I Created An Ancient Vampire Empire

One Hundred And Eighty Ninth Chapter Menacing

The number of Tiancaidibao can be said to be quite luxurious!

Whoosh whoosh!!

A ray of light hangs over Su Yang!!

How to say, this lustre cut must evolve!!

Fortunately, the process went very smoothly!!

Under the strange light, there are no surprises!!

If we fight the enemy in the future!!

The lustrous slash of a sudden blow not only provides a strong deterrent effect, but also adds a poisonous blood effect!!

Thinking about it like that~ it's worth it!!

Now the only thing that can be upgraded in the Vampire Tome is Soul-Blood Dance!!

This skill is specifically designed to enhance Su Yang's combat-ability!

But if you look at it now, there is a stronger Blood Rage instead!!

In a certain period of time, improve the combat ability and defense power!!

Even if ten blood emperors attack Su Yang at the same time!

Not necessarily a rival!!

This practice is simply tailor-made!!

"It's really good, and the demand for aura is very small!!"

The value for money is simply too good, Su Yang is very satisfied!!

Immediately took the evolutionary choice!!

Whoosh whoosh!!

The aura above the ancient city is quite dense!!

After several exercises have been upgraded!!

The strength improvement is obvious!!

But the aura is much thinner!!

Everything has a price!!

Now we must take some more Tiancaidibao to supplement!

Said and walked into the ginseng fruit tree!!

There are quite a lot of heaven and earth treasures here!!

Now the ginseng fruit and blood lotus are all ripe!!

The rows are quite spectacular!!

If other vampires come in, they will be shocked!!

In the world except Su Yang can be so rich!!

I'm afraid no one can be so arrogant!!

Picked ginseng fruit, blood lotus, blood collecting grass and reiki fruit...

There is so much good stuff here!!

But still to be refined.

"What is the master's order!"

Shen Xue asked Li Qinger!!

"Help me refine the blood collecting grass and the aura fruit!!"

Su Yang got things into their hands!

Such low-level treasures can be handed over to the Blood Servant for refining!

But the ginseng fruit and the blood lotus asked Su Yang to do it himself!!

Going fast!!

It's a pity that the blood lotus this time is only of the second rank!!

It is not very obvious for the improvement of aura!!

However, when combined with ginseng fruit and other natural treasures, it is still barely able to achieve the ability of the third-grade blood lotus!!

"It would be great if I could get a third-grade blood lotus, otherwise I wouldn't be able to restore my spiritual energy to full immediately!!"

...for flowers...

Su Yang thought!

[Ding!] The host gets a new mission, kill all the six hypocritical Western gods, and completely destroy the holy mountain!!


Seeing this task, Su Yang couldn't stand it anymore!!

According to rumors, there are many gods on the holy mountain in the west!!

The strength is very strong, and it maintains a Fang Ping security!!

Could it be that these gods are just hypocrites?

It made Su Yang curious!!

The mission is sure to follow!

And this time I went to the West, just to find out!!

Boom boom boom!

There was a burst of explosions outside!!

The ancient city in the sky shakes slightly!!

"It's not good, master, there are many guards with wings outside!!" Miaochen walked over and said!!

The ancient city has come to Poseidon's territory!!

The whole province is submerged by the sea!!

There are dots of special residential areas on it to live in!!

Now, the guards of the Western gods surround the ancient city!

When Su Yang first came out, he realized that something was wrong!!

The crowd in front of them is fierce!!

And quite arrogant!!

"Vampire? You don't even kneel when you see a god, because it's disrespectful!!" said the headed guard!!

In the opinion of the Western gods!.

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