The Thirteen Family attaches great importance to it!!

The entire China is under the rule of the ancient blood empire!!

It can be seen that the strength of the Oriental Vampire is now!!

Su Yang said directly when interviewed by the media!!

"I think Western vampires are rubbish, and the Thirteenth Family can't fight me!!"

"And the blood clan empire is very vengeful, I hope you can do it yourself!!"

"If we invade again, our orthodox vampires will not forgive anyone!!"

Now the whole world thinks that oriental vampires are the absolute orthodox!!

On the contrary, it made the Thirteen Western Clan very angry!!

Chapter 150 Western Blood Empire!

After Camilla was defeated, Westerners panicked!!

Thirteen families must come out to stabilize the situation!!

Otherwise, there is no way for the Western vampire family to save face!!

Blood Emperor Jiafan is naturally the first to stand up!!

The stronger Bruch family is not to be outdone by the Nofele family!!

Everyone wants to get involved!!

"It seems that the third generation of vampires is not enough to defeat the blood emperor Su Yang! Ww!"

Garvan is worried!!

He watched the whole battle!!

The strength gap between Camilla and Su Yang is huge!!

It can be seen from this that the eastern vampire is definitely not simple today!!

If there is no way to send more strength to the past!!

Basically there is no chance of winning!!

"Our Bruch family can revive the second generation of vampires, and China will be self-defeating!!"

"Actually, the Nofile family is very willing to help!!"

Most of the time inside the Western vampires are on the same page!!

But at such a critical moment, I am willing to sit down and negotiate together!!

Su Yang made them temporarily unite to fight!!

"Great!! In this way, we are not afraid of oriental vampires at all!!"

The help of the two families is definitely a help in the snow!!

For Gavin, it is already great news!!

In fact, vampires with stronger resuscitation must use more resources!!

But in order to defeat the blood emperor Su Yang, they have no other way!!

This is the best way to win now!!

Ancient Blood Empire!!

Huaxia has a new look, now after the blood emperor rule!!

It has been transformed into a brand new look!!

Everyone is orderly and the citizens live and work in peace and contentment!!

Even netizens are extremely satisfied!!

This is the case in the entire 100 provinces of China!!

Blood Emperor Su Yang's treasures are already being cultivated!!

"Master, more first-grade blood lotuses have matured and can be refined!!"

Shen Xue specially came to report!!

It is a pity that the current environment in China is still unable to cultivate natural treasures with better medicinal power!!

With the current strength of Su Yang!!

The first-grade blood lotus alone can no longer satisfy the promotion!!

".々After the absorption, I'm going to pacify the Western vampires first!!"

Su Yang said bluntly!!

This is already a well-known secret within the blood clan!!

After all, it was Jiafan who sent people to invade first!!

In that case, it must be repaid in double the amount!!

"Great!! A lot of people are waiting for this moment!!"

Now even Shen Xue (well Zhao) is very excited!!

The ancient blood empire is looking forward to this moment!!

And their prestige in Huaxia is now very high! Land!

The first-grade blood lotus in front of me has been completely absorbed!!

After the strength is restored!!

Su Yang began to assemble the blood clan army and slayed towards the west!!

Netizens are frying, in fact, they all welcome such a move!!

Because again, the Western vampire invaders were really inhumane!!

When he occupied the Huaxia Province, he did a lot of evil!!.

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