I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

Chapter 151 Vampire Terror

Fortunately, the Transcendent organization still found a way to come to resist with some people!!

But the strength of the third generation of vampires is not weak!!

The number of people is also placed here, and it really played the effect of one plus one greater than two!!

The world is blood red!!

Both of them are vampires, they are actually very familiar with each other!!

But helplessly, in the early stages of the war, they retreated steadily!!

Lin province has been lost!!

Netizens' morale "five three three" gradually began to slump!!

Didn't expect to lose this game at all!!

Next, China's provinces began to be lost one after another!!

The aggression of Western vampires is increasing instead of decreasing!!

Zhao Zhiruo personally came to the front line to defend!!

Saw a large group of western vampires coming!!

Use the field first, then attack!!

A pale yellow light rose, and many Blood Servants rushed up and were crushed with a palm, and died immediately!!

The enemy's attack begins quickly!!

Zhao Zhiruo frowned, and drew out her long sword to fight Camilla!!

"Little girl, is there no one in the entire Eastern China? You are actually asked to call me?"

Looking at Zhao Zhiruo's fair legs, Camilla is full of energy!!

"Don't be complacent, you western vampires are just a branch!!"

Zhao Zhiruo is full of pride!!

Eastern vampires are orthodox!!

Su Yang's words made the ancient blood empire famous at that time!!

After hearing this, Camilla was furious!!

Charged towards Zhao Zhiruo with killing intent!!

Chapter 144 I have to fulfill you!!


After several moves in a row, it was obvious that Camilla had the upper hand!!

Although he has not reached the level of the blood emperor, but the weapons and equipment on his body are top-notch from the thirteen western families!!

In a real fight, it is not weak to use foreign objects to enhance strength!!

And there are many third-generation vampires to assist!!

There is only one Zhao Zhiruo, it is impossible to beat!!

Now take a few steps back and gasp!!

The surrounding Samsung Blood Servants guarded by Su Yang suffered heavy casualties!!

"Why don't beauties follow me obediently. It's not good for you to fight and kill like this!!"

Camilla is dying!!

Western vampires have always yearned for oriental beauties!!

One purpose of invading the East this time!!

Just to completely take these beauties as their own!!

How happy it will be when the time comes!!

"With you? You deserve it too!!"

Zhao Zhiruo is not convinced!!

The long sword was unsheathed and turned into light!!

Flashing quickly in mid-air, rushing to Camilla!!

Boom boom boom!

The two sides are still fighting!!

It's just that Zhao Zhiruo fell into the disadvantage every time!

Can't beat the Blood Emperor at all!!

The two sides have been fighting in the sky for a long time!!

I only saw two rays of light flashing alternately!!

But Camilla has the absolute upper hand!!

All the Blood Servants around were killed!!

Zhao Zhiruo realized that the fight was going on like this!!

I'm afraid I won't protect myself!!

Had to find a chance to escape!!

This situation has caused many blood clans to be very disappointed 5.2!!

Of China's one hundred provinces, twenty have been lost!!

Unexpectedly, the western vampires went straight to Shuiyun Mansion!!

This is a very important place!!

It is influential throughout China!!

The purpose of Jiafan's order to capture here first is to let Huaxia know their strength!!

The so-called oriental vampires are useless at all!!

This incident indeed caused an explosive reaction among Chinese netizens!!.

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