The Earth Emperor is dead, he must be obediently handing over control!!

The ancient vampire empire can be much kinder now!!

As long as you don't resist, naturally you won't punish murder!!

"But people's sins can be forgiven, but all the idols are destroyed!!"

Su Yang's abacus is playing loudly!!

That is to completely make people forget the Sun Country!!

There are still some people who are against it!!

But when the rest of the people counted down the tyrannical rule of the Earth Emperor! "One Thirty Seven"!

They have changed their rhetoric!!

In the square of the Sun Country Capital City!!

There are many statues standing there!!

hoohoo hoo!!

After the Blood Servants arrived, all choices were rejected!!

The situation at the scene is quite spectacular, the towering statue of hundreds of meters collapsed suddenly!!

The whole earth is screaming!!

Everything that symbolizes the kingdom of the sun is fading!!

But no one resisted!!

In fact, this explains the problem!!

If it weren't for the tyrannical rule of the emperor, it would definitely not have ended like this!!

"Great, this is the effect I want!!"

Su Yang is very satisfied with the situation!!

In order to prevent the Sun Kingdom from coming to China to make trouble in the future!!

The best way would definitely be to set it up as a branch of Oriental Vampires!!

Surrender to the ancient blood empire!!

This is definitely the best way to deal with this problem!!

"Master, we found Emperor Chongde in the palace of the Sun Kingdom!!"

The gibbon monkey said in horror!!

It can be said that the emperor's strength is not weak, at least to the extent that he can fight a five-star Blood Servant with five to five points!!

After a fight between the two, they still haven't defeated each other!!

In desperation, the gibbons chose to ask the master to fight!!

"Emperor Chongde, this is an interesting opponent!!"

Su Yang said, I didn't expect the Sun Kingdom to have such opponents!!

That is much more powerful than some Shuten Douji!!

If this is the case, then go and destroy the emperor!!

Boom boom boom!

As I approached the palace, I saw the brutal scene of the live battle!!

Many palaces have long been bombed to smithereens!!

Chongde in yellow robe is still fighting against Blood Servant!!

With a giant sword in hand, one fights three!!

Even without falling behind, he killed Samsung Blood Servant with one sword like a rainbow!!

Su Yang can see in his eyes that the Chongde Emperor is superb!!

But it's just a revival!

There are many loopholes in Qinggong, but it is more than enough to fight Samsung Blood Rage!!

"I'll do it myself, it's a good opponent!!"

This level of combat is quite interesting!!

Murder on the left!!

Emperor Chongde has a keen mind!!

I sensed Su Yang's attack in advance and avoided it directly!

Sword Pure Field!!

The emperor Chongde is thunderous, and he keeps raiding the place where Su Yang appeared!!

Of course all the hits are afterimages!!

Hao Ran righteous!!

But Chongde is unrelenting and continues to attack!!

This kind of attack is really a way that no one has ever seen!!

Some challenges for Su Yang!!

But in front of the scarlet realm, they were still cracked!!

"The strength is good, but if you really fight me, there is still something missing!!"

Su Yang looks like his opponent is not weak! 0.6!

Immediately attacking directly against the face, the emperor suddenly felt his sword tremble!!

The power I felt just now is so terrifying!!

"Who are you, this strength is really something I have never met..."

Emperor Chongde quickly judged that Su Yang is very strong!!

"Don't know, you're going to die soon!!"

Su Yang is extremely domineering and even more aggressive in his fight!!

Apparently, the emperor gradually fell into a passive state!!.

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