no exaggeration to say that now only the leaders of each faction are still fighting!!

After the eight-headed snake has solved these flies from the disciples of the nine sects!!

A few blazing blue flames slashed towards Yue Zhiping!!

The latter reacted quickly and used his sword energy to attack hard!!


Unexpectedly, this flame explodes directly when it is close!!

Smoke billows!!

No one thought that Yue Zhiping was caught by surprise and exploded to the ground!!

Seeing this situation, the rest of the sect masters stepped up their attacks!!

I want to delay Zhu Baqi Orochi's attention!!

But their strength is no match for them!!

You can't break the defense even under the attack!!

The flame attacks of the other clones are equally fierce!!

Dealing with this group of leaders is naturally a no-brainer!!

Gradually, the nine sects fell into a stage disadvantage!!

It's quite difficult to turn around!!

Yue Zhiping stood up with difficulty and wanted to continue fighting!!

He doesn't want the Chinese people to see their tragic situation!!


But as soon as he got up, he was crushed to the ground by the falling rolling stone!!

Netizens are stunned to see it!!

What's the situation?

The netizens who just supported the nine sects just changed their faces at the speed of light!!

"Master laughed, this is Yue Zhiping? Damn like a powerless old uncle!!"

"If the blood clan came, I'm afraid this monster would have been killed long ago!!"

"That is to say, the heads of the nine major sects, they still like to pretend they don't have any points!!"

"Do you really think that you are the patron saint of Huaxia? Climb for the Lord!!"

"Hehe, didn't someone guarantee that the nine sects are the strongest just now?"

I didn't expect the winds of the Internet to change so quickly!!

The eight-headed snake is unrelenting, staring straight at Yue Zhiping!!

As if to confirm, this is the head of the nine sects.

"Not good! Let's stop this monster together. Yue Zhiping can't die!!" The head of the Hengshan faction shouted!!

But they just couldn't break the defense!!

Even if it is a collective attack!!

But Orochimaru is not at all cowardly!!

He waved his hand, and suddenly a terrifying energy formed a sharp crescent moon!!

The goal is to attack the head of the Orochi with a combined force!!

The attack of the Orochi Orochi is overwhelming!!

The dark blue flames form a billion-degree moon cut!!

Even if the bosses do everything they can!!

But still can't resist!!

The trees and buildings here are melting!!

They just got away with it, or they would have been killed!!

bang bang bang!!

The sound of various weapons falling to the ground!!

The heads of the major sects are embarrassed!!

This is the first time in their life that they are so humiliated!!

Being beaten by monsters is powerless to fight back!!

Still under the attention of all the citizens of Huaxia!!

The prestige accumulated for a long time has all been disgraced!!

But this is just the beginning!!

"Let's run, we are not rivals at all!!" The head of the Hengshan faction helped Yue Zhiping and said helplessly!!

"This monster is so evil!! The attacking ability is getting stronger and stronger!!"

"But as soon as we leave, what will the world think of us." Yue Zhiping couldn't help himself!!

The other leaders were stunned!!

I'm afraid this guy is not courting death, he's still thinking about his face at this time of the fuck!!

If I can escape back alive, I have to thank my ancestors for putting on three incense sticks before going out!!

"Yue Zhiping, I'm sorry!!"

A few heads winked!!

He directly dragged the injured Yue Zhiping away!!

Did this escape?

Netizens really didn't expect it!!

The gang of the nine major sects can't beat monsters at all!!

But this escape technique is professional!!

It was able to slip right under the nose of the Orochi Orochi!!

Instantly fry the pan!!

Self-proclaimed famous and decent, he runs faster than anyone else at the critical moment!!

Even the official who has always been inclined towards them is very angry this time!!

People who support them on the Internet are all diving and playing dead!!

"It's too embarrassing, I never thought that the nine sects would run away first!!"

"To be honest, if the vampires come, the ones who escape now are probably monsters!!"

"It's hard to say, the blood emperor's strength is very strong!! It's not easy to fight this kind of monster!!"

"The nine major sects have become a laughing stock this time!!"

"No, no, no, you can't beat the famous and decent?"

The Orochi Yachi chased for a short time, and found that the leader of the gang had completely escaped!!

Just keep on destroying!!

