Because the power of heaven and earth has already absorbed enough for him!!

The aura is abundant, which makes his strength grow very fast!

Even if it doesn't completely improve the realm!!

But still has a background beyond the past~!!

"All cities are expanding, and the richness of heaven, material, earth treasures and aura is increasing rapidly!-!"

Annie explained!!

It's really hard to describe!!

In the era of lack of aura, it is impossible to believe that such a day still exists!

Expansion of the Earth!!

This is the first word that popped into Su Yang's mind!!

Before this, many people did not expect this!!

The full recovery of the power of heaven and earth!!

This means the Earth is starting to expand!!

Accepting such powerful energy in a short period of time will inevitably trigger a series of events!!

You have to figure out how big the expansion is!

Su Yang said!!

Then flew over Suzhou Province!!

It stretches out for hundreds of thousands of miles, with a vast territory and a vast area!!

In this way!!

If there are more people and less land, everyone will have more development resources!!

This is definitely a good thing!!

But the whole earth will also become turbulent!!

Definitely totally different from before!!

Because everyone's strength has increased!!

Surely it will spark the ambition of many people, so start fighting!!

Immediately let the ancient blood empire occupy more places!

Just get it under control!!

It is even more beneficial for the blood race!!

Su Yang ordered to go down immediately!!

While other forces are still in a state of confusion!!

Blood clan has taken over many places!!

So far it looks like it works pretty well!

And the strength of many blood warriors is growing rapidly!!

The limit has been broken!!

Let the strength of the ancient blood empire continue to grow even more!!

Wait until they react!!

Instead, dare not act rashly!!

No, it is much more difficult to fight in such a situation!!

And Su Yang can get more benefits!!

For example, it now occupies most of China!!

The power of heaven and earth is still recovering!!

The speed continues to increase!!

The strength of the blood clan is growing steadily!!

"Master, many forces have already fought. But we dare not mess around with us!!"

Zhao Zhiruo reported!!

This thing Su Yang can predict!!

It is normal to compete for resources!

Especially in this environment!!

Everyone is looking forward to getting more resources!!

...asking for flowers...

The ancient blood empire itself is the largest, but it is Su Yang Town Temple!!

This makes a lot of people beware and dare not do it!!

Otherwise, I am afraid that they have fallen into a melee now!!

"Then let's wait and see, the power of heaven and earth is still recovering. Hurry up and improve your realm!!"

Su Yang ordered to go down!!

Seeing the struggle of other forces is definitely to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!!


At this time, it is most important to work hard to improve yourself!!

"Understand the master, I'll pass it on!!"

Zhao Zhiruo meant the same thing!!

In this case, the strength of the ancient blood clan empire will become more and more bloody!

If other forces dare to fight for it, they will undoubtedly seek death!!

Su Yang is back on the Ancient City in the Sky!!

Practicing here, the aura itself will be lengthened!

Now the power of heaven and earth is constantly recovering!!

It can also make the growth rate of aura much faster!!

And you can also refine all kinds of natural treasures!!

At this time, the earth has expanded ten thousand times!!

It's almost time to reach the peak!!

Everywhere you can see all kinds of treasures from ancient times!!

For example, two factions discovered the fourth-grade blood lotus at the same time! Next!.

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