No wonder so many offerings were needed just now!!

Feelings are specially used to nourish these vampires!!

"Hahahaha, this time I want to see what those vampires in the east will fight with me!"

Gavan feels the power of the resuscitation center!!

Those are more than a hundred third-generation vampires!!

The combat power is terrifying!!

If you really want to invade the East!!

Definitely can defeat Su Yang and occupy Huaxia!!

This is also the dream of western vampires for a long time!!

The previous few times they were unsuccessful due to various reasons!!

But this time, with more than a hundred third-generation vampires, their strength has grown by leaps and bounds!!

Besides, this is only the first batch of revived vampires!!

"Master Blood Emperor will definitely return in triumph this time, defeating Dongfang's dog bastard is just around the corner!!"

"Yes, yes, those people are just two blood emperors, how can they be compared with us western vampires!!"

"We are the orthodox!! We must give the counterfeiters from the East a good beating!~~!"

The flattering of the subordinates made Jiafan very comfortable!!

And of course these 3rd generation vampires are the appetizers!!

Immediately afterwards, the blood emperors of the ancient thirteen blood clans appeared, which everyone did not expect!!

You must know that the strength of each of them is far superior to the heads of the nine sects!!

Even in Western vampires, they belong to the same existence!!

"Gavan, you revived us to fight against the damned Orientals?"

"Great!! I've been asleep for so long, just to kill those smashing gangsters!!"

"Huaxia is our lifelong enemy, so naturally we are extremely happy!!"

Many blood emperors who had just recovered said excitedly!!

"That's right!! And now the damn Eastern vampires are actually trying to replace us, we must kill them all!!"

Jiafan continues to add oil and vinegar!!

This made the blood emperors who had just recovered very angry!!

This incident caused an uproar on the Internet!!

Even western netizens have learned about the demise of the Nine Great Sects!!

Soon developed a good impression of Su Yang and the ancient blood empire.

"Fuck, why are Western vampires so rubbish, and Eastern vampires are so good!!"

"That is to say, Western vampires know how to bully civilians, what a dog!!"

"I'm really looking forward to Su Yang coming to blow them away!!"

"Don't talk nonsense please!! Western vampires are orthodox, Su Yang is nothing!!"

"Are you a dog of the thirteen blood clans in the West? How dare you give them an explanation! Get the fuck out of me!!"

".々According to reliable information, Jiafan resurrected a group of blood emperors to deal with the blood empire!!"

What people didn't expect is that Western vampires have such a bad reputation!!

Very few people speak to him!!

Even most of them are looking forward to Su Yang defeating the Vampire of the West!!

Directly rule the world, even this place has been taken over!!

But the current ancient blood empire has no leisure to take care of these things!!

Due to the collapse of the Nine Gates (Li Mo's) faction!!

Now Huaxia has completely become the world of the blood race!!

Su Yang's governance ability is quite strong!!

After regaining control of most of the place, rebuild quickly!!

The old peace is restored! Altar!

And defeating Yamata no Orochi gave him unprecedented praise on the Internet!!

So basically no one against him!!

They became fans one after another and began to support them unconditionally!!.

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