You must know that Yue Zhiping came here this time with a large number of disciples!!

Now they have escaped!!

But the disciples are still fighting on the spot, they don't even know they have already retreated!!

A lot of people don't know their life or death to pounce on the Orochi!

Cruel like a black hole swallowing up!!

Netizens are very annoyed when they see this scene!!

This group of leaders has completely abandoned the lives of their disciples!!

It's like making cannon fodder for their escape!!

On the dilapidated street, several injured disciples of the Nine Sects tried their best to escape.

But when the monsters are rampant, no one can help!!


Soon, Orochimaru found this group of desperate disciples!!

Flames that are comparable to the temperature of the sun burst out!!

It can definitely kill them and melt them in an instant!!

When the disciples saw this scene, they knew that they could not escape, so they closed their eyes as if accepting their fate!!

Netizens felt extremely desolate after seeing it!!

They risked their lives to resist the monster!!

He was actually made a surrogate ghost by these greedy and fearful people in the head!!

Crack Crack!!

Suddenly, a golden light curtain appeared.

Directly resisted the faint blue flame.

The Orochi is very treacherous, and it seems that someone resists the attack!!

Exploding directly in mid-air, I want to break the light curtain!!

Unexpectedly, this flame was completely absorbed!!

No shock waves were generated!!

The injured disciple was actually saved!!

Countless netizens saw this miraculous moment!!

The light curtain dissipated, and a man in a scarlet cloak appeared inside!!

Do not!

This is the blood clan!!

And just from the clothes and breath, you can feel the extremely terrifying strength!!

ooh ooh!!

Orochi took a few steps back!!

It looks like a big enemy!!

In fact, he has already felt Su Yang's first-generation vampire strength!!

"Beasts, if you offend me in China, you will be punished even if you are far away!!"

Su Yang shouted loudly!!

It seems to have a captivating ability!!

Even the Orochi Orochi is chaotic and retreats again and again!!

What is the situation!!

Netizens are shocked!!

When the Nine Gates dispatched just now, the monsters were not at all cowardly!!

Why is this person here now!!

Directly afraid to start retreating!!

"Send a judgment, this is the real savior!!"

"It looks like a blood race!!"

"No, this is Su Yang!! The strongest blood emperor!!"

"It seems that it is really him, we are finally saved!!"

"He said that even though he is far away, he is so handsome, he is indeed the leader of the blood clan!!"

Originally on the Internet, the people who were only exporting support for the blood race against the wind immediately turned over.

The special nine-door sect is like a weak chicken!!

The ancient blood empire has naturally elevated its status!!

Orochi realized that frequent retreating is not the way!!

Forcibly suppress the fear in your heart!!

Resolutely spew out blue flames to attack!!

Everything melted, and it was about to kill Su Yang!!

Phantom Clone!!

Su Yang dodged in time and came to the side of the Orochi!

Fire attacks can't hit at all!!

Although it completely destroyed many nearby buildings!!

Su Yang's attack is more effective!!

A Zhanyue moves forward fast!!

Before the monster can change its attack direction!!

Orochi has its head cut off!


A loud bang!!

The head that was thousands of meters long rolled to the ground, and even the nearby hills trembled!!

Su Yang's attack continues!!

Just using the blood sea domain!!

The monster is no match at all!!

Action starts to slow down!!

The blue flame is quite powerful, and it can even roll up boulders to cause area damage!!

Really hitting Su Yang is no small feat!!

Available within the field!!

The contrast between the strengths of the two sides is quite large!!

Now it looks like it's no match at all!!

bang bang bang!!

Netizens are stunned!!

Su Yang was so angry that he tried to cut off the heads of seven clones of the Orochi!

At present, it seems that the combat ability of monsters has been greatly weakened!!

hoohoo hoo!!

Annoyed Orochi starts to attack frequently!!

He knows that if he continues to consume it, he will not be able to save his last head!!

But his tricks are useless against Su Yang of the original vampire!!

The speed is absolutely crushing!!

The phantom clone is used, and the afterimage of Su Yang can be seen all over the sky!!

But I can't find where the real body is!!

Orochi is extremely desperate in his heart!!

"It's time to give you the fatal blow!!"

As Su Yang spoke, he began to perform a stunt! Pill!.

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